Esempio n. 1
class Chess(object):
    def __init__(self, screen, pieces_src, square_coords, square_length):
        # display surface
        self.screen = screen
        # create an object of class to show chess pieces on the board
        self.chess_pieces = Piece(pieces_src, cols=6, rows=2)
        # store coordinates of the chess board squares
        self.board_locations = square_coords
        # length of the side of a chess board square
        self.square_length = square_length
        # dictionary to keeping track of player turn
        self.turn = {"black": 0, "white": 0}

        # list containing possible moves for the selected piece
        self.moves = []
        self.utils = Utils()

        # mapping of piece names to index of list containing piece coordinates on spritesheet
        self.pieces = {
            "white_pawn": 5,
            "white_knight": 3,
            "white_bishop": 2,
            "white_rook": 4,
            "white_king": 0,
            "white_queen": 1,
            "black_pawn": 11,
            "black_knight": 9,
            "black_bishop": 8,
            "black_rook": 10,
            "black_king": 6,
            "black_queen": 7

        # list containing captured pieces
        self.captured = []
        self.winner = ""


    def reset(self):
        # clear moves lists
        self.moves = []

        # randomize player turn
        x = random.randint(0, 1)
        if (x == 1):
            self.turn["black"] = 1
        elif (x == 0):
            self.turn["white"] = 1

        # two dimensonal dictionary containing details about each board location
        # storage format is [piece_name, currently_selected, x_y_coordinate]
        self.piece_location = {}
        x = 0
        for i in range(97, 105):
            a = 8
            y = 0
            self.piece_location[chr(i)] = {}
            while a > 0:
                # [piece name, currently selected, board coordinates]
                self.piece_location[chr(i)][a] = ["", False, [x, y]]
                a = a - 1
                y = y + 1
            x = x + 1

        # reset the board
        for i in range(97, 105):
            x = 8
            while x > 0:
                if (x == 8):
                    if (chr(i) == 'a' or chr(i) == 'h'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "black_rook"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'b' or chr(i) == 'g'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "black_knight"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'c' or chr(i) == 'f'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "black_bishop"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'd'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "black_queen"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'e'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "black_king"
                elif (x == 7):
                    self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "black_pawn"
                elif (x == 2):
                    self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "white_pawn"
                elif (x == 1):
                    if (chr(i) == 'a' or chr(i) == 'h'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "white_rook"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'b' or chr(i) == 'g'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "white_knight"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'c' or chr(i) == 'f'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "white_bishop"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'd'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "white_queen"
                    elif (chr(i) == 'e'):
                        self.piece_location[chr(i)][x][0] = "white_king"
                x = x - 1

    def play_turn(self):
        # white color
        white_color = (255, 255, 255)
        # create fonts for texts
        small_font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 20)
        # create text to be shown on the game menu
        if self.turn["black"]:
            turn_text = small_font.render("Turn: Black", True, white_color)
        elif self.turn["white"]:
            turn_text = small_font.render("Turn: White", True, white_color)

        # show welcome text
            ((self.screen.get_width() - turn_text.get_width()) // 2, 10))

        # let player with black piece play
        if (self.turn["black"]):
        # let player with white piece play
        elif (self.turn["white"]):

    # method to draw pieces on the chess board
    def draw_pieces(self):
        transparent_green = (0, 194, 39, 170)
        transparent_blue = (28, 21, 212, 170)

        # create a transparent surface
        surface = pygame.Surface((self.square_length, self.square_length),

        surface1 = pygame.Surface((self.square_length, self.square_length),

        # loop to change background color of selected piece
        for val in self.piece_location.values():
            for value in val.values():
                # name of the piece in the current location
                piece_name = value[0]
                # x, y coordinates of the current piece
                piece_coord_x, piece_coord_y = value[2]

                # change background color of piece if it is selected
                if value[1] and len(value[0]) > 5:
                    # if the piece selected is a black piece
                    if value[0][:5] == "black":
                        if len(self.moves) > 0:
                            for move in self.moves:
                                x_coord = move[0]
                                y_coord = move[1]
                                if x_coord >= 0 and y_coord >= 0 and x_coord < 8 and y_coord < 8:
                    # if the piece selected is a white piece
                    elif value[0][:5] == "white":
                        if len(self.moves) > 0:
                            for move in self.moves:
                                x_coord = move[0]
                                y_coord = move[1]
                                if x_coord >= 0 and y_coord >= 0 and x_coord < 8 and y_coord < 8:

        # draw all chess pieces
        for val in self.piece_location.values():
            for value in val.values():
                # name of the piece in the current location
                piece_name = value[0]
                # x, y coordinates of the current piece
                piece_coord_x, piece_coord_y = value[2]
                # check if there is a piece at the square
                if (len(value[0]) > 1):
                    # draw piece on the board
                        self.screen, piece_name,

    # method to find the possible moves of the selected piece
    def possible_moves(self, piece_name, piece_coord):
        # list to store possible moves of the selected piece
        positions = []
        # find the possible locations to put a piece
        if len(piece_name) > 0:
            # get x, y coordinate
            x_coord, y_coord = piece_coord
            # calculate moves for bishop
            if piece_name[6:] == "bishop":
                positions = self.diagonal_moves(positions, piece_name,

            # calculate moves for pawn
            elif piece_name[6:] == "pawn":
                # convert list index to dictionary key
                columnChar = chr(97 + x_coord)
                rowNo = 8 - y_coord

                # calculate moves for white pawn
                if piece_name == "black_pawn":
                    if y_coord + 1 < 8:
                        # get row in front of black pawn
                        rowNo = rowNo - 1
                        front_piece = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo][0]

                        # pawns cannot move when blocked by another another pawn
                        if (front_piece[6:] != "pawn"):
                            positions.append([x_coord, y_coord + 1])
                            # black pawns can move two positions ahead for first move
                            if y_coord < 2:
                                positions.append([x_coord, y_coord + 2])

                        # EM PASSANT
                        # diagonal to the left
                        if x_coord - 1 >= 0 and y_coord + 1 < 8:
                            x = x_coord - 1
                            y = y_coord + 1

                            # convert list index to dictionary key
                            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
                            rowNo = 8 - y
                            to_capture = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

                            if (to_capture[0][:5] == "white"):
                                positions.append([x, y])

                        # diagonal to the right
                        if x_coord + 1 < 8 and y_coord + 1 < 8:
                            x = x_coord + 1
                            y = y_coord + 1

                            # convert list index to dictionary key
                            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
                            rowNo = 8 - y
                            to_capture = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

                            if (to_capture[0][:5] == "white"):
                                positions.append([x, y])

                # calculate moves for white pawn
                elif piece_name == "white_pawn":
                    if y_coord - 1 >= 0:
                        # get row in front of black pawn
                        rowNo = rowNo + 1
                        front_piece = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo][0]

                        # pawns cannot move when blocked by another another pawn
                        if (front_piece[6:] != "pawn"):
                            positions.append([x_coord, y_coord - 1])
                            # black pawns can move two positions ahead for first move
                            if y_coord > 5:
                                positions.append([x_coord, y_coord - 2])

                        # EM PASSANT
                        # diagonal to the left
                        if x_coord - 1 >= 0 and y_coord - 1 >= 0:
                            x = x_coord - 1
                            y = y_coord - 1

                            # convert list index to dictionary key
                            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
                            rowNo = 8 - y
                            to_capture = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

                            if (to_capture[0][:5] == "black"):
                                positions.append([x, y])

                        # diagonal to the right
                        if x_coord + 1 < 8 and y_coord - 1 >= 0:
                            x = x_coord + 1
                            y = y_coord - 1

                            # convert list index to dictionary key
                            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
                            rowNo = 8 - y
                            to_capture = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

                            if (to_capture[0][:5] == "black"):
                                positions.append([x, y])

            # calculate moves for rook
            elif piece_name[6:] == "rook":
                # find linear moves
                positions = self.linear_moves(positions, piece_name,

            # calculate moves for knight
            elif piece_name[6:] == "knight":
                # left positions
                if (x_coord - 2) >= 0:
                    if (y_coord - 1) >= 0:
                        positions.append([x_coord - 2, y_coord - 1])
                    if (y_coord + 1) < 8:
                        positions.append([x_coord - 2, y_coord + 1])
                # top positions
                if (y_coord - 2) >= 0:
                    if (x_coord - 1) >= 0:
                        positions.append([x_coord - 1, y_coord - 2])
                    if (x_coord + 1) < 8:
                        positions.append([x_coord + 1, y_coord - 2])
                # right positions
                if (x_coord + 2) < 8:
                    if (y_coord - 1) >= 0:
                        positions.append([x_coord + 2, y_coord - 1])
                    if (y_coord + 1) < 8:
                        positions.append([x_coord + 2, y_coord + 1])
                # bottom positions
                if (y_coord + 2) < 8:
                    if (x_coord - 1) >= 0:
                        positions.append([x_coord - 1, y_coord + 2])
                    if (x_coord + 1) < 8:
                        positions.append([x_coord + 1, y_coord + 2])

            # calculate movs for king
            elif piece_name[6:] == "king":
                if (y_coord - 1) >= 0:
                    # top spot
                    positions.append([x_coord, y_coord - 1])

                if (y_coord + 1) < 8:
                    # bottom spot
                    positions.append([x_coord, y_coord + 1])

                if (x_coord - 1) >= 0:
                    # left spot
                    positions.append([x_coord - 1, y_coord])
                    # top left spot
                    if (y_coord - 1) >= 0:
                        positions.append([x_coord - 1, y_coord - 1])
                    # bottom left spot
                    if (y_coord + 1) < 8:
                        positions.append([x_coord - 1, y_coord + 1])

                if (x_coord + 1) < 8:
                    # right spot
                    positions.append([x_coord + 1, y_coord])
                    # top right spot
                    if (y_coord - 1) >= 0:
                        positions.append([x_coord + 1, y_coord - 1])
                    # bottom right spot
                    if (y_coord + 1) < 8:
                        positions.append([x_coord + 1, y_coord + 1])

            # calculate movs for queen
            elif piece_name[6:] == "queen":
                # find diagonal positions
                positions = self.diagonal_moves(positions, piece_name,

                # find linear moves
                positions = self.linear_moves(positions, piece_name,

            # list of positions to be removed
            to_remove = []

            # remove positions that overlap other pieces of the current player
            for pos in positions:
                x, y = pos

                # convert list index to dictionary key
                columnChar = chr(97 + x)
                rowNo = 8 - y

                # find the pieces to remove
                des_piece_name = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo][0]
                if (des_piece_name[:5] == piece_name[:5]):

            # remove position from positions list
            for i in to_remove:

        # return list containing possible moves for the selected piece
        return positions

    def move_piece(self, turn):
        # get the coordinates of the square selected on the board
        square = self.get_selected_square()

        # if a square was selected
        if square:
            # get name of piece on the selected square
            piece_name = square[0]
            # color of piece on the selected square
            piece_color = piece_name[:5]
            # board column character
            columnChar = square[1]
            # board row number
            rowNo = square[2]

            # get x, y coordinates
            x, y = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo][2]

            # if there's a piece on the selected square
            if (len(piece_name) > 0) and (piece_color == turn):
                # find possible moves for thr piece
                self.moves = self.possible_moves(piece_name, [x, y])

            # checkmate mechanism
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            for i in self.moves:
                if i == [x, y]:
                    if (p[0][:5] == turn) or len(p[0]) == 0:
                        self.validate_move([x, y])
                        self.capture_piece(turn, [columnChar, rowNo], [x, y])

            # only the player with the turn gets to play
            if (piece_color == turn):
                # change selection flag from all other pieces
                for k in self.piece_location.keys():
                    for key in self.piece_location[k].keys():
                        self.piece_location[k][key][1] = False

                # change selection flag of the selected piece
                self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo][1] = True

    def get_selected_square(self):
        # get left event
        left_click = self.utils.left_click_event()

        # if there's a mouse event
        if left_click:
            # get mouse event
            mouse_event = self.utils.get_mouse_event()

            for i in range(len(self.board_locations)):
                for j in range(len(self.board_locations)):
                    rect = pygame.Rect(self.board_locations[i][j][0],
                                       self.square_length, self.square_length)
                    collision = rect.collidepoint(mouse_event[0],
                    if collision:
                        selected = [rect.x, rect.y]
                        # find x, y coordinates the selected square
                        for k in range(len(self.board_locations)):
                                l = None
                                l = self.board_locations[k].index(selected)
                                if l != None:
                                    #reset color of all selected pieces
                                    for val in self.piece_location.values():
                                        for value in val.values():
                                            # [piece name, currently selected, board coordinates]
                                            if not value[1]:
                                                value[1] = False

                                    # get column character and row number of the chess piece
                                    columnChar = chr(97 + k)
                                    rowNo = 8 - l
                                    # get the name of the
                                    piece_name = self.piece_location[

                                    return [piece_name, columnChar, rowNo]
            return None

    def capture_piece(self, turn, chess_board_coord, piece_coord):
        # get x, y coordinate of the destination piece
        x, y = piece_coord

        # get chess board coordinate
        columnChar, rowNo = chess_board_coord

        p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

        if p[0] == "white_king":
            self.winner = "Black"
            print("Black wins")
        elif p[0] == "black_king":
            self.winner = "White"
            print("White wins")

        # add the captured piece to list
        # move source piece to its destination

    def validate_move(self, destination):
        desColChar = chr(97 + destination[0])
        desRowNo = 8 - destination[1]

        for k in self.piece_location.keys():
            for key in self.piece_location[k].keys():
                board_piece = self.piece_location[k][key]

                if board_piece[1]:
                    # unselect the source piece
                    self.piece_location[k][key][1] = False
                    # get the name of the source piece
                    piece_name = self.piece_location[k][key][0]
                    # move the source piece to the destination piece
                    self.piece_location[desColChar][desRowNo][0] = piece_name

                    src_name = self.piece_location[k][key][0]
                    # remove source piece from its current position
                    self.piece_location[k][key][0] = ""

                    # change turn
                    if (self.turn["black"]):
                        self.turn["black"] = 0
                        self.turn["white"] = 1
                    elif ("white"):
                        self.turn["black"] = 1
                        self.turn["white"] = 0

                    src_location = k + str(key)
                    des_location = desColChar + str(desRowNo)
                    print("{} moved from {} to {}".format(
                        src_name, src_location, des_location))

    # helper function to find diagonal moves
    def diagonal_moves(self, positions, piece_name, piece_coord):
        # reset x and y coordinate values
        x, y = piece_coord
        # find top left diagonal spots
        while (True):
            x = x - 1
            y = y - 1
            if (x < 0 or y < 0):
                positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        # reset x and y coordinate values
        x, y = piece_coord
        # find bottom right diagonal spots
        while (True):
            x = x + 1
            y = y + 1
            if (x > 7 or y > 7):
                positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        # reset x and y coordinate values
        x, y = piece_coord
        # find bottom left diagonal spots
        while (True):
            x = x - 1
            y = y + 1
            if (x < 0 or y > 7):
                positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        # reset x and y coordinate values
        x, y = piece_coord
        # find top right diagonal spots
        while (True):
            x = x + 1
            y = y - 1
            if (x > 7 or y < 0):
                positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        return positions

    # helper function to find horizontal and vertical moves
    def linear_moves(self, positions, piece_name, piece_coord):
        # reset x, y coordniate value
        x, y = piece_coord
        # horizontal moves to the left
        while (x > 0):
            x = x - 1
            positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        # reset x, y coordniate value
        x, y = piece_coord
        # horizontal moves to the right
        while (x < 7):
            x = x + 1
            positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        # reset x, y coordniate value
        x, y = piece_coord
        # vertical moves upwards
        while (y > 0):
            y = y - 1
            positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        # reset x, y coordniate value
        x, y = piece_coord
        # vertical moves downwards
        while (y < 7):
            y = y + 1
            positions.append([x, y])

            # convert list index to dictionary key
            columnChar = chr(97 + x)
            rowNo = 8 - y
            p = self.piece_location[columnChar][rowNo]

            # stop finding possible moves if blocked by a piece
            if len(p[0]) > 0 and piece_name[:5] != p[:5]:

        return positions
Esempio n. 2
class Game(Screen):
    """The screen that everything of the game happens."""
    loops_per_second = NumericProperty(3)
    score = NumericProperty(0)
    level = NumericProperty(0)
    lines = NumericProperty(0)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.add_widget(GameLabel(text="Score:", y=19))
        self.score_label = GameLabel(text='0', y=18)
        self.level_label = GameLabel(text='Level: 0 ', y=15)
        self.lines_label = GameLabel(text='Lines: 0', y=12)
        self.add_widget(GameLabel(text="Next:", y=8))

        # Draw the margin
        with self.canvas.before:
                pos=(0, 0),

    def start(self):
        """Start the game."""
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self)

    def stop(self):

        # Release the keyboard, and unschedule the game loop.

        # Go back to menu screen.
        self.manager.current = 'menu'

    def setup(self):
        """Setup the game to start."""

        # Set the loops per second.
        self.loops_per_second = 3

        # Clear the canvas

        # Initialize the board
        self.board = Board(self)

        # Put the falling piece on the game.
        self.falling_piece = Piece(self)
        self.next_piece =
        self.next_rotation = self.falling_piece.next_rotation

        # Store the score, level and cleaned lines.
        self.score = 0
        self.level = 0
        self.lines = 0
        self.level_lines = 0

        # Schedule the game_loop.
        self.event = Clock.schedule_interval(
            self.update, 1 / self.loops_per_second

    def update(self, dt=0):
        """Function called for updating the game."""
        # Check if the piece was placed or not. If it is, put a new
        # falling_piece.
        # If it's not, it will move down every time it's updated.
        if not self.falling_piece.move_down():
            self.next_piece =
            self.next_rotation = self.falling_piece.next_rotation

    def update_score(self, lines):
        self.lines += lines
        self.level_lines += lines
        if self.level_lines >= 10:
            self.level += 1
            self.level_lines %= 10

        self.score += SCORE_PER_LINE[lines] * (self.level + 1)

    def _keyboard_closed(self):
        """Kivy's keyboard close callback."""
        self._keyboard = None

    def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers):
        """Handle key down"""

        # If the game is not running, don't handle any key.
        # The arrow keys will move the piece, except for the up arrow key that
        # will rotate the piece.
        if keycode[1] == 'down':
        elif keycode[1] == 'left':
        elif keycode[1] == 'right':
        elif keycode[1] == 'up':

        # Return True to accept the key. Otherwise, it will be used by
        # the system.
        return True

    def draw(self):

        # Clear the canvas

        with self.canvas.after:



    def draw_next_piece(self):

        center_x = 4
        bottom_y = 3

        with self.canvas.before:
            Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
                pos=(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE*2),
                size=(BLOCK_SIZE*6, BLOCK_SIZE*6)
            Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
            for x, y in self.next_piece['rotations'][self.next_rotation]:
                    size=(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE),
                    pos=((x + center_x)*BLOCK_SIZE, (y + bottom_y)*BLOCK_SIZE),

    def on_score(self, prefix, score):
        self.score_label.text = str(score)

    def on_level(self, instance, level):
        self.level_label.text = 'Level: ' + str(level)

    def on_lines(self, instance, lines):
        self.lines_label.text = 'Lines: ' + str(lines)