Esempio n. 1
def cross_entropy(predictions: np.ndarray,
                  targets: np.ndarray,
                  epsilon: float = 1e-15) -> float:
    Cross entropy calculation between :py:attr:`targets` (encoded as one-hot vectors)
    and :py:attr:`predictions`. Predictions are normalized to sum up to `1.0`.

    .. note::

        The implementation of this function is based on the discussion on
        `StackOverflow <>`_.

        Due to ArrayBoxes that are required for automatic differentiation, we currently
        use this implementation instead of implementations provided by sklearn for

    :param predictions: Predictions in same order as targets. In case predictions for
        several samples are given, the weighted cross entropy is returned.
    :param targets: Ground truth labels for supplied samples.
    :param epsilon: Amount to clip predictions as log is not defined for `0` and `1`.
    assert (
        predictions.shape == targets.shape
    ), f"Shape of predictions {predictions.shape} must match targets {targets.shape}"
    current_sum = np.sum(predictions, axis=predictions.ndim - 1)

    if predictions.ndim == 1:
        sample_count = 1
        predictions = predictions / current_sum
        sample_count = predictions.shape[0]
        predictions = predictions / current_sum[:, np.newaxis]

    predictions = np.clip(predictions, epsilon, 1.0 - epsilon)
    return -np.sum(targets * np.log(predictions)) / sample_count
def shadow_bound(error, observables, failure_rate=0.01):
    Calculate the shadow bound for the Pauli measurement scheme.

    Implements Eq. (S13) from

        error (float): The error on the estimator.
        observables (list) : List of matrices corresponding to the observables we intend to
        failure_rate (float): Rate of failure for the bound to hold.

        An integer that gives the number of samples required to satisfy the shadow bound and
        the chunk size required attaining the specified failure rate.
    M = len(observables)
    K = 2 * np.log(2 * M / failure_rate)
    shadow_norm = (
        lambda op: np.linalg.norm(
            op - np.trace(op) / 2 ** int(np.log2(op.shape[0])), ord=np.inf
        ** 2
    N = 34 * max(shadow_norm(o) for o in observables) / error ** 2
    return int(np.ceil(N * K)), int(K)
def cross_entropy(X, y):

    m = y.shape[0]
    p = np.array([softmax(x) for x in X])
    # We use multidimensional array indexing to extract
    # softmax probability of the correct label for each sample.
    log_likelihood = -np.log(p[range(m), y])
    loss = np.sum(log_likelihood) / m
    return loss
Esempio n. 4
 def disc_cost(d_weights):
     cost = 0.0
     for j in range(MINIBATCH_SIZE):
         D_real = prob_real(
                               data=data[j][0] + [data[j][1]]))
         G_real = gen_output(
             real_gen_circuit(gen_weights, data=data[j][0]))
         D_fake = prob_real(
                               data=data[j][0] + [G_real]))
         if type(D_real) != np.float64:
             D_real = D_real._value
         if type(D_fake) != np.float64:
             D_fake = D_fake._value
         cost -= np.log(D_real) + np.log(1 - D_fake)
     cost /= MINIBATCH_SIZE
     return cost
 def EnsembleEntropy(self, ProbDist):
     Compute ensemble entropy
     from prob dist. 
     ent = 0.0
     # E = sum of entropies since
     # ansatz is prod state
     for dist in ProbDist:
         ent += -1 * np.sum(dist * np.log(dist))
     return ent
Esempio n. 6
def cross_entropy(labels, predictions):
    """ Categorical cross entropy loss function

        labels (array[float]): 1-d array of labels
        predictions (array[float]): 1-d array of predictions

        float: cross entropy
    loss = 0
    for label, pred in zip(labels, predictions):
        for label_, pred_ in zip(label, pred):
            loss -= label_ * np.log(pred_)
    loss = loss / len(labels)
    return loss
Esempio n. 7

# initialize some random vals for the periodic convolution
init = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(2))

c = np.zeros(M)
c[0] = init[0]
c[1] = init[1]

# get the fourier transformed values and seperate argument and absolute value
complex_vals = np.fft.fft(c)
scale_arg = np.angle(complex_vals)
scale_abs = np.absolute(complex_vals)

# get the required squeeze scaling argument
r1 = -np.log(scale_abs)

# perform a neural network feed forward using the transformed Fourier matrix, the required phase shift using a rotation gate (phase gate),
# the required squeeze scaling and the Fourier matrix

circ_res = quantum_circ1(x=x,

# theoretical transformation
mat = F @ np.diag(scale_abs * np.exp(1J * scale_arg)) @ F_H
Esempio n. 8
        ansatz = mera_circuit(num_qubits, periodic, fix_layers)
        cost_fn = qml.ExpvalCost(ansatz, H, dev)
        grad = qml.grad(cost_fn)

        num_params_per_gate = 15
        num_gates = get_num_mera_gates(num_qubits, periodic, fix_layers)
        num_params = num_params_per_gate * num_gates
        params = np.pi * (np.random.rand(num_params) - 1.0)

        gradient = np.array(grad(params)[0])
    variances.append(np.mean(np.var(grad_vals, axis=0)))

#variances = np.array(np.mean(variances, axis=1))
qubits = np.array(qubits)

# Fit the semilog plot to a straight line
p = np.polyfit(qubits, np.log(variances), 1)

# Plot the straight line fit to the semilog
plt.semilogy(qubits, variances, "o")
             np.exp(p[0] * qubits + p[1]),
             label="Slope {:3.2f}".format(p[0]))
plt.xlabel(r"N Qubits")
plt.ylabel(r"$\langle \partial \theta_{1, 1} E\rangle$ variance")
 def classical(p):
     "Classical node, requires autograd.numpy functions."
     return anp.exp(anp.sum(quantum(p[0], anp.log(p[1]))))
Esempio n. 10
def second_renyi_entropy(rho):
    """Computes the second Renyi entropy of a given density matrix."""
    # DO NOT MODIFY anything in this code block
    rho_diag_2 = np.diagonal(rho)**2.0
    return -np.real(np.log(np.sum(rho_diag_2)))