Esempio n. 1
def img_callback(data):
    curr_time = rospy.get_time()
    img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'mono8')
#   img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    global first_img
    global first_kp
    global first_des
    global prev_time
    global lr_err, fb_err, lr_pid, fb_pid
    global frame_counter
    global smoothed_pos
    alpha = 0.6
    if first_img is None:
        first_img = deepcopy(img)
        first_kp, first_des = orb.detectAndCompute(first_img, None)
        print 'Found {} features for the first img!'.format(len(first_kp))
        H = get_H(img)
        if H is not None:
            R, t, n = get_RT(H)
            RT = np.identity(4)
            RT[0:3, 0:3] = R[0:3, 0:3]
            if np.linalg.norm(t) < 50:
                RT[0:3, 3] = t.T[0]
            new_pos = compose_pose(RT)
            smoothed_pos.header = new_pos.header
            smoothed_pos.pose.position.x = (1. - alpha) * smoothed_pos.pose.position.x + alpha * new_pos.pose.position.x
            smoothed_pos.pose.position.y = (1. - alpha) * smoothed_pos.pose.position.y + alpha * new_pos.pose.position.y
            mode = Mode()
            mode.mode = 5
            lr_err.err = smoothed_pos.pose.position.x
            fb_err.err = smoothed_pos.pose.position.y
            mode.x_velocity = lr_pid.step(lr_err.err, prev_time - curr_time)
            mode.y_velocity = fb_pid.step(fb_err.err, prev_time - curr_time)
            print 'lr', mode.x_velocity, 'fb', mode.y_velocity
            prev_time = curr_time
#           mode.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            mode = Mode()
            mode.mode = 5
            mode.x_velocity = 0
            mode.y_velocity = 0
            print "LOST"
            prev_time = curr_time
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    import sys, tty, termios
    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    #attr = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno())
    mode = Mode()
    mode.mode = 4
    modepub = rospy.Publisher('/pidrone/set_mode', Mode, queue_size=1)
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)
    msg = """
;:  arm
' ' (spacebar):  disarm
t:  takeoff
l:  land
a:  yaw left
d:  yaw right
w:  up
z:  down
i:  forward
k:  backward
j:  left
l:  right
h:  hover
q:  quit
        print msg
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            ch = getch.getch(0.1)
            if ch == None:

            if ord(ch) == 32:
                # disarm
                print "disarming"
                mode.mode = 4
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == ";":
                # arm
                print "arm"
                mode.mode = 0
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "y":
                # land
                print "land"
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
                mode.mode = 3
            elif ch == "h":
                # hover
                print "hover"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "t":
                print "takeoff"
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
                mode.mode = 5
            elif ch == "j":
                print "left"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = -3
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "l":
                print "right"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 3
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "k":
                print "backward"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = -3
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "i":
                print "forward"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 3
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "a":
                print "yaw left"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = -50
            elif ch == "d":
                print "yaw right"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 0
                mode.yaw_velocity = 50
            elif ch == "w":
                print "up"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = 1
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "s":
                print "down"
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_velocity = 0
                mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.z_velocity = -1
                mode.yaw_velocity = 0
            elif ch == "q":
            elif ord(ch) == 3:  # Ctrl-C
                print "unknown character: '%d'" % ord(ch)
            print msg
        print "sending disarm"
        mode.mode = 4
Esempio n. 3
    def write(self, data):
        global first_counter
        global max_first_counter
        global replan_period
        global replan_last_reset
        global replan_next_deadline
        global replan_until_deadline
        global replan_vel_x
        global replan_vel_y
        global replan_scale
        global vel_average
        global vel_alpha
        global vel_average_time
        img = np.reshape(np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.uint8), (240, 320, 3))
#       cv2.imshow("img", img)
#       cv2.waitKey(1)
        curr_rostime =
        curr_time = curr_rostime.to_sec()

        shouldi_set_velocity = 1 #0
        if np.abs(curr_time - replan_last_reset) > replan_period:
            replan_last_reset = curr_time
            replan_next_deadline = replan_last_reset + replan_period
            shouldi_set_velocity = 1
        replan_until_deadline = replan_next_deadline-curr_time
        #print curr_time, replan_last_reset, replan_next_deadline, replan_until_deadline, replan_vel_x, replan_vel_y

        if self.first:
            print "taking new first"
            self.first = False
            #self.first_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)            
            self.first_img = img
            cv2.imwrite("first_img" + str(self.i) + ".jpg", self.first_img)
            #self.prev_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            self.prev_img = img
            self.prev_rostime = curr_rostime
            self.prev_time = curr_time

            self.i += 1
            image_message = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8")

        elif self.transforming:
            #curr_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            curr_img = img
            corr_first = cv2.estimateRigidTransform(self.first_img, curr_img, False)
            corr_int = cv2.estimateRigidTransform(self.prev_img, curr_img, False)
            self.prev_img = curr_img
            self.prev_rostime = curr_rostime
            self.prev_time = curr_time

            if corr_first is not None:
                self.last_first_time = curr_time
                if curr_time - self.last_first_time > 2:
                    self.first = True
                first_displacement = [corr_first[0, 2] / 320., corr_first[1, 2] / 240.]
                scalex = np.linalg.norm(corr_first[:, 0])
                scalez = np.linalg.norm(corr_first[:, 1])
                corr_first[:, 0] /= scalex
                corr_first[:, 1] /= scalez
                self.yaw_observed = math.atan2(corr_first[1, 0], corr_first[0, 0])
                #print first_displacement, yaw_observed
                #yaw = yaw_observed
                self.smoothed_yaw = (1.0 - self.alpha_yaw) * self.smoothed_yaw + (self.alpha_yaw) * self.yaw_observed 
                yaw = self.smoothed_yaw
                vel_average[0] = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average[0] + (vel_alpha) * self.pos[0]
                # jgo XXX see what happens if we dont reset upon seeing first
                #self.pos = [first_displacement[0] * self.z, first_displacement[1] * self.z / 240., yaw]
                # jgo XXX see what happens if we use alpha blending 
                hybrid_alpha = 0.1 # needs to be between 0 and 1.0
                self.pos[0:2] = [(hybrid_alpha) * first_displacement[0] * self.z + (1.0 - hybrid_alpha) * self.pos[0],
                            (hybrid_alpha) * first_displacement[1] * self.z  + (1.0 - hybrid_alpha) * self.pos[1]]
                vel_average[0] = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average[0] + (vel_alpha) * self.pos[0]
                vel_average[1] = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average[1] + (vel_alpha) * self.pos[1]
                vel_average_time = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average_time + (vel_alpha) * curr_time
                #print "times: ", vel_average_time, curr_time, curr_time - vel_average_time
                #self.lr_err.err = vel_average[0] + self.target_x
                #self.fb_err.err = vel_average[1] + self.target_y
                self.lr_err.err = self.pos[0] + self.target_x
                self.fb_err.err = self.pos[1] + self.target_y
                print "ERR", self.lr_err.err, self.fb_err.err
                mode = Mode()
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_i += self.lr_pid.step(self.lr_err.err, self.prev_time - curr_time)
                mode.y_i += self.fb_pid.step(self.fb_err.err, self.prev_time - curr_time)
                #mode.x_velocity = mode.x_i
                #mode.y_velocity = mode.y_i
                # jgo XXX LOLOL constant velocity controller 
                first_counter = first_counter + 1
                max_first_counter = max(first_counter, max_first_counter)
                cvc_norm = np.sqrt(mode.x_i * mode.x_i + mode.y_i * mode.y_i)
                if cvc_norm <= 0.01:
                    cvc_norm = 1.0

                # XXX
                cvc_vel = 1.00#0.15#0.25

                if shouldi_set_velocity:
                    replan_vel_x = mode.x_i * replan_scale / max(replan_until_deadline, 0.1)
                    replan_vel_y = mode.y_i * replan_scale / max(replan_until_deadline, 0.1)
                    replan_vel_x = min(replan_vel_x, 1.0)
                    replan_vel_y = min(replan_vel_y, 1.0)
                # XXX coast if first frame found but still do PID update to
                # integrate!
                #mode.x_velocity = 0
                #mode.y_velocity = 0
                mode.x_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.x_i 
                mode.y_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.y_i 
                #mode.x_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.x_i / cvc_norm
                #mode.y_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.y_i / cvc_norm
                #mode.x_velocity = replan_vel_x
                #mode.y_velocity = replan_vel_y
                self.iacc_yaw += yaw * self.ki_yaw

                yaw_kpi_term = np.sign(yaw) * yaw * yaw * self.kpi_yaw
                if abs(yaw_kpi_term) < self.kpi_max_yaw:
                    self.iacc_yaw += yaw_kpi_term
                    self.iacc_yaw += np.sign(yaw) * self.kpi_max_yaw

                mode.yaw_velocity = yaw * self.kp_yaw + self.iacc_yaw
                print "yaw iacc: ", self.iacc_yaw
                print "first", max_first_counter, first_counter
            elif corr_int is not None:
                time_since_first = curr_time - self.last_first_time
                print "integrated", time_since_first
                print "max_first_counter: ", max_first_counter
                int_displacement = [corr_int[0, 2] / 320., corr_int[1, 2] / 240.]
                scalex = np.linalg.norm(corr_int[:, 0])
                scalez = np.linalg.norm(corr_int[:, 1])
                corr_int[:, 0] /= scalex
                corr_int[:, 1] /= scalez
                yaw = math.atan2(corr_int[1, 0], corr_int[0, 0])
                print int_displacement, yaw
                self.pos[0] += int_displacement[0] * self.z
                self.pos[1] += int_displacement[1] * self.z
                #self.pos[2] = yaw
                #vel_average = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average[0] + (vel_alpha) * self.pos[0]
                #vel_average = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average[1] + (vel_alpha) * self.pos[1]
                vel_average_time = (1.0 - vel_alpha) * vel_average_time + (vel_alpha) * curr_time
                #print "times: ", vel_average_time, curr_time, curr_time - vel_average_time
                #self.lr_err.err = vel_average[0] + self.target_x
                #self.fb_err.err = vel_average[1] + self.target_y
                self.lr_err.err = self.pos[0] + self.target_x
                self.fb_err.err = self.pos[1] + self.target_y
                print "ERR", self.lr_err.err, self.fb_err.err
                mode = Mode()
                mode.mode = 5
                mode.x_i += self.lr_pid.step(self.lr_err.err, self.prev_time - curr_time)
                mode.y_i += self.fb_pid.step(self.fb_err.err, self.prev_time - curr_time)
                # jgo XXX LOLOL constant velocity controller 
                first_counter = 0
                cvc_norm = np.sqrt(mode.x_i * mode.x_i + mode.y_i * mode.y_i)
                if cvc_norm <= 0.01:
                    cvc_norm = 1.0
                cvc_vel = 3.0#0.25 #1.0 

                if shouldi_set_velocity:
                    #replan_vel_x = mode.x_i * replan_scale# * cvc_vel
                    #replan_vel_y = mode.y_i * replan_scale# * cvc_vel
                    replan_vel_x = mode.x_i * replan_scale / max(replan_until_deadline, 0.1)
                    replan_vel_y = mode.y_i * replan_scale / max(replan_until_deadline, 0.1)
                    replan_vel_x = min(replan_vel_x, 1.0)
                    replan_vel_y = min(replan_vel_y, 1.0)
                #cvc_vel = max(min(time_since_first * 0.1, 1.0), 0.0)
                mode.x_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.x_i 
                mode.y_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.y_i 
                #mode.x_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.x_i / cvc_norm
                #mode.y_velocity = cvc_vel * mode.y_i / cvc_norm
                #mode.x_velocity = replan_vel_x
                #mode.y_velocity = replan_vel_y
                #mode.yaw_velocity = yaw * self.kp_yaw
                # yaw i term only
                mode.yaw_velocity = self.iacc_yaw
                print "yaw iacc: ", self.iacc_yaw
                print "LOST"

            #print "Not transforming"
            #curr_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
            curr_img = img
            corr_first = cv2.estimateRigidTransform(self.first_img, curr_img, False)
            if corr_first is not None:
                #print "first"
                self.last_first_time = rospy.get_time()
                if curr_time - self.last_first_time > 2:
                    self.first = True
                print "no first", curr_time - self.last_first_time
            self.prev_img = curr_img
            self.prev_rostime = curr_rostime
            self.prev_time = curr_time
        prev_time = curr_time
        #print "smoothed yaw: ", self.smoothed_yaw[0] * 0.01, self.pos[1] * 0.01, self.pos[2] * 0.01),
                              tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, self.yaw_observed),
Esempio n. 4
    rospy.Subscriber("/pidrone/pos_setpoint", PoseStamped, sp_callback)
    global max_accel, movements, pub_frequency
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if len(movements) > 0:
            # movement is the desired diplacement vector
            movement = movements.pop(0)
            movement /= 2.
            travel_time = np.max(np.sqrt(2. * np.abs(movement) / max_accel))
            # the desired acceleration in each axes to ramp smoothly
            adjusted_accel = (2. * movement) / (travel_time**2)
            # the number of velocity points to ramp up
            num_points = int(np.floor(pub_frequency * travel_time))
            # generate the list of desired velocities to ramp up
            command_list = []
            for i in range(1, num_points + 1):
                command_list.append((i / pub_frequency) * adjusted_accel)

            command_list_r = deepcopy(command_list)
            command_list += command_list_r  # mirror to ramp back down
            command_list.append(np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.]))

            for cmd in command_list:
                mode.x_velocity = cmd[0]
                mode.y_velocity = cmd[1]
                mode.z_velocity = cmd[2]
                mode.yaw_velocity = cmd[3]
                print mode
                rospy.sleep(1. / pub_frequency)