def test_basephotometry_invalid_input(SHARED_INPUT_DIR): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: # Test invalid datatype: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='invalid', **DUMMY_KWARG): pass assert str(e.value) == "Invalid datasource: 'invalid'" # Test invalid cache option: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', cache='invalid', **DUMMY_KWARG): pass assert str(e.value) == "Invalid cache: 'invalid'" # Test an input directory that does not exist: with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as e: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, 'does/not/exist', OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', **DUMMY_KWARG): pass assert str(e.value).startswith('Not a valid input directory: ') # Test asking for FFI target without providing SECTOR, CAMERA and CCD: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi'): pass assert str( e.value ) == "SECTOR, CAMERA and CCD keywords must be provided for FFI targets." # Test target not in the catalog: with pytest.raises(Exception) as e: with BasePhotometry(0, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', **DUMMY_KWARG): pass assert str(e.value) == "Star could not be found in catalog: 0"
def test_aperture(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: for datasource in ('ffi', 'tpf'): with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource=datasource, **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: print("------------------------------------") print(pho.aperture) print(pho.sumimage.shape) print(pho.aperture.shape) assert (pho.sumimage.shape == pho.aperture.shape) # For this target, all the pixels should be available: assert np.all(pho.aperture & 1 != 0) # This target should fall on CCD output B: assert np.all(pho.aperture & 64 != 0) if datasource == 'ffi': # For the FFI's all pixels for this target was used for the backgrounds # (the target is not bright enough to be masked out) assert np.all(pho.aperture & 4 != 0) # Make the stamp one pixel smaller: # The sumimage and aperture should still match in size! pho.resize_stamp(right=-1) print(pho.sumimage.shape) print(pho.aperture.shape) assert pho.sumimage.shape == pho.aperture.shape # Try this very bright star, where the centre is saturated. # The aperture for this star should have pixels near the centre that # were not used in the background calculation for FFIs: with BasePhotometry(267211065, INPUT_DIR, '.', datasource='ffi', plot=True, **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: central_pixel = pho.aperture[ int(np.round(pho.target_pos_row_stamp)), int(np.round(pho.target_pos_column_stamp))] assert central_pixel & 4 == 0, "Central pixel of this bright star should not be used in background"
def test_catalog(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: for datasource in ('ffi', 'tpf'): with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource=datasource, **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: print(pho.catalog) assert (DUMMY_TARGET in pho.catalog['starid']) assert (pho.target_pos_ra >= np.min(pho.catalog['ra'])) assert (pho.target_pos_ra <= np.max(pho.catalog['ra'])) assert (pho.target_pos_dec >= np.min(pho.catalog['dec'])) assert (pho.target_pos_dec <= np.max(pho.catalog['dec'])) indx_main = (pho.catalog['starid'] == DUMMY_TARGET) # Test the real position - TODO: How do we find this? #np.testing.assert_allclose(pho.target_pos_column, 1978.082) #np.testing.assert_allclose(pho.target_pos_row, 652.5701) np.testing.assert_allclose(pho.catalog[indx_main]['column'], pho.target_pos_column) np.testing.assert_allclose(pho.catalog[indx_main]['row'], pho.target_pos_row)
def test_pixelflags(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: for datasource in ('ffi', 'tpf'): with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource=datasource, **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: # Check the size of the pixelflags cube: print(pho.pixelflags_cube.shape) expected_size = (pho.stamp[1] - pho.stamp[0], pho.stamp[3] - pho.stamp[2], len(pho.hdf['time'])) print(expected_size) assert pho.pixelflags_cube.shape == expected_size, "pixelflags_cube does not have the correct size" # Insert a fake pixel flag: pho._pixelflags_cube[:, :, :] = 0 pho._pixelflags_cube[ 0, 0, 2] |= PixelQualityFlags.BackgroundShenanigans # Try to loop through the pixelflags: tpfs_with_flag = [] for k, pf in enumerate(pho.pixelflags): if datasource == 'ffi' and k == 2: print(pf) assert pf[ 0, 0] & PixelQualityFlags.BackgroundShenanigans != 0 else: if pf[0, 0] & PixelQualityFlags.BackgroundShenanigans != 0: tpfs_with_flag.append(k) # The pixelflags iterator should have Ntimes points: assert k + 1 == pho.Ntimes, "The pixelflags iterator does not have the correct number of elements" # Save the final lightcurve and load the resulting QUALITY flags: tmpfile = pho.save_lightcurve() with as hdu: quality = hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data['QUALITY'] # Check that the quality flag is being peopergated through to the QUALITY column: if datasource == 'ffi': assert quality[ 2] & CorrectorQualityFlags.BackgroundShenanigans != 0, "BackgroundShenanigans flag not correctly propergated" else: # Since we have only set the flag for a single FFI, there should be 15 TPFs affected: assert len( tpfs_with_flag ) == 15, "Not the correct number of TPFs with flag set" for i in tpfs_with_flag: assert quality[ i] & CorrectorQualityFlags.BackgroundShenanigans != 0, "BackgroundShenanigans flag not correctly propergated"
def test_tpf_with_other_target(): sub_target = 444068153 with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(sub_target, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='tpf:471012650', camera=2, ccd=2) as pho: assert (pho.starid == sub_target) assert (pho.datasource == 'tpf')
def test_tpf_with_other_target(): sub_target = 267091131 with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(sub_target, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='tpf:267211065', sector=1, camera=3, ccd=2) as pho: assert (pho.starid == sub_target) assert (pho.datasource == 'tpf')
def test_pixelflags(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: for datasource in ('ffi', 'tpf'): with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource=datasource, camera=2, ccd=2) as pho: print(pho.pixelflags) assert (pho.sumimage.shape == pho.pixelflags.shape)
def test_backgrounds(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: pho._stamp = (50, 60, 50, 70) pho._set_stamp() for img in pho.backgrounds: assert (img.shape == (10, 20))
def test_catalog_attime(SHARED_INPUT_DIR, datasource): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource=datasource, **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: time = pho.lightcurve['time'] cat = pho.catalog_attime(time[0]) assert (cat.colnames == pho.catalog.colnames)
def test_images(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', camera=2, ccd=2) as pho: pho._stamp = (50, 60, 50, 70) pho._set_stamp() for img in pho.images: assert (img.shape == (10, 20))
def test_catalog_attime(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: for datasource in ('ffi', 'tpf'): with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource=datasource, camera=2, ccd=2) as pho: time = pho.lightcurve['time'] cat = pho.catalog_attime(time[0]) assert (cat.colnames == pho.catalog.colnames)
def test_stamp_width_height(SHARED_INPUT_DIR): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: print("Original") orig_stamp = pho._stamp orig_sumimage = pho.sumimage print(orig_stamp) # Change the size of the stamp: print("New") pho.resize_stamp(width=25, height=11) large_stamp = pho._stamp large_sumimage = pho.sumimage print(large_stamp) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print(cols.shape, rows.shape) assert cols.shape == (11, 25) assert rows.shape == (11, 25) assert large_sumimage.shape == (11, 25) # Make the stamp the same size as the original again: pho.resize_stamp(width=17, height=17) print(pho._stamp) assert pho._stamp == orig_stamp np.testing.assert_allclose(pho.sumimage, orig_sumimage) # Make the stamp the same size large one, but only changing width: pho.resize_stamp(width=25) print(pho._stamp) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() assert cols.shape == (17, 25) assert rows.shape == (17, 25) # Make really large stamp now: pho.resize_stamp(height=25) print(pho._stamp) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() assert cols.shape == (25, 25) assert rows.shape == (25, 25)
def test_stamp(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', camera=2, ccd=2) as pho: pho._stamp = (50, 60, 50, 70) pho._set_stamp() cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (10, 20)) assert (cols.shape == (10, 20)) assert (rows[0, 0] == 51) assert (cols[0, 0] == 51) assert (rows[-1, 0] == 60) assert (cols[-1, 0] == 51) assert (rows[-1, -1] == 60) assert (cols[-1, -1] == 70) pho.resize_stamp(up=12) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (22, 20)) assert (cols.shape == (22, 20))
def test_wcs(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', camera=2, ccd=2) as pho: cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() wcs_ffi = pho.wcs filepath = pho.save_lightcurve() with, mode='readonly', memmap=True) as hdu: wcs_fits = WCS(header=hdu['APERTURE'].header, relax=True) print(wcs_ffi) print(wcs_fits) # Test the pixels in the corners of the stamp: Nr, Nc = cols.shape test_pixels = np.array([[0, 0], [Nr - 1, Nc - 1], [0, Nc - 1], [Nr - 1, 0]]) # Corresponding pixels in the FFI: # Remember that cols and rows are 1-based. test_pixels_ffi = np.array([[cols[r, c] - 1, rows[r, c] - 1] for c, r in test_pixels]) print(test_pixels_ffi) # Calculate sky-coordinates using both WCS: radec_ffi = wcs_ffi.all_pix2world(test_pixels_ffi, 0, ra_dec_order=True) radec_fits = wcs_fits.all_pix2world(test_pixels, 0, ra_dec_order=True) # Check that the sky-coordinates are the same: print(radec_ffi - radec_fits) np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_fits, radec_ffi)
def test_wcs(): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='tpf', **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: cols_tpf, rows_tpf = pho.get_pixel_grid() wcs_tpf = pho.wcs filepath = pho.save_lightcurve() print(['ra']) print(['decl']) with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() wcs_ffi = pho.wcs filepath = pho.save_lightcurve() print(['ra']) print(['decl']) with, mode='readonly', memmap=True) as hdu: wcs_fits_aperture = WCS(header=hdu['APERTURE'].header, relax=True) wcs_fits_sumimage = WCS(header=hdu['SUMIMAGE'].header, relax=True) target_col = 592 target_row = 155 print(wcs_tpf) print(wcs_ffi) print(wcs_fits_aperture) print(wcs_fits_sumimage) print("------------------------------------") test_pixels_ffi = [[target_col, target_row]] radec_ffi = wcs_ffi.all_pix2world(test_pixels_ffi, 1, ra_dec_order=True) print('FFI: %s' % radec_ffi) test_pixels_tpf = np.where((rows_tpf == target_row) & (cols_tpf == target_col)) test_pixels_tpf = [[test_pixels_tpf[1][0], test_pixels_tpf[0][0]]] radec_tpf = wcs_tpf.all_pix2world(test_pixels_tpf, 1, ra_dec_order=True) print("TPF: %s " % radec_tpf) test_pixels = np.where((rows == target_row) & (cols == target_col)) test_pixels = [[test_pixels[1][0], test_pixels[0][0]]] radec_fits_aperture = wcs_fits_aperture.all_pix2world(test_pixels, 0, ra_dec_order=True) radec_fits_sumimage = wcs_fits_sumimage.all_pix2world(test_pixels, 0, ra_dec_order=True) print("APERTURE: %s" % radec_fits_aperture) print("SUMIMAGE: %s" % radec_fits_sumimage) #np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_tpf, radec_ffi) np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_fits_aperture, radec_ffi) np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_fits_sumimage, radec_ffi) # Test the pixels in the corners of the stamp: Nr, Nc = cols.shape test_pixels = np.array([[0, 0], [Nc - 1, Nr - 1], [0, Nr - 1], [Nc - 1, 0]]) print(test_pixels) # Corresponding pixels in the FFI: # Remember that cols and rows are 1-based. test_pixels_ffi = np.array([[cols[r, c] - 1, rows[r, c] - 1] for c, r in test_pixels]) print(test_pixels_ffi) # Calculate sky-coordinates using both WCS: radec_ffi = wcs_ffi.all_pix2world(test_pixels_ffi, 0, ra_dec_order=True) radec_fits_aperture = wcs_fits_aperture.all_pix2world(test_pixels, 0, ra_dec_order=True) radec_fits_sumimage = wcs_fits_sumimage.all_pix2world(test_pixels, 0, ra_dec_order=True) # Check that the two WCS from the FITS file is the same: print(radec_fits_aperture - radec_fits_sumimage) np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_fits_aperture, radec_fits_sumimage) # Check that the sky-coordinates are the same: print(radec_ffi - radec_fits_aperture) np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_fits_aperture, radec_ffi) print(radec_ffi - radec_fits_sumimage) np.testing.assert_allclose(radec_fits_sumimage, radec_ffi)
def test_stamp(SHARED_INPUT_DIR): with TemporaryDirectory() as OUTPUT_DIR: with BasePhotometry(DUMMY_TARGET, SHARED_INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, datasource='ffi', **DUMMY_KWARG) as pho: pho._stamp = (50, 60, 50, 70) pho._set_stamp() cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (10, 20)) assert (cols.shape == (10, 20)) assert (rows[0, 0] == 51) assert (cols[0, 0] == 51) assert (rows[-1, 0] == 60) assert (cols[-1, 0] == 51) assert (rows[-1, -1] == 60) assert (cols[-1, -1] == 70) pho.resize_stamp(up=12) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (22, 20)) assert (cols.shape == (22, 20)) pho.resize_stamp(down=2) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (24, 20)) assert (cols.shape == (24, 20)) pho.resize_stamp(right=3) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (24, 23)) assert (cols.shape == (24, 23)) pho.resize_stamp(left=3) cols, rows = pho.get_pixel_grid() print('Rows:') print(rows) print(rows.shape) print('Cols:') print(cols) print(cols.shape) assert (rows.shape == (24, 26)) assert (cols.shape == (24, 26)) # Set a stamp that is not going to work: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: pho.resize_stamp(left=-100, right=-100) assert str(e.value) == "Invalid stamp selected"