def test_database_init_version_too_high(): """ Database will raise DatabaseException if loaded database version is too high """ json_data = b"""{ "version": VERSION, "hash_algorithm": "sha256", "timezone_default": "-0400", "photo_db": {}, "command_history": {} }""".replace(b"VERSION", f"{Database.VERSION + 1}".encode()) with pytest.raises(DatabaseException): Database.from_json(json_data)
def test_database_add_photo_same_source_new_checksum(caplog): """ When adding a photo with a source_path in the database but a different checksum the photo is added to the database but a warning is issued. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data2) uid = db.add_photo( PhotoFile( chk="not_a_match", src="/a/b/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=10, ), uid="uid1", ) print([(r.levelname, r) for r in caplog.records]) print(uid) assert uid == "uid1" assert db.hash_to_uid["not_a_match"] == "uid1" assert db.hash_to_uid["deadbeef"] == "uid1" print(db.photo_db["uid1"]) assert len(db.photo_db["uid1"]) == 2 print([(r.levelname, r) for r in caplog.records]) assert any(record.levelname == "WARNING" for record in caplog.records) assert any( "Checksum of previously-indexed source photo has changed" in record.msg for record in caplog.records)
def test_database_save_not_modified(tmpdir, caplog): """ will not save if the database is unchanged from loading """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data3) db_path = tmpdir / "photos.json", ["photomanager", "test"]) assert "The database was not modified and will not be saved" in caplog.messages assert not db_path.exists()
def test_database_list_sources(caplog): """ The Database.sources property yields all src paths in the database """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data3) assert set(db.sources) == { "/a/b/c.jpg", "/o/b/c.jpg", "/a/c/e.jpg", }
def test_database_clean_verify_absolute_subdir(tmpdir, caplog): """ An exception is raised if subdir is an absolute path """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data2) with pytest.raises(DatabaseException): db.get_photos_to_remove(tmpdir / "a", subdirectory=tmpdir / "b") with pytest.raises(DatabaseException): db.get_stored_photos(subdirectory=tmpdir / "b") with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): db.verify_indexed_photos()
def test_database_is_modified(caplog): """ Database.is_modified() is True if Database.db has been modified """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data3) assert not db.is_modified() db.add_command("test") assert db.is_modified() db.reset_saved() assert not db.is_modified() db.photo_db["uid1"][1].sto = "/path/to/sto.jpg" assert db.is_modified()
def test_database_save_modified(tmpdir, caplog): """ will save if the database has been modified """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data3) db.photo_db["uid1"][1].sto = "/path/to/sto.jpg" db_path = tmpdir / "photos.json", ["photomanager", "test"]) assert "The database was not modified and will not be saved" not in caplog.messages assert db_path.exists() with open(db_path, "rb") as f: assert len(orjson.loads(["command_history"]) == 2
def test_database_init_update_version_1(): """ Database will upgrade loaded database files to current version """ json_data = b"""{ "version": 1, "hash_algorithm": "sha256", "timezone_default": "-0400", "photo_db": { "d239210f00534b76a2b215e073f75832": [ { "checksum": "deadbeef", "source_path": "/a/b/c.jpg", "datetime": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "timestamp": 1440662976.5, "file_size": 1024, "store_path": "/d/e/f.jpg", "priority": 11, "tz_offset": null }, { "checksum": "deadbeef", "source_path": "/g/b/c.jpg", "datetime": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "timestamp": 1440662976.5, "file_size": 1024, "store_path": "", "priority": 20, "tz_offset": -14400 } ] }, "command_history": { "2021-03-08_23-56-00Z": "photomanager create --db test.json", "2021-03-08_23-57-00Z": "photomanager import --db test.json test.jpg" } }""" new_json_data = json_data.replace( b'"version": 1', f'"version": {Database.VERSION}'.encode()) for k, v in NAME_MAP_ENC.items(): new_json_data = new_json_data.replace( b'"' + k.encode() + b'"', b'"' + v.encode() + b'"', ) db = Database.from_json(json_data) print(db.db) assert db.db["timezone_default"] == "-0400" assert db.timezone_default == timezone(timedelta(days=-1, seconds=72000)) assert orjson.loads(db.json) == orjson.loads(new_json_data) assert db.to_json(pretty=True) == new_json_data
def test_database_save(tmpdir, caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data) db.to_file(tmpdir / "test.json") db2 = db.from_file(tmpdir / "test.json") print(db.db, db2.db, sep="\n") assert db == db2 db.to_file(tmpdir / "test.json.gz") db2 = db.from_file(tmpdir / "test.json.gz") print(db2.db) assert db == db2 db.to_file(tmpdir / "test.json.zst") db2 = db.from_file(tmpdir / "test.json.zst") print(db2.db) assert db == db2
def test_database_add_photo_sort(caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data) uid = db.add_photo( PhotoFile( chk="deadbeef", src="/x/y/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=20, ), uid=None, ) db.add_photo( PhotoFile( chk="deadbeef", src="/z/y/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=11, ), uid=None, ) db.add_photo( PhotoFile( chk="deadbeef", src="/0/1/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=10, ), uid=None, ) assert list(p.src for p in db.photo_db[uid]) == [ "/0/1/c.jpg", "/a/b/c.jpg", "/z/y/c.jpg", "/x/y/c.jpg", ]
def test_database_load_zstd_checksum_error(tmpdir, monkeypatch, caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data) db.to_file(tmpdir / "test.json.zst") with open(tmpdir / "test.json.zst", "r+b") as f: c = f.write(bytes([ord(c) ^ 0b1])) with pytest.raises(zstandard.ZstdError): db.from_file(tmpdir / "test.json.zst") monkeypatch.setattr( zstandard, "decompress", lambda _: db.to_json(pretty=True).replace(c, bytes([ord(c) ^ 0b1])), ) with pytest.raises(DatabaseException): db.from_file(tmpdir / "test.json.zst")
def test_database_overwrite_error(tmpdir, caplog): caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data) path = Path(tmpdir / "test.json") db.to_file(path) base_path = path for _ in path.suffixes: base_path = base_path.with_suffix("") timestamp_str = datetime.fromtimestamp( path.stat().st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") new_path = base_path.with_name( f"{}_{timestamp_str}").with_suffix("".join( path.suffixes)) os.makedirs(new_path) (new_path / "file.txt").touch() db.to_file(path) print(tmpdir.listdir()) assert (tmpdir / "test_1.json").exists() Path(tmpdir / "test_0.json").touch() Path(tmpdir / "test_a.json").touch() db.to_file(path) print(tmpdir.listdir()) assert (tmpdir / "test_2.json").exists() path = Path(tmpdir / "test_2.json") base_path = path for _ in path.suffixes: base_path = base_path.with_suffix("") timestamp_str = datetime.fromtimestamp( path.stat().st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") new_path = base_path.with_name( f"{}_{timestamp_str}").with_suffix("".join( path.suffixes)) os.makedirs(new_path) (new_path / "file.txt").touch() db.to_file(path) print(tmpdir.listdir()) assert (tmpdir / "test_3.json").exists()
def test_database_add_photo_already_present(caplog): """ When adding a photo that is already in the database, the photo is not added and add_photo returns None. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data2) uid = db.add_photo( PhotoFile( chk="deadbeef", src="/a/b/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=10, ), uid="uid1", ) print([(r.levelname, r) for r in caplog.records]) print(uid) assert uid is None
def test_database_add_photo_wrong_uid(caplog): """ When adding a photo with a matching checksum for a different uid, the photo is not added and add_photo returns None. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data2) uid = db.add_photo( PhotoFile( chk="deadbeef", src="/x/y/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=10, ), uid="uid2", ) print([(r.levelname, r) for r in caplog.records]) print(uid) assert uid is None
def test_database_find_photo_ambiguous(caplog): """ When there is no checksum match and an ambiguous timestamp+source match, find_photo returns the first match. """ caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) db = Database.from_json(example_database_json_data2) uid = db.find_photo( PhotoFile( chk="not_a_match", src="/x/y/c.jpg", dt="2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", ts=1440662976.5, fsz=1024, sto="", prio=10, )) print([(r.levelname, r) for r in caplog.records]) print(uid) assert any(record.levelname == "WARNING" for record in caplog.records) assert any("ambiguous timestamp+name match" in record.msg for record in caplog.records) assert uid == "uid1"
def test_database_load_version_1(): json_data = b"""{ "version": 1, "hash_algorithm": "sha256", "photo_db": { "d239210f00534b76a2b215e073f75832": [ { "checksum": "deadbeef", "source_path": "/a/b/c.jpg", "datetime": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "timestamp": 1440662976.5, "file_size": 1024, "store_path": "/d/e/f.jpg", "priority": 11 }, { "checksum": "deadbeef", "source_path": "/g/b/c.jpg", "datetime": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "timestamp": 1440662976.5, "file_size": 1024, "store_path": "", "priority": 20, "tz_offset": -14400 } ] }, "command_history": { "2021-03-08_23-56-00Z": "photomanager create --db test.json", "2021-03-08_23-57-00Z": "photomanager import --db test.json test.jpg" } }""" db = Database.from_json(json_data) print(db.db) assert db.version == Database.VERSION assert db.hash_algorithm == HashAlgorithm.SHA256 assert db.db["timezone_default"] == "local" assert db.timezone_default is None photo_db_expected = { "d239210f00534b76a2b215e073f75832": [ PhotoFile.from_dict({ "chk": "deadbeef", "src": "/a/b/c.jpg", "dt": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "ts": 1440662976.5, "fsz": 1024, "sto": "/d/e/f.jpg", "prio": 11, }), PhotoFile.from_dict({ "chk": "deadbeef", "src": "/g/b/c.jpg", "dt": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "ts": 1440662976.5, "fsz": 1024, "sto": "", "prio": 20, "tzo": -14400, }), ] } command_history_expected = { "2021-03-08_23-56-00Z": "photomanager create --db test.json", "2021-03-08_23-57-00Z": "photomanager import --db test.json test.jpg", } db_expected = { "version": Database.VERSION, "hash_algorithm": HashAlgorithm.SHA256, "timezone_default": "local", "photo_db": photo_db_expected, "command_history": command_history_expected, } assert db.photo_db == photo_db_expected assert db.command_history == command_history_expected assert orjson.loads(db.json) != orjson.loads(json_data) assert db.db == db_expected assert db == Database.from_dict(orjson.loads(json_data)) assert db.get_stats() == (1, 2, 1, 1024)
def test_database_load_version_3(): json_data = b"""{ "version": 3, "hash_algorithm": "sha256", "photo_db": { "QKEsTn2X": [ { "chk": "deadbeef", "src": "/a/b/c.jpg", "dt": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "ts": 1440662976.5, "fsz": 1024, "sto": "/d/e/f.jpg", "prio": 11, "tzo": null }, { "chk": "deadbeef", "src": "/g/b/c.jpg", "dt": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "ts": 1440662976.5, "fsz": 1024, "sto": "", "prio": 20, "tzo": -14400 } ] }, "command_history": { "2021-03-08_23-56-00Z": "photomanager create --db test.json", "2021-03-08_23-57-00Z": "photomanager import --db test.json test.jpg" } }""".replace(b"VERSION", f"{Database.VERSION}".encode()) db = Database.from_json(json_data) print(db.db) assert db.version == Database.VERSION assert db.hash_algorithm == HashAlgorithm.SHA256 assert db.db["timezone_default"] == "local" assert db.timezone_default is None photo_db_expected = { "QKEsTn2X": [ PhotoFile.from_dict({ "chk": "deadbeef", "src": "/a/b/c.jpg", "dt": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "ts": 1440662976.5, "fsz": 1024, "sto": "/d/e/f.jpg", "prio": 11, }), PhotoFile.from_dict({ "chk": "deadbeef", "src": "/g/b/c.jpg", "dt": "2015:08:27 04:09:36.50", "ts": 1440662976.5, "fsz": 1024, "sto": "", "prio": 20, "tzo": -14400, }), ] } command_history_expected = { "2021-03-08_23-56-00Z": "photomanager create --db test.json", "2021-03-08_23-57-00Z": "photomanager import --db test.json test.jpg", } db_expected = { "version": Database.VERSION, "hash_algorithm": HashAlgorithm.SHA256, "timezone_default": "local", "photo_db": photo_db_expected, "command_history": command_history_expected, } assert db.photo_db == photo_db_expected assert db.command_history == command_history_expected assert orjson.loads(db.json) != orjson.loads(json_data) assert db.db == db_expected assert db == Database.from_dict(orjson.loads(json_data)) assert db.get_stats() == (1, 2, 1, 1024)