Esempio n. 1
    def jointListerAddRow(self, ctr, tempJoint, name, card, parentCard):
        index = next(ctr)

        jointName = pdil.shortName(tempJoint)
        self.setItem(index, self.JOINT_LISTER_NAME, Cell(jointName))

        cb = Cell(checked=tempJoint.isHelper)
        self.setItem(index, self.JOINT_LISTER_HELPER, cb)

        self.setItem(index, self.JOINT_LISTER_OUTPUT, Cell(name))

        cb = Cell(checked=tempJoint.displayHandle.get())
        self.setItem(index, self.JOINT_LISTER_HANDLES, cb)

        # --- Orient ---
        orientText = ''
        if tempJoint.customOrient:

            if tempJoint.customOrient == tempJoint.card:
                orientText = '-as card-'
            elif tempJoint.customOrient == tempJoint:
                orientText = '-as proxy-'
                orientText = 'custom:' + pdil.shortName(tempJoint.customOrient)

        elif isinstance(tempJoint.orientTarget, basestring):
            orientText = tempJoint.orientTarget
        elif tempJoint.orientTarget:
            orientText = pdil.shortName(tempJoint.orientTarget)
        self.setItem(index, self.JOINT_LISTER_ORIENT, Cell(orientText))

        # --- parent ---

        if tempJoint.parent:
            # Technically this will fail if there is a helper also has a child (which is just fine, just not useful)
            outputMap = tempJoint.parent.card.getOutputMap(includeHelpers=True)
            if'options', {}).get('mirroredSide'):
                parentName = outputMap[tempJoint.parent][1]
                parentName = outputMap[tempJoint.parent][0]

            if not parentName:  # This being empty means the parent is a helper
                parentName = '!helper! ' + pdil.simpleName(tempJoint.parent)

        elif tempJoint.extraNode[0]:
            outputMap = tempJoint.extraNode[0].card.getOutputMap(
            parentName = outputMap[tempJoint.extraNode[0]][1]

            parentName = ''

        self.setItem(index, self.JOINT_LISTER_CHILDOF, Cell(parentName))
Esempio n. 2
 def baseSpec(cls, obj):
     spec = OrderedDict()
     spec['idtype'] = _baseSpecType
     spec['short'] = pdil.shortName(obj)
     spec['long'] = obj.longName()
     spec['ver'] = cls.version
     return spec
Esempio n. 3
    def getSpec(self, obj):
        spec = self.baseSpec(obj)

        if pdil.shortName(obj) == 'rootMotion':
            spec['idtype'] = self.specType
            return spec

        return None
Esempio n. 4
def relink(src, dup):
    When a card has been duplicated, relinks the parenting appropriately.

    .. todo:: Does the scaling setup duplicate properly?
    children = dup.listRelatives(type='joint')
    for i, j in enumerate(src.joints):
        for child in children:
            if shortName(child) == shortName(j):
                child.msg >> dup.attr('joints')[i].jmsg
                dup.scale >> child.inverseScale

    for prev, j in zip(dup.joints[:-1], dup.joints[1:]):
        pointer(prev, j)

    if src.start().parent:
        pointer(src.start().parent, dup.start())
Esempio n. 5
def getControlGroup(name):
    Used to organize controls under the main group.
    match = re.match('[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9_]*', name)

    if not match or != name:
        raise Exception("An invalid group name was given")

    for child in node.mainGroup().listRelatives():
        if shortName(child) == name:
            return child

    g = group(em=True, name=name, p=node.mainGroup())

    return g
Esempio n. 6
def getTrueWorld():
    ''' Make a node that stays in world space.
    main = find.mainGroup()
    if not main:
        return None

    for child in main.listRelatives():
        if pdil.shortName(child) == 'trueWorld':
            return child

    grp = group(em=True, name='trueWorld')
    for t in 'trs':
        for a in 'xyz':
            grp.attr(t + a).setKeyable(False)


    return grp
Esempio n. 7
def addTwistControls(controlChain, boundChain, boundEnd, influenceDist=3):
    Put a rotation controller under each child of the controlChain to drive .rz
    of the boundChain.  They must both be the same size.
    :param Joint controlChain: The first joint of the controlling rig (ideally pruned)
    :param Joint boundChain: The first joint of joints being controlled by the spline.
    :param Joint boundEnd: The last joint in the bound chain, used to address possible branching.
    :param int influenceDist: How many adjacent joints are influenced (total #
        is 2x since it influences both directions).
    obj = controlChain[0]
    target = boundChain
    #controlJoints = getChain( controlChain, findChild(controlChain, shortName(boundEnd)) )
    controlJoints = controlChain
    boundJoints = util.getChain( boundChain, util.findChild(boundChain, pdil.shortName(boundEnd)) )
    assert len(controlJoints) == len(boundJoints), "Failure when adding twist controls, somehow the chains don't match length, contorls {0} != {1}".format( len(controlJoints), len(boundJoints) )
    controls = []
    groups = []

    pointConstraints = []
    orientConstraints = []
    for i, (obj, target) in enumerate(zip(controlJoints, boundJoints)):
        c = controllerShape.simpleCircle()
        c.t.set(0, 0, 0)
        c.r.set(0, 0, 0)
        spinner = group(em=True, name='spinner%i' % i, p=target)
        spinner.r.set(0, 0, 0)
        spinner.t.set(0, 0, 0)
        # Aligning the spinners to the bound joint means we don't have to offset
        # the orientConstraint which means nicer numbers.
#        spinner.setRotation( target.getRotation(space='world'), space='world' )

        pointConstraints.append( pdil.constraints.pointConst( obj, target, maintainOffset=False ) )
        orientConstraints.append( pdil.constraints.orientConst( spinner, target, maintainOffset=False ) )
        children = obj.listRelatives(type='joint')
        if children:
            obj = children[0]
            obj = None
    for pSrc, pDest in zip( pointConstraints[:-1], pointConstraints[1:]):
        pSrc >> pDest
    for oSrc, oDest in zip( orientConstraints[:-1], orientConstraints[1:]):
        oSrc >> oDest
    # &&& This and the i+7 reflect the number of controls that influence
    bigList = [None] * influenceDist + controls + [None] * influenceDist
    influenceRange = (influenceDist * 2) + 1
    axis = util.identifyAxis(controlChain[0].listRelatives(type='joint')[0])
    exp = []
    for i, spinner in enumerate(groups):
        exp.append(driverExpression( spinner, bigList[i: i + influenceRange], axis ))
    expression( s=';\n'.join(exp) )
    return controls, util.ConstraintResults( pointConstraints[0], orientConstraints[0] )
Esempio n. 8
    def buildUI(self, card):

        uiFieldKwargs = self.getUIFieldKwargs(card)

        if self.type == self.BOOL:
            field = checkBox(l='', **uiFieldKwargs)  # noqa e741
            checkBox(field, e=True, cc=pdil.alt.Callback(self.setParam, field))

        elif self.type == self.INT:
            field = intField(**uiFieldKwargs)
            intField(field, e=True, cc=pdil.alt.Callback(self.setParam, field))

        elif self.type == self.FLOAT:
            field = floatField(**uiFieldKwargs)
                       cc=pdil.alt.Callback(self.setParam, field))

        elif self.type == self.ENUM:
            field = optionMenu(l='')  # noqa e741
                       cc=pdil.alt.Callback(self.setParam, field))

            for i, choice in enumerate(self.enum, 1):
                menuItem(l=choice)  # noqa e741
                if self.enum[choice] == uiFieldKwargs['text']:
                    optionMenu(field, e=True, sl=i)

        elif self.type == self.STR:
            # &&& Possibly super gross, if the field is "name", use the first joint...
            if 'text' not in uiFieldKwargs and self.kwargName == 'name':
                uiFieldKwargs['text'] = pdil.shortName(card.joints[0])
                #default = card.n
                #getDefaultIkName(card) # &&& MAKE THIS so I can use the same logic when building the card.

            field = textField(**uiFieldKwargs)
                      cc=pdil.alt.Callback(self.setParam, field))
            setattr(field, 'getValue',
                    field.getText)  # Hack to allow ducktyping.

        elif self.type == self.NODE_0:

            def setExtraNode(extraNode):
                card.extraNode[0] = extraNode

                temp = ParamInfo.toDict(card.rigParams)
                temp[self.kwargName] = 'NODE_0'
                card.rigParams = ParamInfo.toStr(temp)

                return True

            def clearExtraNode(extraNode):
                card.extraNode[0] = None
                temp = ParamInfo.toDict(card.rigParams)
                del temp[self.kwargName]
                card.rigParams = ParamInfo.toStr(temp)

                return True

                l='',  # noqa e741
                if card.extraNode[0] else '',
                cw=[(1, 1), (2, 100), (3, 20)])