Esempio n. 1
def check_alchemical_elimination(ncmc_nsteps=50):
    Test alchemical elimination engine on alanine dipeptide null transformation.


    NSIGMA_MAX = 6.0 # number of standard errors away from analytical solution tolerated before Exception is thrown

    # Create an alanine dipeptide null transformation, where N-methyl group is deleted and then inserted.
    from openmmtools import testsystems
    testsystem = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum()
    from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
    new_to_old_atom_map = { index : index for index in range(testsystem.system.getNumParticles()) if (index > 3) } # all atoms but N-methyl
    topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(old_system=testsystem.system, old_topology=testsystem.topology, old_positions=testsystem.positions, new_system=testsystem.system, new_topology=testsystem.topology, logp_proposal=0.0, new_to_old_atom_map=new_to_old_atom_map, metadata=dict())

    # Initialize engine
    from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCEngine
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)

    niterations = 20 # number of round-trip switching trials
    positions = testsystem.positions
    logP_insert_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_delete_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    for iteration in range(niterations):
        # Equilibrate
        positions = simulate(testsystem.system, positions)

        # Delete atoms
        [positions, logP_delete] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='delete')

        # Insert atoms
        [positions, logP_insert] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='insert')

        # Compute total probability
        logP_delete_n[iteration] = logP_delete
        logP_insert_n[iteration] = logP_insert

    # Check free energy difference is withing NSIGMA_MAX standard errors of zero.
    logP_n = logP_delete_n + logP_insert_n
    from pymbar import EXP
    [df, ddf] = EXP(logP_n)
    if (abs(df) > NSIGMA_MAX * ddf):
        msg = 'Delta F (%d steps switching) = %f +- %f kT; should be within %f sigma of 0' % (ncmc_nsteps, df, ddf, NSIGMA_MAX)
        msg += 'delete logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_delete_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'insert logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_insert_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_n) + '\n'
        raise Exception(msg)
Esempio n. 2
def check_alchemical_null_elimination(topology_proposal, positions, ncmc_nsteps=50, NSIGMA_MAX=6.0, geometry=False):
    Test alchemical elimination engine on null transformations, where some atoms are deleted and then reinserted in a cycle.

    topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
        The topology proposal to test.
        This must be a null transformation, where topology_proposal.old_system == topology_proposal.new_system
    ncmc_steps : int, optional, default=50
        Number of NCMC switching steps, or 0 for instantaneous switching.
    NSIGMA_MAX : float, optional, default=6.0
        Number of standard errors away from analytical solution tolerated before Exception is thrown
    geometry : bool, optional, default=None
        If True, will also use geometry engine in the middle of the null transformation.
    # Initialize engine
    from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCEngine
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=temperature, nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)

    # Make sure that old system and new system are identical.
    if not (topology_proposal.old_system == topology_proposal.new_system):
        raise Exception("topology_proposal must be a null transformation for this test (old_system == new_system)")
    for (k,v) in topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map.items():
        if k != v:
            raise Exception("topology_proposal must be a null transformation for this test (retailed atoms must map onto themselves)")

    nequil = 5 # number of equilibration iterations
    niterations = 50 # number of round-trip switching trials
    logP_insert_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_delete_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_switch_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    for iteration in range(nequil):
        [positions, velocities] = simulate(topology_proposal.old_system, positions)
    for iteration in range(niterations):
        # Equilibrate
        [positions, velocities] = simulate(topology_proposal.old_system, positions)

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if(np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN during equilibration")

        # Delete atoms
        [positions, logP_delete, potential_delete] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='delete')

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if(np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN on NCMC deletion")

        # Insert atoms
        [positions, logP_insert, potential_insert] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='insert')

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if(np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN on NCMC insertion")

        # Compute probability of switching geometries.
        logP_switch = - (potential_insert - potential_delete)

        # Compute total probability
        logP_delete_n[iteration] = logP_delete
        logP_insert_n[iteration] = logP_insert
        logP_switch_n[iteration] = logP_switch
        #print("Iteration %5d : delete %16.8f kT | insert %16.8f kT | geometry switch %16.8f" % (iteration, logP_delete, logP_insert, logP_switch))

    # Check free energy difference is withing NSIGMA_MAX standard errors of zero.
    logP_n = logP_delete_n + logP_insert_n + logP_switch_n
    work_n = - logP_n
    from pymbar import EXP
    [df, ddf] = EXP(work_n)
    #print("df = %12.6f +- %12.5f kT" % (df, ddf))
    if (abs(df) > NSIGMA_MAX * ddf):
        msg = 'Delta F (%d steps switching) = %f +- %f kT; should be within %f sigma of 0\n' % (ncmc_nsteps, df, ddf, NSIGMA_MAX)
        msg += 'delete logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_delete_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'insert logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_insert_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_n) + '\n'
        raise Exception(msg)
Esempio n. 3
class ExpandedEnsembleSampler(object):
    Method of expanded ensembles sampling engine.

    The acceptance criteria is given in the reference document. Roughly, the proposal scheme is:

    * Draw a proposed chemical state k', and calculate reverse proposal probability
    * Conditioned on k' and the current positions x, generate new positions with the GeometryEngine
    * With new positions, jump to a hybrid system at lambda=0
    * Anneal from lambda=0 to lambda=1, accumulating work
    * Jump from the hybrid system at lambda=1 to the k' system, and compute reverse GeometryEngine proposal
    * Add weight of chemical states k and k' to acceptance probabilities

    sampler : MCMCSampler
        The MCMC sampler used for updating positions.
    proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
        The ProposalEngine to use for proposing new sampler states and topologies.
    system_generator : SystemGenerator
        The SystemGenerator to use for creating System objects following proposals.
    state : hashable object
        The current sampler state. Can be any hashable object.
    states : set of hashable object
        All known states.
    iteration : int
        Iterations completed.
    naccepted : int
        Number of accepted thermodynamic/chemical state changes.
    nrejected : int
        Number of rejected thermodynamic/chemical state changes.
    number_of_state_visits : dict of state_key
        Cumulative counts of visited states.
    verbose : bool
        If True, verbose output is printed.

    [1] Lyubartsev AP, Martsinovski AA, Shevkunov SV, and Vorontsov-Velyaminov PN. New approach to Monte Carlo calculation of the free energy: Method of expanded ensembles. JCP 96:1776, 1992

    >>> # Create a test system
    >>> test = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum()
    >>> # Create a SystemGenerator and rebuild the System.
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SystemGenerator
    >>> system_generator = SystemGenerator(['amber99sbildn.xml'], forcefield_kwargs={'implicitSolvent' : None, 'constraints' : None }, nonperiodic_forcefield_kwargs={'nonbondedMethod' : app.NoCutoff})
    >>> test.system = system_generator.build_system(test.topology)
    >>> # Create a sampler state.
    >>> sampler_state = SamplerState(system=test.system, positions=test.positions)
    >>> # Create a thermodynamic state.
    >>> thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(system=test.system, temperature=298.0*unit.kelvin)
    >>> # Create an MCMC sampler
    >>> mcmc_sampler = MCMCSampler(thermodynamic_state, sampler_state)
    >>> # Turn off verbosity
    >>> mcmc_sampler.verbose = False
    >>> # Create an Expanded Ensemble sampler
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import PointMutationEngine
    >>> from perses.rjmc.geometry import FFAllAngleGeometryEngine
    >>> geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine(metadata={})
    >>> allowed_mutations = [[('2','ALA')],[('2','VAL'),('2','LEU')]]
    >>> proposal_engine = PointMutationEngine(test.topology, system_generator, max_point_mutants=1, chain_id='1', proposal_metadata=None, allowed_mutations=allowed_mutations)
    >>> exen_sampler = ExpandedEnsembleSampler(mcmc_sampler, test.topology, 'ACE-ALA-NME', proposal_engine, geometry_engine)
    >>> # Run the sampler

    def __init__(self, sampler, topology, state_key, proposal_engine, geometry_engine, log_weights=None, options=None, platform=None, envname=None, storage=None, ncmc_write_interval=1):
        Create an expanded ensemble sampler.

        p(x,k) \propto \exp[-u_k(x) + g_k]

        where g_k is the log weight.

        sampler : MCMCSampler
            MCMCSampler initialized with current SamplerState
        topology :
            Current topology
        state : hashable object
            Current chemical state
        proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
            ProposalEngine to use for proposing new chemical states
        geometry_engine : GeometryEngine
            GeometryEngine to use for dimension matching
        log_weights : dict of object : float
            Log weights to use for expanded ensemble biases.
        options : dict, optional, default=dict()
            Options for initializing switching scheme, such as 'timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions' for NCMC
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default=None
            Platform to use for NCMC switching.  If `None`, default (fastest) platform is used.
        storage : NetCDFStorageView, optional, default=None
            If specified, use this storage layer.
        ncmc_write_interval : int, default 1
            How frequently to write out NCMC protocol steps.
        # Keep copies of initializing arguments.
        # TODO: Make deep copies?
        self.sampler = sampler
        self._pressure = sampler.thermodynamic_state.pressure
        self._temperature = sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature
        self._omm_topology = topology
        self.topology = md.Topology.from_openmm(topology)
        self.state_key = state_key
        self.proposal_engine = proposal_engine
        self.log_weights = log_weights
        if self.log_weights is None: self.log_weights = dict() = None
        if storage is not None:
   = NetCDFStorageView(storage, modname=self.__class__.__name__)

        # Initialize
        self.iteration = 0
        option_names = ['timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions', 'nsteps_mcmc', 'splitting']

        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        for option_name in option_names:
            if option_name not in options:
                options[option_name] = None

        if options['splitting']:
            self._ncmc_splitting = options['splitting']
            self._ncmc_splitting = "V R O H R V"

        if options['nsteps']:
            self._switching_nsteps = options['nsteps']
            self.ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature,
                                          timestep=options['timestep'], nsteps=options['nsteps'],
                                          functions=options['functions'], integrator_splitting=self._ncmc_splitting,
            self._switching_nsteps = 0

        if options['nsteps_mcmc']:
            self._n_iterations_per_update = options['nsteps_mcmc']
            self._n_iterations_per_update = 100

        self.geometry_engine = geometry_engine
        self.naccepted = 0
        self.nrejected = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits = dict()
        self.verbose = False
        self.pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file
        self.geometry_pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file of geometry proposals
        self.accept_everything = False # if True, will accept anything that doesn't lead to NaNs
        self.logPs = list()

    def state_keys(self):
        return self.log_weights.keys()

    def get_log_weight(self, state_key):
        Get the log weight of the specified state.

        state_key : hashable object
            The state key (e.g. chemical state key) to look up.

        log_weight : float
            The log weight of the provided state key.

        This adds the key to the self.log_weights dict.

        if state_key not in self.log_weights:
            self.log_weights[state_key] = 0.0
        return self.log_weights[state_key]

    def _system_to_thermodynamic_state(self, system):
        Given an OpenMM system object, create a corresponding ThermodynamicState that has the same
        temperature and pressure as the current thermodynamic state.

        system : openmm.System
            The OpenMM system for which to create the thermodynamic state

        new_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
            The thermodynamic state object representing the given system
        return ThermodynamicState(system, temperature=self._temperature, pressure=self._pressure)

    def _geometry_forward(self, topology_proposal, old_sampler_state):
        Run geometry engine to propose new positions and compute logP

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        old_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of the old system atoms.

        new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of new atoms proposed by geometry engine calculation.
        geometry_logp_propose : float
            The log probability of the forward-only proposal
        if self.verbose: print("Geometry engine proposal...")
        # Generate coordinates for new atoms and compute probability ratio of old and new probabilities.
        initial_time = time.time()
        new_positions, geometry_logp_propose = self.geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, old_sampler_state.positions, self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.beta)
        if self.verbose: print('proposal took %.3f s' % (time.time() - initial_time))

        if self.geometry_pdbfile is not None:
            print("Writing proposed geometry...")
            from import PDBFile
            PDBFile.writeFile(topology_proposal.new_topology, new_positions, file=self.geometry_pdbfile)

        new_sampler_state = SamplerState(new_positions, box_vectors=old_sampler_state.box_vectors)

        return new_sampler_state, geometry_logp_propose

    def _geometry_reverse(self, topology_proposal, new_sampler_state, old_sampler_state):
        Run geometry engine reverse calculation to determine logP
        of proposing the old positions based on the new positions

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of the new atoms.
        old_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of the old atoms.

        geometry_logp_reverse : float
            The log probability of the proposal for the given transformation
        if self.verbose: print("Geometry engine logP_reverse calculation...")
        initial_time = time.time()
        geometry_logp_reverse = self.geometry_engine.logp_reverse(topology_proposal, new_sampler_state.positions, old_sampler_state.positions, self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.beta)
        if self.verbose: print('calculation took %.3f s' % (time.time() - initial_time))
        return geometry_logp_reverse

    def _ncmc_hybrid(self, topology_proposal, old_sampler_state, new_sampler_state):
        Run a hybrid NCMC protocol from lambda = 0 to lambda = 1

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        old_sampler_State : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of old system at the beginning of NCMCSwitching
        new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of new system at the beginning of NCMCSwitching

        old_final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of old system at the end of switching
        new_final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of new system at the end of switching
        logP_work : float
            The NCMC work contribution to the log acceptance probability (Eq. 44)
        logP_energy : float
            The contribution of switching to and from the hybrid system to the acceptance probability (Eq. 45)
        if self.verbose: print("Performing NCMC switching")
        initial_time = time.time()
        [ncmc_old_sampler_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state, logP_work, logP_initial_hybrid, logP_final_hybrid] = self.ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, old_sampler_state, new_sampler_state, iteration=self.iteration)
        if self.verbose: print('NCMC took %.3f s' % (time.time() - initial_time))
        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if new_sampler_state.has_nan():
            raise Exception("Positions are NaN after NCMC insert with %d steps" % self._switching_nsteps)
        return ncmc_old_sampler_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state, logP_work, logP_initial_hybrid, logP_final_hybrid

    def _geometry_ncmc_geometry(self, topology_proposal, sampler_state, old_log_weight, new_log_weight):
        Use a hybrid NCMC protocol to switch from the old system to new system
        Will calculate new positions for the new system first, then give both
        sets of positions to the hybrid NCMC integrator, and finally use the
        final positions of the old and new systems to calculate the reverse
        geometry probability

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of old atoms at the beginning of the NCMC switching.
        old_log_weight : float
            Chemical state weight from SAMSSampler
        new_log_weight : float
            Chemical state weight from SAMSSampler

        logP_accept : float
            Log of acceptance probability of entire Expanded Ensemble switch (Eq. 25 or 46)
        ncmc_new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of new atoms at the end of the NCMC switching.
        if self.verbose: print("Updating chemical state with geometry-ncmc-geometry scheme...")

        from perses.tests.utils import compute_potential

        logP_chemical_proposal = topology_proposal.logp_proposal

        old_thermodynamic_state = self.sampler.thermodynamic_state
        new_thermodynamic_state = self._system_to_thermodynamic_state(topology_proposal.new_system)

        initial_reduced_potential = feptasks.compute_reduced_potential(old_thermodynamic_state, sampler_state)
        logP_initial_nonalchemical = - initial_reduced_potential

        new_geometry_sampler_state, logP_geometry_forward = self._geometry_forward(topology_proposal, sampler_state)

        #if we aren't doing any switching, then skip running the NCMC engine at all.
        if self._switching_nsteps == 0:
            ncmc_old_sampler_state = sampler_state
            ncmc_new_sampler_state = new_geometry_sampler_state
            logP_work = 0.0
            logP_initial_hybrid = 0.0
            logP_final_hybrid = 0.0
            ncmc_old_sampler_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state, logP_work, logP_initial_hybrid, logP_final_hybrid = self._ncmc_hybrid(topology_proposal, sampler_state, new_geometry_sampler_state)

        if logP_work > -np.inf and logP_initial_hybrid > -np.inf and logP_final_hybrid > -np.inf:
            logP_geometry_reverse = self._geometry_reverse(topology_proposal, ncmc_new_sampler_state, ncmc_old_sampler_state)
            logP_to_hybrid = logP_initial_hybrid - logP_initial_nonalchemical

            final_reduced_potential = feptasks.compute_reduced_potential(new_thermodynamic_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state)
            logP_final_nonalchemical = -final_reduced_potential
            logP_from_hybrid = logP_final_nonalchemical - logP_final_hybrid
            logP_sams_weight = new_log_weight - old_log_weight

            # Compute total log acceptance probability according to Eq. 46
            logP_accept = logP_to_hybrid - logP_geometry_forward + logP_work + logP_from_hybrid + logP_geometry_reverse + logP_sams_weight
            logP_geometry_reverse = 0.0
            logP_final = 0.0
            logP_to_hybrid = 0.0
            logP_from_hybrid = 0.0
            logP_sams_weight = new_log_weight - old_log_weight
            logP_accept = logP_to_hybrid - logP_geometry_forward + logP_work + logP_from_hybrid + logP_geometry_reverse + logP_sams_weight
            #TODO: mark failed proposals as unproposable

        if self.verbose:
            print("logP_accept = %+10.4e [logP_to_hybrid = %+10.4e, logP_chemical_proposal = %10.4e, logP_reverse = %+10.4e, -logP_forward = %+10.4e, logP_work = %+10.4e, logP_from_hybrid = %+10.4e, logP_sams_weight = %+10.4e]"
                % (logP_accept, logP_to_hybrid, logP_chemical_proposal, logP_geometry_reverse, -logP_geometry_forward, logP_work, logP_from_hybrid, logP_sams_weight))
        # Write to storage.
  'logP_accept', logP_accept, iteration=self.iteration)
            # Write components to storage
  'logP_ncmc_work', logP_work, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_from_hybrid', logP_from_hybrid, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_to_hybrid', logP_to_hybrid, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_chemical_proposal', logP_chemical_proposal, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_reverse', logP_geometry_reverse, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_forward', logP_geometry_forward, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_sams_weight', logP_sams_weight, iteration=self.iteration)
            # Write some aggregate statistics to storage to make contributions to acceptance probability easier to analyze
  'logP_groups_chemical', logP_chemical_proposal, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_groups_geometry', logP_geometry_reverse - logP_geometry_forward, iteration=self.iteration)

        return logP_accept, ncmc_new_sampler_state

    def update_positions(self, n_iterations=1):
        Sample new positions.

    def update_state(self):
        Sample the thermodynamic state.

        initial_time = time.time()

        # Propose new chemical state.
        if self.verbose: print("Proposing new topology...")
        [system, positions] = [self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.get_system(remove_thermostat=True), self.sampler.sampler_state.positions]

        #omm_topology = topology.to_openmm() #convert to OpenMM topology for proposal engine
        self._omm_topology.setPeriodicBoxVectors(self.sampler.sampler_state.box_vectors) #set the box vectors because in OpenMM topology has these...
        topology_proposal = self.proposal_engine.propose(system, self._omm_topology)
        if self.verbose: print("Proposed transformation: %s => %s" % (topology_proposal.old_chemical_state_key, topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key))

        # Determine state keys
        old_state_key = self.state_key
        new_state_key = topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key

        # Determine log weight
        old_log_weight = self.get_log_weight(old_state_key)
        new_log_weight = self.get_log_weight(new_state_key)

        logp_accept, ncmc_new_sampler_state = self._geometry_ncmc_geometry(topology_proposal, self.sampler.sampler_state, old_log_weight, new_log_weight)

        # Accept or reject.
        if np.isnan(logp_accept):
            accept = False
            print('logp_accept = NaN')
            accept = ((logp_accept>=0.0) or (np.random.uniform() < np.exp(logp_accept)))
            if self.accept_everything:
                print('accept_everything option is turned on; accepting')
                accept = True

        if accept:
            self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.set_system(topology_proposal.new_system, fix_state=True)
            self.sampler.sampler_state.system = topology_proposal.new_system
            self.topology = md.Topology.from_openmm(topology_proposal.new_topology)
            self.sampler.sampler_state = ncmc_new_sampler_state
            self.sampler.topology = self.topology
            self.state_key = topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key
            self.naccepted += 1
            if self.verbose: print("    accepted")
            self.nrejected += 1
            if self.verbose: print("    rejected")

  'positions', self.sampler.sampler_state.positions, self.topology, iteration=self.iteration)
  'state_key', self.state_key, iteration=self.iteration)
  'proposed_state_key', topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key, iteration=self.iteration)
  'naccepted', self.naccepted, iteration=self.iteration)
  'nrejected', self.nrejected, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logp_accept', logp_accept, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logp_topology_proposal', topology_proposal.logp_proposal, iteration=self.iteration)

        # Update statistics.

    def update(self):
        Update the sampler with one step of sampling.
        if self.verbose:
            print("-" * 80)
            print("Expanded Ensemble sampler iteration %8d" % self.iteration)
        self.iteration += 1
        if self.verbose:
            print("-" * 80)

        if self.pdbfile is not None:
            print("Writing frame...")
            from import PDBFile
            PDBFile.writeModel(self.topology.to_openmm(), self.sampler.sampler_state.positions, self.pdbfile, self.iteration)


    def run(self, niterations=1):
        Run the sampler for the specified number of iterations

        niterations : int, optional, default=1
            Number of iterations to run the sampler for.
        for iteration in range(niterations):

    def update_statistics(self):
        Update sampler statistics.
        if self.state_key not in self.number_of_state_visits:
            self.number_of_state_visits[self.state_key] = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits[self.state_key] += 1
def run_rj_proposals(top_prop,
                     temperature=300.0 * unit.kelvin):
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(nsteps=ncmc_nsteps,
                             pressure=1.0 * unit.atmosphere)
    geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine(use_sterics=use_sterics)
    initial_thermodynamic_state = states.ThermodynamicState(
        pressure=1.0 * unit.atmosphere)
    final_thermodynamic_state = states.ThermodynamicState(
        pressure=1.0 * unit.atmosphere)
    traj_indices = np.arange(0, configuration_traj.n_frames)
    results = np.zeros([n_replicates, 7])
    beta = 1.0 / (temperature * constants.kB)

    for i in tqdm.trange(n_replicates):
        frame_index = np.random.choice(traj_indices)

        initial_sampler_state = traj_frame_to_sampler_state(
            configuration_traj, frame_index, box_vectors)
        initial_logP = -compute_reduced_potential(initial_thermodynamic_state,

        proposed_geometry, logP_geometry_forward = geometry_engine.propose(
            top_prop, initial_sampler_state.positions, beta)

        proposed_sampler_state = states.SamplerState(
            proposed_geometry, box_vectors=initial_sampler_state.box_vectors)

        final_old_sampler_state, final_sampler_state, logP_work, initial_hybrid_logP, final_hybrid_logP = ncmc_engine.integrate(
            top_prop, initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state)

        final_logP = -compute_reduced_potential(final_thermodynamic_state,

        logP_reverse = geometry_engine.logp_reverse(
            top_prop, final_sampler_state.positions,
            final_old_sampler_state.positions, beta)

        results[i, 0] = initial_logP
        results[i, 1] = logP_reverse
        results[i, 2] = final_logP
        results[i, 3] = logP_work
        results[i, 4] = initial_hybrid_logP
        results[i, 5] = final_hybrid_logP
        results[i, 6] = logP_geometry_forward

    return results
Esempio n. 5
def check_alchemical_null_elimination(topology_proposal,
    Test alchemical elimination engine on null transformations, where some atoms are deleted and then reinserted in a cycle.

    topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
        The topology proposal to test.
        This must be a null transformation, where topology_proposal.old_system == topology_proposal.new_system
    ncmc_steps : int, optional, default=50
        Number of NCMC switching steps, or 0 for instantaneous switching.
    NSIGMA_MAX : float, optional, default=6.0
        Number of standard errors away from analytical solution tolerated before Exception is thrown
    geometry : bool, optional, default=None
        If True, will also use geometry engine in the middle of the null transformation.
    # Initialize engine
    from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCEngine
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=temperature, nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)

    # Make sure that old system and new system are identical.
    if not (topology_proposal.old_system == topology_proposal.new_system):
        raise Exception(
            "topology_proposal must be a null transformation for this test (old_system == new_system)"
    for (k, v) in topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map.items():
        if k != v:
            raise Exception(
                "topology_proposal must be a null transformation for this test (retailed atoms must map onto themselves)"

    nequil = 5  # number of equilibration iterations
    niterations = 50  # number of round-trip switching trials
    logP_insert_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_delete_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_switch_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    for iteration in range(nequil):
        [positions, velocities] = simulate(topology_proposal.old_system,
    for iteration in range(niterations):
        # Equilibrate
        [positions, velocities] = simulate(topology_proposal.old_system,

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if (np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN during equilibration")

        # Delete atoms
        [positions, logP_delete,
         potential_delete] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal,

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if (np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN on NCMC deletion")

        # Insert atoms
        [positions, logP_insert,
         potential_insert] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal,

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if (np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN on NCMC insertion")

        # Compute probability of switching geometries.
        logP_switch = -(potential_insert - potential_delete)

        # Compute total probability
        logP_delete_n[iteration] = logP_delete
        logP_insert_n[iteration] = logP_insert
        logP_switch_n[iteration] = logP_switch
        #print("Iteration %5d : delete %16.8f kT | insert %16.8f kT | geometry switch %16.8f" % (iteration, logP_delete, logP_insert, logP_switch))

    # Check free energy difference is withing NSIGMA_MAX standard errors of zero.
    logP_n = logP_delete_n + logP_insert_n + logP_switch_n
    work_n = -logP_n
    from pymbar import EXP
    [df, ddf] = EXP(work_n)
    #print("df = %12.6f +- %12.5f kT" % (df, ddf))
    if (abs(df) > NSIGMA_MAX * ddf):
        msg = 'Delta F (%d steps switching) = %f +- %f kT; should be within %f sigma of 0\n' % (
            ncmc_nsteps, df, ddf, NSIGMA_MAX)
        msg += 'delete logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_delete_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'insert logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_insert_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_n) + '\n'
        raise Exception(msg)
Esempio n. 6
class ExpandedEnsembleSampler(object):
    Method of expanded ensembles sampling engine.

    The acceptance criteria is given in the reference document. Roughly, the proposal scheme is:

    * Draw a proposed chemical state k', and calculate reverse proposal probability
    * Conditioned on k' and the current positions x, generate new positions with the GeometryEngine
    * With new positions, jump to a hybrid system at lambda=0
    * Anneal from lambda=0 to lambda=1, accumulating work
    * Jump from the hybrid system at lambda=1 to the k' system, and compute reverse GeometryEngine proposal
    * Add weight of chemical states k and k' to acceptance probabilities

    sampler : MCMCSampler
        The MCMC sampler used for updating positions.
    proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
        The ProposalEngine to use for proposing new sampler states and topologies.
    system_generator : SystemGenerator
        The SystemGenerator to use for creating System objects following proposals.
    state : hashable object
        The current sampler state. Can be any hashable object.
    states : set of hashable object
        All known states.
    iteration : int
        Iterations completed.
    naccepted : int
        Number of accepted thermodynamic/chemical state changes.
    nrejected : int
        Number of rejected thermodynamic/chemical state changes.
    number_of_state_visits : dict of state_key
        Cumulative counts of visited states.
    verbose : bool
        If True, verbose output is printed.

    [1] Lyubartsev AP, Martsinovski AA, Shevkunov SV, and Vorontsov-Velyaminov PN. New approach to Monte Carlo calculation of the free energy: Method of expanded ensembles. JCP 96:1776, 1992

    >>> # Create a test system
    >>> test = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum()
    >>> # Create a SystemGenerator and rebuild the System.
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SystemGenerator
    >>> system_generator = SystemGenerator(['amber99sbildn.xml'], forcefield_kwargs={ 'nonbondedMethod' : app.NoCutoff, 'implicitSolvent' : None, 'constraints' : None })
    >>> test.system = system_generator.build_system(test.topology)
    >>> # Create a sampler state.
    >>> sampler_state = SamplerState(system=test.system, positions=test.positions)
    >>> # Create a thermodynamic state.
    >>> thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(system=test.system, temperature=298.0*unit.kelvin)
    >>> # Create an MCMC sampler
    >>> mcmc_sampler = MCMCSampler(thermodynamic_state, sampler_state)
    >>> # Turn off verbosity
    >>> mcmc_sampler.verbose = False
    >>> # Create an Expanded Ensemble sampler
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import PointMutationEngine
    >>> from perses.rjmc.geometry import FFAllAngleGeometryEngine
    >>> geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine(metadata={})
    >>> allowed_mutations = [[('2','ALA')],[('2','VAL'),('2','LEU')]]
    >>> proposal_engine = PointMutationEngine(test.topology, system_generator, max_point_mutants=1, chain_id='1', proposal_metadata=None, allowed_mutations=allowed_mutations)
    >>> exen_sampler = ExpandedEnsembleSampler(mcmc_sampler, test.topology, 'ACE-ALA-NME', proposal_engine, geometry_engine)
    >>> # Run the sampler

    def __init__(self, sampler, topology, state_key, proposal_engine, geometry_engine, log_weights=None, options=None, platform=None, envname=None, storage=None, ncmc_write_interval=1):
        Create an expanded ensemble sampler.

        p(x,k) \propto \exp[-u_k(x) + g_k]

        where g_k is the log weight.

        sampler : MCMCSampler
            MCMCSampler initialized with current SamplerState
        topology :
            Current topology
        state : hashable object
            Current chemical state
        proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
            ProposalEngine to use for proposing new chemical states
        geometry_engine : GeometryEngine
            GeometryEngine to use for dimension matching
        log_weights : dict of object : float
            Log weights to use for expanded ensemble biases.
        options : dict, optional, default=dict()
            Options for initializing switching scheme, such as 'timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions' for NCMC
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default=None
            Platform to use for NCMC switching.  If `None`, default (fastest) platform is used.
        storage : NetCDFStorageView, optional, default=None
            If specified, use this storage layer.
        ncmc_write_interval : int, default 1
            How frequently to write out NCMC protocol steps.
        # Keep copies of initializing arguments.
        # TODO: Make deep copies?
        self.sampler = sampler
        self._pressure = sampler.thermodynamic_state.pressure
        self._temperature = sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature
        self.topology = md.Topology.from_openmm(topology)
        self.state_key = state_key
        self.proposal_engine = proposal_engine
        self.log_weights = log_weights
        if self.log_weights is None: self.log_weights = dict() = None
        if storage is not None:
   = NetCDFStorageView(storage, modname=self.__class__.__name__)

        # Initialize
        self.iteration = 0
        option_names = ['timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions', 'nsteps_mcmc', 'splitting']

        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        for option_name in option_names:
            if option_name not in options:
                options[option_name] = None
        if options['splitting']:
            self._ncmc_splitting = options['splitting']
            self._ncmc_splitting = "V R O H R V"

        if options['nsteps']:
            self._switching_nsteps = options['nsteps']
            self.ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature,
                                          timestep=options['timestep'], nsteps=options['nsteps'],
                                          functions=options['functions'], integrator_splitting=self._ncmc_splitting,
            self._switching_nsteps = 0

        if options['nsteps_mcmc']:
            self._n_iterations_per_update = options['nsteps_mcmc']
            self._n_iterations_per_update = 100

        self.geometry_engine = geometry_engine
        self.naccepted = 0
        self.nrejected = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits = dict()
        self.verbose = False
        self.pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file
        self.geometry_pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file of geometry proposals
        self.accept_everything = False # if True, will accept anything that doesn't lead to NaNs
        self.logPs = list()

    def state_keys(self):
        return self.log_weights.keys()

    def get_log_weight(self, state_key):
        Get the log weight of the specified state.

        state_key : hashable object
            The state key (e.g. chemical state key) to look up.

        log_weight : float
            The log weight of the provided state key.

        This adds the key to the self.log_weights dict.

        if state_key not in self.log_weights:
            self.log_weights[state_key] = 0.0
        return self.log_weights[state_key]

    def _system_to_thermodynamic_state(self, system):
        Given an OpenMM system object, create a corresponding ThermodynamicState that has the same
        temperature and pressure as the current thermodynamic state.

        system : openmm.System
            The OpenMM system for which to create the thermodynamic state
        new_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
            The thermodynamic state object representing the given system
        return ThermodynamicState(system, temperature=self._temperature, pressure=self._pressure)

    def _geometry_forward(self, topology_proposal, old_sampler_state):
        Run geometry engine to propose new positions and compute logP

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        old_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of the old system atoms.

        new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of new atoms proposed by geometry engine calculation.
        geometry_logp_propose : float
            The log probability of the forward-only proposal
        if self.verbose: print("Geometry engine proposal...")
        # Generate coordinates for new atoms and compute probability ratio of old and new probabilities.
        initial_time = time.time()
        new_positions, geometry_logp_propose = self.geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, old_sampler_state.positions, self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.beta)
        if self.verbose: print('proposal took %.3f s' % (time.time() - initial_time))

        if self.geometry_pdbfile is not None:
            print("Writing proposed geometry...")
            from import PDBFile
            PDBFile.writeFile(topology_proposal.new_topology, new_positions, file=self.geometry_pdbfile)

        new_sampler_state = SamplerState(new_positions, box_vectors=old_sampler_state.box_vectors)  

        return new_sampler_state, geometry_logp_propose

    def _geometry_reverse(self, topology_proposal, new_sampler_state, old_sampler_state):
        Run geometry engine reverse calculation to determine logP
        of proposing the old positions based on the new positions

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of the new atoms.
        old_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of the old atoms.

        geometry_logp_reverse : float
            The log probability of the proposal for the given transformation
        if self.verbose: print("Geometry engine logP_reverse calculation...")
        initial_time = time.time()
        geometry_logp_reverse = self.geometry_engine.logp_reverse(topology_proposal, new_sampler_state.positions, old_sampler_state.positions, self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.beta)
        if self.verbose: print('calculation took %.3f s' % (time.time() - initial_time))
        return geometry_logp_reverse

    def _ncmc_hybrid(self, topology_proposal, old_sampler_state, new_sampler_state):
        Run a hybrid NCMC protocol from lambda = 0 to lambda = 1

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        old_sampler_State : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of old system at the beginning of NCMCSwitching
        new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of new system at the beginning of NCMCSwitching

        old_final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of old system at the end of switching
        new_final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            SamplerState of new system at the end of switching
        logP_work : float
            The NCMC work contribution to the log acceptance probability (Eq. 44)
        logP_energy : float
            The contribution of switching to and from the hybrid system to the acceptance probability (Eq. 45)
        if self.verbose: print("Performing NCMC switching")
        initial_time = time.time()
        [ncmc_old_sampler_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state, logP_work, logP_initial_hybrid, logP_final_hybrid] = self.ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, old_sampler_state, new_sampler_state, iteration=self.iteration)
        if self.verbose: print('NCMC took %.3f s' % (time.time() - initial_time))
        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if new_sampler_state.has_nan():
            raise Exception("Positions are NaN after NCMC insert with %d steps" % self._switching_nsteps)
        return ncmc_old_sampler_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state, logP_work, logP_initial_hybrid, logP_final_hybrid

    def _geometry_ncmc_geometry(self, topology_proposal, sampler_state, old_log_weight, new_log_weight):
        Use a hybrid NCMC protocol to switch from the old system to new system
        Will calculate new positions for the new system first, then give both
        sets of positions to the hybrid NCMC integrator, and finally use the
        final positions of the old and new systems to calculate the reverse
        geometry probability

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of old atoms at the beginning of the NCMC switching.
        old_log_weight : float
            Chemical state weight from SAMSSampler
        new_log_weight : float
            Chemical state weight from SAMSSampler

        logP_accept : float
            Log of acceptance probability of entire Expanded Ensemble switch (Eq. 25 or 46)
        ncmc_new_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            Configurational properties of new atoms at the end of the NCMC switching.
        if self.verbose: print("Updating chemical state with geometry-ncmc-geometry scheme...")

        from perses.tests.utils import compute_potential

        logP_chemical_proposal = topology_proposal.logp_proposal

        old_thermodynamic_state = self.sampler.thermodynamic_state
        new_thermodynamic_state = self._system_to_thermodynamic_state(topology_proposal.new_system)

        initial_reduced_potential = feptasks.compute_reduced_potential(old_thermodynamic_state, sampler_state)
        logP_initial_nonalchemical = - initial_reduced_potential

        new_geometry_sampler_state, logP_geometry_forward = self._geometry_forward(topology_proposal, sampler_state)
        #if we aren't doing any switching, then skip running the NCMC engine at all.
        if self._switching_nsteps == 0:
            ncmc_old_sampler_state = sampler_state
            ncmc_new_sampler_state = new_geometry_sampler_state
            logP_work = 0.0
            logP_initial_hybrid = 0.0
            logP_final_hybrid = 0.0
            ncmc_old_sampler_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state, logP_work, logP_initial_hybrid, logP_final_hybrid = self._ncmc_hybrid(topology_proposal, sampler_state, new_geometry_sampler_state)

        if logP_work > -np.inf and logP_initial_hybrid > -np.inf and logP_final_hybrid > -np.inf:
            logP_geometry_reverse = self._geometry_reverse(topology_proposal, ncmc_new_sampler_state, ncmc_old_sampler_state)
            logP_to_hybrid = logP_initial_hybrid - logP_initial_nonalchemical

            final_reduced_potential = feptasks.compute_reduced_potential(new_thermodynamic_state, ncmc_new_sampler_state)
            logP_final_nonalchemical = -final_reduced_potential
            logP_from_hybrid = logP_final_nonalchemical - logP_final_hybrid
            logP_sams_weight = new_log_weight - old_log_weight

            # Compute total log acceptance probability according to Eq. 46
            logP_accept = logP_to_hybrid - logP_geometry_forward + logP_work + logP_from_hybrid + logP_geometry_reverse + logP_sams_weight
            logP_geometry_reverse = 0.0
            logP_final = 0.0
            logP_to_hybrid = 0.0
            logP_from_hybrid = 0.0
            logP_sams_weight = new_log_weight - old_log_weight
            logP_accept = logP_to_hybrid - logP_geometry_forward + logP_work + logP_from_hybrid + logP_geometry_reverse + logP_sams_weight
            #TODO: mark failed proposals as unproposable

        if self.verbose:
            print("logP_accept = %+10.4e [logP_to_hybrid = %+10.4e, logP_chemical_proposal = %10.4e, logP_reverse = %+10.4e, -logP_forward = %+10.4e, logP_work = %+10.4e, logP_from_hybrid = %+10.4e, logP_sams_weight = %+10.4e]"
                % (logP_accept, logP_to_hybrid, logP_chemical_proposal, logP_geometry_reverse, -logP_geometry_forward, logP_work, logP_from_hybrid, logP_sams_weight))
        # Write to storage.
  'logP_accept', logP_accept, iteration=self.iteration)
            # Write components to storage
  'logP_ncmc_work', logP_work, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_from_hybrid', logP_from_hybrid, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_to_hybrid', logP_to_hybrid, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_chemical_proposal', logP_chemical_proposal, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_reverse', logP_geometry_reverse, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_forward', logP_geometry_forward, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_sams_weight', logP_sams_weight, iteration=self.iteration)
            # Write some aggregate statistics to storage to make contributions to acceptance probability easier to analyze
  'logP_groups_chemical', logP_chemical_proposal, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logP_groups_geometry', logP_geometry_reverse - logP_geometry_forward, iteration=self.iteration)

        return logP_accept, ncmc_new_sampler_state

    def update_positions(self, n_iterations=1):
        Sample new positions.

    def update_state(self):
        Sample the thermodynamic state.

        initial_time = time.time()

        # Propose new chemical state.
        if self.verbose: print("Proposing new topology...")
        [system, topology, positions] = [self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.get_system(remove_thermostat=True), self.topology, self.sampler.sampler_state.positions]
        omm_topology = topology.to_openmm() #convert to OpenMM topology for proposal engine
        omm_topology.setPeriodicBoxVectors(self.sampler.sampler_state.box_vectors) #set the box vectors because in OpenMM topology has these...
        topology_proposal = self.proposal_engine.propose(system, omm_topology)
        if self.verbose: print("Proposed transformation: %s => %s" % (topology_proposal.old_chemical_state_key, topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key))

        # Determine state keys
        old_state_key = self.state_key
        new_state_key = topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key

        # Determine log weight
        old_log_weight = self.get_log_weight(old_state_key)
        new_log_weight = self.get_log_weight(new_state_key)

        logp_accept, ncmc_new_sampler_state = self._geometry_ncmc_geometry(topology_proposal, self.sampler.sampler_state, old_log_weight, new_log_weight)

        # Accept or reject.
        if np.isnan(logp_accept):
            accept = False
            print('logp_accept = NaN')
            accept = ((logp_accept>=0.0) or (np.random.uniform() < np.exp(logp_accept)))
            if self.accept_everything:
                print('accept_everything option is turned on; accepting')
                accept = True

        if accept:
            self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.set_system(topology_proposal.new_system, fix_state=True)
            self.sampler.sampler_state.system = topology_proposal.new_system
            self.topology = md.Topology.from_openmm(topology_proposal.new_topology)
            self.sampler.sampler_state = ncmc_new_sampler_state
            self.sampler.topology = self.topology
            self.state_key = topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key
            self.naccepted += 1
            if self.verbose: print("    accepted")
            self.nrejected += 1
            if self.verbose: print("    rejected")

  'positions', self.sampler.sampler_state.positions, self.topology, iteration=self.iteration)
  'state_key', self.state_key, iteration=self.iteration)
  'proposed_state_key', topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key, iteration=self.iteration)
  'naccepted', self.naccepted, iteration=self.iteration)
  'nrejected', self.nrejected, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logp_accept', logp_accept, iteration=self.iteration)
  'logp_topology_proposal', topology_proposal.logp_proposal, iteration=self.iteration)

        # Update statistics.

    def update(self):
        Update the sampler with one step of sampling.
        if self.verbose:
            print("-" * 80)
            print("Expanded Ensemble sampler iteration %8d" % self.iteration)
        self.iteration += 1
        if self.verbose:
            print("-" * 80)

        if self.pdbfile is not None:
            print("Writing frame...")
            from import PDBFile
            PDBFile.writeModel(self.topology.to_openmm(), self.sampler.sampler_state.positions, self.pdbfile, self.iteration)


    def run(self, niterations=1):
        Run the sampler for the specified number of iterations

        niterations : int, optional, default=1
            Number of iterations to run the sampler for.
        for iteration in range(niterations):

    def update_statistics(self):
        Update sampler statistics.
        if self.state_key not in self.number_of_state_visits:
            self.number_of_state_visits[self.state_key] = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits[self.state_key] += 1
Esempio n. 7
def run_rj_proposals(top_prop, configuration_traj, use_sterics, ncmc_nsteps, n_replicates, box_vectors, temperature=300.0*unit.kelvin):
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(nsteps=ncmc_nsteps, pressure=1.0*unit.atmosphere)
    geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine(use_sterics=use_sterics)
    initial_thermodynamic_state = states.ThermodynamicState(top_prop.old_system, temperature=temperature, pressure=1.0*unit.atmosphere)
    final_thermodynamic_state = states.ThermodynamicState(top_prop.new_system, temperature=temperature, pressure=1.0*unit.atmosphere)
    traj_indices = np.arange(0, configuration_traj.n_frames)
    results = np.zeros([n_replicates, 7])
    beta = 1.0 / (temperature * constants.kB)

    for i in tqdm.trange(n_replicates):
        frame_index = np.random.choice(traj_indices)

        initial_sampler_state = traj_frame_to_sampler_state(configuration_traj, frame_index,box_vectors)
        initial_logP = - compute_reduced_potential(initial_thermodynamic_state, initial_sampler_state)

        proposed_geometry, logP_geometry_forward = geometry_engine.propose(top_prop, initial_sampler_state.positions, beta)

        proposed_sampler_state = states.SamplerState(proposed_geometry, box_vectors=initial_sampler_state.box_vectors)

        final_old_sampler_state, final_sampler_state, logP_work, initial_hybrid_logP, final_hybrid_logP = ncmc_engine.integrate(top_prop, initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state)

        final_logP = - compute_reduced_potential(final_thermodynamic_state, final_sampler_state)

        logP_reverse = geometry_engine.logp_reverse(top_prop, final_sampler_state.positions, final_old_sampler_state.positions, beta)

        results[i, 0] = initial_logP
        results[i, 1] = logP_reverse
        results[i, 2] = final_logP
        results[i, 3] = logP_work
        results[i, 4] = initial_hybrid_logP
        results[i, 5] = final_hybrid_logP
        results[i, 6] = logP_geometry_forward

    return results
Esempio n. 8
class ExpandedEnsembleSampler(object):
    Method of expanded ensembles sampling engine.

    sampler : MCMCSampler
        The MCMC sampler used for updating positions.
    proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
        The ProposalEngine to use for proposing new sampler states and topologies.
    system_generator : SystemGenerator
        The SystemGenerator to use for creating System objects following proposals.
    state : hashable object
        The current sampler state. Can be any hashable object.
    states : set of hashable object
        All known states.
    iteration : int
        Iterations completed.
    naccepted : int
        Number of accepted thermodynamic/chemical state changes.
    nrejected : int
        Number of rejected thermodynamic/chemical state changes.
    number_of_state_visits : dict of state_key
        Cumulative counts of visited states.
    verbose : bool
        If True, verbose output is printed.

    [1] Lyubartsev AP, Martsinovski AA, Shevkunov SV, and Vorontsov-Velyaminov PN. New approach to Monte Carlo calculation of the free energy: Method of expanded ensembles. JCP 96:1776, 1992

    >>> # Create a test system
    >>> test = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum()
    >>> # Create a SystemGenerator and rebuild the System.
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import SystemGenerator
    >>> system_generator = SystemGenerator(['amber99sbildn.xml'], forcefield_kwargs={ 'nonbondedMethod' : app.NoCutoff, 'implicitSolvent' : None, 'constraints' : None })
    >>> test.system = system_generator.build_system(test.topology)
    >>> # Create a sampler state.
    >>> sampler_state = SamplerState(system=test.system, positions=test.positions)
    >>> # Create a thermodynamic state.
    >>> thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(system=test.system, temperature=298.0*unit.kelvin)
    >>> # Create an MCMC sampler
    >>> mcmc_sampler = MCMCSampler(thermodynamic_state, sampler_state)
    >>> # Turn off verbosity
    >>> mcmc_sampler.verbose = False
    >>> # Create an Expanded Ensemble sampler
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import PointMutationEngine
    >>> allowed_mutations = [[('2','ALA')],[('2','VAL'),('2','LEU')]]
    >>> proposal_engine = PointMutationEngine(system_generator, max_point_mutants=1, chain_id='1', proposal_metadata=None, allowed_mutations=allowed_mutations)
    >>> exen_sampler = ExpandedEnsembleSampler(mcmc_sampler, test.topology, 'ACE-ALA-NME', proposal_engine)
    >>> # Run the sampler

    def __init__(self, sampler, topology, state_key, proposal_engine, log_weights=None, scheme='ncmc-geometry-ncmc', options=dict(), platform=None):
        Create an expanded ensemble sampler.

        p(x,k) \propto \exp[-u_k(x) + g_k]

        where g_k is the log weight.

        sampler : MCMCSampler
            MCMCSampler initialized with current SamplerState
        topology :
            Current topology
        state : hashable object
            Current chemical state
        proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
            ProposalEngine to use for proposing new chemical states
        log_weights : dict of object : float
            Log weights to use for expanded ensemble biases.
        scheme : str, optional, default='ncmc-geometry-ncmc'
            Update scheme. One of ['ncmc-geometry-ncmc', 'geometry-ncmc-geometry', 'geometry-ncmc']
        options : dict, optional, default=dict()
            Options for initializing switching scheme, such as 'timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions' for NCMC
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default=None
            Platform to use for NCMC switching.  If `None`, default (fastest) platform is used.

        # Keep copies of initializing arguments.
        # TODO: Make deep copies?
        self.sampler = sampler
        self.topology = topology
        self.state_key = state_key
        self.proposal_engine = proposal_engine
        self.log_weights = log_weights
        self.scheme = scheme
        if self.log_weights is None: self.log_weights = dict()

        # Initialize
        self.iteration = 0
        option_names = ['timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions']
        for option_name in option_names:
            if option_name not in options:
                options[option_name] = None
        from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCEngine
        self.ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature, timestep=options['timestep'], nsteps=options['nsteps'], functions=options['functions'], platform=platform)
        from perses.rjmc.geometry import FFAllAngleGeometryEngine
        self.geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine({'data': 0})
        self.naccepted = 0
        self.nrejected = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits = dict()
        self.verbose = False
        self.pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file
        self.geometry_pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file of geometry proposals
        self.accept_everything = False # if True, will accept anything that doesn't lead to NaNs

    def state_keys(self):
        return log_weights.keys()

    def get_log_weight(self, state_key):
        Get the log weight of the specified state.

        state_key : hashable object
            The state key (e.g. chemical state key) to look up.

        log_weight : float
            The log weight of the provided state key.

        This adds the key to the self.log_weights dict.

        if state_key not in self.log_weights:
            self.log_weights[state_key] = 0.0
        return self.log_weights[state_key]

    def update_positions(self):
        Sample new positions.

    def update_state(self):
        Sample the thermodynamic state.
        # Check that system and topology have same number of atoms.
        old_system = self.sampler.sampler_state.system
        old_topology = self.topology
        old_topology_natoms = sum([1 for atom in old_topology.atoms()]) # number of topology atoms
        old_system_natoms = old_system.getNumParticles()
        if old_topology_natoms != old_system_natoms:
            msg = 'ExpandedEnsembleSampler: topology has %d atoms, while system has %d atoms' % (old_topology_natoms, old_system_natoms)
            raise Exception(msg)

        if self.scheme == 'ncmc-geometry-ncmc':
            if self.verbose: print("Updating chemical state with ncmc-geometry-ncmc scheme...")

            # DEBUG: Check current topology can be built.
            except Exception as e:
                msg = str(e)
                msg += '\n'
                msg += 'ExpandedEnsembleSampler.update_sampler: self.topology before ProposalEngine call cannot be built into a system'
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Propose new chemical state.
            if self.verbose: print("Proposing new topology...")
            [system, topology, positions] = [self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.system, self.topology, self.sampler.sampler_state.positions]
            topology_proposal = self.proposal_engine.propose(system, topology)
            if self.verbose: print("Proposed transformation: %s => %s" % (topology_proposal.old_chemical_state_key, topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key))

            # DEBUG: Check current topology can be built.
            if self.verbose: print("Generating new system...")
            except Exception as e:
                msg = str(e)
                msg += '\n'
                msg += 'ExpandedEnsembleSampler.update_sampler: toology_proposal.new_topology before ProposalEngine call cannot be built into a system'
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Check to make sure no out-of-bounds atoms are present in new_to_old_atom_map
            natoms_old = topology_proposal.old_system.getNumParticles()
            natoms_new = topology_proposal.new_system.getNumParticles()
            if not set(topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map.values()).issubset(range(natoms_old)):
                msg = "Some old atoms in TopologyProposal.new_to_old_atom_map are not in span of old atoms (1..%d):\n" % natoms_old
                msg += str(topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map)
                raise Exception(msg)
            if not set(topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map.keys()).issubset(range(natoms_new)):
                msg = "Some new atoms in TopologyProposal.new_to_old_atom_map are not in span of old atoms (1..%d):\n" % natoms_new
                msg += str(topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map)
                raise Exception(msg)

            # Determine state keys
            old_state_key = self.state_key
            new_state_key = topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key

            # Determine log weight
            old_log_weight = self.get_log_weight(old_state_key)
            new_log_weight = self.get_log_weight(new_state_key)

            if self.verbose: print("Performing NCMC annihilation")
            # Alchemically eliminate atoms being removed.
            [ncmc_old_positions, ncmc_elimination_logp, potential_delete] = self.ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='delete')
            # Check that positions are not NaN
            if np.any(np.isnan(ncmc_old_positions)):
                raise Exception("Positions are NaN after NCMC delete with %d steps" % switching_nsteps)

            if self.verbose: print("Geometry engine proposal...")
            # Generate coordinates for new atoms and compute probability ratio of old and new probabilities.
            geometry_old_positions = ncmc_old_positions
            geometry_new_positions, geometry_logp_propose = self.geometry_engine.propose(topology_proposal, geometry_old_positions, self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.beta)

            if self.geometry_pdbfile is not None:
                print("Writing proposed geometry...")
                #self.geometry_pdbfile.write('MODEL     %4d\n' % (self.iteration+1)) # PyMOL doesn't render connectivity correctly this way
                from import PDBFile
                PDBFile.writeFile(topology_proposal.new_topology, geometry_new_positions, file=self.geometry_pdbfile)

            geometry_logp_reverse = self.geometry_engine.logp_reverse(topology_proposal, geometry_new_positions, geometry_old_positions, self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.beta)
            geometry_logp = geometry_logp_reverse - geometry_logp_propose

            if self.verbose: print("Performing NCMC insertion")
            # Alchemically introduce new atoms.
            [ncmc_new_positions, ncmc_introduction_logp, potential_insert] = self.ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, geometry_new_positions, direction='insert')
            # Check that positions are not NaN
            if np.any(np.isnan(ncmc_new_positions)):
                raise Exception("Positions are NaN after NCMC insert with %d steps" % switching_nsteps)

            # Compute change in eliminated potential contribution.
            switch_logp = - (potential_insert - potential_delete)
            if self.verbose:
                print('potential before geometry  : %12.3f kT' % potential_delete)
                print('potential after geometry   : %12.3f kT' % potential_insert)
                print('switch_logp                : %12.3f' % switch_logp)
                print('geometry_logp_propose      : %12.3f' % geometry_logp_propose)
                print('geometry_logp_reverse      : %12.3f' % geometry_logp_reverse)

            # Compute total log acceptance probability, including all components.
            logp_accept = topology_proposal.logp_proposal + geometry_logp + switch_logp + ncmc_elimination_logp + ncmc_introduction_logp + new_log_weight - old_log_weight
            if self.verbose:
                print("logp_accept = %+10.4e [logp_proposal %+10.4e geometry_logp %+10.4e switch_logp %+10.4e ncmc_elimination_logp %+10.4e ncmc_introduction_logp %+10.4e old_log_weight %+10.4e new_log_weight %+10.4e]"
                    % (logp_accept, topology_proposal.logp_proposal, geometry_logp, switch_logp, ncmc_elimination_logp, ncmc_introduction_logp, old_log_weight, new_log_weight))

            # Accept or reject.
            if np.isnan(logp_accept):
                accept = False
                print('logp_accept = NaN')
                accept = ((logp_accept>=0.0) or (np.random.uniform() < np.exp(logp_accept)))
                if self.accept_everything:
                    print('accept_everything option is turned on; accepting')
                    accept = True

            if accept:
                self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.system = topology_proposal.new_system
                self.sampler.sampler_state.system = topology_proposal.new_system
                self.topology = topology_proposal.new_topology
                self.sampler.sampler_state.positions = ncmc_new_positions
                self.state_key = topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key
                self.naccepted += 1
                if self.verbose: print("    accepted")
                self.nrejected += 1
                if self.verbose: print("    rejected")

            raise Exception("Expanded ensemble state proposal scheme '%s' unsupported" % self.scheme)

        # Update statistics.

    def update(self):
        Update the sampler with one step of sampling.
        if self.verbose:
            print("-" * 80)
            print("Expanded Ensemble sampler iteration %8d" % self.iteration)
        self.iteration += 1
        if self.verbose:
            print("-" * 80)

        if self.pdbfile is not None:
            print("Writing frame...")
            from import PDBFile
            PDBFile.writeModel(self.topology, self.sampler.sampler_state.positions, self.pdbfile, self.iteration)

    def run(self, niterations=1):
        Run the sampler for the specified number of iterations

        niterations : int, optional, default=1
            Number of iterations to run the sampler for.
        for iteration in range(niterations):

    def update_statistics(self):
        Update sampler statistics.
        if self.state_key not in self.number_of_state_visits:
            self.number_of_state_visits[self.state_key] = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits[self.state_key] += 1