def _get_initial_perspective(self, *methods): """ Return the initial perspective. """ methods = [ # If a default perspective was specified then we prefer that over # any other perspective. self._get_default_perspective, # If there was no default perspective then try the perspective that # was active the last time the application was run. self._get_previous_perspective, # If there was no previous perspective, then try the first one that # we know about. self._get_first_perspective ] for method in methods: perspective = method() if perspective is not None: break # If we have no known perspectives, make a new blank one up. else: logger.warn('no known perspectives - creating a new one') perspective = Perspective() return perspective
def transform2birdseye(image): # Transform it to birdseye P = Perspective() birdseye = P.to_birdseye(image) # cv2.imshow('Birdseye view', birdseye) # print('birdseye shape: {}'.format(birdseye.shape)) return birdseye
def __init__(self): self.mtx_file_path = 'camera_matrices/mtx.npz' self.camera_matrices = None self.thresholding_pipeline = Thresholding() self.perspective = Perspective() self.load_camera_matrices() self.line_search = LineSearch()
def get_perspective_score(text): p = Perspective(API_KEY) try: comment = p.score(text, tests=["TOXICITY"]) score = comment["TOXICITY"].score except: score = 0 return score
def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.setWindowTitle(App_Name) self._menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(self) self._actions = {} self._handlers = {} self.buildActions() self.buildMenus() self.setMenuBar(self._menubar) self.perspective = Perspective(self)
def __init__(self): self.mouse = MouseControl() self.XRES, self.YRES = self.mouse.get_screen_resolution() self.XRES, self.YRES = float(self.XRES), float(self.YRES) self.ABCD = [(0, 0), (self.XRES - 5, 0), (0, self.YRES - 5), (self.XRES - 5, self.YRES - 5)] self.perspective = Perspective() self.perspective.setdst((0.0, 0.0), (self.XRES, 0.0), (0.0, self.YRES), (self.XRES, self.YRES)) self.cursor = Cursor(self) self.Options = Options()
class PerspectiveTests(unittest.TestCase): p = Perspective(api_key) def test_comment(self): for x in range(10): test = random.choice(allowed) comment = self.p.score(generate_text(), tests=test, languages=["EN"]) self.assertTrue(0 <= comment[test].score <= 1) for attr in comment[test].spans: self.assertTrue(0 <= attr.score <= 1) self.assertTrue(str(attr) in comment.text)
def get_perspective_by_id(self, id): """ Return the perspective with the specified Id. Return None if no such perspective exists. """ for perspective in self.perspectives: if == id: break else: if id == Perspective.DEFAULT_ID: perspective = Perspective() else: perspective = None return perspective
def __init__(self, src, dst, n_images=1, calibration=None, line_segments=LINE_SEGMENTS, offset=0): self.n_images = n_images self.cam_calibration = calibration self.line_segments = line_segments self.image_offset = offset self.left_line = None self.right_line = None self.center_poly = None self.curvature = 0.0 self.offset = 0.0 self.perspective_src = src self.perspective_dst = dst self.perspective = Perspective(src, dst) self.dists = []
def __init__(self, imagenDeInicializacion, maximoPuntos, poligonoDePartida, poligonoDeLlegada=[[0, 0]]): # El poligono self.imagenAuxiliarEnGrises = cv2.cvtColor(imagenDeInicializacion, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) [self.height, self.width] = imagenDeInicializacion.shape[:2] #print('AQUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:',self.width,self.height) if poligonoDePartida == None: #print('No se utilizara mascara') self.mascara = None self.regionDeInteres = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 240], [320, 240], [320, 0]]) else: self.regionDeInteres = np.array(poligonoDePartida) self.mascara = np.zeros_like(self.imagenAuxiliarEnGrises) cv2.fillPoly(self.mascara, [self.regionDeInteres], 255) #print('Mascara creada con exito') self.poligonoDeLlegada = np.array(poligonoDeLlegada) # Auxiliares self.feature_params = dict(maxCorners=maximoPuntos, qualityLevel=0.3, minDistance=7, blockSize=7) self.lk_params = dict(winSize=(15, 15), maxLevel=2, criteria=(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 0.03)) self.color = np.random.randint( 0, 255, (50, 3)) # Se empleara un color nuevo por infraccion self.zonaPartida = Perspective(self.regionDeInteres) self.imagenAuxiliarZonaPartida = self.zonaPartida.generarRegionNormalizada( imagenDeInicializacion) self.flujoEnLaPartida = FlowDetector(180) self.flujoEnLaPartida.inicializarClase(self.imagenAuxiliarZonaPartida)
def __init__(self, camera_matrix, distortion_coefficients, buffer_size = 50, img_size = (1280,720)): self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.distortion_coefficients = distortion_coefficients src = np.float32( [[(img_size[0] / 2) - 75, img_size[1] / 2 + 100], [((img_size[0] / 6) - 10), img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] * 5 / 6) + 60, img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] / 2 + 75), img_size[1] / 2 + 100]]) dst = np.float32( [[(img_size[0] / 4), 0], [(img_size[0] / 4), img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] * 3 / 4), img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] * 3 / 4), 0]]) self.perspective = Perspective(src,dst) self.search_engine = HistogramSearch( window_width = 200, window_height = 80, min_pixels_to_recenter=50, visualisation = None) self.left = Lane(buffer_size) self.right = Lane(buffer_size)
result = cv2.addWeighted(out_img, 1, window_img, 0.3, 0) plt.imshow(result) plt.plot(left_fit_x, plot_y, color='yellow') plt.plot(right_fit_x, plot_y, color='yellow') plt.xlim(0, 1280) plt.ylim(720, 0) plt.axis("off") # Save visualization if save_image: plt.savefig('./output_images/vis_area.png', bbox_inches='tight') if __name__ == '__main__': polyfit = Polyfit() perspective = Perspective() image_file = 'test_images/test2.jpg' image = mpimg.imread(image_file) undistorted = undistort(image) # Create binary outputs abs_thresh, mag_thresh, dir_thresh, hls_thresh, hsv_thresh, combined_output = combined_threshold( undistorted) plt.imshow(combined_output, cmap='gray') warped = perspective.warp(combined_output) plt.imshow(warped, cmap='gray') # Find lanes left_fit, right_fit, vars = polyfit.poly_fit_skip(warped) left_curve_rad, right_curve_rad = polyfit.curvature() position = polyfit.vehicle_position(warped) print('curvature: {:.2f}m'.format((left_curve_rad + right_curve_rad) / 2))
def process_frame(frame): """ Process a single image or a frame from a video to find the lane lines This is the main entry point for this code. It can be used in debug mode (see gEnv above) to process a single image, but is designed to operate with moviepy to process videos. Args: frame (image): The input image Returns: result (image): The output image with the lane and lines overlaid, along with curvature and car position. """ global gEnv gEnv['frame_count'] += 1 # keep track of frames to get ratio of good ones # Correct for camera distortion corrected = correct_image(frame) # normalize brightness and contrast image = apply_CLAHE(corrected) # Transform it to birdseye image = transform2birdseye(image) if gEnv['debug']: cv2.imshow('Birdseye', image) # Enhance the image, and if necessary find the starts of the lines enhanced, gEnv['prev_line_ends'] = find_line_starts(image, gEnv) if gEnv['debug']: cv2.imshow('Enhanced', enhanced) # walk up the lines to find a series of points left_Xpts, right_Xpts, Ypts, data_good = walk_lines(enhanced, gEnv) # Fit a 2nd order function for each line left_coef = np.polyfit(Ypts, left_Xpts, 2) right_coef = np.polyfit(Ypts, right_Xpts, 2) # Get new lines from the fitted curve Yarr = np.array(Ypts) left_newXpts = (left_coef[0] * Yarr**2) + (left_coef[1] * Yarr) + left_coef[2] right_newXpts = (right_coef[0] * Yarr**2) + (right_coef[1] * Yarr) + right_coef[2] # was the walk data good enough to keep? max_bad_frames = 25 # don't reset on the first bad frame, wait a second if data_good: gEnv['bad_frame_count'] = 0 gEnv[ 'left_prev_coef'] = left_coef # only save coef if data was actually good, regardless of count gEnv['right_prev_coef'] = right_coef gEnv['prev_line_ends'] = [ left_newXpts[len(left_newXpts) - 1], right_newXpts[len(right_newXpts) - 1] ] gEnv['good_frames'] += 1 else: gEnv['bad_frame_count'] += 1 if gEnv['bad_frame_count'] > max_bad_frames: gEnv['prev_data_good'] = False else: gEnv['prev_data_good'] = True # Create an image to draw the lines on warp_zero = np.zeros_like(image).astype(np.uint8) # Form polylines and polygon left_newpts = [z for z in zip(left_newXpts, Ypts)] left_newpts = [np.array(left_newpts, dtype=np.int32)] right_newpts = [z for z in zip(right_newXpts, Ypts)] right_newpts = [np.array(right_newpts, dtype=np.int32)] poly_pts = np.vstack((left_newpts[0], right_newpts[0][::-1])) cv2.fillPoly(warp_zero, np.int_([poly_pts]), (0, 255, 0)) # Draw the polylines and polygon cv2.fillPoly(warp_zero, np.int_([poly_pts]), (0, 255, 0)) cv2.polylines(warp_zero, np.int_([left_newpts]), False, (255, 0, 0), thickness=30) cv2.polylines(warp_zero, np.int_([right_newpts]), False, (0, 0, 255), thickness=30) # Where are we in the lane? car_center = frame.shape[1] / 2 # camera is centered in the car left_lineX = left_newXpts[0] right_lineX = right_newXpts[0] lane_center = np.mean([left_lineX, right_lineX]) birdseye_laneWpx = 906 # pixel width of lane in birdseye (points are in birdseye space) meters_px = 3.6576 / birdseye_laneWpx # Assumming that the lane is 12 feet wide (3.6576 meters) offcenter_Px = car_center - lane_center offcenter_Meters = offcenter_Px * meters_px if offcenter_Meters > 0: position_msg = 'Car is {:.2f} meters to the right of center'.format( abs(offcenter_Meters)) else: position_msg = 'Car is {:.2f} meters to the left of center'.format( abs(offcenter_Meters)) # Define conversions in x and y from pixels space to meters y_eval = np.max(Ypts) ym_per_pix = 30 / 720 # meters per pixel in y dimension xm_per_pix = meters_px # meters per pixel in x dimension left_fit_cr = np.polyfit(Yarr * ym_per_pix, np.asarray(left_Xpts) * xm_per_pix, 2) right_fit_cr = np.polyfit(Yarr * ym_per_pix, np.asarray(right_Xpts) * xm_per_pix, 2) left_curverad = ((1 + (2 * left_fit_cr[0] * y_eval + left_fit_cr[1])**2)** 1.5) / np.absolute(2 * left_fit_cr[0]) right_curverad = ((1 + (2 * right_fit_cr[0] * y_eval + right_fit_cr[1])**2) **1.5) / np.absolute(2 * right_fit_cr[0]) # Now our radius of curvature is in meters curvature_msg = 'Curvatures: {:.2f} meters left line, {:.2f} meters right line'.format( left_curverad, right_curverad) # Transform the drawn image back to normal from birdseye P = Perspective() normal = P.back2normal(warp_zero) # Overlay the drawn image on the corrected camera image result = cv2.addWeighted(corrected, 1, normal, 0.7, 0) cv2.putText(result, position_msg, (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, (0, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(result, curvature_msg, (10, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, (0, 0, 0), 2) if data_good: cv2.putText(result, 'Good Data', (10, 80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, (0, 255, 0), 2) else: cv2.putText(result, 'Bad Data', (10, 80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, (255, 0, 0), 2) return result
import dash_html_components as html import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_table_experiments as dt from flask_caching import Cache import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objs as go import time import json from perspective import Perspective from twitter import Twitter perspective_key = os.environ.get('PERSPECTIVE_KEY') perspective_client = Perspective(perspective_key) twitter_consumer_key = os.environ.get('TWITTER_KEY') twitter_consumer_secret = os.environ.get('TWITTER_SECRET') twitter_client = Twitter(twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret) app = dash.Dash('harassment dashboard') server = app.server CACHE_CONFIG = { 'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis', 'CACHE_REDIS_URL': os.environ.get('REDIS_URL', 'localhost:6379') } cache = Cache() cache.init_app(app.server, config=CACHE_CONFIG) app.css.append_css(
from camera_calibration import Camera from perspective import RegionOfInterest, Perspective from util import images_in_directory, write_images_to_directory from binary_image import Lane, identify_lane_pixels import cv2 import numpy as np from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip camera = Camera(images_in_directory('camera_cal')) region_of_interest = RegionOfInterest((1280, 720)) perspective = Perspective(region_of_interest) class Pipeline: def __init__(self): self.previous_polynomial_left = [] self.previous_polynomial_right = [] self.previous_curves = [] def pipeline(self, image): undistorted_image = camera.undistort(image) bird_view_image = perspective.bird_view(undistorted_image) left_lane, right_lane = self.find_lanes(bird_view_image) bird_view_lane_image = np.zeros_like(bird_view_image).astype(np.uint8) left_lane.draw_fill_on_image(bird_view_lane_image, other_lane=right_lane) left_lane.draw_identified_pixels_on_image(bird_view_lane_image, [255, 0, 0]) right_lane.draw_identified_pixels_on_image(bird_view_lane_image, [0, 0, 255])