Esempio n. 1
    def send_definition_using_connected_completions(
            self, request_context: RequestContext,
            scriptparseinfo: ScriptParseInfo, params: TextDocumentPosition,
            context: ConnectionContext) -> bool:
        if not context or not context.is_connected:
            return False

        definition_result: DefinitionResult = None
        completer: PGCompleter = context.pgcompleter
        completions: List[Completion] = completer.get_completions(
            scriptparseinfo.document, None)

        if completions:
            word_under_cursor = scriptparseinfo.document.get_word_under_cursor(
            matching_completion = next(
                completion for completion in completions
                if completion.display == word_under_cursor)
            if matching_completion:
                connection = self._connection_service.get_connection(
                    params.text_document.uri, ConnectionType.QUERY)
                scripter_instance = scripter.Scripter(connection)
                object_metadata = ObjectMetadata(
                    None, None, matching_completion.display_meta,
                    matching_completion.display, matching_completion.schema)
                create_script = scripter_instance.script(
                    ScriptOperation.CREATE, object_metadata)

                if create_script:
                    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
                            newline=None) as namedfile:
                            file_uri = "file:///" +'/')
                            location_in_script = Location(
                                file_uri, Range(Position(0, 1), Position(1,
                            definition_result = DefinitionResult(
                                False, None, [

                            return True

        if definition_result is None:
            request_context.send_response(DefinitionResult(True, '', []))
            return False
    def test_get_text_selection(self):
        """Text the workspace service's public get_text method when getting a selection of the text of a file"""
        # Set up the service with a file
        workspace_service = WorkspaceService()
        file_uri = 'untitled:Test_file'
        file_text = os.linesep.join(['line1', 'line 2 content', ' line 3 '])
        workspace_service._workspace.open_file(file_uri, file_text)

        # Retrieve the full text of the file and make sure it matches
        selection_range = Range(Position(1, 1), Position(2, 4))
        result_text = workspace_service.get_text(file_uri, selection_range)
                         os.linesep.join(['ine 2 content', ' lin']))
Esempio n. 3
    def test_get_token_range(self):
        """Should return a range around the word"""
        # Given a string with some words
        words = ['create', 'table', 'T1']  # indexes: 0-5 7-11 13-14
        line = ' '.join(words)
        start_col_to_word: dict = {
            0: 0,
            3: 0,
            6: 0,  # if on space between words, should select previous word
            8: 1,
            10: 1,
            12: 1,  # on space between words, should select previous
            13: 2,  # 'c' -> last indent
            14: 2

        # When I lookup the word range for a given input
        for start, expected_word_index in start_col_to_word.items():
            expected_word = words[expected_word_index]
            expected_line = 2
            pos = Position.from_data(2, start)
            text_range: Range = TextUtilities.get_token_range(pos, line)

            # Then I expect the line value to always match the Positions line
            self.assertEqual(text_range.start.line, expected_line)
            self.assertEqual(text_range.end.line, expected_line)

            # ... and I expect the word to be the one covered by the indent
            actual_word = line[text_range.start.character:text_range.end.
                actual_word, expected_word,
                'For start {0} expected "{1}" actual "{2}"'.format(
                    start, expected_word, actual_word))  # noqa
Esempio n. 4
    def test_validate_position_valid(self):
        # Setup: Create a script file with a selection of test text
        sf = self._get_test_script_file()

        # If: I validate a valid position
        # Then: It should complete successfully
        sf.validate_position(Position.from_data(2, 1))
Esempio n. 5
    def test_validate_position_end_of_line(self):
        """Test that the column that would add a character to a line is treated as a valid column"""
        # Set up the script file
        script_file = self._get_test_script_file()

        # If I validate the column that would add a character to the end of a line
        # Then no error should be raised
        script_file.validate_position(Position.from_data(2, 4))
Esempio n. 6
    def test_validate_position_invalid_col(self):
        # Setup: Create a script file with a selection of test text
        sf = self._get_test_script_file()

        # If: I validate an invalid col
        for col in [-100, -1, 5, 400]:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                sf.validate_position(Position.from_data(2, col))
Esempio n. 7
    def test_validate_position_invalid_line(self):
        # Setup: Create a script file with a selection of test text
        sf = self._get_test_script_file()

        # If: I validate an invalid line
        for line in [-100, -1, 4, 400]:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                sf.validate_position(Position.from_data(line, 1))
Esempio n. 8
 def _get_start_position(cls, end: Position, start_index: int) -> Position:
     start_col = end.character + start_index
     if start_col < 0:
         # Should not happen - for now, just set to 0 and assume it's a mistake
         start_col = 0
     return Position(end.line, start_col)
Esempio n. 9
 def to_range(self):
     """Convert the SelectionData object to a workspace service Range object"""
     return Range(Position(self.start_line, self.start_column),
                  Position(self.end_line, self.end_column))