Esempio n. 1
    def update(self, mouse):
        """updates the objects"""
        self.dir = (mouse - self.location).normalize() * .5
        self.acceleration = self.dir

        self.velocity += self.acceleration
        limit(self.velocity, 13)
        self.location += self.velocity
        self.angle = math.atan2(self.velocity.y, self.velocity.x)
Esempio n. 2
    def update(self, mouseX, mouseY):
        """ updates the objects """
        self.mouse = Vector(mouseX, mouseY)

        self.dir = (self.mouse - self.location).normalize() * 0.5

        self.acceleration = self.dir
        self.velocity += self.acceleration
        # self.velocity.limit(13)
        limit(self.velocity, 13)
        self.location += self.velocity
Esempio n. 3
	def update(self, delta):
		if random.random() < .1 and self.state != STATE_DEAD:
			self.canseeplayer = len(physics.collisions(, self.body.position,, COLLISION_GROUND)) == 0

		if self.state != STATE_DEAD and <= 0: += 1
			self.state = STATE_DEAD
		if self.state == STATE_WANDERING:
			self.body.velocity += pymunk.Vec2d(random.random()*10-5, random.random()*10-5)
			if self.canseeplayer:
				self.state = STATE_PREPARING
		if self.state == STATE_PREPARING:
			self.facing = self.body.position.x<
			playerdist = (
			if playerdist < self.range*2:
				self.attack_timer += delta
			if self.attack_timer > self.attack_time:
				self.attack_timer = 0
				self.state = STATE_ATTACKING
			flip = -1 if playerdist < self.range else 1
			self.body.velocity += flip*(*-self.speed/10
			if not self.canseeplayer:
				self.state = STATE_WANDERING
		if self.state == STATE_ATTACKING:
			self.facing = self.body.position.x<
			self.body.velocity += (*-self.speed/2
			if not self.canseeplayer:
				self.state = STATE_WANDERING
		if self.state != STATE_DEAD:
			self.body.velocity = physics.limit(self.body.velocity, self.speed)
Esempio n. 4
	def playerUpdateVelocity(self, body, gravity, damping, dt):
		self.groundNormal = pymunk.Vec2d()
		self.grounded = False
		self.grounds = 0
		if self.grounds > 0:
			self.groundNormal /= self.grounds

		self.grounded = self.groundNormal.y > 0.0
		#self.grounded = self.grounds > 0
		if(self.groundNormal.y < 0.0):
			self.remainingBoost = 0.0

		#Do a normal-ish update
		boost = (self.keyboard.y > 0 and self.remainingBoost > 0.0)
		g = pymunk.Vec2d(0, 0) if boost or self.grounded else pymunk.Vec2d(0, -600 if self.keyboard.y < 0 else -self.gravity)
		pymunk.Body.update_velocity(body, g, damping, dt)

		#Update the surface velocity and friction
		plane = self.groundNormal.rotated(-90)
		surface_v = plane*self.speed*self.keyboard.x - plane*
		self.body.velocity += surface_v
		self.playerShape.friction = 0

		#Apply air control if not grounded
		if not self.grounded:
			self.body.velocity.x = self.flerpconst(self.body.velocity.x, self.airspeed*self.keyboard.x, self.airspeed*10*dt)

		self.body.velocity = physics.limit(self.body.velocity, self.maxspeed)