class Missile(object): def __init__(self, w=1.0, h=1.0): self.isActive = False self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.z = 0.0 self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 = 0.0 self.w = w self.h = h self.countDown = 0 self.picture = Plane(w, h) #initialise the launch of the missile def fire(self, x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, cnt=10): self.isActive = True self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.dx = dx self.dy = dy = dz self.countDown = cnt self.picture.position(x, y, z) self.picture.rotateToY(atan(dx / dz)) #move and draw def move(self, tex): if self.countDown > 0: self.picture.translate(self.dx, self.dy, self.picture.rotateIncY(32) self.picture.draw(tex) self.countDown -= 1
class Missile(object): def __init__(self, w=1.0, h=1.0): self.isActive = False self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.z = 0.0 self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 = 0.0 self.w = w self.h = h self.countDown = 0 self.picture = Plane(w, h) #initialise the launch of the missile def fire(self, x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, cnt=10): self.isActive = True self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.dx = dx self.dy = dy = dz self.countDown = cnt self.picture.position(x, y, z) self.picture.rotateToY(atan(dx/dz)) #move and draw def move(self, tex): if self.countDown > 0: self.picture.translate(self.dx, self.dy, self.picture.rotateIncY(32) self.picture.draw(tex) self.countDown -= 1
def __init__(self, w=1.0, h=1.0): self.isActive = False self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.z = 0.0 self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 = 0.0 self.w = w self.h = h self.countDown = 0 self.picture = Plane(w, h)
def north_edge(self, x, y, z, width=10, length=10, height=10, details=None, name="wall", mergeshape=None): """ Creates a cell consisting of optional north, south, east and west walls and an optional ceiling. The north and south walls are parallel with the x axis, with north being more positive. The east and west walls are parallel with the z axis, with east being more positive. The cell is centred at (x,y,z). The cell is "width" along the z axis, (so north and south walls are that far apart,) "length" along the x axis, and "height" high. Each wall is a plane, but the ceiling is a cuboid, 1 unit high. There is no floor. The resulting object is added to the given mergeshape The objects are named with the given name argument as a prefix and a globally incrementing number as the suffix. """ global wallnum n = z + width / 2 s = z - width / 2 e = x + length / 2 w = x - length / 2 model = Plane(w=length, h=self.ceilingthickness, name=name + str(wallnum)) mergeshape.add(model, x, y + height + self.ceilingthickness / 2, n) wallnum += 1
def __init__(self, camera, matsh, points, thickness, colour=(255,255,255,255)): ''' Constructor ''' super(Line2d, self).__init__(camera) index = 0 for i in xrange(0,len(points)-1): x1 = points[i][0] y1 = points[i][1] x2 = points[i+1][0] y2 = points[i+1][1] xdelta = (x2-x1) ydelta = (y2-y1) length = math.sqrt( (xdelta*xdelta) + (ydelta*ydelta) ) xcenter=(x1+x2)*0.5 ycenter=(y1+y2)*0.5 if(xdelta != 0): angle = math.atan(ydelta / xdelta) else: angle = math.pi * 0.5 if(ydelta < 0): angle += math.pi line = Plane(camera=camera, w=length, h=thickness) line.set_draw_details(matsh, [], 0, 0) # line.set_material(colour) # line.rotateToZ(45) self.add(line, x=xcenter, y=ycenter, rz=math.degrees(angle)) self.set_draw_details(matsh, [], 0, 0) self.set_material(colour) # self.rotateToZ(45)
def roof(self, x, y, z, width=10, length=10, height=10, details=None, name="wall", mergeshape=None, makeroof=True, makeceiling=True): """ Creates a cell consisting of optional north, south, east and west walls and an optional ceiling. The north and south walls are parallel with the x axis, with north being more positive. The east and west walls are parallel with the z axis, with east being more positive. The cell is centred at (x,y,z). The cell is "width" along the z axis, (so north and south walls are that far apart,) "length" along the x axis, and "height" high. Each wall is a plane, but the ceiling is a cuboid, 1 unit high. There is no floor. The objects are named with the given name argument as a prefix and a globally incrementing number as the suffix. The resulting objects are added to the given mergeshape """ global wallnum roof = SolidObject(name+str(wallnum), Size(length, 1, width), Position(x, y+height+self.ceilingthickness/2, z), 0) roofmodel = Plane(w=length, h=width, name=name+str(wallnum)) mergeshape.add(roofmodel,x,y+height+self.ceilingthickness,z,rx=90.0,ry=0.0,rz=0.0) wallnum += 1
def east_wall(self, x, y, z, width=10, length=10, height=10, details=None, name="wall", mergeshape=None): """ Creates a cell consisting of optional north, south, east and west walls and an optional ceiling. The north and south walls are parallel with the x axis, with north being more positive. The east and west walls are parallel with the z axis, with east being more positive. The cell is centred at (x,y,z). The cell is "width" along the z axis, (so north and south walls are that far apart,) "length" along the x axis, and "height" high. Each wall is a plane, but the ceiling is a cuboid, 1 unit high. There is no floor. The resulting object is added to the given mergeshape The objects are named with the given name argument as a prefix and a globally incrementing number as the suffix. """ global wallnum n = z + width / 2 s = z - width / 2 e = x + length / 2 w = x - length / 2 ewall = SolidObject(name + str(wallnum), Size(1, height, width), Position(e, y + height / 2, z), 0) self.walls.append(ewall) model = Plane(w=ewall.d() * 2, h=ewall.h() * 2, name=name + str(wallnum)) mergeshape.add(model, ewall.x(), ewall.y(), ewall.z(), rx=0.0, ry=90.0, rz=0.0) wallnum += 1
num_n = len(waterbump) shapeshine = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape() num = (2, 2) asphere = Sphere(sides=32) for i in range(num[0]): for j in range(num[1]): myshape.add(asphere, -num[0]*0.9 + 1.8*i, -num[1]*0.9 +1.8*j, 0.0) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 1.0, 0.1) myshape.set_material((1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5)) mywater = Plane(w=130.0, h=130.0) mywater.set_draw_details(matsh, [waterbump[0], shapeshine], 12.0, 0.6) mywater.set_material((0.0, 0.05, 0.1)) mywater.set_fog((0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0),150) mywater.rotateToX(90.001) mywater.position(0.0, -2.0, 0.0) arialFont = Ttffont("fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf", "#dd00aa") #load ttf font and set the font colour to 'raspberry' mystring = String(font=arialFont, string="Now the Raspberry Pi really does rock") mystring.translate(0.0, 0.0, 1) mystring.set_shader(flatsh) tick = 0 av_fps = 0 i_n=0 spf = 0.1 # seconds per frame, i.e. water image change
mapdepth = 1000.0 mapheight = 100.0 mymap = ElevationMap("textures/maze1.jpg", width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=128, divy=128, name="sub") mymap.set_draw_details(shader, [rockimg1, rockimg2, shineimg], 128.0, 0.05) # Create fog for more realistic fade in distance. This can be turned on and off between drawing different object (i.e backgound not foggy) mymap.set_fog((0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), 200.0) #Create tree models treeplane = Plane(w=4.0, h=5.0) treemodel1 = MergeShape(name="baretree") treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0) treemodel1.add(treeplane.buf[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0) #Scatter them on map using Merge shape's cluster function mytrees1 = MergeShape(name="trees1") mytrees1.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap, 0.0, 0.0, 900.0, 900.0, 10, "", 8.0, 3.0) mytrees1.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [tree2img, rockimg2], 4.0, 0.0) mytrees1.set_fog((0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0), 200.0) raspberry = MergeShape(name="rasp") raspberry.cluster(treemodel1.buf[0], mymap, -250, +250, 470.0, 470.0, 5, "", 8.0, 1.0)
# environment cube ectex = Texture("textures/ecubes/skybox_stormydays.jpg") myecube = EnvironmentCube(camera, light, 900.0, "CROSS") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, [ectex]) #ball maxdsz = 0.3 radius = 1.0 ball = Sphere(camera, light, radius, 12, 12, 0.0, "sphere", -4, 8, -7) # Shape.set_draw_details is a wrapper for calling the method on each item in buf # as is done explicitly here for no reason than to show that it can be done! ball.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [ballimg], 0.0, 0.0) #monster monster = Plane(camera, light, 5.0, 5.0, "monster", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) monster.buf[0].set_draw_details(flatsh, [monstimg]) # Create elevation map mapwidth = 50.0 mapdepth = 50.0 maphalf = 22.0 mapheight = 40.0 mymap = ElevationMap("textures/pong.jpg", camera=camera, light=light, width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=32,
shapeshine = Texture("textures/stars.jpg") #Create shape myshape = MergeShape() num = (2, 2) asphere = Sphere(sides=32) for i in range(num[0]): for j in range(num[1]): myshape.add(asphere, -num[0] * 0.9 + 1.8 * i, -num[1] * 0.9 + 1.8 * j, 0.0) myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5) myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 1.0, 0.1) myshape.set_material((1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5)) mywater = Plane(w=130.0, h=130.0) mywater.set_draw_details(matsh, [waterbump[0], shapeshine], 12.0, 0.6) mywater.set_material((0.0, 0.05, 0.1)) mywater.set_fog((0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0), 150) mywater.rotateToX(90.001) mywater.position(0.0, -2.0, 0.0) arialFont = Ttffont( "fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf", "#dd00aa") #load ttf font and set the font colour to 'raspberry' mystring = String(font=arialFont, string="Now the Raspberry Pi really does rock") mystring.translate(0.0, 0.0, 1) mystring.set_shader(flatsh) tick = 0
# Load textures texs = Textures() # Setting 2nd param to True renders 'True' Blending # (this can be changed later to 'False' with 'rockimg2.blend = False') groundimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/stripwood.jpg") monstimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/pong3.png") ballimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/cloud6.png", True) # environment cube ectex = texs.loadTexture("textures/ecubes/skybox_stormydays.jpg") myecube = EnvironmentCube(900.0,"CROSS") #ball maxdsz = 0.3 radius = 1.0 ball = Sphere(radius,12,12,0.0,"sphere",-4,8,-7) #monster monster = Plane(5.0, 5.0, "monster", 0,0,0, 0,0,0) # Create elevation map mapwidth=50.0 mapdepth=50.0 maphalf=22.0 mapheight=40.0 #set smooth to give proper normals the bouncing won't work properly without and it doesn't look as good mymap = ElevationMap("textures/pong.jpg",mapwidth,mapdepth,mapheight,32,32,4,"sub",0,0,0, smooth=True) # lighting. The default light is a point light but I have made the position method capable of creating # a directional light and this is what I do inside the loop. If you want a torch you don't need to move it about light = Light(0, 2, 2, 1, "", 1,2,3, 0.1,0.1,0.2) #yellowish 'torch' or 'sun' with low level blueish ambient light.position(1,2,3,0) # set to directional light by setting position with 0 fourth parameter light.on()
#Create inbuilt shapes mysphere = Sphere(1,24,24,0.0,"sphere",-4,2,-7) mytcone = TCone(0.8,0.6,1,24,"TCone", -2,2,-7) myhelix = Helix(0.4,0.1,12,24,1.5,3.0,"helix", 0,2,-7) mytube = Tube(0.4,0.1,1.5,24,"tube",2,2,-7, 30,0,0) myextrude = Extrude( ((-0.5, 0.5), (0.5,0.7), (0.9,0.2), (0.2,0.05), (1.0,0.0), (0.5,-0.7), (-0.5, -0.5)), 0.5,"Extrude",4,2,-7) mycone = Cone(1,2,24,"Cone",-4,-1,-7) mycylinder = Cylinder(.7,1.5,24,"Cyli",-2,-1,-7) myhemisphere = Sphere(1,24,24,0.5,"hsphere",0,-1,-7) mytorus = Torus(1,0.3,12,24,"Torus", 2,-1,-7) #NB Lathe needs to start at the top otherwise normals are calculated in reverse, also inside surfaces need to be defined otherwise normals are wrong mylathe = Lathe( ((0,1),(0.6,1.2),(0.8,1.4),(1.09,1.7), (1.1,1.7),(0.9, 1.4),(0.7,1.2),(0.08,1),(0.08,0.21),(0.1,0.2),(1,0.05),(1,0),(0,0)), 24,"Cup",4,-1,-7, 0,0,0, 0.8,0.8,0.8) myPlane = Plane(4,4,"plane",0,0,0) myPlane.translate(0,0,-10) arialFont = Font("AR_CENA","#dd00aa") #load AR_CENA font and set the font colour to 'raspberry' destineFont = Font("AR_Destine", "#0055ff") # Fetch key presses mykeys = Keyboard() #create a light mylight = Light(0, 2,2,2, "", 1,0,0, 0.1,0.1,0.1, 0) mylight.on() # Display scene while 1:
# environment cube ectex = Texture("textures/ecubes/skybox_stormydays.jpg") myecube = EnvironmentCube(camera, light, 900.0,"CROSS") myecube.set_draw_details(flatsh, [ectex]) #ball maxdsz = 0.3 radius = 1.0 ball = Sphere(camera, light, radius,12,12,0.0,"sphere",-4,8,-7) # Shape.set_draw_details is a wrapper for calling the method on each item in buf # as is done explicitly here for no reason than to show that it can be done! ball.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader,[ballimg], 0.0, 0.0) #monster monster = Plane(camera, light, 5.0, 5.0, "monster", 0,0,0, 0,0,0) monster.buf[0].set_draw_details(flatsh, [monstimg]) # Create elevation map mapwidth=50.0 mapdepth=50.0 maphalf=22.0 mapheight=40.0 mymap = ElevationMap("textures/pong.jpg", camera=camera, light=light, width=mapwidth, depth=mapdepth, height=mapheight, divx=32, divy=32, ntiles=4, name="sub") mymap.buf[0].set_draw_details(shader, [groundimg, groundimg, ballimg], 1.0, 0.0) #avatar camera avhgt = 2.0
# Load textures texs=Textures() # Setting 2nd param to True renders 'True' Blending # (this can be changed later to 'False' with 'cloudimg.blend = False') cloudimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/earth_clouds.png",True) earthimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/world_map.jpg") moonimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/moon.jpg") starsimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/stars2.jpg") watimg = texs.loadTexture("textures/water.jpg") mysphere = Sphere(2,24,24,0.0,"earth",0,0,-5.8) mysphere2 = Sphere(2.05,24,24,0.0,"clouds",0,0,-5.8) mymoon = Sphere(0.4,16,16,0.0,"moon",0,0,0) mymoon2 = Sphere(0.1,16,16,0.0,"moon2",0,0,0) myplane = Plane(50,50, "stars", 0,0,-10) # Fetch key presses mykeys = Keyboard() rot=0.0 rot1=90.0 rot2=0.0 m1Rad = 4 # radius of moon orbit m2Rad = 0.55 # radius moon's moon orbit #create a light mylight = Light(0,5,5,5,"sun",10,0,6, .1,.1,.2, 0) mylight.on()