Esempio n. 1
def test_copy_deepcopy():
    D = Device()
    A = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    B = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    a = D << A
    b1 = D << B
    b2 = D << B

    Dcopy = pg.copy(D)
    Ddeepcopy = pg.deepcopy(D)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '0313cd7e58aa265b44dd1ea10265d1088a2f1c6d')
    h = Dcopy.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '0313cd7e58aa265b44dd1ea10265d1088a2f1c6d')
    h = Ddeepcopy.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '0313cd7e58aa265b44dd1ea10265d1088a2f1c6d')

    D << pg.ellipse(radii=(12, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=2)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '856cedcbbb53312ff839b9fe016996357e658d33')
    h = Dcopy.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '0313cd7e58aa265b44dd1ea10265d1088a2f1c6d')
    h = Ddeepcopy.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '0313cd7e58aa265b44dd1ea10265d1088a2f1c6d')

    A.add_ref(pg.ellipse(radii=(12, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=2))
    B.add_polygon([[3, 4, 5], [6.7, 8.9, 10.15]], layer=0)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'c007b674e8053c11c877860f0552fff18676b68e')
    h = Dcopy.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '2590bd786348ab684616eecdfdbcc9735b156e18')
    h = Ddeepcopy.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '0313cd7e58aa265b44dd1ea10265d1088a2f1c6d')
Esempio n. 2
def test_packer():
    D_list = [
        pg.ellipse(radii=np.random.rand(2) * n +
                   2).move(np.random.rand(2) * 100 + 2) for n in range(50)
    D_list += [
        pg.rectangle(size=np.random.rand(2) * n +
                     2).move(np.random.rand(2) * 1000 + 2) for n in range(50)

    D_packed_list = pg.packer(
        D_list,  # Must be a list or tuple of Devices
        spacing=1.25,  # Minimum distance between adjacent shapes
        aspect_ratio=(1, 2),  # Shape of the box
            None),  # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
        sort_by_area=True,  # Pre-sorts the shapes by area
    # The function will return a list of packed Devices.  If not all the Devices
    # in D_list can fit in the area `max_size`, it will fill up the first box to
    # capacity then create another, repeating until all the shapes are packed
    # into boxes of max_size.  (`max_size` can be (None, None))
    # of `max_size` as is necessary
    D = D_packed_list[0]
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'd90e43693a5840bdc21eae85f56fdaa57fdb88b2')
Esempio n. 3
def test_offset():
    A = pg.cross(length=10, width=3, layer=0)
    B = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    D = pg.offset([A, B],
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'dea81b4adf9f163577cb4c750342f5f50d4fbb6d')
Esempio n. 4
def test_offset():
    A = pg.cross(length=10, width=3, layer=0)
    B = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    D = pg.offset([A, B],
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'bd4b9182042522fa00b5ddb49d182523b4bf9eb5')
Esempio n. 5
def test_group():
    # Test all types
    D = Device()
    E1 = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=0)
    E2 = pg.rectangle(size=(4, 2), layer=0).movex(15)
    e1 = D << E1
    e2 = D << E2
    e3 = D << E2
    e4 = D.add_label('hello', position=(1.5, -1.5))
    e5 = pg.snspd()
    e6 = D.add_polygon([(8, 6, 7, 9, 7, 0), (6, 8, 9, 5, 7, 0)])
    e7 = D.add_array(pg.cross())
    e2verify = D << E2

    # Test creation and addition
    G = Group()
    G.add([e3, e4, e5])
    G += (e6, e7)
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-10., -8.5, 105., 105.]))

    # Test movement
    G.move((2, 7))
    e2verify.move((2, 7))
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-8., -1.5, 107., 112.]))
    assert all( ==
    assert e2.rotation == e2verify.rotation

    # Test rotation
    G.rotate(90, center=(5, 5))
    e2verify.rotate(90, center=(5, 5))
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-102., -8., 11.5, 107.]))
    assert all( ==
    assert e2.rotation == e2verify.rotation

    # Test mirroring
    G.mirror(p1=(1, 1), p2=(-1, 1))
    e2verify.mirror(p1=(1, 1), p2=(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-102., -105., 11.5, 10.]))
    assert all( ==
    assert e2.rotation == e2verify.rotation
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '3964acb3971771c6e70ceb587c2ae8b37f2ed112')
Esempio n. 6
def test_pack():
    import phidl.geometry as pg

    D_list = [pg.ellipse(radii=np.random.rand(2) * n + 2) for n in range(2)]
    D_list += [pg.rectangle(size=np.random.rand(2) * n + 2) for n in range(2)]

    D_packed_list = pack(
        D_list,  # Must be a list or tuple of Components
        spacing=1.25,  # Minimum distance between adjacent shapes
        aspect_ratio=(2, 1),  # (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin
            None),  # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
        1.05,  # Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation
        sort_by_area=True,  # Pre-sorts the shapes by area
    c = D_packed_list[0]  # Only one bin was created, so we plot that
    # print(len(c.get_dependencies()))
    assert len(c.get_dependencies()) == 4
Esempio n. 7
def _demo():
    import pp
    import phidl.geometry as pg

    D_list = [pg.ellipse(radii=np.random.rand(2) * n + 2) for n in range(50)]
    D_list += [pg.rectangle(size=np.random.rand(2) * n + 2) for n in range(50)]

    D_packed_list = pack(
        D_list,  # Must be a list or tuple of Components
        spacing=1.25,  # Minimum distance between adjacent shapes
        aspect_ratio=(2, 1),  # (width, height) ratio of the rectangular bin
            None),  # Limits the size into which the shapes will be packed
        1.05,  # Values closer to 1 pack tighter but require more computation
        sort_by_area=True,  # Pre-sorts the shapes by area
    D = D_packed_list[0]  # Only one bin was created, so we plot that  # show it in klayout
# bbox gets the bounding box of the whole array
a.bbox.tolist() == [[0.0, 0.0], [216.0, 104.0]]

# Adding premade geometry with phidl.geometry
# Usually at the beginning of a phidl file we import the phidl.geometry module
# as ``pg``, like this:
import phidl.geometry as pg

# The ``pg`` module contains dozens of premade shapes and structures, ranging
# from simple ones like ellipses to complex photonic structures.  Let's create
# a few simple structures and plot them
D = Device()
G1 = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
G2 = pg.snspd(wire_width=0.2, wire_pitch=0.6, size=(10, 8), layer=2)
G3 = pg.rectangle(size=(10, 5), layer=3)
g1 = D.add_ref(G1)
g2 = D.add_ref(G2)
g3 = D.add_ref(G3)
g1.xmin = g2.xmax + 5
g3.xmin = g1.xmax + 5

# There are dozens of these types of structures.  See the /phidl/
# file for a full geometry list.  Note some of the more complex shapes are
# experimental and may change with time.

# Let's save this file so we can practice importing it in the next step
Esempio n. 9
# Creating polygons
# Create and add a polygon from separate lists of x points and y points
# e.g. [(x1, x2, x3, ...), (y1, y2, y3, ...)]
poly1 = D.add_polygon([(8, 6, 7, 9), (6, 8, 9, 5)], layer=0)

# Alternatively, create and add a polygon from a list of points
# e.g. [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), ...] using the same function
poly2 = D.add_polygon([(-5, 3), (-4, 4), (-4, 6), (-8, 6)], layer=1)

# As a third option, use functions from the built-in geometry library
# (more examples below in section "Using the built-in geometry library")
# and a listing is available at )
D << pg.ellipse(radii=(3, 1.5), layer=1).move([10, -4])
D << pg.cross(length=3, width=0.2, layer=0).move([10, -8])
D << pg.rectangle(size=(4, 2), layer=3).move([-10, -5])
D << pg.litho_steps(
    line_widths=[.1, .2, .4, .8], line_spacing=1, height=6, layer=0).move(
        [0, -5])

qp(D)  # quickplot it!


# Manipulating geometry 1 - Basic movement and rotation
# There are several actions we can take to move and rotate the geometry.  These
# actions include movement, rotation, and reflection.
Esempio n. 10
qp(D) # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'bbox')

# example-cross
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.cross(length = 10, width = 0.5, layer = 0)
qp(D) # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'cross')

# example-ellipse
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.ellipse(radii = (10,5), angle_resolution = 2.5, layer = 0)
create_image(D, 'ellipse')

# example-circle
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = = 10, angle_resolution = 2.5, layer = 0)
qp(D) # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'circle')

# example-ring
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.ring(radius = 5, width = 0.5, angle_resolution = 2.5, layer = 0)
Esempio n. 11


# Adding premade geometry with phidl.geometry
# Usually at the beginning of a phidl file we import the phidl.geometry module
# as ``pg``, like this:
import phidl.geometry as pg

# The ``pg`` module contains dozens of premade shapes and structures, ranging
# from simple ones like ellipses to complex photonic structures.  Let's create
# a few simple structures and plot them
D = Device()
G1 = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
G2 = pg.snspd(wire_width=0.2, wire_pitch=0.6, size=(10, 8), layer=2)
G3 = pg.rectangle(size=(10, 5), layer=3)
g1 = D.add_ref(G1)
g2 = D.add_ref(G2)
g3 = D.add_ref(G3)
g1.xmin = g2.xmax + 5
g3.xmin = g1.xmax + 5

# There are dozens of these types of structures.  See the /phidl/
# file for a full geometry list.  Note some of the more complex shapes are
# experimental and may change with time.

# Let's save this file so we can practice importing it in the next step
Esempio n. 12
qp(D)  # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'bbox')

# example-cross
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.cross(length=10, width=0.5, layer=0)
qp(D)  # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'cross')

# example-ellipse
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=0)
create_image(D, 'ellipse')

# example-circle
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D =, angle_resolution=2.5, layer=0)
qp(D)  # quickplot the geometry
create_image(D, 'circle')

# example-ring
import phidl.geometry as pg
from phidl import quickplot as qp

D = pg.ring(radius=5, width=0.5, angle_resolution=2.5, layer=0)
Esempio n. 13
def test_invert():
    A = pg.cross(length=10, width=3, layer=0)
    B = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    D = pg.invert([A, B], border=4, precision=1e-6, layer=2)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'eed5a4cb31da61a495c9ff4c5dc4d06fe28707aa')
Esempio n. 14
def test_ellipse():
    D = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=0)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'f46840e01a8b8d292a23d4c651a064d65c563575')
Esempio n. 15
def test_outline():
    A = pg.cross(length=10, width=3, layer=0)
    B = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    D = pg.outline([A, B], distance=1, precision=1e-6, layer=2)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '503522b071080be6c98017cdc616752c1a3d75ce')
Esempio n. 16
def test_boolean():
    A = pg.cross(length=10, width=3, layer=0)
    B = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=1)
    D = pg.boolean(A=A, B=B, operation='and', precision=1e-6, layer=2)
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'fcf1d0809488be01480027a5914dfb399faf088c')