Esempio n. 1
def ImportSeries(cf,ds):
    # check to see if there is an Imports section
    if "Imports" not in cf.keys(): return
    # number of records
    nRecs = int(ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"])
    # get the start and end datetime
    ldt = ds.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    start_date = ldt[0]
    end_date = ldt[-1]
    # loop over the series in the Imports section
    for label in cf["Imports"].keys():
        import_filename = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,["Imports",label],"file_name",default="")
        if import_filename=="":
            msg = " ImportSeries: import filename not found in control file, skipping ..."
        var_name = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,["Imports",label],"var_name",default="")
        if var_name=="":
            msg = " ImportSeries: variable name not found in control file, skipping ..."
        ds_import = pfp_io.nc_read_series(import_filename)
        ts_import = ds_import.globalattributes["time_step"]
        ldt_import = ds_import.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
        si = pfp_utils.GetDateIndex(ldt_import,str(start_date),ts=ts_import,default=0,match="exact")
        ei = pfp_utils.GetDateIndex(ldt_import,str(end_date),ts=ts_import,default=len(ldt_import)-1,match="exact")
        data =*float(c.missing_value)
        flag =
        data_import,flag_import,attr_import = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds_import,var_name,si=si,ei=ei)
        ldt_import = ldt_import[si:ei+1]
        index = pfp_utils.FindIndicesOfBInA(ldt_import,ldt)
        data[index] = data_import
        flag[index] = flag_import
Esempio n. 2
def MRfromRH(ds, MR_out, RH_in, Ta_in, ps_in):
     Calculate H2O mixing ratio from RH.
    nRecs = int(ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nRecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    ones = numpy.ones(nRecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    for item in [RH_in, Ta_in, ps_in]:
        if item not in ds.series.keys():
            msg = " MRfromRH: Requested series " + item + " not found, " + MR_out + " not calculated"
            return 0
    if MR_out in ds.series.keys():
        msg = " MRfromRH: Output series " + MR_out + " already exists, skipping ..."
        return 0
    RH_data, RH_flag, RH_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, RH_in)
    Ta_data, Ta_flag, Ta_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, Ta_in)
    Ah_data = pfp_mf.absolutehumidityfromRH(Ta_data, RH_data)
    ps_data, ps_flag, ps_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, ps_in)
    MR_data = pfp_mf.h2o_mmolpmolfromgpm3(Ah_data, Ta_data, ps_data)
    MR_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(
        long_name="H2O mixing ratio calculated from " + RH_in + ", " + Ta_in +
        " and " + ps_in,
    flag = numpy.where( == True, ones, zeros)
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, MR_out, MR_data, flag, MR_attr)
    return 1
Esempio n. 3
def AhfromRH(ds, Ah_out, RH_in, Ta_in):
     Function to calculate absolute humidity given relative humidity and
     air temperature.  Absolute humidity is not calculated if any of the
     input series are missing or if the specified output series already
     exists in the data structure.
     The calculated absolute humidity is created as a new series in the
     data structure.
    Author: PRI
    Date: September 2015
    nRecs = int(ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nRecs,dtype=numpy.int32)
    ones = numpy.ones(nRecs,dtype=numpy.int32)
    for item in [RH_in,Ta_in]:
        if item not in ds.series.keys():
            msg = " AhfromRH: Requested series "+item+" not found, "+Ah_out+" not calculated"
            return 0
    if Ah_out in ds.series.keys():
        msg = " AhfromRH: Output series "+Ah_out+" already exists, skipping ..."
        return 0
    RH_data,RH_flag,RH_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds,RH_in)
    Ta_data,Ta_flag,Ta_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds,Ta_in)
    Ah_data = pfp_mf.absolutehumidityfromRH(Ta_data,RH_data)
    Ah_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name="Absolute humidity calculated from "+RH_in+" and "+Ta_in,
    flag = numpy.where(,ones,zeros)
    return 1
Esempio n. 4
def gfClimatology_interpolateddaily(ds,series,output,xlbooks):
    Gap fill using data interpolated over a 2D array where the days are
    the rows and the time of day is the columns.
    # gap fill from interpolated 30 minute data
    xlfilename = ds.climatology[output]["file_name"]
    sheet_name = series+'i(day)'
    if sheet_name not in xlbooks[xlfilename].sheet_names():
        msg = " gfClimatology: sheet "+sheet_name+" not found, skipping ..."
    ldt = ds.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    thissheet = xlbooks[xlfilename].sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
    datemode = xlbooks[xlfilename].datemode
    basedate = datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 30)
    nts = thissheet.ncols - 1
    ndays = thissheet.nrows - 2
    # read the time stamp values from the climatology worksheet
    tsteps = thissheet.row_values(1,start_colx=1,end_colx=nts+1)
    # read the data from the climatology workbook
    val1d =*nts,dtype=numpy.float64)
    # initialise an array for the datetime of the climatological values
    cdt = [None]*nts*ndays
    # loop over the rows (days) of data
    for xlRow in range(ndays):
        # get the Excel datetime value
        xldatenumber = int(thissheet.cell_value(xlRow+2,0))
        # convert this to a Python Datetime
        xldatetime = basedate+datetime.timedelta(days=xldatenumber+1462*datemode)
        # fill the climatology datetime array
        cdt[xlRow*nts:(xlRow+1)*nts] = [xldatetime+datetime.timedelta(hours=hh) for hh in tsteps]
        # fill the climatological value array
        val1d[xlRow*nts:(xlRow+1)*nts] = thissheet.row_values(xlRow+2,start_colx=1,end_colx=nts+1)
    # get the data to be filled with climatological values
    data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds,series)
    # get an index of missing values
    idx = numpy.where([0]
    #idx =[0]
    # there must be a better way to do this ...
    # simply using the index (idx) to set a slice of the data array to the gap filled values in val1d
    # does not seem to work (mask stays true on replaced values in data), the work around is to
    # step through the indices, find the time of the missing value in data, find the same time in the
    # gap filled values val1d and set the missing element of data to this element of val1d
    # actually ...
    # this may not be the fastest but it may be the most robust because it matches dates of missing data
    # to dates in the climatology file
    for ii in idx:
            jj = pfp_utils.find_nearest_value(cdt, ldt[ii])
            data[ii] = val1d[jj]
            flag[ii] = numpy.int32(40)
        except ValueError:
            data[ii] = numpy.float64(c.missing_value)
            flag[ii] = numpy.int32(41)
    # put the gap filled data back into the data structure
Esempio n. 5
def do_lowercheck(cf, ds, section, series, code=2):
    Author: PRI
    Date: February 2017
    # check to see if LowerCheck requested for this variable
    if "LowerCheck" not in cf[section][series]:
    # Check to see if limits have been specified
    if len(cf[section][series]["LowerCheck"].keys()) == 0:
        msg = "do_lowercheck: no date ranges specified"

    ldt = ds.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    ts = ds.globalattributes["time_step"]
    data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, series)

    lc_list = list(cf[section][series]["LowerCheck"].keys())
    for n, item in enumerate(lc_list):
        # this should be a list and we should probably check for compliance
        lwr_info = cf[section][series]["LowerCheck"][item]
        attr["lowercheck_" + str(n)] = str(lwr_info)
        start_date = dateutil.parser.parse(lwr_info[0])
        su = float(lwr_info[1])
        end_date = dateutil.parser.parse(lwr_info[2])
        eu = float(lwr_info[3])
        # get the start and end indices
        si = pfp_utils.GetDateIndex(ldt,
        ei = pfp_utils.GetDateIndex(ldt,
                                    default=len(ldt) - 1,
        # get the segment of data between this start and end date
        seg_data = data[si:ei + 1]
        seg_flag = flag[si:ei + 1]
        x = numpy.arange(si, ei + 1, 1)
        lower = numpy.interp(x, [si, ei], [su, eu])
        index = < lower))[0]
        seg_data[index] =
        seg_flag[index] = numpy.int32(code)
        data[si:ei + 1] = seg_data
        flag[si:ei + 1] = seg_flag
    # now put the data back into the data structure
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, series, data, Flag=flag, Attr=attr)
Esempio n. 6
def gfSOLO_createdict(cf,ds,series):
    """ Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the SOLO data used
        to gap fill the tower data."""
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf,series=series,mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section)==0:
        msg = "GapFillUsingSOLO: "+series+" not found in control file, skipping ..."
    # create the solo directory in the data structure
    if "solo" not in dir(ds): ds.solo = {}
    # name of SOLO output series in ds
    output_list = cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"].keys()
    # loop over the outputs listed in the control file
    for output in output_list:
        # create the dictionary keys for this series
        ds.solo[output] = {}
        # get the target
        if "target" in cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]:
            ds.solo[output]["label_tower"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]["target"]
            ds.solo[output]["label_tower"] = series
        # site name
        ds.solo[output]["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
        # list of SOLO settings
        if "solo_settings" in cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]:
            ss_list = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]["solo_settings"])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"] = {}
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["nodes_target"] = int(ss_list[0])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["training"] = int(ss_list[1])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["factor"] = int(ss_list[2])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["learningrate"] = float(ss_list[3])
            ds.solo[output]["solo_settings"]["iterations"] = int(ss_list[4])
        # list of drivers
        ds.solo[output]["drivers"] = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["GapFillUsingSOLO"][output]["drivers"])
        # apply ustar filter
        opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,[section,series,"GapFillUsingSOLO",output],
        ds.solo[output]["turbulence_filter"] = opt
        opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,[section,series,"GapFillUsingSOLO",output],
        ds.solo[output]["daynight_filter"] = opt
        # results of best fit for plotting later on
        ds.solo[output]["results"] = {"startdate":[],"enddate":[],"No. points":[],"r":[],
                                      "Bias":[],"RMSE":[],"Frac Bias":[],"NMSE":[],
                                      "Avg (obs)":[],"Avg (SOLO)":[],
                                      "Var (obs)":[],"Var (SOLO)":[],"Var ratio":[],
        # create an empty series in ds if the SOLO output series doesn't exist yet
        if output not in ds.series.keys():
            data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds,output)
Esempio n. 7
def gfClimatology_createdict(cf, ds, series):
    """ Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the climatological data used
        to gap fill the tower data."""
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series,mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section) == 0:
        msg = "GapFillFromClimatology: "+series+" not found in control file, skipping ..."
    # create the climatology directory in the data structure
    if "climatology" not in dir(ds):
        ds.climatology = {}
    # name of alternate output series in ds
    output_list = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"].keys()
    # loop over the outputs listed in the control file
    for output in output_list:
        # create the dictionary keys for this output
        ds.climatology[output] = {}
        ds.climatology[output]["label_tower"] = series
        # site name
        ds.climatology[output]["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
        # Climatology file name
        file_list = cf["Files"].keys()
        lower_file_list = [item.lower() for item in file_list]
        # first, look in the [Files] section for a generic file name
        if "climatology" in lower_file_list:
            # found a generic file name
            i = lower_file_list.index("climatology")
            ds.climatology[output]["file_name"] = cf["Files"][file_list[i]]
            # no generic file name found, look for a file name in the variable section
            ds.climatology[output]["file_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]["file_name"]
        # climatology variable name if different from name used in control file
        if "climatology_name" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]:
            ds.climatology[output]["climatology_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]["climatology_name"]
            ds.climatology[output]["climatology_name"] = series
        # climatology gap filling method
        if "method" not in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output].keys():
            # default if "method" missing is "interpolated_daily"
            ds.climatology[output]["method"] = "interpolated_daily"
            ds.climatology[output]["method"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromClimatology"][output]["method"]
        # create an empty series in ds if the climatology output series doesn't exist yet
        if output not in ds.series.keys():
            data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds, output)
            pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, output, data, flag, attr)
Esempio n. 8
def do_rangecheck(cf, ds, section, series, code=2):
     Applies a range check to data series listed in the control file.  Data values that
     are less than the lower limit or greater than the upper limit are replaced with
     c.missing_value and the corresponding QC flag element is set to 2.
    Author: PRI
    Date: Back in the day
    # check that RangeCheck has been requested for this series
    if 'RangeCheck' not in cf[section][series].keys():
    # check that the upper and lower limits have been given
    if ("Lower" not in cf[section][series]["RangeCheck"].keys()
            or "Upper" not in cf[section][series]["RangeCheck"].keys()):
        msg = "RangeCheck: key not found in control file for " + series + ", skipping ..."
    # get the upper and lower limits
    upr = numpy.array(eval(cf[section][series]['RangeCheck']['Upper']))
    valid_upper = numpy.min(upr)
    upr = upr[ds.series['Month']['Data'] - 1]
    lwr = numpy.array(eval(cf[section][series]['RangeCheck']['Lower']))
    valid_lower = numpy.min(lwr)
    lwr = lwr[ds.series['Month']['Data'] - 1]
    # get the data, flag and attributes
    data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, series)
    # convert the data from a masked array to an ndarray so the range check works
    data =, fill_value=c.missing_value)
    # get the indices of elements outside this range
    idx = numpy.where((data < lwr) | (data > upr))[0]
    # set elements outside range to missing and set the QC flag
    data[idx] = numpy.float64(c.missing_value)
    flag[idx] = numpy.int32(code)
    # update the variable attributes
    attr["rangecheck_lower"] = cf[section][series]["RangeCheck"]["Lower"]
    attr["rangecheck_upper"] = cf[section][series]["RangeCheck"]["Upper"]
    attr["valid_range"] = str(valid_lower) + "," + str(valid_upper)
    # and now put the data back into the data structure
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, series, data, Flag=flag, Attr=attr)
    # now we can return
Esempio n. 9
def AhfromMR(ds, Ah_out, MR_in, Ta_in, ps_in):
     Function to calculate absolute humidity given the water vapour mixing
     ratio, air temperature and pressure.  Absolute humidity is not calculated
     if any of the input series are missing or if the specified output series
     already exists in the data structure.
     The calculated absolute humidity is created as a new series in the
     data structure.
    Author: PRI
    Date: September 2015
    nRecs = int(ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nRecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    ones = numpy.ones(nRecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
    for item in [MR_in, Ta_in, ps_in]:
        if item not in ds.series.keys():
            msg = " AhfromMR: Requested series " + item + " not found, " + Ah_out + " not calculated"
            return 0
    if Ah_out in ds.series.keys():
        msg = " AhfromMR: Output series " + Ah_out + " already exists, skipping ..."
        return 0
    MR_data, MR_flag, MR_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, MR_in)
    Ta_data, Ta_flag, Ta_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, Ta_in)
    ps_data, ps_flag, ps_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, ps_in)
    Ah_data = pfp_mf.h2o_gpm3frommmolpmol(MR_data, Ta_data, ps_data)
    long_name = "Absolute humidity calculated from " + MR_in + ", " + Ta_in + " and " + ps_in
    Ah_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name=long_name,
    flag = numpy.where( == True, ones, zeros)
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, Ah_out, Ah_data, flag, Ah_attr)
    return 1
Esempio n. 10
def gfMergeSeries_createdict(cf,ds,series):
    """ Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the merging of gap filled
        and tower data."""
    merge_prereq_list = ["Fsd","Fsu","Fld","Flu","Ts","Sws"]
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf,series=series,mode="quiet")
    # create the merge directory in the data structure
    if "merge" not in dir(ds): ds.merge = {}
    # check to see if this series is in the "merge first" list
    # series in the "merge first" list get merged first so they can be used with existing tower
    # data to re-calculate Fg, Fn and Fa
    merge_order = "standard"
    if series in merge_prereq_list: merge_order = "prerequisite"
    if merge_order not in ds.merge.keys(): ds.merge[merge_order] = {}
    # create the dictionary keys for this series
    ds.merge[merge_order][series] = {}
    # output series name
    ds.merge[merge_order][series]["output"] = series
    # site name
    ds.merge[merge_order][series]["source"] = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["MergeSeries"]["Source"])
    # create an empty series in ds if the output series doesn't exist yet
    if ds.merge[merge_order][series]["output"] not in ds.series.keys():
        data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds,ds.merge[merge_order][series]["output"])
Esempio n. 11
def ApplyTurbulenceFilter(cf, ds, ustar_threshold=None):
    opt = ApplyTurbulenceFilter_checks(cf, ds)
    if not opt["OK"]: return
    # local point to datetime series
    ldt = ds.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    # time step
    ts = int(ds.globalattributes["time_step"])
    # dictionary of utar thresold values
    if ustar_threshold == None:
        ustar_dict = pfp_rp.get_ustar_thresholds(cf, ldt)
        ustar_dict = pfp_rp.get_ustar_thresholds_annual(ldt, ustar_threshold)
    # initialise a dictionary for the indicator series
    indicators = {}
    # get data for the indicator series
    ustar, ustar_flag, ustar_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, "ustar")
    Fsd, f, a = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, "Fsd")
    if "solar_altitude" not in ds.series.keys():
    Fsd_syn, f, a = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, "Fsd_syn")
    sa, f, a = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, "solar_altitude")
    # get the day/night indicator series
    # indicators["day"] = 1 ==> day time, indicators["day"] = 0 ==> night time
    indicators["day"] = pfp_rp.get_day_indicator(cf, Fsd, Fsd_syn, sa)
    ind_day = indicators["day"]["values"]
    # get the turbulence indicator series
    if opt["turbulence_filter"].lower() == "ustar":
        # indicators["turbulence"] = 1 ==> turbulent, indicators["turbulence"] = 0 ==> not turbulent
        indicators["turbulence"] = pfp_rp.get_turbulence_indicator_ustar(
            ldt, ustar, ustar_dict, ts)
    elif opt["turbulence_filter"].lower() == "ustar_evg":
        # ustar >= threshold ==> ind_ustar = 1, ustar < threshold == ind_ustar = 0
        indicators["ustar"] = pfp_rp.get_turbulence_indicator_ustar(
            ldt, ustar, ustar_dict, ts)
        ind_ustar = indicators["ustar"]["values"]
        # ustar >= threshold during day AND ustar has been >= threshold since sunset ==> indicators["turbulence"] = 1
        # indicators["turbulence"] = 0 during night once ustar has dropped below threshold even if it
        # increases above the threshold later in the night
        indicators["turbulence"] = pfp_rp.get_turbulence_indicator_ustar_evg(
            ldt, ind_day, ind_ustar, ustar, ustar_dict, ts)
    elif opt["turbulence_filter"].lower() == "l":
        #indicators["turbulence] = get_turbulence_indicator_l(ldt,L,z,d,zmdonL_threshold)
        indicators["turbulence"] = numpy.ones(len(ldt))
        msg = " Use of L as turbulence indicator not implemented, no filter applied"
        msg = " Unrecognised turbulence filter option ("
        msg = msg + opt["turbulence_filter"] + "), no filter applied"
    # initialise the final indicator series as the turbulence indicator
    # subsequent filters will modify the final indicator series
    # we must use copy.deepcopy() otherwise the "values" array will only
    # be copied by reference not value.  Damn Python's default of copy by reference!
    indicators["final"] = copy.deepcopy(indicators["turbulence"])
    # check to see if the user wants to accept all day time observations
    # regardless of ustar value
    if opt["accept_day_times"].lower() == "yes":
        # if yes, then we force the final indicator to be 1
        # if ustar is below the threshold during the day.
        idx = numpy.where(indicators["day"]["values"] == 1)[0]
        indicators["final"]["values"][idx] =
    # get the evening indicator series
    indicators["evening"] = pfp_rp.get_evening_indicator(
        cf, Fsd, Fsd_syn, sa, ts)
    indicators["dayevening"] = {
        "values": indicators["day"]["values"] + indicators["evening"]["values"]
    indicators["dayevening"]["attr"] = indicators["day"]["attr"].copy()
    if opt["use_evening_filter"].lower() == "yes":
        idx = numpy.where(indicators["dayevening"]["values"] == 0)[0]
        indicators["final"]["values"][idx] =
    # save the indicator series
    ind_flag = numpy.zeros(len(ldt))
    long_name = "Turbulence indicator, 1 for turbulent, 0 for non-turbulent"
    ind_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name=long_name,
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "turbulence_indicator",
                           indicators["turbulence"]["values"], ind_flag,
    long_name = "Day indicator, 1 for day time, 0 for night time"
    ind_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name=long_name,
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "day_indicator", indicators["day"]["values"],
                           ind_flag, ind_attr)
    long_name = "Evening indicator, 1 for evening, 0 for not evening"
    ind_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name=long_name,
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "evening_indicator",
                           indicators["evening"]["values"], ind_flag, ind_attr)
    long_name = "Day/evening indicator, 1 for day/evening, 0 for not day/evening"
    ind_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name=long_name,
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "dayevening_indicator",
                           indicators["dayevening"]["values"], ind_flag,
    long_name = "Final indicator, 1 for use data, 0 for don't use data"
    ind_attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name=long_name,
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "final_indicator",
                           indicators["final"]["values"], ind_flag, ind_attr)
    # loop over the series to be filtered
    for series in opt["filter_list"]:
        msg = " Applying " + opt["turbulence_filter"] + " filter to " + series
        # get the data
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, series)
        # continue to next series if this series has been filtered before
        if "turbulence_filter" in attr:
            msg = " Series " + series + " has already been filtered, skipping ..."
        # save the non-filtered data
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, series + "_nofilter", data, flag, attr)
        # now apply the filter
        data_filtered =
            indicators["final"]["values"] == 0, data, copy=True)
        flag_filtered = numpy.copy(flag)
        idx = numpy.where(indicators["final"]["values"] == 0)[0]
        flag_filtered[idx] = numpy.int32(61)
        # update the series attributes
        for item in indicators["final"]["attr"].keys():
            attr[item] = indicators["final"]["attr"][item]
        # and write the filtered data to the data structure
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, series, data_filtered, flag_filtered, attr)
        # and write a copy of the filtered datas to the data structure so it
        # will still exist once the gap filling has been done
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, series + "_filtered", data_filtered,
                               flag_filtered, attr)
Esempio n. 12
def do_dependencycheck(cf, ds, section, series, code=23, mode="quiet"):
    Author: PRI
    Date: Back in the day
    if len(section) == 0 and len(series) == 0: return
    if len(section) == 0:
        section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series, mode='quiet')
    if "DependencyCheck" not in cf[section][series].keys(): return
    if "Source" not in cf[section][series]["DependencyCheck"]:
        msg = " DependencyCheck: keyword Source not found for series " + series + ", skipping ..."
    if mode == "verbose":
        msg = " Doing DependencyCheck for " + series
    # get the precursor source list from the control file
    source_list = ast.literal_eval(
    # check to see if the "ignore_missing" flag is set
    opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,
                                       [section, series, "DependencyCheck"],
    ignore_missing = False
    if opt.lower() in ["yes", "y", "true", "t"]:
        ignore_missing = True
    # get the data
    dependent_data, dependent_flag, dependent_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeries(
        ds, series)
    # loop over the precursor source list
    for item in source_list:
        # check the precursor is in the data structure
        if item not in ds.series.keys():
            msg = " DependencyCheck: " + series + " precursor series " + item + " not found, skipping ..."
        # get the precursor data
        precursor_data, precursor_flag, precursor_attr = pfp_utils.GetSeries(
            ds, item)
        # check if the user wants to ignore missing precursor data
        if ignore_missing:
            # they do, so make an array of missing values
            nRecs = int(ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"])
            missing_array = numpy.ones(nRecs) * float(c.missing_value)
            # and find the indicies of elements equal to the missing value
            bool_array = numpy.isclose(precursor_data, missing_array)
            idx = numpy.where(bool_array == True)[0]
            # and set these flags to 0 so missing data is ignored
            precursor_flag[idx] = numpy.int32(0)
        # mask the dependent data where the precursor flag shows data not OK
        dependent_data =
            numpy.mod(precursor_flag, 10) != 0, dependent_data)
        # get an index where the precursor flag shows data not OK
        idx =, 10) != 0)[0]
        # set the dependent QC flag
        dependent_flag[idx] = numpy.int32(code)
    # put the data back into the data structure
    dependent_attr["DependencyCheck_source"] = str(source_list)
    pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, series, dependent_data, dependent_flag,
    # our work here is done
Esempio n. 13
def gfalternate_createdict(cf, ds, series, ds_alt):
     Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about the alternate data used to gap fill the tower data.
    Side effects:
    Author: PRI
    Date: August 2014
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series, mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section)==0:
        msg = "GapFillFromAlternate: Series %s not found in control file, skipping ...", series
    # create the alternate directory in the data structure
    if "alternate" not in dir(ds):
        ds.alternate = {}
    # name of alternate output series in ds
    output_list = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"].keys()
    # loop over the outputs listed in the control file
    for output in output_list:
        # create the dictionary keys for this output
        ds.alternate[output] = {}
        ds.alternate[output]["label_tower"] = series
        # source name
        ds.alternate[output]["source"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["source"]
        # site name
        ds.alternate[output]["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
        # alternate data file name
        # first, look in the [Files] section for a generic file name
        file_list = cf["Files"].keys()
        lower_file_list = [item.lower() for item in file_list]
        if ds.alternate[output]["source"].lower() in lower_file_list:
            # found a generic file name
            i = lower_file_list.index(ds.alternate[output]["source"].lower())
            ds.alternate[output]["file_name"] = cf["Files"][file_list[i]]
            # no generic file name found, look for a file name in the variable section
            ds.alternate[output]["file_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["file_name"]
        # if the file has not already been read, do it now
        if ds.alternate[output]["file_name"] not in ds_alt:
            ds_alternate = pfp_io.nc_read_series(ds.alternate[output]["file_name"],fixtimestepmethod="round")
            ds_alt[ds.alternate[output]["file_name"]] = ds_alternate
        # get the type of fit
        ds.alternate[output]["fit_type"] = "OLS"
        if "fit" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            if cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["fit"].lower() in ["ols","ols_thru0","mrev","replace","rma","odr"]:
                ds.alternate[output]["fit_type"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["fit"]
      "gfAlternate: unrecognised fit option for series %s, used OLS", output)
        # correct for lag?
        if "lag" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            if cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["lag"].lower() in ["no","false"]:
                ds.alternate[output]["lag"] = "no"
            elif cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["lag"].lower() in ["yes","true"]:
                ds.alternate[output]["lag"] = "yes"
      "gfAlternate: unrecognised lag option for series %s", output)
            ds.alternate[output]["lag"] = "yes"
        # choose specific alternate variable?
        if "usevars" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            ds.alternate[output]["usevars"] = ast.literal_eval(cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["usevars"])
        # alternate data variable name if different from name used in control file
        if "alternate_name" in cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]:
            ds.alternate[output]["alternate_name"] = cf[section][series]["GapFillFromAlternate"][output]["alternate_name"]
            ds.alternate[output]["alternate_name"] = series
        # results of best fit for plotting later on
        ds.alternate[output]["results"] = {"startdate":[],"enddate":[],"No. points":[],"No. filled":[],
                                           "r":[],"Bias":[],"RMSE":[],"Frac Bias":[],"NMSE":[],
                                           "Avg (Tower)":[],"Avg (Alt)":[],
                                           "Var (Tower)":[],"Var (Alt)":[],"Var ratio":[]}
        # create an empty series in ds if the alternate output series doesn't exist yet
        if output not in ds.series.keys():
            data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds,output)
Esempio n. 14
def gfalternate_matchstartendtimes(ds,ds_alternate):
     Match the start and end times of the alternate and tower data.
     The logic is as follows:
      - if there is no overlap between the alternate and tower data then
        dummy series with missing data are created for the alternate data
        for the period of the tower data
      - if the alternate and tower data overlap then truncate or pad (with
        missing values) the alternate data series so that the periods of the
        tower data and alternate data match.
     where ds is the data structure containing the tower data
           ds_alternate is the data structure containing the alternate data
    Author: PRI
    Date: July 2015
    # check the time steps are the same
    ts_tower = int(ds.globalattributes["time_step"])
    ts_alternate = int(ds_alternate.globalattributes["time_step"])
    if ts_tower!=ts_alternate:
        msg = " GapFillFromAlternate: time step for tower and alternate data are different, returning ..."
        ds.returncodes["GapFillFromAlternate"] = "error"
    # get the start and end times of the tower and the alternate data and see if they overlap
    ldt_alternate = ds_alternate.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    start_alternate = ldt_alternate[0]
    ldt_tower = ds.series["DateTime"]["Data"]
    end_tower = ldt_tower[-1]
    # since the datetime is monotonically increasing we need only check the start datetime
    overlap = start_alternate<=end_tower
    # do the alternate and tower data overlap?
    if overlap:
        # index of alternate datetimes that are also in tower datetimes
        #alternate_index = pfp_utils.FindIndicesOfBInA(ldt_tower,ldt_alternate)
        #alternate_index = [pfp_utils.find_nearest_value(ldt_tower, dt) for dt in ldt_alternate]
        # index of tower datetimes that are also in alternate datetimes
        #tower_index = pfp_utils.FindIndicesOfBInA(ldt_alternate,ldt_tower)
        #tower_index = [pfp_utils.find_nearest_value(ldt_alternate, dt) for dt in ldt_tower]
        tower_index, alternate_index = pfp_utils.FindMatchingIndices(ldt_tower, ldt_alternate)
        # check that the indices point to the same times
        ldta = [ldt_alternate[i] for i in alternate_index]
        ldtt = [ldt_tower[i] for i in tower_index]
        if ldta!=ldtt:
            # and exit with a helpful message if they dont
            msg = " Something went badly wrong and I'm giving up"
        # get a list of alternate series
        alternate_series_list = [item for item in ds_alternate.series.keys() if "_QCFlag" not in item]
        # number of records in truncated or padded alternate data
        nRecs_tower = len(ldt_tower)
        # force the alternate dattime to be the tower date time
        ds_alternate.series["DateTime"] = ds.series["DateTime"]
        # loop over the alternate series and truncate or pad as required
        # truncation or padding is handled by the indices
        for series in alternate_series_list:
            if series in ["DateTime","DateTime_UTC"]: continue
            # get the alternate data
            data,flag,attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds_alternate,series)
            # create an array of missing data of the required length
            data_overlap = numpy.full(nRecs_tower,c.missing_value,dtype=numpy.float64)
            flag_overlap = numpy.ones(nRecs_tower,dtype=numpy.int32)
            # replace missing data with alternate data where times match
            data_overlap[tower_index] = data[alternate_index]
            flag_overlap[tower_index] = flag[alternate_index]
            # write the truncated or padded series back into the alternate data structure
        # update the number of records in the file
        ds_alternate.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = nRecs_tower
        # there is no overlap between the alternate and tower data, create dummy series
        nRecs = len(ldt_tower)
        ds_alternate.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = nRecs
        ds_alternate.series["DateTime"] = ds.series["DateTime"]
        alternate_series_list = [item for item in ds_alternate.series.keys() if "_QCFlag" not in item]
        for series in alternate_series_list:
            if series in ["DateTime","DateTime_UTC"]:
            _,  _, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds_alternate, series)
            data = numpy.full(nRecs, c.missing_value, dtype=numpy.float64)
            flag = numpy.ones(nRecs, dtype=numpy.int32)
            pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds_alternate, series, data, flag, attr)
    ds.returncodes["GapFillFromAlternate"] = "normal"
Esempio n. 15
        int_fn = scipy.interpolate.Akima1DInterpolator(era5_time_1hr, coef_1hr)
        # get the coefficient at the tower time step
        coef_tts = int_fn(era5_time_tts)

        # ==== old = UnivariateSpline ====
        # get the spline interpolation function
        #s = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(era5_time_1hr, coef_1hr, k=1)
        # get the coefficient at the tower time step
        #coef_tts = s(era5_time_tts)

        # get the downwelling solar radiation at the tower time step
        Fsd_era5_tts = coef_tts * numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(alt_solar_tts))
        flag = numpy.zeros(len(Fsd_era5_tts), dtype=numpy.int32)
        attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(
            long_name="Downwelling short wave radiation", units="W/m2")
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds_era5, "Fsd", Fsd_era5_tts, flag, attr)

        # === NET-SHORTWAVE Fn_sw === #
        # Interpolate the 1 hourly accumulated net shortwave to the tower time step
        # NOTE: ERA-5 variables are dimensioned [time,latitude,longitude]
        Fn_sw_3d = era5_file.variables["ssr"][:, :, :]
        Fn_sw_accum = Fn_sw_3d[:, site_lat_index, site_lon_index]
        # Net shortwave in ERA-5 is a cummulative value that is reset to 0 at 0300 and 1500 UTC.
        # Here we convert the cummulative values to 3 hourly values.
        #Fn_sw_era5_1hr = numpy.ediff1d(Fn_sw_accum,to_begin=0)
        # deal with the reset times at 0300 and 1500
        #idx = numpy.where((hour_utc==3)|(hour_utc==15))[0]
        #Fn_sw_era5_1hr[idx] = Fn_sw_accum[idx]
        # get the average value over the 1 hourly period
        #Fn_sw_era5_1hr = Fn_sw_era5_1hr/(era5_timestep*60)
        Fn_sw_era5_1hr = Fn_sw_accum / (era5_timestep * 60)
Esempio n. 16
# update global attributes
ds.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = len(dt_loc)
ds.globalattributes["start_datetime"] = str(dt_loc[0])
ds.globalattributes["end_datetime"] = str(dt_loc[-1])
# put the QC'd, smoothed and interpolated EVI into the data structure
flag = numpy.zeros(len(dt_loc), dtype=numpy.int32)
attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(
    long_name="MODIS EVI, smoothed and interpolated",
pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "EVI", evi_ts["smoothed"], flag, attr)

attr = pfp_utils.MakeAttributeDictionary(long_name="MODIS EVI, interpolated",
pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, "EVI_notsmoothed", evi_ts["mean"], flag, attr)
# now write the data structure to a netCDF file
out_name = os.path.join(cf["Files"]["base_path"], site, "Data", "MODIS",
                        site + "")
out_file = pfp_io.nc_open_write(out_name)
pfp_io.nc_write_series(out_file, ds, ndims=1)

print "modis_evi2nc: finished"
Esempio n. 17
def rpLT_createdict(cf, ds, series):
     Creates a dictionary in ds to hold information about estimating ecosystem
     respiration using the Lloyd-Taylor method.
    Author: PRI
    Date October 2015
    # get the section of the control file containing the series
    section = pfp_utils.get_cfsection(cf, series=series, mode="quiet")
    # return without doing anything if the series isn't in a control file section
    if len(section) == 0:
        logger.error("ERUsingLloydTaylor: Series " + series +
                     " not found in control file, skipping ...")
    # check that none of the drivers have missing data
    driver_list = ast.literal_eval(
    target = cf[section][series]["ERUsingLloydTaylor"]["target"]
    for label in driver_list:
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds, label)
        if != 0:
            logger.error("ERUsingLloydTaylor: driver " + label +
                         " contains missing data, skipping target " + target)
    # create the dictionary keys for this series
    rpLT_info = {}
    # site name
    rpLT_info["site_name"] = ds.globalattributes["site_name"]
    # source series for ER
    opt = pfp_utils.get_keyvaluefromcf(cf,
                                       [section, series, "ERUsingLloydTaylor"],
    rpLT_info["source"] = opt
    # target series name
    rpLT_info["target"] = cf[section][series]["ERUsingLloydTaylor"]["target"]
    # list of drivers
    rpLT_info["drivers"] = ast.literal_eval(
    # name of SOLO output series in ds
    rpLT_info["output"] = cf[section][series]["ERUsingLloydTaylor"]["output"]
    # results of best fit for plotting later on
    rpLT_info["results"] = {
        "startdate": [],
        "enddate": [],
        "No. points": [],
        "r": [],
        "Bias": [],
        "RMSE": [],
        "Frac Bias": [],
        "NMSE": [],
        "Avg (obs)": [],
        "Avg (LT)": [],
        "Var (obs)": [],
        "Var (LT)": [],
        "Var ratio": [],
        "m_ols": [],
        "b_ols": []
    # create the configuration dictionary
    rpLT_info["configs_dict"] = get_configs_dict(cf, ds)
    # create an empty series in ds if the output series doesn't exist yet
    if rpLT_info["output"] not in ds.series.keys():
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(ds, rpLT_info["output"])
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, rpLT_info["output"], data, flag, attr)
    # create the merge directory in the data structure
    if "merge" not in dir(ds): ds.merge = {}
    if "standard" not in ds.merge.keys(): ds.merge["standard"] = {}
    # create the dictionary keys for this series
    ds.merge["standard"][series] = {}
    # output series name
    ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"] = series
    # source
    ds.merge["standard"][series]["source"] = ast.literal_eval(
    # create an empty series in ds if the output series doesn't exist yet
    if ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"] not in ds.series.keys():
        data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.MakeEmptySeries(
            ds, ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"])
        pfp_utils.CreateSeries(ds, ds.merge["standard"][series]["output"],
                               data, flag, attr)
    return rpLT_info