def get_task_from_id(self, task_id): template_id, _ = task_id.split(':') if self._config['mode'] == DEMO_MODE: # In demo mode use cached tasks. task = self.task_cache[task_id] else: # Try to load the task instance directly. _, _, module = loader.load_task_script(template_id) task = module.build_task.get_specific_task(task_id) solution_path = util.get_solution_path(task_id) if os.path.exists(solution_path): = [util.load_user_input(solution_path)] meta_task = task_if.TaskWithMeta(task=task) if hasattr(task, 'template_params'): meta_task.template_params = ' '.join( f'{k}={v}' for k, v in task.template_params.items()) eval_stats = eval_task_complexity.maybe_load_evaluation(template_id) if eval_stats is not None and eval_stats_has_task(eval_stats, task_id): meta_task.eval_data = eval_stats_to_thrift(eval_stats, task_id) meta_task.eval_data.known_solutions = filter_known_solutions( meta_task.eval_data.known_solutions, self._config['mode'], task.tier) status_counts = { tier: stats[task_id] for tier, stats in eval_stats['status_counts'].items() if tier.upper() in PROD_TIERS or self._config['mode'] == DEV_MODE } # Create a text description of the eval stats. chunks = ['attempts to solution:'] for tier, stats in sorted(status_counts.items()): if stats[SOLVED] == 0: chunks.append(f'{tier}=inf') else: cnt = int( (stats[SOLVED] + stats[NOT_SOLVED]) / stats[SOLVED]) chunks.append(f'{tier}={cnt}') chunks.append('valid share:') for tier, stats in sorted(status_counts.items()): if sum(stats.values()): share = 1.0 - (stats[INVALID_INPUT] / sum(stats.values())) chunks.append(f'{tier}={share * 100:.1f}%') else: chunks.append(f'{tier}=nan') chunks.append('flags:') for tier, stats in sorted(eval_stats['flags'].items()): chunks.append('%s={%s}' % (tier, ','.join( for flag in stats[task_id]))) meta_task.text_eval_info = ' '.join(chunks) if self._config['mode'] != DEMO_MODE: meta_task.rendered_img = get_task_as_base64_image(task) return meta_task
def save_solution(self, task_id, user_input): assert self._config['mode'] != DEMO_MODE util.save_user_input(user_input, util.get_solution_path(task_id))