Esempio n. 1
    def block(self):
        self.time = {}
        self.status["runblock"] = ps.ps5000aRunBlock(self.chandle,
                                                     self.timebase, None, 0,
                                                     None, None)

        ready = ctypes.c_int16(0)
        check = ctypes.c_int16(0)
        while ready.value == check.value:
            self.status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(self.chandle,

        self.status["GetValuesBulk"] = ps.ps5000aGetValuesBulk(
            self.chandle, ctypes.byref(self.cmaxSamples), 0, self.blocks - 1,
            0, 0, ctypes.byref(self.overflow))
        for i in range(self.blocks):
                adc2mV(self.bufferMaxRay[i], self.chARange, self.maxADC))
            #self.data_mVRay.append(np.asarray(self.bufferMaxRay[i], dtype=int) * self.chARange / self.maxADC.value)
    def _get_values(self, num_samples, num_captures):
        """Get data from device and return buffer or None."""
        num_samples = ctypes.c_uint32(num_samples)
        overflow = (ctypes.c_int16 * num_captures)()

        status = ps.ps5000aGetValuesBulk(self._handle,
                                         ctypes.byref(num_samples), 0,
                                         num_captures - 1, 0, 0,
        status_msg = PICO_STATUS_LOOKUP[status]

        if status_msg == "PICO_OK":
            return [
                self._buffers[channel] if is_enabled is True else None
                for channel, is_enabled in self._channels_enabled.items()
        elif status_msg == "PICO_NO_SAMPLES_AVAILABLE":
            return None
            raise PicoSDKError(f"PicoSDK returned {status_msg}")
# Checks data collection to finish the capture
ready = ctypes.c_int16(0)
check = ctypes.c_int16(0)
while ready.value == check.value:
    status["isReady"] = ps.ps5000aIsReady(chandle, ctypes.byref(ready))

# Handle = chandle
# noOfSamples = ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples)
# fromSegmentIndex = 0
# ToSegmentIndex = 9
# DownSampleRatio = 0
# DownSampleRatioMode = 0
# Overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow)

status["GetValuesBulk"] = ps.ps5000aGetValuesBulk(chandle, ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), 0, 9, 0, 0, ctypes.byref(overflow))

# Handle = chandle
# Times = Times = (ctypes.c_int16*10)() = ctypes.byref(Times)
# Timeunits = TimeUnits = ctypes.c_char() = ctypes.byref(TimeUnits)
# Fromsegmentindex = 0
# Tosegementindex = 9
Times = (ctypes.c_int16*10)()
TimeUnits = ctypes.c_char()
status["GetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk"] = ps.ps5000aGetValuesTriggerTimeOffsetBulk64(chandle, ctypes.byref(Times), ctypes.byref(TimeUnits), 0, 9)

# Get and print TriggerInfo for memory segments
# Create array of ps.PS5000A_TRIGGER_INFO for each memory segment
Ten_TriggerInfo = (ps.PS5000A_TRIGGER_INFO*10) ()
    def read(self,**kwargs):
        reads the scope results:
        arguments: none
        keyword arguments (defaults in scope.settings):
            source: the channel(s) to read. If no channels are given, all the channels are read,
            startIndex: the sample to start reading,
            down_sample_blocksize: the number of samples to group for the data reduction (see Channel()._setDataBuffers),
            reduction_mode: the reduction_mode for the data reduction (see Channel()._setDataBuffers),
        the results (in V) are stored in scope.channels['channe_name'].data_max and scope.channels['channe_name'].data_min
        a results structure is returned:
            time:                   the time (in s)
            channel+' (V)':          channel voltage (in V)
        ***in reduction_mode == aggregate, two keys are returned instead:***
            channel+'_{max} (V)':   channel max voltage (in V)
            channel+'_{min} (V)':   channel min voltage (in V)
        channel voltage (including max/min) are returned as noSamples*nSegments arrays 
        #handles default values
        settings = {}
        for key,current_value in self.settings.items():
            settings[key] = kwargs[key] if key in kwargs else current_value
        if not 'source' in kwargs:
            settings['source'] = self.enabledChannels
        for channel in settings['source']:
            self.channels[channel]._setDataBuffers(reduction_mode = settings['reduction_mode'])
        # create overflow loaction
        overflow = (ctypes.c_int16 *self.trigger.settings['nSegments'])()
        # create converted type maxSamples
        cmaxSamples = ctypes.c_int32(self.settings['noSamples'])
        _ratio_mode = ratio_mode_index[settings['reduction_mode']]
        _segmentIndex = ctypes.c_uint32(self.settings['segmentIndex'])
        # Retried data from scope to buffers assigned above
        # handle = chandle
        # start index = 0
        # pointer to number of samples = ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples)
        # downsample ratio = 0
        # downsample ratio mode = PS5000A_RATIO_MODE_NONE
        # pointer to overflow = ctypes.byref(overflow))
        if self.trigger.settings['nSegments']==1:
            self.status["getValues"] = ps.ps5000aGetValues(self.chandle, settings['startIndex'], ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), 
                                                           settings['down_sample_blocksize'], _ratio_mode, _segmentIndex, ctypes.byref(overflow))
            _fromSegmentIndex = self.trigger.settings['segmentIndex']
            _toSegmentIndex = _fromSegmentIndex+self.trigger.settings['nSegments']-1
            self.status["getValuesBulk"] = ps.ps5000aGetValuesBulk(self.chandle, ctypes.byref(cmaxSamples), 
                                                           settings['down_sample_blocksize'], _ratio_mode,
        self.settings = settings
        # Create time data
        time = np.linspace(0, (cmaxSamples.value) * self.settings['timeIntervalSeconds'], cmaxSamples.value)

        results = {'time (s)':time}
        # convert ADC counts data to mV
        for channel in settings['source']:
            if self.channels[channel].settings['reduction_mode']=='aggregate':
                results[channel+'_{max} (V)']=self.channels[channel].data_max
                results[channel+'_{min} (V)']=self.channels[channel].data_min
                results[channel+' (V)']=self.channels[channel].data_max
        return results