Esempio n. 1
def run(problem_number=1, params={}):
    Allows to run phaml examples with various parameters.

    problem_number ... which example to run
    params         ... solver parameters (refinement strategy,
                       error tolerance, ...)


    >>> from qsnake.examples.phaml_simple import run
    >>> import phaml
    >>> run(1, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-6,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_SMOOTH_PRED,
    >>> run(2, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-4,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_SMOOTH_PRED,
    >>> run(2, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-4,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_PRIOR2P_H1,
    >>> run(2, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-4,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_REFSOLN_ELEM,

    current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    domain_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "data", "domain")
    p = Phaml(domain_file, problem_number)
    x, y, elems, orders = p.get_mesh()
    nodes = zip(x, y)
    # Phaml counts nodes from 1, but we count from 0:
    elems = elems - 1

    mesh = Mesh(nodes, elems, [], [], orders=orders)
    sol = Solution(mesh)
    # Refine mesh for plotting purposes.
    x_plot, y_plot, elems_plot = sol.create_plotting_mesh()
    # Get solution at vertex values of the plotting mesh from Phaml.
    values_plot = p.get_solution_values(x_plot, y_plot)
    # Set the values for plotting back into the Solution
    sol.set_values(x_plot, y_plot, elems_plot, values_plot)
    # Return it to the user, so that he/she can decide what to do with it. To
    # plot it, just do sol.plot().
    return sol
Esempio n. 2
def run(problem_number=1, params={}):
    Allows to run phaml examples with various parameters.

    problem_number ... which example to run
    params         ... solver parameters (refinement strategy,
                       error tolerance, ...)


    >>> from femhub.examples.phaml_simple import run
    >>> import phaml
    >>> run(1, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-6,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_SMOOTH_PRED,
    >>> run(2, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-4,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_SMOOTH_PRED,
    >>> run(2, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-4,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_PRIOR2P_H1,
    >>> run(2, params = {
            "term_energy_err": 1e-4,
            "hp_strategy": phaml.HP_REFSOLN_ELEM,

    current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    domain_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "data", "domain")
    p = Phaml(domain_file, problem_number)
    x, y, elems, orders = p.get_mesh()
    nodes = zip(x, y)
    # Phaml counts nodes from 1, but we count from 0:
    elems = elems - 1

    mesh = Mesh(nodes, elems, [], [], orders=orders)
    sol = Solution(mesh)
    # get xy points
    x, y = sol.get_xy_points()
    # get values in those points from Phaml
    values = p.get_solution_values(x, y)
    return sol
Esempio n. 3
Python version of the example "simple".
import os

from numpy import array

from phaml import Phaml
from phaml.plot import plot_mesh_mpl, plot_sln_mayavi, convert_mesh

problem_number = 1

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
domain_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "domain")
p = Phaml(domain_file, problem_number)
mesh_data = p.get_mesh()
print "Saving the mesh to 'mesh.png'..."
polygons, orders = convert_mesh(*mesh_data)

import matplotlib
f = plot_mesh_mpl(polygons, orders)
print "Saving the solution to 'sln.png'..."
x, y, mesh, _ = mesh_data
values = p.get_solution_values(x, y)

mesh = [elem-1 for elem in mesh]
f = plot_sln_mayavi(x, y, mesh, values)
print "Done."