Esempio n. 1
    def test_extras_config(self):
        """Test default configuration in extras/ is correct..."""

        # Helper function to convert a config object to a dictionary.
        # This also strips leading/trailing whitespace in the paths section as
        # all options can take multiline values.
        def to_dict(cfg):
            result = {}
            for section in cfg.sections():
                conv = dict(cfg[section])
                if section == "paths":
                    conv = {k: v.strip() for k, v in conv.items()}
                result[section] = conv
            return result

        # Read the config file in extras/.
        # Note we use the base class read() method here to avoid some extra
        # error checking in our custom parser which gets in the way of this
        # test being accurately performed.
        extras_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'extras')
        extras_dir = os.path.normpath(extras_dir)
        extras = PgfutilsParser()
        super(PgfutilsParser, extras).read(os.path.join(extras_dir, 'pgfutils.cfg'))

        # Compare to the default options.
        assert to_dict(extras) == to_dict(_config)
    def test_setup_both_dimensions(self):
        """setup_figure() with both sizes specific dimensions..."""
        # Dimensions and their size in inches.
        dims = {
            '1in': 1,
            '2.5 inch': 2.5,
            '3 inches': 3,
            '2.54cm': 1,
            '1 centimetre': 0.3937,
            '8 centimetres': 3.14961,
            '1.0 centimeter': 0.3937,
            '8.0 centimeters': 3.14961,
            '80mm': 3.14961,
            '200 millimetre': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimetres': 4.8583,
            '200 millimeter': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimeters': 4.8583,
            '340pt': 4.7046,
            '120point': 1.6604,
            '960 points': 13.2835,

        # Check each combination.
        for wstr, winch in dims.items():
            for hstr, hinch in dims.items():
                setup_figure(width=wstr, height=hstr)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(winch, rel=1e-3)
                assert h == approx(hinch, rel=1e-3)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_rgba(self):
        """RGBA list/tuple color parsing..."""

        # Generate a set of valid colors.
        import numpy as np
        c = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)
        colors = np.stack(np.meshgrid(c, c, c, c), -1).reshape(-1, 4)

        # Check they are accepted. The parser always returns colors as tuples.
        for color in colors:
            l = list(color)
            t = tuple(color)
            assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('figure_background') == t
            assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('axes_background') == t

        # Check it fails on channels with invalid values.
        color = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        for channel in range(4):
            for value in (-0.1, 1.2, 'a', True, False, None):
                with pytest.raises(ColorError):
                    color[channel] = value
            color[channel] = 0

        # And some invalid formats too.
        for value in ('1,1,1', 'fail', 'yes', 'no'):
            with pytest.raises(ColorError):
    def test_setup_height_fraction(self):
        """setup_figure() with specific width and height as a fraction..."""
        # Dimensions and their size in inches.
        dims = {
            '1in': 1,
            '2.5 inch': 2.5,
            '3 inches': 3,
            '2.54cm': 1,
            '1 centimetre': 0.3937,
            '8 centimetres': 3.14961,
            '1.0 centimeter': 0.3937,
            '8.0 centimeters': 3.14961,
            '80mm': 3.14961,
            '200 millimetre': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimetres': 4.8583,
            '200 millimeter': 7.8740,
            '123.4 millimeters': 4.8583,
            '340pt': 4.7046,
            '120point': 1.6604,
            '960 points': 13.2835,

        # Check various combinations.
        for wstr, winch in dims.items():
            for n in np.linspace(0.3, 2.5, 17):
                setup_figure(width=wstr, height=n)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(winch, rel=1e-3)
                assert h == approx(n *
Esempio n. 5
    def test_cycle(self):
        """Color cycle parsing..."""

        for i in range(0, 10):
            cycle = "C{0:d}".format(i)
            assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('axes_background') == cycle
Esempio n. 6
 def test_dim_unknown_unit(self):
     """Dimension with unknown unit is rejected..."""
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
Esempio n. 7
 def test_dimension_inches(self):
     """Dimensions without units are treated as inches..."""
     assert _config.parsedimension('7') == approx(7)
     assert _config.parsedimension('2.7') == approx(2.7)
     assert _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width') == approx(5)
     assert _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width') == approx(5.451)
Esempio n. 8
 def test_transparent(self):
     """Color parsing supports transparency..."""
     assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('axes_background') == 'none'
     assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('axes_background') == 'none'
     assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('axes_background') == 'none'
Esempio n. 9
 def test_invalid_tuples(self):
     """Check RGB/RGBA parsing rejects tuples of invalid length..."""
     with pytest.raises(ColorError):
     with pytest.raises(ColorError):
     with pytest.raises(ColorError):
Esempio n. 10
 def test_dimension_negative(self):
     """Negative dimensions are rejected..."""
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
Esempio n. 11
 def test_dimension_not_parsing(self):
     """Dimension rejects invalid strings..."""
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
Esempio n. 12
    def test_named(self):
        """Named color parsing..."""

        # Try all known Matplotlib colors.
        for color in get_named_colors_mapping().keys():
            assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('axes_background') == color

        # And check it rejects non-existent named colors.
        with pytest.raises(ColorError):
Esempio n. 13
 def test_dimension_empty(self):
     """Dimension cannot be empty string..."""
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
         _config.parsedimension("     ")
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
     with pytest.raises(DimensionError):
         _config.read_kwargs(text_width='    ')
    def test_setup_both_fractions(self):
        """setup_figure() with both sizes fractions..."""
        # Simple case.
        setup_figure(width=1, height=1)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width')
        assert h == _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # More complicated fractions.
        for m in np.linspace(0.1, 2.1, 13):
            for n in np.linspace(0.1, 2.1, 13):
                setup_figure(width=m, height=n)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(m *
                assert h == approx(n *
    def test_setup_margin(self):
        """Test setup_figure() generates margin figures with margin=True..."""
        margin = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_width')
        height = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # Fractional tests.
        for w_in in {1.0, 0.5, 1.2}:
            for h_in in {0.3, 0.25, 0.5}:
                setup_figure(width=w_in, height=h_in, margin=True)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(w_in * margin)
                assert h == approx(h_in * height)

        # Specific size.
        setup_figure(width="1.8in", height="1.2in", margin=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(1.8)
        assert h == approx(1.2)
Esempio n. 16
    def test_greyscale(self):
        """Grayscale fraction parsing..."""

        # Test a range of valid floats.
        # N.B., Matplotlib uses strings for greyscale.
        for f in (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0):
            assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('figure_background') == str(f)

        # The same things as strings.
        for s in ('0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5', '0.6', '0.7', '0.8',
                  '0.9', '1.0'):
            assert _config['pgfutils'].getcolor('figure_background') == s

        # Check numbers outside the valid range.
        for f in (1.01, -1):
            with pytest.raises(ColorError):
    def test_setup_arg_priority(self):
        """Test priority of columns/margin/full_width arguments to setup_figure()..."""
        text = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width')
        sep = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_sep')
        margin = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_width')
        full = text + sep + margin
        height = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # All three: full width should take priority.
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(full)
        assert h == approx(0.4 * height)

        # Margin and full width: full width should take priority.
        setup_figure(width=1, height=0.4, margin=True, full_width=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(full)
        assert h == approx(0.4 * height)

        # Margin and columns: margin should take priority.
        setup_figure(width=1, height=0.4, columns=1, margin=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(margin)
        assert h == approx(0.4 * height)
    def test_setup_full_width(self):
        """Test setup_figure() generates full-width figures with full_width=True..."""
        text = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_width')
        sep = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_sep')
        margin = _config['tex'].getdimension('marginpar_width')
        full = text + sep + margin
        height = _config['tex'].getdimension('text_height')

        # Fractional tests.
        for w_in in {1.0, 0.75, 1.1}:
            for h_in in {0.4, 0.35, 0.15}:
                setup_figure(width=w_in, height=h_in, full_width=True)
                w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
                assert w == approx(w_in * full)
                assert h == approx(h_in * height)

        # Specific size.
        setup_figure(width="5.5in", height="3.6in", full_width=True)
        w, h = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize']
        assert w == approx(5.5)
        assert h == approx(3.6)
Esempio n. 19
 def test_cfg_unknown_rcparams(self):
     """Config parser rejects unknown options in config file also containing rcParams..."""
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):, 'sources', 'extra_options_rcparams.cfg'))
Esempio n. 20
 def test_cfg_rcparams(self):
     """Config parser allows rcParams in config file..."""
     _config_reset(), 'sources', 'extra_rcparams.cfg'))
     assert not _config['rcParams'].getboolean('ytick.left'), "ytick.left is incorrect"
     assert _config['rcParams'].getboolean('ytick.right'), "ytick.right is incorrect"
Esempio n. 21
 def test_kwargs_unknown(self):
     """Config parser rejects unknown keywords..."""
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Esempio n. 22
 def test_unknown_tracking_type(self):
     """Unknown tracking types are rejected..."""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         _config.in_tracking_dir("unknown", "file.txt")