Esempio n. 1
def user_access_check(request, callee, action, **kwargs):
    """Checks that the user can access the functions they're trying to, and
    if they can calls callee"""
    """Check that the user is allowed access, and if they are call the given
    @param request  An HTTP request
    @param callee  Gives the Callable to call
    @param action  One of "add", "change", "use", "delete", describing the
    permissions needed
    @param user_id  The ID of the user in question; not used for
    action = "add"
    @exception ValueError  If an action is unrecognised
    @exception KeyError  If an option is missing"""

    def denied():
        """Generate an error message and redirect if we try do something to a
        template we're not allowed to"""
        messages.error(request, "Either this user doesn't exist or you don't "
                                "have permission to %s it." % action)
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    def denied_add():
        """Generate an error message and redirect if we try to create a template
        and are not allowed to"""
        messages.error(request, "You don't have permission to create users.")
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
    # If we're trying to add a template, don't need to get the template itself
    if action == "add":
        if permissions.allowed_user_access_create(request.user):
            return callee(request)
            return denied_add()


        # Try getting the template - if it doesn't exist, show the same message
        # as for permission denied
        user_name = kwargs["un"]
        try :
            user = User.objects.get(username=user_name)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return denied()

        if action == "use":
            if permissions.allowed_user_access_use(request.user, user):
                return callee(request, user.get_profile())
                return denied()
        elif action == "change":
            if permissions.allowed_user_access_change(request.user, user):
                return callee(request, user.get_profile())
                return denied()
        elif action == "delete":
            if permissions.allowed_user_access_delete(request.user, user):
                return callee(request, user.get_profile())
                return denied()
            raise ValueError("Unknown action: %s" % options["action"])
Esempio n. 2
def insert_users(user, users, group_name, pos, org, create_and_email_pw=False):
    """Inserts user into the database.  If an exception is raised, no changes
    are made to the DB.
    @param users  A string listing users, one per line, whitespace-
    separated, of the form <username> <email> <firstname> <lastname>.
    Any lines starting with # are ignored, as are blank lines.
    @param user  The user who is creating the other users
    @param group_name  The name of the group to add the users to - empty or None
    implies no group
    @param pos  An int giving the position of the new users
    @param org  An Organization to which the group and users will belong
    @exception UserSyntaxError if there is a syntax error in users
    @exception UserGroupError if a group by that name already exists
    @exception UserUserError if a user by that name already exists or there
    is an invalid username
    @exception UserPermissionError if the user creating the users doesn't have
    the right permission"""

    include_group = group_name != "" and group_name != None

    userlist = []

    # Parse the lines and add the user details to userlist; check that all the
    # usernames are valid
    lines = users.splitlines()
    for i,l in enumerate(lines):
        l = l.strip()
        if l == "" or l.startswith("#"):
        toks = l.split(',')
        if len(toks) != 4:
            raise UserSyntaxError("Syntax error on line %d: expected a line of "
                                  "the form <username>, <email>, <firstname>, <lastname>")
        username = toks[0].strip()
        email = toks[1].strip()
        firstname = toks[2].strip()
        lastname = toks[3].strip()
        userlist.append( (username, email, firstname, lastname) )

        # Check for valid username
        if re.match(r'^\w+$', username) is None:
            raise UserUserError("The username %s is invalid." % username)

    # Check that the group doesn't exist
    if include_group:
            _ = db.Group.objects.get(name=group_name, org=org)
        except db.Group.DoesNotExist:
            raise UserGroupError("Error: That group already exists")

    # Check that the users don't exist; put any that do in a list
    existing_users = []
    for (username, _, _, _) in userlist:
            user = User.objects.get(username=username)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
    # If users do already exist, format the list in a nice way and raise an error
    if len(existing_users) != 0:
        display_list = ', '.join(existing_users[0:5])
        if len(existing_users) > 5:
            display_list += ", ..."
        raise UserUserError("Error: %d user(s) already exist: %s" % (len(existing_users), display_list))

    # Check we can create users at this position and organization
    if not permissions.allowed_user_access_create(user, pos, org):
        raise UserPermissionError("Error: You do not have permission to create "
                                  " that type of user at that organization.")

    # Check that we can create groups at this organization
    if not permissions.allowed_group_access_create(user, org):
        raise UserPermissionError("Error: You do not have permission to create "
                                  " groups at that organization.")

    # Add the group to the DB
    if include_group:
            group = db.Group()
   = group_name
   = org
        except IntegrityError:
            raise UserGroupError("Error: That group already exists")

    # Add the new users to the DB, since we haven't had any errors
    for (username, email, firstname, lastname) in userlist:
        # Create the django user
        new_user = User.objects.create_user(username, email, None)
        print("%s %s" % (firstname, lastname))
        new_user.first_name = firstname
        new_user.last_name = lastname
        pos_group = Group.objects.get(name=db.UserProfile.GROUPS[pos])
        if include_group:

        # Make the user a superuser if necessary
        if pos == 0:
            new_user.is_staff = True
            new_user.is_superuser = True
        # Create the user profile
        up = db.UserProfile()
        up.user = new_user
        up.pos = pos = org

        # If they need to have an initial password, set it and email it to them
        if create_and_email_pw:
            pw = User.objects.make_random_password()
            print("Emailing %s with password" % new_user)
            new_user.email_user("VNS Account", "The password for your new VNS "
                                "account is %s\n\nPlease log in and change "
                                "this ASAP." % pw)
Esempio n. 3
def user_create(request):

    tn = 'vns/user_create.html'
    RegistrationForm = make_registration_form(request.user)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = RegistrationForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
                # Get the form data
                username = form.cleaned_data['username']
                first_name = form.cleaned_data['first_name']
                last_name = form.cleaned_data['last_name']
                email = form.cleaned_data['email']
                pw = form.cleaned_data['pw']
                pw_method = form.cleaned_data['pw_method']
                pos = form.cleaned_data['pos']
                pos = int(pos)

                # If we've been given an organization, use that org; otherwise
                # use the org of the user who's creating the new user
                    org_name = form.cleaned_data['org']
                    org = db.Organization.objects.get(name=org_name)
                except KeyError:
                    org = request.user.get_profile().org

                # Check that we're allowed to create a user with this position/organization
                if not permissions.allowed_user_access_create(request.user, pos, org):
                    messages.error(request, "You cannot create this user")
                    return HttpResponseRedirect('/user/create')

                # Work out what password to set
                if pw_method == "email":
                    pw = User.objects.make_random_password()
                elif pw_method == "raven":
                    pw = None

                # Try to create the user
                    user = User.objects.create_user(username, email, pw)
                except IntegrityError:
                    messages.error(request, "Unable to create the user: the requested username '%s' is already taken" % username)
                    return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form })
                user.last_name = last_name
                user.first_name = first_name

                # Create the user profile
                up = db.UserProfile()
                up.user = user
                up.pos = pos
       = org

                # See if we need to create a superuser
                if (up.pos == 0):
                    user.is_staff = True
                    user.is_superuser = True

                # Save everything

                # Email the user their password, if necessary
                if pw_method == "email":
                    user.email_user("VNS Account", "The password for your "
                                    "new VNS account is %s\n\nPlease log "
                                    "in and change this ASAP." % pw)
                messages.success(request, "Successfully created new user: %s" % username)
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/user/%s/' % username)

                # Unknown exception, probably the database isn't set up correctly
                    # Give up trying to do anything
                # Re-raise the error, so we can see what's going on in debug mode
            messages.error(request, "Invalid form")
            return direct_to_template(request, tn, {'form':form})

        form = RegistrationForm()
        return direct_to_template(request, tn, { 'form': form })
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: smbz/vns
 def can_create_user(self):
     return permissions.allowed_user_access_create(self.user)