Esempio n. 1
def Ra(doy, lat):
    constant = (24 * 60.) / math.pi * 0.082 * invRelSolarDistance(doy)
    variable = (sunsetAngle(doy, lat) *
                pcr.scalar(pcr.sin(lat) * math.sin(solarDistance(doy))) +
                pcr.sin(sunsetAngle(doy, lat) * 180 / math.pi) * pcr.cos(lat) *
    radiation = constant * variable
    return radiation * 0.408
Esempio n. 2
def dayLength(doy,lat):
    """ daylength fraction of day  """
    lat = lat * pcr.scalar(math.pi) /  180.0
    M_PI_2 = pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(math.pi / 2.0))
    dec = pcr.sin( (6.224111 + 0.017202  * doy) *  180. / math.pi)
    dec = pcr.scalar(0.39785 * pcr.sin ((4.868961 + .017203 *  doy + 0.033446 * pcr.sin (dec*   180 / math.pi)) *  180 / math.pi))
    dec = pcr.scalar(pcr.asin(dec))
    lat = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.abs(lat) > M_PI_2, (M_PI_2 - pcr.scalar(0.01)) * pcr.ifthenelse(lat > 0,  pcr.scalar(1.0), pcr.scalar(-1.0))  ,lat )
    arg = pcr.tan(dec ) *  pcr.tan(lat * 180.0 / math.pi  ) * -1.0
    h = pcr.scalar( pcr.acos(arg ) )
    h = h / 180. * math.pi
    h = pcr.ifthenelse(arg > 1.0, 0.0,h) # /* sun stays below horizon */
    h = pcr.ifthenelse(arg <  -1.0 ,math.pi,h) # /* sun stays above horizon */
    return (h /  math.pi)
def fractionXY(surface):
  #-returns the fraction of transport in the x- and y-directions
  # given a gradient in a surface
  aspect= pcr.aspect(surface)
  noAspect= pcr.nodirection(pcr.directional(aspect))
  sinAspect= pcr.sin(aspect)
  cosAspect= pcr.cos(aspect)
  fracX= pcr.ifthenelse(noAspect,0.,sinAspect/(pcr.abs(sinAspect)+pcr.abs(cosAspect)))
  fracY= pcr.ifthenelse(noAspect,0.,cosAspect/(pcr.abs(sinAspect)+pcr.abs(cosAspect)))
  return fracX,fracY
Esempio n. 4
def getArcDistancePCR(latA, lonA, latB, lonB, radius= 6371221.3):
  '''Computes the distance using PCRaster between two points, positioned by \
their geographic coordinates along the surface of a perfect sphere \
in units given by the radius used. Input variables include:\n
- latA, latB: the latitude of the points considered in decimal degrees,\n
- lonA, lonB: the longitude of the points considered in decimal degrees,\n
- radius: the radius of the sphere in metres, set by default to \
that of Earth (6371221.3 m).
  #-pad latitudes, longitudes
  #-convert all coordinates to radians
  pA= latA*deg2Rad; pB= latB*deg2Rad
  lA= lonA*deg2Rad; lB= lonB*deg2Rad
  dL= lB-lA; dP= pB-pA
  #-set arcDist default to zero and create mask of cells to be processed
  a= pcr.sin(0.5*dP)*pcr.sin(0.5*dP)+\
  arcDist= 2*pcr.scalar(pcr.atan(a**0.5/(1-a)**0.5))
  arcDist*= radius
  #-return arcDist
  return arcDist