def ask_next_photo(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> int: _ = set_lang(update, context) send_file_names(update, context, context.user_data[PHOTO_NAMES], _("photos")) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[_(BEAUTIFY), _(TO_PDF)], [_(REMOVE_LAST), _(CANCEL)]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, ) update.effective_message.reply_text( _("Select the task from below if you've sent me all the photos, " "or keep sending me the photos"), reply_markup=reply_markup, ) return WAIT_PHOTO
def ask_next_photo(update, context): _ = set_lang(update, context) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[_(BEAUTIFY), _(TO_PDF)], [_(REMOVE_LAST), _(CANCEL)]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, ) update.effective_message.reply_text( _("Send me the next photo that you'll like to beautify or convert to PDF\n\n" "Select the task from below if you have sent me all the photos"), reply_markup=reply_markup, ) send_file_names(update, context, context.user_data[PHOTO_NAMES], _("photos")) return WAIT_PHOTO
def ask_next_doc(update, context): _ = set_lang(update, context) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[_(DONE)], [_(REMOVE_LAST), _(CANCEL)]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, ) update.effective_message.reply_text( _("Send me the next PDF file that you'll like to merge or press *Done* if you've " "sent me all the PDF files"), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) send_file_names(update, context, context.user_data[MERGE_NAMES], _("PDF files")) return WAIT_MERGE
def ask_next_doc(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> int: _ = set_lang(update, context) send_file_names(update, context, context.user_data[MERGE_NAMES], _("PDF files")) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [[_(DONE)], [_(REMOVE_LAST), _(CANCEL)]], resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True, ) update.effective_message.reply_text( _("Press <b>Done</b> Below if you've sent me all the PDF files that " "you'll like to merge or keep sending me the PDF files"), reply_markup=reply_markup, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, ) return WAIT_MERGE