def main(): ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('P') P = int(sys.argv[1]) tau = float(sys.argv[2]) delta = float(sys.argv[3]) pic = Picture(sys.argv[4]) prevBeads = BlobFinder(pic, tau).getBeads(P) # for every frame: for i in sys.argv[5:]: currBeads = BlobFinder(Picture(i), tau).getBeads(P) # for every bead in that frame: for currBead in range(len(currBeads)): # intialize shortest_dist with largest possible dimension: shortest_dist = max([pic.width(), pic.height()]) # search for currBead closest to prevBead: for v in range(min([len(currBeads), len(prevBeads)])): d = prevBeads[v].distanceTo(currBeads[currBead]) if d < shortest_dist: shortest_dist = d # confirm that displacement is within delta: if shortest_dist <= delta: # if yes, then show the distance: stdio.writef('%.4f\n', shortest_dist) stdio.writeln() prevBeads = currBeads
def on_enter(self): print( if == 'home': if self.picture in self.canvas.children: self.canvas.remove(self.picture) self.picture = Picture(filepath) self.canvas.add(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) self.canvas.add(self.picture) self.canvas.remove(self.overlay) self.canvas.add(self.overlay) self.settings_button.on_update() self.menu_button.on_update() # reset icon bar self.canvas.remove(self.icon_bar) self.icon_bar = IconBar(self.modes, self.icon_label) self.canvas.add(self.icon_bar) # reset sticker bar if self.sticker_bar in self.canvas.children: self.canvas.remove(self.sticker_bar) self.sticker_bar = StickerBar(self.sticker_label) self.canvas.add(self.sticker_bar) else: self.sticker_bar = StickerBar(self.sticker_label) for h in self.hands: self.canvas.remove(h) self.canvas.add(h) self.on_layout((Window.width, Window.height))
def main() : CELL_SIZE, ROUNDS = 6, 500 try: cells, TILESX, TILESY = fillCells(input("Open board from file: ")) except FileNotFoundError : cells = [] TILESX, TILESY = 50, 80 for i in range(TILESY): cells.append([False]*TILESX) cells[39][40]=1 cells[40][39]=1 cells[40][40]=1 cells[41][40]=1 cells[39][41]=1 cells2 = [] for i in range(TILESY): cells2.append([False]*TILESX) board = Picture(((TILESX * (CELL_SIZE + 1))+1,1+(TILESY*(CELL_SIZE + 1)))) # "plays" the game for ROUNDS times for i in range(ROUNDS): # for each cell... for x in range(TILESX): for y in range(TILESY): neighbors = numNeighbors(cells,y,x,TILESX,TILESY) if neighbors == 0: cells2[y][x] = False if neighbors == 1: cells2[y][x] = False if neighbors == 3: cells2[y][x] = True if neighbors >= 4: cells2[y][x] = False cells,cells2 = cells2,cells board = drawGrid(board,TILESX,TILESY,cells,CELL_SIZE) board.display()
class PygameStarter(game_mouse.Game): def __init__(self, width, height): game_mouse.Game.__init__(self, "Pygame Starter", width, height, 10) self.font_height = 12 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", self.font_height) self.mPicture = Picture() return def game_logic(self, keys, newkeys, buttons, newbuttons, mouse_position): x = mouse_position[0] y = mouse_position[1] if pygame.K_a in newkeys: print "a key pressed" if 1 in newbuttons: print "button clicked" return def paint(self, surface): self.mPicture.draw(surface) return
def get_info_list(path): workspace_path = path + "/workspace" pic_info = [] pic_info.append(PIC_SHEET_TITLE) vid_info = [] vid_info.append((VID_SHEET_TITLE)) target_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workspace_path): for file in files: tmp_file = root + "/" + file target_files.append(tmp_file) for file in sort_by_creation_time(target_files): _, file_suffix = file.split(".") if file_suffix in PIC_FORMAT: pic = Picture(file) pic_item = pic.get_info() pic_info.append(pic_item) #二维列表 elif file_suffix in VID_FORMAT: vid = Video(file) vid_item = vid.get_info() vid_info.append(vid_item) else: continue return pic_info, vid_info
def main(): ifile = input("Open a file: ") canvas = Picture(ifile) canvas.display() print("This program performs the following operations:\n\n", "1. Flip Horizontally\n", "2. Mirror Horizontally\n", "3. Scroll Horizontally\n", "4. Make Negative\n", "5. Make Grayscale\n", "6. Cycle Color Channels\n", "7. Zoom\n", "8. Posterize\n", "9. Change Brightness\n", "10. Increase Contrast\n", "11. Blur\n", "12. Rotate 180 Degrees\n", "13. Tiled\n", "14. Deuteranopia (Red-Green Colorblindess)\n") whatdo = eval(input("Enter the number of the operation you'd like to perform: ")) if whatdo == 1: canvas = flipHoriz(canvas) if whatdo == 2: canvas = mirrorHoriz(canvas) if whatdo == 3: canvas = scrollHoriz(canvas) if whatdo == 4: canvas = neg(canvas) if whatdo == 5: canvas = grayscale(canvas) if whatdo == 6: canvas = cycleColorChannels(canvas) if whatdo == 7: canvas = zoom(canvas) if whatdo == 8: canvas = posterize(canvas) if whatdo == 9: canvas = changeBright(canvas) if whatdo == 10: canvas = changeContrast(canvas) if whatdo == 11: canvas = blur(canvas) if whatdo == 12: canvas = rotate180(canvas) if whatdo == 13: canvas = tiled(canvas) if whatdo == 14: canvas = deuteranopia(canvas)
def companies_by_maintenance(): try: cursor.execute(sql_4) all_data = cursor.fetchall() all_companies = [] for row in all_data: if row[0] != None: actual_line = [] actual_line.append(row[0]) actual_line.append(row[1]) actual_line.append(row[2]) actual_line.append(row[3]) all_companies.append(actual_line) company_objects = [] for i in all_companies: actual = CompaneiesByMaintenance(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]) company_objects.append(actual) result = CompaneiesByMaintenance.output_maker(company_objects) for i in result: Picture.add_to_textboxes(i[1], i[2], i[0]) # print(i) Picture.drawer("companies_by_maintenance.png") except Exception as e: print(e)
def main(): if not os.path.isdir(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) process = 6 main = Main(process) main.form_parm() for i in range(0, main.cycle_multiproc): pool = Pool(process) cb =, range(process)) # for recording tmp = [] for k in range(process): tmp.append(cb[k].numneu) print(main.multiproc_co) main.multiproc_co += process # record for k, j in itertools.product(range(process), range(tmp[k])): d = # generate file name cb[k].parm_dict = str(cb[k].parm_dict) cb[k].parm_dict = cb[k].parm_dict.replace(':', '_') cb[k].parm_dict = cb[k].parm_dict.replace('{', '_') cb[k].parm_dict = cb[k].parm_dict.replace('}', '_') cb[k].parm_dict = cb[k].parm_dict.replace('\'', '') cb[k].parm_dict = cb[k].parm_dict.replace(',', '_') filename = (str(d.year) + '_' + str(d.month) + '_' + str( + '_' + str(d.hour) + '_' + str(d.minute) + '_' + str(d.second) + '_' + cb[k].parm_dict + '_' + 'N' + str(j) + '_' + "HR.csv") df = pd.DataFrame({ 't': cb[k].tmhist, 'Iext': cb[k].Iext[j, 1], 'x': cb[k].x[j], 'y': cb[k].y[j], 'z': cb[k].z[j], 'Isyn': cb[k].Isyn[j], 'alpha': cb[k].alpha, 'beta': cb[k].beta, 'D': cb[k].D, 'tausyn': cb[k].tausyn, 'Pmax': cb[k].Pmax }) df.to_csv(save_path + '/' + filename) pool.close() pool.join() elapsed_time = time.time() - starttime print("elapsed_time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]\n") pic = Picture(save_path) print("ちょう終わりました~♪")
def companies_by_project_number(): try: cursor.execute(sql_1) results_1 = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute(sql_2) results_2 = cursor.fetchall() dictionary = {} for row in results_2: if row[0] not in dictionary: dictionary.setdefault(row[0], []) dictionary[row[0]].append(row[1]) else: dictionary.setdefault(row[0], []).append(row[1]) for k, v in dictionary.items(): dictionary[k] = TextBox.avg_color(v) for i in results_1: if i[1] != 0: for k, v in dictionary.items(): if i[0] == k: Picture.add_to_textboxes(dictionary[k], 15*int(i[1]), k) Picture.drawer("companies_by_project_number.png") except Exception as e: print(e)
def main(): # intialize P, tau, and delta. P, tau = int(sys.argv[1]), float(sys.argv[2]) delta = float(sys.argv[3]) firstPic = BlobFinder(Picture(sys.argv[4]), tau) prevBeads = firstPic.getBeads(P) for v in sys.argv[5:]: # construct blobfinder, currBeads, and a list of beads blobfinder = BlobFinder(Picture(v), tau) currBeads = blobfinder.getBeads(P) for currBead in currBeads: # map distances a = map(lambda x: currBead.distanceTo(x), prevBeads) # filter the list minDist = list(filter(lambda x: x <= delta, a)) # if the list isn't empty, write the min distance if minDist: minDist = min(minDist) stdio.writef('%.4f\n', minDist) # instialize prevBeads wiht currBeads prevBeads = currBeads stdio.writeln()
def projects_by_currency(): try: cursor.execute(sql_3) # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results_1 = cursor.fetchall() all_companies = [] for row in results_1: if row[0] not in all_companies: company = [] company.append(row[0]) company.append(float(row[1])) company.append(row[2]) company.append(row[3]) all_companies.append(company) else: pass result = ProjectByCurrency.make_reverse_order(all_companies) for i in result: i[2] = TextBox.hex_to_rgb(i[2]) for i in result: Picture.add_to_textboxes(i[2], i[1], i[0]) # print(i) Picture.drawer('projects_by_currency.png') except Exception as e: print(e)
class PygameSunset(game_mouse.Game): def __init__(self, width, height): game_mouse.Game.__init__(self, "planet", width, height, 10) self.font_height = 12 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", self.font_height) self.mPicture = Picture(width, height) return def game_logic(self, keys, newkeys, buttons, newbuttons, mouse_position): x = mouse_position[0] y = mouse_position[1] if pygame.K_a in newkeys: print("a key pressed") if 1 in newbuttons: print("button clicked") return def paint(self, surface): self.mPicture.draw(surface) return
def main(): pic = Picture("crayons.bmp") WIDTH = pic.getWidth() HEIGHT = pic.getHeight() print(WIDTH, HEIGHT) pic2 = copyImage(pic) input()
def main(): P = int(sys.argv[1]) tau = float(sys.argv[2]) delta = float(sys.argv[3]) for i in range(4,len(sys.argv) - 1): pic1 = Picture(sys.argv[i]) pic2 = Picture(sys.argv[i+1]) blobscan = BlobFinder(pic1,tau) blobscan2 = BlobFinder(pic2,tau) blob = blobscan.getBeads(P) blob2 = blobscan2.getBeads(P) for i in range(len(blob2)): least = 0.0000 first = True for j in range(len(blob)): b = blob2[i] bb = blob[j] distance = b.distanceTo(bb) if(distance <= delta and first): least = distance first = False elif(distance <= delta and distance < least): least = distance if(least>0): stdio.writef('%s\n', round(least,4)) stdio.write('\n')
def __init__(self, width, height): game_mouse.Game.__init__(self, "planet", width, height, 10) self.font_height = 12 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", self.font_height) self.mPicture = Picture(width, height) return
def scale(source, w, h): target = Picture(w, h) for tCol in range(w): for tRow in range(h): sCol = tCol * source.width() // w sRow = tRow * source.height() // h target.set(tCol, tRow, source.get(sCol, sRow)) return target
def flipHoriz(canvas): n = Picture((canvas.getWidth(),canvas.getHeight())) for x in range(canvas.getWidth()): for y in range(canvas.getHeight()): r, g, b = canvas.getPixelColor(x,y) n.setPixelColor(canvas.getWidth()-x-1,y,r,g,b) canvas.close() n.display() return n
def get_first_valid_img(subreddit, path, limit=100): for index, post in enumerate( url = post.url picture = Picture(url, path) if picture.is_valid: picture.publish() return picture else: if os.path.isfile(picture.path): os.remove(picture.path)
def rotate180(canvas) : w, h = canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight() n = Picture((w,h)) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): r, g, b = canvas.getPixelColor(x,y) n.setPixelColor(w-x-1,h-y-1,r,g,b) canvas.close() n.display() return n
def blur(canvas) : w, h = canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight() n = Picture((w,h)) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): r, g, b = getAdjAvg(canvas,x,y) n.setPixelColor(x,y,r,g,b) canvas.close() n.display() return canvas
def scrollHoriz(canvas) : m = eval(input("Scroll by how many pixels: ")) n = Picture((canvas.getWidth(),canvas.getHeight())) for x in range(canvas.getWidth()): for y in range(canvas.getHeight()): r, g, b = canvas.getPixelColor(x,y) n.setPixelColor((x+m)%canvas.getWidth(),y,r,g,b) canvas.close() n.display() return n
def run_game(): pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() stats = GameStats() stats.restart() #载入屏幕,背景音乐 screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) screen pygame.display.set_caption('zombies invasion!'.title())'music/佐藤直紀 - 3年E組の不安.mp3'), 0.0) #此处高能BGM,左边为循环次数,右边为开始时间,从音乐的哪里开始 mainclock = pygame.time.Clock() #载入背景并绘制 background = gf.background_get_rect(ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) #绘制寒冰射手 snow_pea = Snow_Pea(screen) snow_pea.blitme() #载入开始键 start_button = Button(screen, 'start') picture1 = Picture(screen, 'images/APPROACHING.png') picture2 = Picture(screen, 'images/Credits_wearetheundead.jpg') #制作空弹夹 bullets = Group() stinkies = Group() zombies = Group() buckethead_zombies = Group() float_zombies = Group() mainclock.tick(ai_settings.fps) #开始游戏主循环 while True: gf.check_events(snow_pea, stats, screen, stinkies, start_button) gf.update_screen(snow_pea, screen, bullets, background, zombies, stats, start_button, ai_settings, buckethead_zombies, stinkies, picture1, float_zombies, picture2) gf.level_up(stats, zombies, buckethead_zombies, float_zombies) gf.update_events(bullets, screen, zombies, buckethead_zombies, stinkies, float_zombies) if stats.game_active:, ai_settings, snow_pea, screen, bullets, zombies, buckethead_zombies, float_zombies) #检测碰撞 gf.check_bullet_zombie_collisions(bullets, zombies, stats, buckethead_zombies, float_zombies) gf.check_pea_zombie_collision(zombies, snow_pea, ai_settings, stats, background, bullets, buckethead_zombies, float_zombies) gf.check_courtyard_zombie(zombies, ai_settings, stats, screen, bullets, snow_pea, buckethead_zombies, float_zombies)
def main(): canvas = Picture((500, 500)) canvas.display() canvas.setPenColor(200,0,0) canvas.drawRectFill(250,250,200,200) canvas.display() input()
def read(): w = stdio.readInt() h = stdio.readInt() p = Picture(w, h) for col in range(w): for raw in range(h): r = stdio.readInt() g = stdio.readInt() b = stdio.readInt() c = Color(r, g, b) p.set(col, raw, c) return p
def zoom(canvas): w = canvas.getWidth() h = canvas.getHeight() new_canvas = Picture((w,h)) canvas.close() for i in range(0,w): for j in range(0,h): r = canvas.getPixelRed(w//4+i//2,h//4+j//2) g = canvas.getPixelGreen(w//4+i//2,h//4+j//2) b = canvas.getPixelBlue(w//4+i//2,h//4+j//2) new_canvas.setPixelColor(i,j,r,g,b) return new_canvas
def slideOne(source,target,n,w,h): pic = Picture(w,h) for t in range(n): for col in range(w): for row in range(h): c0 = source.get(col, row) cn = target.get(col, row) alpha = float(t) / float(n) c = blend(c0, cn, alpha) pic.set(col, row, c) stddraw.picture(pic) #2秒一张为2000/n
def rotate180(canvas): w = canvas.getWidth() h = canvas.getHeight() new_canvas = Picture((w,h)) canvas.close() for i in range(0,w): for j in range(0,h): r = canvas.getPixelRed(w-1-i,h-1-j) g = canvas.getPixelGreen(w-1-i,h-1-j) b = canvas.getPixelBlue(w-1-i,h-1-j) new_canvas.setPixelColor(i,j,r,g,b) return new_canvas
def scrollHorizontally(canvas): n = eval(input("How many pixels would you like to scroll? ")) w = canvas.getWidth() h = canvas.getHeight() new_canvas = Picture((w,h)) canvas.close() for i in range(0,w): for j in range(0,h): r = canvas.getPixelRed(i,j) g = canvas.getPixelGreen(i,j) b = canvas.getPixelBlue(i,j) new_canvas.setPixelColor((i+n)%w,j,r,g,b) return new_canvas
def __init__(self, message, quality=20): if message.reply_to_message: self.PhotoSize_object =[-1] self.reply_to_message_id = message.reply_to_message.message_id else: self.PhotoSize_object =[-1] self.reply_to_message_id = None self.chat_id = message.chat_id self.message_id = message.message_id self.file_path = BASE_FILE_PATH.format(self.chat_id, self.message_id) self.message = message Picture.__init__(self, self.file_path, quality=quality)
def slideShow(p,n,w,h): l = len(p) #创建黑色图像 blackP = Picture(w,h) for col in range(w): for row in range(h): blackP.set(col,row,color.BLACK) for i in range(l-1): slideOne(p[i],blackP,n,w,h) slideOne(blackP,p[i+1],n,w,h) stddraw.picture(p[l-1])
def __init__(self, width, height): """ Constructors for the Drawing class. Parameters: width: int, the width of the image in pixels height: int, the height of the image in pixels """ self.width = width self.height = height self.picture = Picture(width, height) self.pixel_depths = [[float("-inf") for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)] self.matrix_stack = [TransformationMatrix.identity()] self.view_vector = None
def connect_picture(self, clientId): # 最新の絵を取得する picture = self.get_current_picture() if picture == None: # 絵がない場合は、新たな絵を登録する clientIds = [] clientIds.append(clientId) picture = Picture( clientIds=clientIds, isCurrent=True, ) else: picture.clientIds.append(clientId) picture.put()
def main(): P = int(sys.argv[1]) tau = float(sys.argv[2]) delta = float(sys.argv[3]) files = sys.argv[4:] beads1 = BlobFinder(Picture(files[0]), tau).getBeads(P) for i in range(1, len(files)): beads0 = beads1 beads1 = BlobFinder(Picture(files[i]), tau).getBeads(P) for bead in beads0: dist = min(bead.distanceTo(other) for other in beads1) if dist <= delta: stdio.writef('%.4f\n', dist) stdio.writeln()
def main(): canvas = Picture((400, 400)) sky(canvas) ground(canvas) pipe(canvas) blocks(canvas) questionMarks(canvas) mario(canvas) sun(canvas) clouds(canvas) horizontalLines(canvas) verticalLines(canvas) canvas.display() canvas.writeFile("cdavies.jpg") input("Press enter to end the prgram.")
def __init__(self, message, quality=20): if message.reply_to_message: self.PhotoSize_object =[-1] self.reply_to_message_id = message.reply_to_message.message_id else: self.PhotoSize_object =[-1] self.reply_to_message_id = None self.chat_id = message.chat_id self.message_id = message.message_id self.from_user = message.from_user # user that send the picture = # date in Unix time self.file_path = BASE_FILE_PATH.format(self.chat_id, self.message_id) self.message = message Picture.__init__(self, self.file_path, quality=quality)
def generate_prometheus_picture(dir_term, timestamp_list, prometheus_query_info, consumer_info): prometheus_query_data = generate_data_by_timestamp(timestamp_list, prometheus_query_info) consumer_data = generate_data_by_timestamp(timestamp_list, consumer_info) prom_query_lag_list = [] prom_query_log_offset_list = [] prom_query_current_offset_list = [] prom_query_log_offset_min_list = [] prom_query_current_offset_min_list = [] prom_query_lag_diff_list = [] for index in sorted(prometheus_query_data.keys()): prom_query_lag = prometheus_query_data[index]["lag"] prom_query_log_offset = prometheus_query_data[index]["log_offset"] prom_query_current_offset = prometheus_query_data[index]["current_offset"] prom_query_log_offset_min = prometheus_query_data[index]["log_offset_min"] prom_query_current_offset_min = prometheus_query_data[index]["current_offset_min"] prom_query_lag_list.append(prom_query_lag) prom_query_log_offset_list.append(prom_query_log_offset) prom_query_current_offset_list.append(prom_query_current_offset) prom_query_log_offset_min_list.append(prom_query_log_offset_min) prom_query_current_offset_min_list.append(prom_query_current_offset_min) lag_diff = prom_query_log_offset_min - prom_query_current_offset_min prom_query_lag_diff_list.append(lag_diff) print "--- prometheus query ---" avg_prom_query_lag = sum(prom_query_lag_list)/len(prom_query_lag_list) print "avg. prom. query lag = ", avg_prom_query_lag print "max. prom. query lag = ", max(prom_query_lag_list) avg_prom_query_log_offset_min = sum(prom_query_log_offset_min_list)/len(prom_query_log_offset_min_list) avg_prom_query_current_offset_min = sum(prom_query_current_offset_min_list)/len(prom_query_current_offset_min_list) print "avg. prom. producer processing rate = ", avg_prom_query_log_offset_min print "avg. prom. consumer processing rate = ", avg_prom_query_current_offset_min # print "avg. Prom. query log offset - current offset =", sum(prom_query_lag_diff_list)/len(prom_query_lag_diff_list) cpu_list = [] cpu_limit_list = [] for index in sorted(consumer_data.keys()): cpu = consumer_data[index].get("cpu", 0) cpu_limit = consumer_data[index].get("cpulimit", 0) cpu_list.append(cpu) cpu_limit_list.append(cpu_limit) if len(consumer_data.keys()) < len(prom_query_lag_list): diff = len(prom_query_lag_list) - len(consumer_data.keys()) for i in range(diff): prom_query_lag_list.pop(len(prom_query_lag_list)-1) if draw_picture: p = Picture(item=dir_term) p.get_replica_lag_picture(sorted(consumer_data.keys()), cpu_list, cpu_limit_list, prom_query_lag_list)
def initialize(karel_world): """ :param karel_world: World object that this module can draw :return: None """ global _cell_size global _font_size_small global _font_size_large # determine a reasonable canvas cell and canvas size na = karel_world.num_avenues ns = karel_world.num_streets _cell_size = _calculate_cell_size(na, ns) cell_dimensions = (_cell_size, _cell_size) width = _cell_size * (na + 2) + _cell_size // 2 height = _cell_size * ns + (3 * _cell_size) // 4 stddraw.setCanvasSize(int(width), int(height)) stddraw.setXscale(-0.5, float(na) + 2.0) stddraw.setYscale(-0.5, float(ns) + 0.25) # choose a reasonable font size _font_size_small = max(_cell_size // 4, 8) _font_size_large = max(_cell_size // 3, 11) # print('cell size is', _cell_size) # print('font size is', _font_size_small) # create and scale a Picture object for a beeper global _beeper_picture _beeper_picture = Picture(constants.beeper_image_file(_cell_size)) surface = _beeper_picture._surface _beeper_picture._surface = pygame.transform.scale(surface, cell_dimensions) # create and scale a Picture object for Karel's error state global _error_picture _error_picture = Picture(constants.error_image_file()) surface = _error_picture._surface _error_picture._surface = pygame.transform.scale(surface, cell_dimensions) # create, scale, and rotate Picture objects for each of Karel's directions for angle in [90, 0, 270, 180]: pic = Picture(constants.karel_image_file(_cell_size)) pic._surface = pygame.transform.scale(pic._surface, cell_dimensions) pic._surface = pygame.transform.rotate(pic._surface, angle) _karel_pictures.append(pic)
def main(): pic = Picture((800,800)) pic.setPenColor(128,80,255) pic.drawRectFill(0,0,800,800) for i in range(0, NUM_BUILDINGS): drawBuilding(pic) for i in range(0, 24): drawSun(pic, i) pic.display() pic.writeFile("guss.bmp") input()
def test_right(self): self.painter.t.right = MagicMock() line = Picture("+", 10, 90) self.painter.draw(line) self.painter.t.right.assert_called_once_with(90)
def main(): p = Picture('heroes-Peter.jpg') w, h, l = write(p) print(w) print(h) for i in range(2): print(l[i])
def __init__(self, parent, down2pc=False): import string Thread.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.config = parent.config self.down2pc = down2pc self.targetDir = parent.targetDir self.pictureList = [] self.logFile = open("goodbyeCy.log", "a") self.downloadedCount = 0 # 포스팅까지 처리완료된 갯수 self.currentFolder = "" # 현재 작업중인 사진첩 폴더의 이름 s1="""\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&\\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~""" s2="""_________________________________!^#$%&!'()$+,-_@0123456789#;&=~%@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{`}~""" self.pathNameTransTable = string.maketrans(s1, s2) self.folderList = [] # 리스트 박스에서 체크한 폴더만 추려냄 for idx in range(len(parent.folderList)): if parent.folderListChkListBox.IsChecked(idx): self.folderList.append(parent.folderList[idx]) self.totalPictureCount = Picture.getTotalCount(self.folderList) self.isRunning = False
def populate_pictures_table(): for r, d, f in os.walk(path): for file in f: filepath = r+"/"+str(file) b = os.path.getsize(filepath) picture = Picture(str(file), b, None) insert_picture(picture)
def test_left(self): self.painter.t.left = MagicMock() line = Picture("-", 10, 90) self.painter.draw(line) self.painter.t.left.assert_called_once_with(90)
def test_run_forward(self): self.painter.t.forward = MagicMock() line = Picture("F", 10, 90) self.painter.draw(line) self.painter.t.forward.assert_called_once_with(10)
def check_skin(self): state, img = print(state) if state is True: p = Picture.fromarray(img) x = p.check_skin() return x
def zoom(canvas) : w, h = canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight() n = Picture((w,h)) for x in range(w//4,w-(w//4)): for y in range(h//4,h-(h//4)): r, g, b = canvas.getPixelColor(x,y) c,d = x-(w//4),y-(h//4) n.setPixelColor(c*2,d*2,r,g,b) n.setPixelColor((c*2)+1,d*2,r,g,b) n.setPixelColor(c*2,(d*2)+1,r,g,b) n.setPixelColor((c*2)+1,(d*2)+1,r,g,b) canvas.close() n.display() return n
def copyImage(pic): print (WIDTH, HEIGHT) pic2 = Picture((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pic2.display() input() for y in range(0, HEIGHT): for x in range(0, WIDTH): red = pic.getPixelRed(x, y) green = pic.getPixelGreen(x, y) blue = pic.getPixelBlue(x, y) pic2.setPixelRed(x, y, red) pic2.setPixelGreen(x, y, green) pic2.setPixelBlue(x, y, blue) return pic2
def create_initial_pictures(): """ Create a randomized group of 9 pictures. """ pictures = [] for i in xrange(0, 9): pic = Picture() pic = Picture.create_random(pic, 1) pictures.append(pic) return pictures
def __init__(self, task_name, task_payload): """ Worker constructor. Prepares the picture to work on. :param task_name: :param task_payload: :return: A Worker object """ self.task_name = task_name self.task_payload = task_payload p, image_name = task_name.split('--') self.pic = Picture('{0}.jpg'.format(image_name))
def main(): width = eval(input("Enter a width/height of the canvas (pixels): ")) numBricks = eval(input("Enter a number of bricks for the height of the pyramid: ")) canvas = Picture((width, width)) canvas.setPenColor(0, 255, 255) canvas.drawRectFill(0, 0, width, width) sideLength = width // numBricks for i in range(0, numBricks): drawRow(canvas, i * (sideLength / 2), width - 1 - sideLength * (i+1), numBricks - i, sideLength) canvas.display()
def __init__(self, width, height): game_mouse.Game.__init__(self, "Pygame Starter", width, height, 10) self.font_height = 12 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier New", self.font_height) self.mPicture = Picture() return
class Drawing: def __init__(self, width, height): """ Constructors for the Drawing class. Parameters: width: int, the width of the image in pixels height: int, the height of the image in pixels """ self.width = width self.height = height self.picture = Picture(width, height) self.pixel_depths = [[float("-inf") for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)] self.matrix_stack = [TransformationMatrix.identity()] self.view_vector = None def _set_pixel(self, x, y, color, suppress_error=True, z_depth=float("-inf")): """ Sets a pixel on the internal raster with reference to the original origin (ignoring the current TransformationMatrix). Parameters: x: int, the x coordinate of the pixel to set y: int, the y coordinate of the pixel to set color: Color, the color to set the pixel to suppress_error: bool (optional), when set to True, will suppress the error if the pixel is out of bounds z_depth: float (optional), the depth of the pixel, if this pixel is lower in depth than the current pixel, then it will not be drawn """ # The coordinates are reversed because of the way lists of lists # work in Python. try: if z_depth >= self.pixel_depths[y][x]: self.pixel_depths[y][x] = z_depth self.picture.set_pixel(x, y, color) except IndexError, exception: if not suppress_error: raise exception
def main(): width = eval(input("Please enter the desired width for the canvas: ")) n = eval(input("Please enter the desired number of blocks for bottom row of the pyramid: ")) size=width/n canvas = Picture((width, width)) canvas.setPenColor(255,0,0) for i in range(0,n): #loop through the rows of the pyramid for j in range(i,n): #loop through the bricks canvas.drawRectFill(i*size/2+(j-i)*size,width-size*(i+1),size-2,size-1) #draw each rectangle, stopping a pixil short to leave visible lines between each block canvas.display() #display the pyramid input("Press enter to end the program.") #leave an input so the program doesnt end before we can see the picture
def main(): # Create the canvas and fill in the background canvas = Picture((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) chooseColor(canvas) canvas.drawRectFill(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT) # Create 13 objects on the canvas for i in range(0, 13): chooseColor(canvas) chooseShape(canvas) canvas.display() canvas.writeFile("mlewisno.bmp")
def copyImage(pic): WIDTH = pic.getWidth() HEIGHT = pic.getHeight() pic2 = Picture((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) for y in range(0, HEIGHT): for x in range(0, WIDTH): red = pic.getPixelRed(x, y) green = pic.getPixelGreen(x, y) blue = pic.getPixelBlue(x, y) pic2.setPixelRed(x, y, red) pic2.setPixelGreen(x, y, green) pic2.setPixelBlue(x, y, blue) return pic2
def main(): width = eval(input("Enter a width for your canvas: ")) height = eval(input("Enter a height for your canvas: ")) n = eval(input("How many bricks tall would you like to make this pyramid? ")) canvas = Picture((width, height)) x = 0 y = height - (height/n) canvas.setPenColor(0,225,225) canvas.drawRectFill(0,0,width,height) drawPyramid(canvas, n, x, y, width, height) canvas.display()
def main(): name = input("Enter the filename of an image you would like to edit: ") pic = Picture(name) pic.display() WIDTH = pic.getWidth() HEIGHT = pic.getHeight() instructions() while True: options() userInput = input("Enter the number corresponding to the change you want to perform: ") if userInput == "exit": return else: userInput = eval(userInput) pic = doEdit(userInput, pic) pic.display()
def main(): for num in range(1,4): p = Picture("training_data/a" + str(num)+".png") c = Char_Repr(p) print(c.points) p.display() raw_input() for num in range(1,4): p = Picture("training_data/b" + str(num)+".png") c = Char_Repr(p) print(c.points) p.display() raw_input()
def main(): # Get the width for the canvas width = int(eval(input("How wide do you want the canvas to be? (In pixels) "))) # Get the number of bricks tall the user wants the pyramid to be numBricks = int(eval(input("How many bricks tall do you want your pyramid to be? "))) # Create the canvas canvas = Picture((width, width)) # Fill in the background canvas.drawRectFill(0, 0, width, width) # Calculate brick height and width brickHeight = int(width/numBricks) brickWidght = int(width/numBricks) # Loop through each row of the pyramid for i in range(0, numBricks): # Find the y coordinate for every brick in this row brickY = brickHeight*(i + 1) # Loop through each brick in each row for j in range(int(1/2*brickHeight), numBricks - i): # Find the x coordinate for each brick as you go along brickX = brickHeight(j) canvas.setPenColor(0, 0, 0) canvas.drawRect(brickX, brickY, brickWidth, brickHeight) canvas.display()