Esempio n. 1
# display the full crash dump of a specific test case

if test_id:
    for bin, crashes in crashbin.bins.iteritems():
        for crash in crashes:
            if test_id == crash.extra:
                print crashbin.crash_synopsis(crash)

# display an overview of all recorded crashes.

if graph_name:
    graph = pgraph.graph()

for bin, crashes in crashbin.bins.iteritems():
    synopsis = crashbin.crash_synopsis(crashes[0]).split("\n")[0]

    if graph:
        crash_node = pgraph.node(crashes[0].exception_address)
        crash_node.count = len(crashes)
        crash_node.label = "[%d] %s.%08x" % (
            crash_node.count, crashes[0].exception_module,

    print "[%d] %s" % (len(crashes), synopsis)
    print "\t",

    for crash in crashes:

# parse command line options.
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "gh:o:l:mp:", ["graph", "host=", "monitor", "port=", "pid="])
except getopt.GetoptError:

count    = 0
udraw    = False
host     = ""
port     = 2542
filename = None
pid      = None
udraw    = None
graph    = pgraph.graph()
hooks    = utils.hook_container()
monitor  = False
allocs   = {}

for opt, arg in opts:
    if opt in ("-g", "--graph"):   udraw    = True
    if opt in ("-h", "--host"):    host     = arg
    if opt in ("-o", "--port"):    port     = int(arg)
    if opt in ("-l", "--load"):    filename = arg
    if opt in ("-p", "--pid"):     pid      = int(arg)
    if opt in ("-m", "--monitor"): monitor = True

if not pid and not filename: