def get_back_markup(update, context): _ = set_lang(update, context) reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([[_(BACK)]], one_time_keyboard=True, resize_keyboard=True) return reply_markup
def ask_doc_task(update, context): _ = set_lang(update, context) keywords = sorted([ _(DECRYPT), _(ENCRYPT), _(ROTATE), _(SCALE), _(SPLIT), _(PREVIEW), _(TO_PHOTO), _(EXTRACT_PHOTO), _(RENAME), _(CROP), _(EXTRACT_TEXT), OCR, _(COMPRESS), ]) keywords.append(CANCEL) keyboard_size = 3 keyboard = [ keywords[i:i + keyboard_size] for i in range(0, len(keywords), keyboard_size) ] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) update.effective_message.reply_text( _("Select the task that you'll like to perform"), reply_markup=reply_markup) return WAIT_DOC_TASK
def check_back_user_data(update, context): """ Check for back action and if user data is valid Args: update: the update object context: the context object Returns: A state if it is a back action of the user data is invalid, else None """ _ = set_lang(update, context) result = None if update.effective_message.text == _(BACK): result = ask_doc_task(update, context) elif not check_user_data(update, context, PDF_INFO): result = ConversationHandler.END return result