#!/usr/local/bin/python # The Script that will do all grading # Daryl Herzmann 7/27/98 from cgi import * import style, pgext mydbase = pgext.connect("archwx") def table(): results = mydbase.query("Select * from jun1898") results = results.getresult() results.sort() for i in range(len(results)): state = results[i][0] type = results[i][1] time = results[i][2] print "<tr><td>" + state + "</td>" if type == "T": print "<td><B>Tornado</B></td>" elif type == "H": print "<td>Hail</td>" elif type == "R": print '<td>3"+ Rainfall</td>' if time == "1": print "<td>12-3 PM (CDT)</td>" elif time == "2": print "<td>3-6 PM (CDT)</td>" elif time == "3":
#!/usr/local/bin/python # The Script that will do all grading # Daryl Herzmann 7/30/98 from cgi import * import style, pgext, os, posix mydbase = pgext.connect("archanswers") form = FormContent() state = form["state"][0] time = form["time"][0] def table(today): results = mydbase.query("Select * from "+today+"") results = results.getresult() results.sort() for i in range(len(results)): state2 = results[i][0] type = results[i][1] time = results[i][2] if state == state2: print '<tr><td><blink>'+state2+'</blink></td>' else: print '<tr><td>'+state2+'</td>' if type == "T": print '<td><B>Tornado</B></td>' elif type == "H": print '<td>Hail</td>' elif type == "R":
#!/usr/local/bin/python # The new and improved version that passes the data on... # Daryl Herzmann 9/14/98 from cgi import * import style, pgext mydbase = pgext.connect("archdays") def Main(): real = "18" form = FormContent() today = form["day"][0] state = form["state"][0] time = form["time"][0] month_name = form["month_name"][0] month_num = form["month_num"][0] if state == "( Select a State )": style.SendError("Please enter a state") if time == "( Select a time )": style.SendError("Please choose a time") if form.has_key("T"): tornado = form["T"][0] else: tornado = "no" if form.has_key("H"): hail = form["H"][0] else: hail = "no" if form.has_key("R"): rain = form["R"][0] else: rain = "no" if tornado == "no": if hail == "no": if rain == "no":