Esempio n. 1
def extract_substack_no_rotation( job ):
    """ Extracts a sub-stack as specified in the passed job without respecting
    rotation requests. A list of pgmagick images is returned -- one for each
    slice, starting on top.

    # The actual bounding boxes used for creating the images of each stack
    # depend not only on the request, but also on the translation of the stack
    # wrt. the project. Therefore, a dictionary with bounding box information for
    # each stack is created.
    s_to_bb = {}
    for stack in job.stacks:
        # Retrieve translation relative to current project
        translation = ProjectStack.objects.get(
        x_min_t = job.x_min - translation.x
        x_max_t = job.x_max - translation.x
        y_min_t = job.y_min - translation.y
        y_max_t = job.y_max - translation.y
        z_min_t = job.z_min - translation.z
        z_max_t = job.z_max - translation.z
        # Calculate the slice numbers and pixel positions
        # bound to the stack data.
        px_x_min = to_x_index(x_min_t, job)
        px_x_max = to_x_index(x_max_t, job)
        px_y_min = to_y_index(y_min_t, job)
        px_y_max = to_y_index(y_max_t, job)
        px_z_min = to_z_index(z_min_t, job)
        px_z_max = to_z_index(z_max_t, job)
        # Because it might be that the cropping goes over the
        # stack bounds, we need to calculate the unbounded height,
        # with and an offset.
        px_x_min_nobound = to_x_index(x_min_t, job, False)
        px_x_max_nobound = to_x_index(x_max_t, job, False)
        px_y_min_nobound = to_y_index(y_min_t, job, False)
        px_y_max_nobound = to_y_index(y_max_t, job, False)
        width = px_x_max_nobound - px_x_min_nobound
        height = px_y_max_nobound - px_y_min_nobound
        px_x_offset = abs(px_x_min_nobound) if px_x_min_nobound < 0 else 0
        px_y_offset = abs(px_y_min_nobound) if px_y_min_nobound < 0 else 0
        # Create a dictionary entry with a simple object
        class BB: pass
        bb = BB()
        bb.px_x_min = px_x_min
        bb.px_x_max = px_x_max
        bb.px_y_min = px_y_min
        bb.px_y_max = px_y_max
        bb.px_z_min = px_z_min
        bb.px_z_max = px_z_max
        bb.px_x_offset = px_x_offset
        bb.px_y_offset = px_y_offset
        bb.width = width
        bb.height = height
        s_to_bb[] = bb

    # Get number of wanted slices
    px_z_min = to_z_index(job.z_min, job)
    px_z_max = to_z_index(job.z_max, job)
    n_slices = px_z_max + 1 - px_z_min

    # The images are generated per slice, so most of the following
    # calculations refer to 2d images.

    # Each stack to export is treated as a separate channel. The order
    # of the exported dimensions is XYCZ. This means all the channels of
    # one slice are exported, then the next slice follows, etc.
    cropped_stack = []
    # Accumulator for estimated result size
    estimated_total_size = 0
    # Iterate over all slices
    for nz in range(n_slices):
        for stack in job.stacks:
            bb = s_to_bb[]
            # Shortcut for tile width and height
            tile_width = stack.tile_width
            tile_height = stack.tile_height
            # Get indices for bounding tiles (0 indexed)
            tile_x_min = int(bb.px_x_min / tile_width)
            tile_x_max = int(bb.px_x_max / tile_width)
            tile_y_min = int(bb.px_y_min / tile_height)
            tile_y_max = int(bb.px_y_max / tile_height)
            # Get the number of needed tiles for each direction
            num_x_tiles = tile_x_max - tile_x_min + 1
            num_y_tiles = tile_y_max - tile_y_min + 1
            # Associate image parts with all tiles
            image_parts = []
            x_dst = bb.px_x_offset
            for nx, x in enumerate( range(tile_x_min, tile_x_max + 1) ):
                # The min x,y for the image part in the current tile are 0
                # for all tiles except the first one.
                cur_px_x_min = 0 if nx > 0 else bb.px_x_min - x * tile_width
                # The max x,y for the image part of current tile are the tile
                # size minus one except for the last one.
                if nx < (num_x_tiles - 1):
                    cur_px_x_max = tile_width - 1
                    cur_px_x_max = bb.px_x_max - x * tile_width
                # Reset y destination component
                y_dst = bb.px_y_offset
                for ny, y in enumerate( range(tile_y_min, tile_y_max + 1) ):
                    cur_px_y_min = 0 if ny > 0 else bb.px_y_min - y * tile_height
                    if ny < (num_y_tiles - 1):
                        cur_px_y_max = tile_height - 1
                        cur_px_y_max = bb.px_y_max - y * tile_height
                    # Create an image part definition
                    z = bb.px_z_min + nz
                    path = job.get_tile_path(stack, (x, y, z))
                        part = ImagePart(path, cur_px_x_min, cur_px_x_max,
                                cur_px_y_min, cur_px_y_max, x_dst, y_dst)
                        image_parts.append( part )
                        # ignore failed slices
                    # Update y component of destination position
                    y_dst += cur_px_y_max - cur_px_y_min
                # Update x component of destination position
                x_dst += cur_px_x_max - cur_px_x_min

            # Write out the image parts and make sure the maximum allowed file
            # size isn't exceeded.
            cropped_slice = None
            for ip in image_parts:
                # Get (correctly cropped) image
                image = ip.get_image()

                # Estimate total file size and abort if this exceeds the
                # maximum allowed file size.
                estimated_total_size = estimated_total_size + ip.estimated_size
                if estimated_total_size > settings.GENERATED_FILES_MAXIMUM_SIZE:
                    raise ValueError("The estimated size of the requested image "
                                     "region is larger than the maximum allowed "
                                     "file size: %0.2f > %s Bytes" % \

                # It is unfortunately not possible to create proper composite
                # images based on a canvas image newly created like this:
                # cropped_slice = Image( Geometry(bb.width, bb.height), Color("black"))
                # Therefore, this workaround is used.
                if not cropped_slice:
                    cropped_slice = Image(image)
                    # The '!' makes sure the aspect ration is ignored
                    cropped_slice.scale('%sx%s!' % (bb.width, bb.height))
                # Draw the image onto result image
                cropped_slice.composite( image, ip.x_dst, ip.y_dst, co.OverCompositeOp )
                # Delete tile image - it's not needed anymore
                del image

            if cropped_slice:
                # Optionally, use only a single channel
                if job.single_channel:
           ChannelType.RedChannel )
                # Add the image to the cropped stack
                cropped_stack.append( cropped_slice )

    return cropped_stack
Esempio n. 2
def extract_substack_no_rotation(job) -> List:
    """ Extracts a sub-stack as specified in the passed job without respecting
    rotation requests. A list of pgmagick images is returned -- one for each
    slice, starting on top.

    # The actual bounding boxes used for creating the images of each stack
    # depend not only on the request, but also on the translation of the stack
    # wrt. the project. Therefore, a dictionary with bounding box information for
    # each stack is created.
    s_to_bb = {}
    for stack_mirror in job.stack_mirrors:
        stack = stack_mirror.stack
        # Retrieve translation relative to current project
        translation = ProjectStack.objects.get(project_id=job.project_id,
        x_min_t = job.x_min - translation.x
        x_max_t = job.x_max - translation.x
        y_min_t = job.y_min - translation.y
        y_max_t = job.y_max - translation.y
        z_min_t = job.z_min - translation.z
        z_max_t = job.z_max - translation.z
        # Calculate the slice numbers and pixel positions
        # bound to the stack data.
        px_x_min = to_x_index(x_min_t, stack, job.zoom_level)
        px_x_max = to_x_index(x_max_t, stack, job.zoom_level)
        px_y_min = to_y_index(y_min_t, stack, job.zoom_level)
        px_y_max = to_y_index(y_max_t, stack, job.zoom_level)
        px_z_min = to_z_index(z_min_t, stack, job.zoom_level)
        px_z_max = to_z_index(z_max_t, stack, job.zoom_level)
        # Because it might be that the cropping goes over the
        # stack bounds, we need to calculate the unbounded height,
        # with and an offset.
        px_x_min_nobound = to_x_index(x_min_t, stack, job.zoom_level, False)
        px_x_max_nobound = to_x_index(x_max_t, stack, job.zoom_level, False)
        px_y_min_nobound = to_y_index(y_min_t, stack, job.zoom_level, False)
        px_y_max_nobound = to_y_index(y_max_t, stack, job.zoom_level, False)
        width = px_x_max_nobound - px_x_min_nobound
        height = px_y_max_nobound - px_y_min_nobound
        px_x_offset = abs(px_x_min_nobound) if px_x_min_nobound < 0 else 0
        px_y_offset = abs(px_y_min_nobound) if px_y_min_nobound < 0 else 0
        # Create a dictionary entry with a simple object
        bb = BB()
        bb.px_x_min = px_x_min
        bb.px_x_max = px_x_max
        bb.px_y_min = px_y_min
        bb.px_y_max = px_y_max
        bb.px_z_min = px_z_min
        bb.px_z_max = px_z_max
        bb.px_x_offset = px_x_offset
        bb.px_y_offset = px_y_offset
        bb.width = width
        bb.height = height
        s_to_bb[] = bb

    # Get number of wanted slices
    px_z_min = to_z_index(job.z_min, job.ref_stack, job.zoom_level)
    px_z_max = to_z_index(job.z_max, job.ref_stack, job.zoom_level)
    n_slices = px_z_max + 1 - px_z_min

    # The images are generated per slice, so most of the following
    # calculations refer to 2d images.

    # Each stack to export is treated as a separate channel. The order
    # of the exported dimensions is XYCZ. This means all the channels of
    # one slice are exported, then the next slice follows, etc.
    cropped_stack = []
    # Accumulator for estimated result size
    estimated_total_size = 0
    # Iterate over all slices
    for nz in range(n_slices):
        for mirror in job.stack_mirrors:
            stack = mirror.stack
            bb = s_to_bb[]
            # Shortcut for tile width and height
            tile_width = mirror.tile_width
            tile_height = mirror.tile_height
            # Get indices for bounding tiles (0 indexed)
            tile_x_min = int(bb.px_x_min / tile_width)
            tile_x_max = int(bb.px_x_max / tile_width)
            tile_y_min = int(bb.px_y_min / tile_height)
            tile_y_max = int(bb.px_y_max / tile_height)
            # Get the number of needed tiles for each direction
            num_x_tiles = tile_x_max - tile_x_min + 1
            num_y_tiles = tile_y_max - tile_y_min + 1
            # Associate image parts with all tiles
            image_parts = []
            x_dst = bb.px_x_offset
            for nx, x in enumerate(range(tile_x_min, tile_x_max + 1)):
                # The min x,y for the image part in the current tile are 0
                # for all tiles except the first one.
                cur_px_x_min = 0 if nx > 0 else bb.px_x_min - x * tile_width
                # The max x,y for the image part of current tile are the tile
                # size minus one except for the last one.
                if nx < (num_x_tiles - 1):
                    cur_px_x_max = tile_width - 1
                    cur_px_x_max = bb.px_x_max - x * tile_width
                # Reset y destination component
                y_dst = bb.px_y_offset
                for ny, y in enumerate(range(tile_y_min, tile_y_max + 1)):
                    cur_px_y_min = 0 if ny > 0 else bb.px_y_min - y * tile_height
                    if ny < (num_y_tiles - 1):
                        cur_px_y_max = tile_height - 1
                        cur_px_y_max = bb.px_y_max - y * tile_height
                    # Create an image part definition
                    z = bb.px_z_min + nz
                    path = job.get_tile_path(stack, mirror, (x, y, z))
                        part = ImagePart(path, cur_px_x_min, cur_px_x_max,
                                         cur_px_y_min, cur_px_y_max, x_dst,
                        # ignore failed slices
                    # Update y component of destination position
                    y_dst += cur_px_y_max - cur_px_y_min
                # Update x component of destination position
                x_dst += cur_px_x_max - cur_px_x_min

            # Write out the image parts and make sure the maximum allowed file
            # size isn't exceeded.
            cropped_slice = Image(Geometry(bb.width, bb.height),
                                  ColorRGB(0, 0, 0))
            for ip in image_parts:
                # Get (correctly cropped) image
                image = ip.get_image()

                # Estimate total file size and abort if this exceeds the
                # maximum allowed file size.
                estimated_total_size = estimated_total_size + ip.estimated_size
                if estimated_total_size > settings.GENERATED_FILES_MAXIMUM_SIZE:
                    raise ValueError("The estimated size of the requested image "
                                     "region is larger than the maximum allowed "
                                     "file size: %0.2f > %s Bytes" % \
                # Draw the image onto result image
                cropped_slice.composite(image, ip.x_dst, ip.y_dst,
                # Delete tile image - it's not needed anymore
                del image

            if cropped_slice:
                # Optionally, use only a single channel
                if job.single_channel:
                # Add the image to the cropped stack

    return cropped_stack
Esempio n. 3
def extract_substack_no_rotation(job):
    """ Extracts a sub-stack as specified in the passed job without respecting
    rotation requests. A list of pgmagick images is returned -- one for each
    slice, starting on top.

    # The actual bounding boxes used for creating the images of each stack
    # depend not only on the request, but also on the translation of the stack
    # wrt. the project. Therefore, a dictionary with bounding box information for
    # each stack is created.
    s_to_bb = {}
    for stack in job.stacks:
        # Retrieve translation relative to current project
        translation = ProjectStack.objects.get(project_id=job.project_id,
        x_min_t = job.x_min - translation.x
        x_max_t = job.x_max - translation.x
        y_min_t = job.y_min - translation.y
        y_max_t = job.y_max - translation.y
        z_min_t = job.z_min - translation.z
        z_max_t = job.z_max - translation.z
        # Calculate the slice numbers and pixel positions
        # bound to the stack data.
        px_x_min = to_x_index(x_min_t, job)
        px_x_max = to_x_index(x_max_t, job)
        px_y_min = to_y_index(y_min_t, job)
        px_y_max = to_y_index(y_max_t, job)
        px_z_min = to_z_index(z_min_t, job)
        px_z_max = to_z_index(z_max_t, job)
        # Because it might be that the cropping goes over the
        # stack bounds, we need to calculate the unbounded height,
        # with and an offset.
        px_x_min_nobound = to_x_index(x_min_t, job, False)
        px_x_max_nobound = to_x_index(x_max_t, job, False)
        px_y_min_nobound = to_y_index(y_min_t, job, False)
        px_y_max_nobound = to_y_index(y_max_t, job, False)
        width = px_x_max_nobound - px_x_min_nobound
        height = px_y_max_nobound - px_y_min_nobound
        px_x_offset = abs(px_x_min_nobound) if px_x_min_nobound < 0 else 0
        px_y_offset = abs(px_y_min_nobound) if px_y_min_nobound < 0 else 0

        # Create a dictionary entry with a simple object
        class BB:

        bb = BB()
        bb.px_x_min = px_x_min
        bb.px_x_max = px_x_max
        bb.px_y_min = px_y_min
        bb.px_y_max = px_y_max
        bb.px_z_min = px_z_min
        bb.px_z_max = px_z_max
        bb.px_x_offset = px_x_offset
        bb.px_y_offset = px_y_offset
        bb.width = width
        bb.height = height
        s_to_bb[] = bb

    # Get number of wanted slices
    px_z_min = to_z_index(job.z_min, job)
    px_z_max = to_z_index(job.z_max, job)
    n_slices = px_z_max + 1 - px_z_min

    # The images are generated per slice, so most of the following
    # calculations refer to 2d images.

    # Each stack to export is treated as a separate channel. The order
    # of the exported dimensions is XYCZ. This means all the channels of
    # one slice are exported, then the next slice follows, etc.
    cropped_stack = []
    # Iterate over all slices
    for nz in range(n_slices):
        for stack in job.stacks:
            bb = s_to_bb[]
            # Shortcut for tile width and height
            tile_width = stack.tile_width
            tile_height = stack.tile_height
            # Get indices for bounding tiles (0 indexed)
            tile_x_min = int(bb.px_x_min / tile_width)
            tile_x_max = int(bb.px_x_max / tile_width)
            tile_y_min = int(bb.px_y_min / tile_height)
            tile_y_max = int(bb.px_y_max / tile_height)
            # Get the number of needed tiles for each direction
            num_x_tiles = tile_x_max - tile_x_min + 1
            num_y_tiles = tile_y_max - tile_y_min + 1
            # Associate image parts with all tiles
            image_parts = []
            x_dst = bb.px_x_offset
            for nx, x in enumerate(range(tile_x_min, tile_x_max + 1)):
                # The min x,y for the image part in the current tile are 0
                # for all tiles except the first one.
                cur_px_x_min = 0 if nx > 0 else bb.px_x_min - x * tile_width
                # The max x,y for the image part of current tile are the tile
                # size minus one except for the last one.
                if nx < (num_x_tiles - 1):
                    cur_px_x_max = tile_width - 1
                    cur_px_x_max = bb.px_x_max - x * tile_width
                # Reset y destination component
                y_dst = bb.px_y_offset
                for ny, y in enumerate(range(tile_y_min, tile_y_max + 1)):
                    cur_px_y_min = 0 if ny > 0 else bb.px_y_min - y * tile_height
                    if ny < (num_y_tiles - 1):
                        cur_px_y_max = tile_height - 1
                        cur_px_y_max = bb.px_y_max - y * tile_height
                    # Create an image part definition
                    z = bb.px_z_min + nz
                    path = job.get_tile_path(stack, (x, y, z))
                        part = ImagePart(path, cur_px_x_min, cur_px_x_max,
                                         cur_px_y_min, cur_px_y_max, x_dst,
                        # ignore failed slices
                    # Update y component of destination position
                    y_dst += cur_px_y_max - cur_px_y_min
                # Update x component of destination position
                x_dst += cur_px_x_max - cur_px_x_min

            # write out the image parts
            cropped_slice = None
            for ip in image_parts:
                # Get (correctly cropped) image
                image = ip.get_image()
                # It is unfortunately not possible to create proper composite
                # images based on a canvas image newly created like this:
                # cropped_slice = Image( Geometry(bb.width, bb.height), Color("black"))
                # Therefore, this workaround is used.
                if not cropped_slice:
                    cropped_slice = Image(image)
                    # The '!' makes sure the aspect ration is ignored
                    cropped_slice.scale('%sx%s!' % (bb.width, bb.height))
                # Draw the image onto result image
                cropped_slice.composite(image, ip.x_dst, ip.y_dst,
                # Delete tile image - it's not needed anymore
                del image
            # Optionally, use only a single channel
            if job.single_channel:
            # Add the image to the cropped stack

    return cropped_stack
Esempio n. 4
def extract_substack_no_rotation( job ):
    """ Extracts a sub-stack as specified in the passed job without respecting
    rotation requests. A list of pgmagick images is returned -- one for each
    slice, starting on top.

    # Calculate the slice numbers and pixel positions
    # bounded to the stack data.
    px_x_min = to_x_index(job.x_min, job)
    px_x_max = to_x_index(job.x_max, job)
    px_y_min = to_y_index(job.y_min, job)
    px_y_max = to_y_index(job.y_max, job)
    px_z_min = to_z_index(job.z_min, job)
    px_z_max = to_z_index(job.z_max, job)
    # Because it might be that the cropping goes over the
    # stack bounds, we need to calculate the unbounded height,
    # with and an offset.
    px_x_min_nobound = to_x_index(job.x_min, job, False)
    px_x_max_nobound = to_x_index(job.x_max, job, False)
    px_y_min_nobound = to_y_index(job.y_min, job, False)
    px_y_max_nobound = to_y_index(job.y_max, job, False)
    width = px_x_max_nobound - px_x_min_nobound
    height = px_y_max_nobound - px_y_min_nobound
    px_x_offset = abs(px_x_min_nobound) if px_x_min_nobound < 0 else 0
    px_y_offset = abs(px_y_min_nobound) if px_y_min_nobound < 0 else 0

    # The images are generated per slice, so most of the following
    # calculations refer to 2d images.

    # Each stack to export is treated as a seperate channel. The order
    # of the exported dimensions is XYCZ. This means all the channels of
    # one slice are exported, then the next slice follows, etc.
    cropped_stack = []
    # Iterate over all slices
    for z in range( px_z_min, px_z_max + 1):
        for stack in job.stacks:
            tile_width = stack.tile_width
            tile_height = stack.tile_height
            # Get indices for bounding tiles (0 indexed)
            tile_x_min = int(px_x_min / tile_width)
            tile_x_max = int(px_x_max / tile_width)
            tile_y_min = int(px_y_min / tile_height)
            tile_y_max = int(px_y_max / tile_height)
            # Get the number of needed tiles for each direction
            num_x_tiles = tile_x_max - tile_x_min + 1
            num_y_tiles = tile_y_max - tile_y_min + 1
            # Associate image parts with all tiles
            image_parts = []
            x_dst = px_x_offset
            for nx, x in enumerate( range(tile_x_min, tile_x_max + 1) ):
                # The min x,y for the image part in the current tile are 0
                # for all tiles except the first one.
                cur_px_x_min = 0 if nx > 0 else px_x_min - x * tile_width
                # The max x,y for the image part of current tile are the tile
                # size minus one except for the last one.
                if nx < (num_x_tiles - 1):
                    cur_px_x_max = tile_width - 1
                    cur_px_x_max = px_x_max - x * tile_width
                # Reset y destination component
                y_dst = px_y_offset
                for ny, y in enumerate( range(tile_y_min, tile_y_max + 1) ):
                    cur_px_y_min = 0 if ny > 0 else px_y_min - y * tile_height
                    if ny < (num_y_tiles - 1):
                        cur_px_y_max = tile_height - 1
                        cur_px_y_max = px_y_max - y * tile_height
                    # Create an image part definition
                    path = get_tile_path(job, stack, [x, y, z])
                        part = ImagePart(path, cur_px_x_min, cur_px_x_max, cur_px_y_min, cur_px_y_max, x_dst, y_dst)
                        image_parts.append( part )
                        # ignore failed slices
                    # Update y component of destination postition
                    y_dst += cur_px_y_max - cur_px_y_min
                # Update x component of destination postition
                x_dst += cur_px_x_max - cur_px_x_min

            # Create a result image slice, painted black
            cropped_slice = Image( Geometry( width, height ), Color("black") )
            # write out the image parts
            for ip in image_parts:
                # Get (correcly cropped) image
                image = ip.get_image()
                # Draw the image onto result image
                cropped_slice.composite( image, ip.x_dst, ip.y_dst, co.OverCompositeOp )
                # Delete tile image - it's not needed anymore
                del image
            # Optionally, use only a single channel
            if job.single_channel:
       ChannelType.RedChannel )
            # Add the imag to the cropped stack
            cropped_stack.append( cropped_slice )

    return cropped_stack