def crop_region(I, label, bg=0.5): wh = np.array(I.shape[1::-1]) ch = I.shape[2] if len(I.shape) == 3 else 1 tl = np.floor( * wh).astype(int) br = np.ceil( * wh).astype(int) outwh = br - tl if == 0.: return None outsize = (outwh[1], outwh[0], ch) if ch > 1 else (outwh[1], outwh[0]) if (np.array(outsize) < 0).any(): pause() Iout = np.zeros(outsize, dtype=I.dtype) + bg offset = np.minimum(tl, 0) * (-1) tl = np.maximum(tl, 0) br = np.minimum(br, wh) wh = br - tl Iout[offset[1]:(offset[1] + wh[1]), offset[0]:(offset[0] + wh[0])] = I[tl[1]:br[1], tl[0]:br[0]] return Iout
def __call__(self, outputs, targets): pause() loss = (1 - self.IoU(outputs, targets)) * self.nll_loss( outputs.argmax(dim=1), targets) #if self.jaccard_weight : # loss += self.jaccard_weight * (1 - soft_jaccard(outputs, targets)) return loss
def evaluate_pano(self, checkpoint_path): print('Evaluating model....') # Load the checkpoint to evaluate self.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path, True, True) # Put the model in eval mode = # print( # print( # exit() # Reset meter self.reset_eval_metrics() # Load data s = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): rgb = io.imread( '/home/paulo/datasets/lab/lab_original/SAM_100_0130.jpg' ).astype(np.float32) / 255. rgb = cv2.resize(rgb, (256, 512)) rgb = torch.from_numpy(rgb.transpose(2, 0, 1)).float() inputs = [rgb] #inputs, gt, other = self.parse_data(data) # Run a forward pass output = self.forward_pass(inputs) pause() # Compute the evaluation metrics self.compute_eval_metrics(output, gt) # If trying to save intermediate outputs if self.validation_sample_freq >= 0: # Save the intermediate outputs if i % self.validation_sample_freq == 0: self.save_samples(inputs, gt, other, output) # Print a report on the validation results print('Evaluation finished in {} seconds'.format(time.time() - s)) self.print_validation_report()
def softmin_routing(G, D, gamma=2, hard_cap=False, verbose=False): ''' Return a routing policy given a directed graph with weighted edges and a demand matrix. input parameters: G is a networkx graph with nodes and edges. Edges must have both a 'capacity' attribute and a 'weight' attribute. Edge capacity denotes the maximum possible traffic utilization for an edge. It can be set as a hard or soft optimization constraint through the 'hard_cap' parameter. The edge 'weight' attribute is used for determining shortest paths. Edges may additionally have a 'cost' attribute used for weighting the maximum link utilization. D is a |V| x |V| demand matrix, represented as a 2D numpy array. |V| here denotes the number of vertices in the graph G. gamma is floating point number used as a parameter for the softmin function (exponential scaling). The larger the value for gamma, the closer the method is to shortest path routing. hard_cap is a boolean flag which determines whether edge capacities are treated as hard or soft optimization constraints. verbose is a boolean flag enabling/disabling optimizer printing. return values: f_sol is a routing policy, represented as a numpy array of size |V| x |V| x |E| such that f_sol[s, t, i, j] yields the amount of traffic from source s to destination t that goes through edge (i, j). l_sol is numpy array of size |E| such that l[i, j] represents the total amount of traffic that flows through edge (i, j) under the given flow. g_sol is a numpy array of size |V| x |V| such that g(i, j) is the total amount of traffic destined for node j that ever arrives at node i, which includes the inital demand from i to j. m_cong is the maximal congestion for any link weighted by cost. ie max_{(i, j) in E} cost[i, j] * l[i, j] / cap[i, j]. ''' nV = G.number_of_nodes() nE = G.number_of_edges() np.fill_diagonal(D, 0) sps = get_shortest_paths(G) m = gb.Model('netflow') verboseprint = print if not verbose: verboseprint = lambda *a: None m.setParam('OutputFlag', False) m.setParam('LogToConsole', False) V = np.array([i for i in G.nodes()]) cost = {} for k, e in enumerate(G.edges()): if 'cost' in G[e[0]][e[1]]: cost[e] = G[e[0]][e[1]]['cost'] else: # If costs aren't specified, make uniform. cost[e] = 1.0 cap = {} for k, e in enumerate(G.edges()): cap[e] = G[e[0]][e[1]]['capacity'] arcs, capacity = gb.multidict(cap) #pause() # Create variables. f = m.addVars(V, V, arcs, lb=0.0, name='flow') g = m.addVars(V, V, lb=0.0, name='traf_at_node') l = m.addVars(arcs, lb=0.0, name='tot_traf_across_link') # Link utilization is sum of flows. m.addConstrs( (l[i, j] == f.sum('*', '*', i, j) for i, j in arcs), 'l_sum_traf', ) # Arc capacity constraints if hard_cap: verboseprint('Capacity constraints set as hard constraints.') m.addConstrs( (l[i, j] <= capacity[i, j] for i, j in arcs), 'traf_below_cap', ) # Total commodity at node is sum of incoming commodities times split # ratios plus the source demand. for s, t in cartesian_product(V, V): qs = gb.quicksum(g[u, t] * split_ratio(G, u, v, t, gamma, sps) for (u, v) in G.in_edges(s)) #pause() m.addConstr(g[s, t] == qs + D[s, t], 'split_ratio_{}_{}'.format(s, t)) # Total commodity is sum of incoming flows plus outgoing source. for s, t in cartesian_product(V, V): m.addConstr(g[s, t] == (f.sum('*', t, '*', s) + D[s, t])) # Flow conservation constraints. for s, t, u in cartesian_product(V, V, V): d = D[int(s), int(t)] if u == s: m.addConstr( f.sum(s, t, u, '*') - f.sum(s, t, '*', u) == d, 'conserv') elif u == t: m.addConstr( f.sum(s, t, u, '*') - f.sum(s, t, '*', u) == -d, 'conserv') else: m.addConstr( f.sum(s, t, u, '*') - f.sum(s, t, '*', u) == 0, 'conserv') # Compute max-link utilization (congestion). max_cong = m.addVar(name='congestion') m.addConstrs( ((cost[i, j] * l[i, j]) / capacity[i, j] <= max_cong for i, j in arcs)) # Compute optimal solution. m.optimize() # Print solution. if m.status == gb.GRB.Status.OPTIMAL: l_sol = m.getAttr('x', l) g_sol = m.getAttr('x', g) f_sol = m.getAttr('x', f) m_cong = float(max_cong.x) verboseprint('\nOptimal traffic flows.') verboseprint('f_{i -> j}(s, t) denotes amount of traffic from source' ' s to destination t that goes through link (i, j) in E.') for s, t in cartesian_product(V, V): for i, j in arcs: p = f_sol[s, t, i, j] if p > 0: verboseprint('f_{%s -> %s}(%s, %s): %g bytes.' % (i, j, s, t, p)) verboseprint('\nTotal traffic at node.') verboseprint('g(i, j) denotes the total amount of traffic destined for' ' node j that passes through node i.') for s, t in cartesian_product(V, V): p = g_sol[s, t] if p > 0: verboseprint('g({}, {}): {} bytes.'.format(s, t, p)) verboseprint('\nTotal traffic through link.') verboseprint('l(i, j) denotes the total amount of traffic that passes' ' through edge (i, j).') for i, j in arcs: p = l_sol[i, j] if p > 0: verboseprint('l({}, {}): {} bytes.'.format(i, j, p)) verboseprint('\nMaximum weighted link utilization (or congestion):', format(m_cong, '.4f')) else: print(D, m.status) np.savetxt("demand.txt", D) w = np.zeros(nE) cap = np.zeros(nE) cost = np.zeros(nE) e0 = np.zeros(nE) e1 = np.zeros(nE) for k, e in enumerate(G.edges()): w[k] = G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] cap[k] = G[e[0]][e[1]]['capacity'] cost[k] = G[e[0]][e[1]]['cost'] e0[k] = e[0] e1[k] = e[1] print(e, G[e[0]][e[1]]['cost'], G[e[0]][e[1]]['capacity'], G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight']) np.savetxt("w.txt", w) np.savetxt("capacity.txt", cap) np.savetxt("cost.txt", cost) np.savetxt("e0.txt", e0) np.savetxt("e1.txt", e1) pause() verboseprint('\nERROR: Flow Optimization Failed!', file=sys.stderr) return None, None, None, None return f_sol, l_sol, g_sol, m_cong
G[7][4]['weight'] = 3.26726909324 G[7][5]['weight'] = 4.30541960772 G[7][6]['weight'] = 3.9939494995 G[8][4]['weight'] = 0.506047611233 G[9][8]['weight'] = 4.38215269704 G[9][1]['weight'] = 4.05885254022 G[9][10]['weight'] = 4.2463743546 G[9][11]['weight'] = 2.82527709364 G[9][5]['weight'] = 0.2 G[10][4]['weight'] = 4.83718017961 G[11][0]['weight'] = 3.97261233893 G[11][8]['weight'] = 4.2321296212 G[11][7]['weight'] = 4.30096320225 #for k, e in enumerate(G.edges()): # G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight']=a[k] #print(D, D.shape) w = torch.zeros(32, dtype=torch.float64, device=torch.device('cuda')) for i, e in enumerate(G.edges()): if i != bk_edge.index((e[0], e[1])): print(i, e) w[bk_edge.index((e[0], e[1]))] = G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] test_soft(G, w, D) m_cong_t = softmin_routing_torch(G, w, D, GAMMA, verbose=True) #_,_,_,m_cong = softmin_routing(G, D, GAMMA, verbose=True) pause() print(D) for k, e in enumerate(G.edges()): print(e, G[e[0]][e[1]]['capacity'], G[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'])