def handleFileUpload(server, user, packet): dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "") size = packet.getNumber(DATA_XFERSIZE, 0) # options = packet.getNumber(DATA_XFEROPTIONS, 0) path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name) if os.path.exists(path): raise HLException("File already exists.") if (not user.hasPriv(PRIV_UPLOAD_ANYWHERE)) and ( path.upper().find("UPLOAD") < 0 or path.upper().find("DROP BOX") < 0): raise HLException( "You must upload to an upload directory or drop box.") # Make sure we have enough disk space to accept the file. upDir = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir) info = os.statvfs(upDir) free = info.f_bavail * info.f_frsize if size >= free: raise HLException("Insufficient disk space.") file = HLFile(path) xfer = server.fileserver.addUpload(user, file) = size reply = packet.response() reply.addNumber(DATA_XFERID, if file.exists(): reply.addBinary(DATA_RESUME, file.resumeData().flatten()) server.sendPacket(reply, user)
def handleFileMove(server, user, packet): oldDir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) newDir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_NEWDIR)) name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "") oldPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, oldDir, name) newPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, newDir, name) if not os.path.exists(oldPath): raise HLException("Invalid file or directory.") if os.path.exists(newPath): raise HLException("The specified file already exists in the new location.") file = HLFile(oldPath) file.rename(newPath) server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
def handleFileDownload(server, user, packet): dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "") resume = HLResumeData(packet.getBinary(DATA_RESUME)) # options = packet.getNumber(DATA_XFEROPTIONS, 0) path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name) if not os.path.exists(path): raise HLException("Specified file does not exist.") file = HLFile(path) xfer = server.fileserver.addDownload(user, file, resume) dataSize = file.size() - resume.totalOffset() reply = packet.response() reply.addNumber(DATA_XFERSIZE, reply.addNumber(DATA_FILESIZE, dataSize) reply.addNumber(DATA_XFERID, server.sendPacket(reply, user)
def handleFileList(server, user, packet): dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir) if not os.path.exists(path): raise HLException("The specified directory does not exist.") if not os.path.isdir(path): raise HLException("The specified path is not a directory.") if (not user.hasPriv(PRIV_VIEW_DROPBOXES)) and (path.upper().find("DROP BOX") >= 0): raise HLException("You are not allowed to view drop boxes.") reply = packet.response() files = os.listdir(path) files.sort() for fname in files: if conf.SHOW_DOTFILES or (fname[0] != '.'): # Only list files starting with . if SHOW_DOTFILES is True. file = HLFile(os.path.join(path, fname)) reply.addBinary(DATA_FILE, file.flatten()) server.sendPacket(reply, user)
def handleFileDelete(server, user, packet): dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "") path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name) if not os.path.exists(path): raise HLException("Specified file or directory does not exist.") if os.path.isdir(path): if not user.hasPriv(PRIV_DELETE_FOLDERS): raise HLException("You are not allowed to delete folders.") # First, recursively delete everything inside the directory. for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path, topdown=False): for name in files: os.unlink(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) # Then delete the directory itself. os.rmdir(path) else: if not user.hasPriv(PRIV_DELETE_FILES): raise HLException("You are not allowed to delete files.") file = HLFile(path) file.delete() server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)
def handleFileGetInfo(server, user, packet): dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) name = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, b"") path = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, name) if not os.path.exists(path): raise HLException("No such file or directory.") file = HLFile(path) d = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)) info = packet.response() info.addString(DATA_FILENAME, name) info.addNumber(DATA_FILESIZE, file.size()) info.addNumber(DATA_FILETYPE, file.getType()) info.addNumber(DATA_FILECREATOR, file.getCreator()) info.addBinary(DATA_DATECREATED, HLEncodeDate(d)) info.addBinary(DATA_DATEMODIFIED, HLEncodeDate(d)) info.addString(DATA_COMMENT, file.getComment()) server.sendPacket(info, user)
def handleFileSetInfo(server, user, packet): dir = parseDir(packet.getBinary(DATA_DIR)) oldName = packet.getString(DATA_FILENAME, "") newName = packet.getString(DATA_NEWFILE, oldName) comment = packet.getString(DATA_COMMENT, "") if (oldName != newName) and (not user.hasPriv(PRIV_RENAME_FILES)): raise HLException("You cannot rename files.") oldPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, oldName) newPath = buildPath(user.account.fileRoot, dir, newName) if not os.path.exists(oldPath): raise HLException("Invalid file or directory.") if (oldPath != newPath) and os.path.exists(newPath): raise HLException("The specified file already exists.") file = HLFile(oldPath) file.rename(newPath) file.setComment(comment) server.sendPacket(packet.response(), user)