Esempio n. 1
class ConnectionManager(object):
    manage the peer connections

    def __init__(self, peer_port = PeerServer.DEFAULT_PORT, \
                 data_port = DataServer.DEFAULT_PORT, \
                 data_transfer_protocal = 'tcp',
                 p2p_prefix = None, callbacks = {}):
        *peer_port*: int. Peer server service port.
        *data_port*: int. Data server service port.
        *data_transfer_protocal*: string. data transfer protocal. supports 'tcp', 'http', 'udp'
        *p2p_prefix*: str. the protocal prefix to identify the peer data package.
        *callbacks*: the external callback functions to handle events.
                you need to parse the data depends your business.

                "register" - register callback. Be invoked after a peer registered to me.
                "query" - query callback. to parse query string and perform query.
                "message" - message callback. to populate the message when received.
                "action" - action callback. to parse and perform the action.
        *callback returns*:
                *"query"* callback should return (resource, service_protocal, service_port).
                        "resource" identify how to get the resource.
                        "service_protocal" is the transfer protocal(http,tcp,udp) to serving the resource.
                        "service_port" is the port to serving the resource.

        self.log = util.getLogger('ConnManager(%d)' % peer_port)
        if p2p_prefix:

        self.peer_port = peer_port
        self.data_port = data_port
        self.peerServer = PeerServer(('', peer_port), PeerServerHandler)
        self.ip = self.peerServer.server_address[0]

        # initialize internal and external callbacks
        self.callbacks = callbacks  #external callbacks
        # init peer callbacks
        peerCallbacks = {
            'register'      : self._on_register,
            'query'         : self._on_query,
            'message'       : self._on_message,
            'action'        : self._on_action,
        self.peerServer.init(peerCallbacks) #internal callbacks"P2P Sever initialized on %s:%d:%d" % (self.ip, self.peer_port, self.data_port))
        dataCallbacks = {
            'connect'       : self._on_connect,
            'transfer'      : self._on_transfer,
            'disconnect'    : self._on_disconnect,
            'resource'      : self._on_resource,
            'signature'     : self._on_signature,
        self.dataServer = DataServer(port=data_port, protocal=data_transfer_protocal, callbacks=dataCallbacks)

    def __del__(self):
        del self.peerServer
        del self.dataServer
    def start(self):
        Start a P2P server

    def stop(self):
        Stop serving

    def isAlive(self):
        return self.peerServer.isAlive() or self.dataServer.isAlive()
    def paused(self):
        return self.peerServer.paused()

    def paused(self, val):

    def _broadcast(self, message=None, port=None, loop=False):
        Broadcast to the network
        self.peerServer.broadcast(message=message, port=port, loop=loop)
    def sendRegister(self, data=None, ip=None, port=None, loop=False):
        ''' Send a register request to a peer server or network
        *ip*: the ip address of the registered peer. if not specified, *broadcast* to network
        *port*: the peer port. if not specified, will try sending to the default port.
        *loop*: specify whether the register message will be sent endlessly. Default interval is 5 seconds.
        self.peerServer.sendRegister(data=data, ip=ip, port=port, loop=loop)

    def sendMessage(self, message, ip=None, port=None):
        ''' Send a message to a peer.
        *message*: the message to be sent. DO NOT include the protocal splitter (default is "||")
        *ip*: the peer ip. If the ip is not registered, will *broadcast* to the network.
        *port*: the peer port. if not specified, will try sending to the default port.
        self.peerServer.sendMessage(message=message, ip=ip, port=port)

    def sendQuery(self, query, ip=None):
        ''' Send a query request to a peer server or network. If sender is not registered on remote peer, no response
        *query*: the query string. You need to combine/parse it yourself.
        *ip*: the ip address of the registered peer. if not specified, *broadcast* to network
        self.peerServer.sendQuery(query=query, ip=ip)
    def getQueryResult(self, key):
        ''' Retrieve a query result by given key
        *key*: the key (generally it's the query string) for results.
        *return*: the result address list [(ip, port), (ip, port) ...]
        return self.peerServer.getQueryResult(key=key)
    def removeQueryResult(self, key, ip=None):
        ''' Remove a query result. Generally it should be invoked while a peer disconnected.
        *key*: the key for result.
        *ip*: the ip address for the result of this key.
        return self.peerServer.removeQueryResult(query=key, ip=ip)

    def addPeer(self, ip, port=PeerServer.DEFAULT_PORT):
        Add a specified peer to registered peers.
        self.peerServer.addPeer(ip, port)

    # -------------- PeerServer command events -------------

    def _on_register(self, **kwargs):
        Callback when a client PeerServer registered.
        ret = False':: _on_register')
        if 'register' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['register']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret

    def _on_message(self, **kwargs):
        Callback when message received from a client peer.
        ret = False':: _on_message')
        if 'message' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['message']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret

    def _on_query(self, **kwargs):
        Callback when query received from a client peer.
        ret = (None, self.dataServer.protocal, self.data_port)
        # to not being picked out when busy
        if self.dataServer.isBusy():
       ':: _on_query')
        if 'query' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['query']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret

    def _on_action(self, **kwargs):
        Callback when action received from a client peer.
        '''':: _on_action')
        ret = None
        if 'action' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['action']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret

    # -------------- DataServer events -------------

    def _on_connect(self, requst, **kwargs):
        Callback when a client connecting.
        '''':: _on_connect')
        ret = None
        if 'connect' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['connect']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret

    def _on_transfer(self, **kwargs):
        Callback when data transfering
        '''':: _on_transfer')
        ret = None
        if 'transfer' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['transfer']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret

    def _on_disconnect(self, request, **kwargs):':: _on_disconnect')
        ret = None
        if 'disconnect' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['disconnect']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret
    def _on_resource(self, request, **kwargs):
        ret = ''':: _on_resource')
        if 'resource' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['resource']
            ret = fn(request, **kwargs)
        return ret
    def _on_signature(self, **kwargs):
        ret = False':: _on_signature')
        if 'signature' in self.callbacks:
            fn = self.callbacks['signature']
            ret = fn(**kwargs)
        return ret
Esempio n. 2
class Node:
    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize a node given parameters.
        :param config: paramaters to set up the node given as a python dictionary.
        :return: None
        # read and parse configuration
        self.config = config
        self.idx_type = config['idx_type']  # centralized or distributed

        # configuration parameters shared by both implementations
        self.download_dir = os.path.abspath(config['download_dir'])
        if not os.path.isdir(self.download_dir):
            raise ValueError("Download directory does not exist")
        self.idx_server_port = config['idx_server_port']
        self.file_server_port = config['file_server_port']
        self.log_level = config['log_level']
        self.timeout_value = config['timeout_value']
        self.max_connections = config['max_connections']
        self.ip = str(json.load(urlopen(''))['ip'])

        # set up logger
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        level = logging.getLevelName(self.log_level)

            # create shared dictionary to store the local paths to the registered files
        self.manager = Manager()
        self.local_files = self.manager.dict()

        # configuration when the indexing server is distributed
        if self.idx_type == 'distributed':
            self.nodes_list = config['nodes']
            self.nodes_count = len(self.nodes_list)
            self.replica = config['replica']
            # get this server info from config file
            if self.ip not in self.nodes_list:
                raise ValueError("peer %s is not included in the config file." % self.ip)
   = self.nodes_list.index(self.ip)
            self.idx_server_ip = config['idx_server_ip']

        self.terminate = Value('i', 0)

        # create main processes
        self.client = PeerClient(self)
        self.file_server = PeerServer(self)
        if self.idx_type == 'distributed':
            self.dht = DHT(config, self.terminate)

    def run(self):
        Launch the different pieces of this node: distributed indexing server if requested, file server, and user
        :return: None
            # First, start the file server in a dedicated thread.
            # After that, run the indexing server if the config is set to distributed
            if self.idx_type == 'distributed':

            # Then, start the user interface
            # Join the background processes
            if self.idx_type == 'distributed':
        except EOFError as e:
            print "\nShutting down peer."