raise NotImplementedError() predefine(""" const int cBlack = 0x000000; const int cRed = 0x0000ff; const int cDkRed = 0x000080; const int cLtRed = 0x8080ff; const int cGreen = 0x00ff00; const int cDkGreen = 0x008000; const int cLtGreen = 0x80ff80; const int cBlue = 0xff0000; const int cDkBlue = 0x800000; const int cLtBlue = 0xff8080; const int cPurple = 0xff00ff; const int cDkPurple = 0x800080; const int cLtPurple = 0xffe0ff; const int cAqua = 0xffff00; const int cDkAqua = 0x808000; const int cLtAqua = 0xffffe0; const int cYellow = 0x00ffff; const int cDkYellow = 0x008080; const int cLtYellow = 0x80ffff; const int cDkGray = 0x404040; const int cGray = 0x808080; const int cSilver = 0xc0c0c0; const int cLtGray = 0xe0e0e0; const int cWhite = 0xffffff; const int cNone = 0xffffffff; """) #void SetBackColor( int color ) @native(name="SetBackColor", ret=pfp.fields.Void)
import pfp.errors as errors import pfp.fields import pfp.utils as utils import zlib # http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/manual/FuncTools.htm predefine(""" const int CHECKSUM_BYTE = 0; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned bytes const int CHECKSUM_SHORT_LE = 1; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian shorts const int CHECKSUM_SHORT_BE = 2; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian shorts const int CHECKSUM_INT_LE = 3; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian ints const int CHECKSUM_INT_BE = 4; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian ints const int CHECKSUM_INT64_LE = 5; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian int64s const int CHECKSUM_INT64_BE = 6; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian int64s const int CHECKSUM_SUM8 = 7; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 8-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM16 = 8; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 16-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM32 = 9; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 32-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM64 = 10; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE const int CHECKSUM_CRC16 = 11; const int CHECKSUM_CRCCCITT = 12; const int CHECKSUM_CRC32 = 13; const int CHECKSUM_ADLER32 = 14; """) #int64 Checksum( # int algorithm, # int64 start=0, # int64 size=0, # int64 crcPolynomial=-1,
import pfp.errors as errors import pfp.fields import pfp.utils as utils import zlib # http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/manual/FuncTools.htm predefine(""" const int CHECKSUM_BYTE = 0; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned bytes const int CHECKSUM_SHORT_LE = 1; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian shorts const int CHECKSUM_SHORT_BE = 2; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian shorts const int CHECKSUM_INT_LE = 3; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian ints const int CHECKSUM_INT_BE = 4; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian ints const int CHECKSUM_INT64_LE = 5; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian int64s const int CHECKSUM_INT64_BE = 6; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian int64s const int CHECKSUM_SUM8 = 7; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 8-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM16 = 8; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 16-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM32 = 9; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 32-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM64 = 10; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE const int CHECKSUM_CRC16 = 11; const int CHECKSUM_CRCCCITT = 12; const int CHECKSUM_CRC32 = 13; const int CHECKSUM_ADLER32 = 14; """) #int64 Checksum( # int algorithm, # int64 start=0, # int64 size=0, # int64 crcPolynomial=-1, # int64 crcInitValue=-1 ) @native(name="Checksum", ret=pfp.fields.Int64)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module defines constants that don't fit into tool or inteferface categories """ from pfp.native import predefine predefine(""" const int true = 1; const int True = 1; const int TRUE = 1; const int false = 0; const int False = 0; const int FALSE = 0; """)
import sys from pfp.native import native, predefine import pfp.fields # http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/manual/FuncTools.htm predefine(""" const int CHECKSUM_BYTE = 0; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned bytes const int CHECKSUM_SHORT_LE = 1; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian shorts const int CHECKSUM_SHORT_BE = 2; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian shorts const int CHECKSUM_INT_LE = 3; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian ints const int CHECKSUM_INT_BE = 4; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian ints const int CHECKSUM_INT64_LE = 5; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned little-endian int64s const int CHECKSUM_INT64_BE = 6; // Treats the file as a set of unsigned big-endian int64s const int CHECKSUM_SUM8 = 7; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 8-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM16 = 8; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 16-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM32 = 9; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE except result output as 32-bits const int CHECKSUM_SUM64 = 10; // Same as CHECKSUM_BYTE const int CHECKSUM_CRC16 = 11; const int CHECKSUM_CRCCCITT = 12; const int CHECKSUM_CRC32 = 13; const int CHECKSUM_ADLER32 = 14; """) #int64 Checksum( # int algorithm, # int64 start=0, # int64 size=0, # int64 crcPolynomial=-1, # int64 crcInitValue=-1 ) @native(name="Checksum", ret=pfp.fields.Int64)