Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
        """ calls Texture.__init__ but doesn't need to set file name as
    texture generated from the framebuffer. Keyword Arguments:

        to use when drawing sprite, defaults to post_base, a simple
        3x3 convolution that does basic edge detection. Can be copied to
        project directory and modified as required.

        can be set to True with slight cost to speed, or use fxaa shader

        list of textures. If additional textures can be used by the shader
        then they can be added here.
        will only render this proportion of the full screen which will
        then be mapped to the full uv of the Sprite. The camera object
        passed (below) will need to have the same scale set to avoid
        perspective distortion
        the camera to use for rendering to the offscreen texture
        allow the sprite to be created with intermediate vertices to allow
        interesting vertex shader effects
        super(PostProcess, self).__init__("postprocess")
        self.scale = scale
        # load shader
        self.shader = Shader(shader)
        if camera is None:
            self.viewcam = Camera.instance(
            )  # in case this is prior to one being created
            self.viewcam = camera = Camera(is_3d=False)
        self.sprite = LodSprite(z=20.0, w=self.ix, h=self.iy, n=divide)
        self.sprite.set_2d_size(w=self.ix, h=self.iy)
        for b in self.sprite.buf:
            b.unib[6] = self.scale  # ufact
            b.unib[7] = self.scale  # vfact
            b.unib[9] = (1.0 - self.scale) * 0.5  # uoffset
            b.unib[10] = (1.0 - self.scale) * 0.5  # voffset
        self.blend = True
        self.mipmap = mipmap
        self.tex_list = [
        ]  # TODO check if this self reference causes graphics memory leaks
        if add_tex: