Esempio n. 1
def _validate_site(v, values, cache):
    sources = v.get('sources')
    if not sources:
        raise ConfigurationError("No sources were defined.")
    routes = v.get('routes')
    if not routes:
        raise ConfigurationError("No routes were defined.")
    taxonomies = v.get('taxonomies')
    if taxonomies is None:
        v['taxonomies'] = {}
    return v
Esempio n. 2
def _parse_config_date(page_date):
    if page_date is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(page_date, str):
            parsed_d = dateutil.parser.parse(page_date)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ConfigurationError("Invalid date: %s" % page_date) from ex

    raise ConfigurationError("Invalid date: %s" % page_date)
Esempio n. 3
def _validate_site_pagination_suffix(v, values, cache):
    if len(v) == 0 or v[0] != '/':
        raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/pagination_suffix' setting "
                                 "must start with a slash.")
    if '%num%' not in v:
        raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/pagination_suffix' setting "
                                 "must contain the '%num%' placeholder.")

    pgn_suffix_fmt = v.replace('%num%', '%(num)d')
    cache.write('pagination_suffix_format', pgn_suffix_fmt)

    pgn_suffix_re = re.escape(v)
    pgn_suffix_re = (pgn_suffix_re.replace("\\%num\\%", "(?P<num>\\d+)") + '$')
    cache.write('pagination_suffix_re', pgn_suffix_re)
    return v
Esempio n. 4
    def publishers(self):
        defs_by_name = {}
        defs_by_scheme = {}
        for cls in self.plugin_loader.getPublishers():
            defs_by_name[cls.PUBLISHER_NAME] = cls
            if cls.PUBLISHER_SCHEME:
                defs_by_scheme[cls.PUBLISHER_SCHEME] = cls

        tgts = []
        publish_config = self.config.get('publish')
        if publish_config is None:
            return tgts

        for n, t in publish_config.items():
            pub_class = None
            if isinstance(t, dict):
                pub_type = t.get('type')
                pub_class = defs_by_name[pub_type]
                pub_cfg = t
            elif isinstance(t, str):
                comps = urllib.parse.urlparse(t)
                pub_type = comps.scheme
                pub_class = defs_by_scheme[pub_type]
                pub_cfg = None
            if pub_class is None:
                raise ConfigurationError("No such publisher: %s" % pub_type)

            tgt = pub_class(self, n, pub_cfg)
            if pub_cfg is None:

        return tgts
Esempio n. 5
def _validate_site_plugins(v, values, cache):
    if isinstance(v, str):
        v = v.split(',')
    elif not isinstance(v, list):
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "The 'site/plugins' setting must be an array, or a "
            "comma-separated list.")
    return v
Esempio n. 6
def get_pipeline_name_for_source(source):
    pname = source.config['pipeline']
    if not pname:
        pname = source.DEFAULT_PIPELINE_NAME
    if not pname:
        raise ConfigurationError("Source '%s' doesn't specify any pipeline." %
    return pname
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, app, name, config):
        super().__init__(app, name, config)

        config.setdefault('data_type', 'page_iterator')

        self.capture_mode = config.get('capture_mode', 'path')
        if self.capture_mode not in ['path', 'dirname', 'filename']:
            raise ConfigurationError("Capture mode in source '%s' must be "
                                     "one of: path, dirname, filename" % name)
Esempio n. 8
def _validate_site_taxonomies(v, values, cache):
    if not isinstance(v, dict):
        raise ConfigurationError(
            "The 'site/taxonomies' setting must be a mapping.")
    for tn, tc in v.items():
        tc.setdefault('multiple', False)
        tc.setdefault('term', tn)
        tc.setdefault('page', '_%s.%%ext%%' % tc['term'])
    return v
Esempio n. 9
def _validate_site_auto_formats(v, values, cache):
    if not isinstance(v, dict):
        raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/auto_formats' setting must be "
                                 "a dictionary.")

    v.setdefault('html', values['site']['default_format'])
    auto_formats_re = r"\.(%s)$" % ('|'.join(
        [re.escape(i) for i in list(v.keys())]))
    cache.write('auto_formats_re', auto_formats_re)
    return v
Esempio n. 10
    def buildDataProvider(self, page, user_data):
        if self._provider_type is None:
            cls = next((pt for pt in
                        if pt.PROVIDER_NAME == self.data_type), None)
            if cls is None:
                raise ConfigurationError("Unknown data provider type: %s" %
            self._provider_type = cls

        return self._provider_type(self, page, user_data)
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, app, name, config):
        super().__init__(app, name, config)

        source_name = config.get('source')
        if source_name is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Taxonomy source '%s' requires an inner source." % name)
        self._inner_source_name = source_name

        self._raw_item = ''
        self._raw_item_time = time.time()
Esempio n. 12
def _validate_site_routes(v, values, cache):
    if not v:
        raise ConfigurationError("There are no routes defined.")
    if not isinstance(v, list):
        raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/routes' setting must be a "

    # Check routes are referencing correct sources, have default
    # values, etc.
    used_sources = set()
    source_configs = values['site']['sources']
    existing_sources = set(source_configs.keys())
    for rc in v:
        if not isinstance(rc, dict):
            raise ConfigurationError("All routes in 'site/routes' must be "
        rc_url = rc.get('url')
        if not rc_url:
            raise ConfigurationError("All routes in 'site/routes' must "
                                     "have an 'url'.")
        if rc_url[0] != '/':
            raise ConfigurationError("Route URLs must start with '/'.")

        r_source = rc.get('source')
        if r_source is None:
            raise ConfigurationError("Routes must specify a source.")
        if r_source not in existing_sources:
            raise ConfigurationError("Route is referencing unknown "
                                     "source: %s" % r_source)
        if r_source in used_sources:
            raise ConfigurationError("Source '%s' already has a route." %

        rc.setdefault('pass', 1)
        rc.setdefault('page_suffix', '/%num%')

    # Raise errors about non-asset sources that have no URL routes.
    sources_with_no_route = list(
        filter(lambda s: source_configs[s].get('pipeline') != 'asset',
    if sources_with_no_route:
        raise ConfigurationError("The following sources have no routes: %s" %
                                 ', '.join(sources_with_no_route))

    return v
Esempio n. 13
def _validate_site_root(v, values, cache):
    url_bits = urllib.parse.urlparse(v)
    if url_bits.params or url_bits.query or url_bits.fragment:
        raise ConfigurationError("Root URL is invalid: %s" % v)

    path = url_bits.path.rstrip('/') + '/'
    if '%' not in path:
        path = urllib.parse.quote(path)

    root_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(
        (url_bits.scheme, url_bits.netloc, path, '', '', ''))
    return root_url
Esempio n. 14
def _parse_config_time(page_time):
    if page_time is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(page_time, datetime.timedelta):
        return page_time

    if isinstance(page_time, str):
            parsed_t = dateutil.parser.parse(page_time)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ConfigurationError("Invalid time: %s" % page_time) from ex
        return datetime.timedelta(hours=parsed_t.hour,

    if isinstance(page_time, int):
        # Total seconds... convert to a time struct.
        return datetime.timedelta(seconds=page_time)

    raise ConfigurationError("Invalid time: %s" % page_time)
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, app, name, config):
        super(AutoConfigSourceBase, self).__init__(app, name, config)
        self.fs_endpoint = config.get('fs_endpoint', name)
        self.fs_endpoint_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.fs_endpoint)
        self.supported_extensions = list(
        self.default_auto_format = app.config.get('site/default_auto_format')

        self.capture_mode = config.get('capture_mode', 'path')
        if self.capture_mode not in ['path', 'dirname', 'filename']:
            raise ConfigurationError("Capture mode in source '%s' must be "
                                     "one of: path, dirname, filename" % name)
Esempio n. 16
def build_data_provider(provider_type, source, page):
    if not provider_type:
        raise Exception("No data provider type specified.")

    for p in
        if p.PROVIDER_NAME == provider_type:
            pclass = p
        raise ConfigurationError("Unknown data provider type: %s" %

    return pclass(source, page)
Esempio n. 17
def _validate_site_sources(v, values, cache):
    # Basic checks.
    if not v:
        raise ConfigurationError("There are no sources defined.")
    if not isinstance(v, dict):
        raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/sources' setting must be a "

    # Sources have the `default` scanner by default, duh. Also, a bunch
    # of other default values for other configuration stuff.
    reserved_endpoints = set([
        'piecrust', 'site', 'page', 'route', 'assets', 'pagination',
        'siblings', 'family'
    for sn, sc in v.items():
        if not isinstance(sc, dict):
            raise ConfigurationError("All sources in 'site/sources' must "
                                     "be dictionaries.")
        sc.setdefault('type', 'default')
        sc.setdefault('fs_endpoint', sn)
        sc.setdefault('ignore_missing_dir', False)
        sc.setdefault('data_endpoint', None)
        sc.setdefault('data_type', None)
        sc.setdefault('default_layout', 'default')
        sc.setdefault('item_name', sn)
        sc.setdefault('items_per_page', 5)
        sc.setdefault('date_format', DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)
        sc.setdefault('realm', REALM_USER)
        sc.setdefault('pipeline', None)

        # Validate endpoints.
        endpoint = sc['data_endpoint']
        if endpoint in reserved_endpoints:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Source '%s' is using a reserved endpoint name: %s" %
                (sn, endpoint))

    return v
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, app, name, config):
        super().__init__(app, name, config)

        tax_name = config.get('taxonomy')
        if tax_name is None:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Taxonomy source '%s' requires a taxonomy name." % name)
        self.taxonomy = _get_taxonomy(app, tax_name)

        sm = config.get('slugify_mode')
        self.slugifier = _get_slugifier(app, self.taxonomy, sm)

        tpl_name = config.get('template', '_%s.html' % tax_name)
        self._raw_item = _taxonomy_index % {'template': tpl_name}
Esempio n. 19
    def sources(self):
        defs = {}
        for cls in self.plugin_loader.getSources():
            defs[cls.SOURCE_NAME] = cls

        sources = []
        for n, s in self.config.get('site/sources').items():
            cls = defs.get(s['type'])
            if cls is None:
                raise ConfigurationError("No such page source type: %s" %
            src = cls(self, n, s)
        return sources
Esempio n. 20
    def _load(self):
        if self._dict is not None:

        self._dict = {}
        for source in
            pname = source.config.get('data_type') or 'page_iterator'
            pendpoint = source.config.get('data_endpoint')
            if not pname or not pendpoint:

            endpoint_bits = re_endpoint_sep.split(pendpoint)
            endpoint = self._dict
            for e in endpoint_bits[:-1]:
                if e not in endpoint:
                    endpoint[e] = {}
                endpoint = endpoint[e]
            existing = endpoint.get(endpoint_bits[-1])

            if existing is None:
                provider = build_data_provider(pname, source, self._page)
                endpoint[endpoint_bits[-1]] = provider
            elif isinstance(existing, DataProvider):
                existing_source = existing._sources[0]
                if (existing.PROVIDER_NAME != pname
                        or existing_source.SOURCE_NAME != source.SOURCE_NAME):
                    raise ConfigurationError(
                        "Can't combine data providers '%s' and '%' "
                        "(using sources '%s' and '%s') "
                        "on endpoint '%s'." % (existing.PROVIDER_NAME, pname,
                                               source.SOURCE_NAME, pendpoint))
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "Endpoint '%s' can't be used for a data provider because "
                    "it's already used for something else." % pendpoint)
Esempio n. 21
    def _validateAll(self, values):
        # Put all the defaults in the `site` section.
        default_sitec = collections.OrderedDict({
            "Untitled PieCrust website",
            collections.OrderedDict([('html', ''), ('md', 'markdown'),
                                     ('textile', 'textile')]),
            'themes_sources': [DEFAULT_THEME_SOURCE],
        sitec = values.get('site')
        if sitec is None:
            sitec = collections.OrderedDict()
        for key, val in default_sitec.items():
            sitec.setdefault(key, val)
        values['site'] = sitec

        # Add a section for our cached information.
        cachec = collections.OrderedDict()
        values['__cache'] = cachec

        # Make sure the site root starts and ends with a slash.
        if not sitec['root'].startswith('/'):
            raise ConfigurationError("The `site/root` setting must start "
                                     "with a slash.")
        sitec['root'] = sitec['root'].rstrip('/') + '/'

        # Cache auto-format regexes.
        if not isinstance(sitec['auto_formats'], dict):
            raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/auto_formats' setting must be "
                                     "a dictionary.")
        html_auto_format = sitec['auto_formats']
        if not html_auto_format:
            sitec['auto_formats']['html'] = sitec['default_format']
        cachec['auto_formats_re'] = r"\.(%s)$" % ('|'.join(
            [re.escape(i) for i in list(sitec['auto_formats'].keys())]))
        if sitec['default_auto_format'] not in sitec['auto_formats']:
            raise ConfigurationError("Default auto-format '%s' is not "
                                     "declared." %

        # Cache pagination suffix regex and format.
        pgn_suffix = sitec['pagination_suffix']
        if len(pgn_suffix) == 0 or pgn_suffix[0] != '/':
            raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/pagination_suffix' setting "
                                     "must start with a slash.")
        if '%num%' not in pgn_suffix:
            raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/pagination_suffix' setting "
                                     "must contain the '%num%' placeholder.")

        pgn_suffix_fmt = pgn_suffix.replace('%num%', '%(num)d')
        cachec['pagination_suffix_format'] = pgn_suffix_fmt

        pgn_suffix_re = re.escape(pgn_suffix)
        pgn_suffix_re = (pgn_suffix_re.replace("\\%num\\%", "(?P<num>\\d+)") +
        cachec['pagination_suffix_re'] = pgn_suffix_re

        # Make sure theme sources is a list.
        if not isinstance(sitec['themes_sources'], list):
            sitec['themes_sources'] = [sitec['themes_sources']]

        # Figure out if we need to validate sources/routes, or auto-generate
        # them from simple blog settings.
        orig_sources = sitec.get('sources')
        orig_routes = sitec.get('routes')
        orig_taxonomies = sitec.get('taxonomies')
        use_default_content = sitec.get('use_default_content')
        if (orig_sources is None or orig_routes is None
                or orig_taxonomies is None or use_default_content):

            # Setup defaults for various settings.
            posts_fs = sitec.setdefault('posts_fs', DEFAULT_POSTS_FS)
            blogsc = sitec.setdefault('blogs', ['posts'])

            g_page_layout = sitec.get('default_page_layout', 'default')
            g_post_layout = sitec.get('default_post_layout', 'post')
            g_post_url = sitec.get('post_url', '%year%/%month%/%day%/%slug%')
            g_tag_url = sitec.get('tag_url', 'tag/%tag%')
            g_category_url = sitec.get('category_url', '%category%')
            g_posts_per_page = sitec.get('posts_per_page', 5)
            g_posts_filters = sitec.get('posts_filters')
            g_date_format = sitec.get('date_format', DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

            # The normal pages and tags/categories.
            sourcesc = collections.OrderedDict()
            sourcesc['pages'] = {
                'type': 'default',
                'ignore_missing_dir': True,
                'data_endpoint': 'site.pages',
                'default_layout': g_page_layout,
                'item_name': 'page'
            sitec['sources'] = sourcesc

            routesc = []
                'url': '/%path:slug%',
                'source': 'pages',
                'func': 'pcurl(slug)'
            sitec['routes'] = routesc

            taxonomiesc = collections.OrderedDict()
            taxonomiesc['tags'] = {'multiple': True, 'term': 'tag'}
            taxonomiesc['categories'] = {'term': 'category'}
            sitec['taxonomies'] = taxonomiesc

            # Setup sources/routes/taxonomies for each blog.
            for blog_name in blogsc:
                blogc = values.get(blog_name, {})
                url_prefix = blog_name + '/'
                fs_endpoint = 'posts/%s' % blog_name
                data_endpoint = blog_name
                item_name = '%s-post' % blog_name
                items_per_page = blogc.get('posts_per_page', g_posts_per_page)
                items_filters = blogc.get('posts_filters', g_posts_filters)
                date_format = blogc.get('date_format', g_date_format)
                if len(blogsc) == 1:
                    url_prefix = ''
                    fs_endpoint = 'posts'
                    data_endpoint = 'blog'
                    item_name = 'post'
                sourcesc[blog_name] = {
                    'type': 'posts/%s' % posts_fs,
                    'fs_endpoint': fs_endpoint,
                    'data_endpoint': data_endpoint,
                    'ignore_missing_dir': True,
                    'data_type': 'blog',
                    'item_name': item_name,
                    'items_per_page': items_per_page,
                    'items_filters': items_filters,
                    'date_format': date_format,
                    'default_layout': g_post_layout
                tax_page_prefix = ''
                if len(blogsc) > 1:
                    tax_page_prefix = blog_name + '/'
                sourcesc[blog_name]['taxonomy_pages'] = {
                    'tags': ('pages:%s_tag.%%ext%%;'
                             'theme_pages:_tag.%%ext%%' % tax_page_prefix),
                     'theme_pages:_category.%%ext%%' % tax_page_prefix)

                post_url = blogc.get('post_url', url_prefix + g_post_url)
                post_url = '/' + post_url.lstrip('/')
                tag_url = blogc.get('tag_url', url_prefix + g_tag_url)
                tag_url = '/' + tag_url.lstrip('/')
                category_url = blogc.get('category_url',
                                         url_prefix + g_category_url)
                category_url = '/' + category_url.lstrip('/')
                    'url': post_url,
                    'source': blog_name,
                    'func': 'pcposturl(year,month,day,slug)'
                    'url': tag_url,
                    'source': blog_name,
                    'taxonomy': 'tags',
                    'func': 'pctagurl(tag)'
                    'url': category_url,
                    'source': blog_name,
                    'taxonomy': 'categories',
                    'func': 'pccaturl(category)'

            # If the user defined some additional sources/routes/taxonomies,
            # add them to the default ones. For routes, the order matters,
            # though, so we make sure to add the user routes at the front
            # of the list so they're evaluated first.
            if orig_sources:
            sitec['sources'] = sourcesc
            if orig_routes:
                routesc = orig_routes + routesc
            sitec['routes'] = routesc
            if orig_taxonomies:
            sitec['taxonomies'] = taxonomiesc

        # Validate sources/routes.
        sourcesc = sitec.get('sources')
        routesc = sitec.get('routes')
        if not sourcesc:
            raise ConfigurationError("There are no sources defined.")
        if not routesc:
            raise ConfigurationError("There are no routes defined.")
        if not isinstance(sourcesc, dict):
            raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/sources' setting must be a "
        if not isinstance(routesc, list):
            raise ConfigurationError("The 'site/routes' setting must be a "

        # Add the theme page source if no sources were defined in the theme
        # configuration itself.
        has_any_theme_source = False
        for sn, sc in sourcesc.items():
            if sc.get('realm') == REALM_THEME:
                has_any_theme_source = True
        if not has_any_theme_source:
            sitec['sources']['theme_pages'] = {
                'theme_source': True,
                'fs_endpoint': 'pages',
                'data_endpoint': 'site/pages',
                'item_name': 'page',
                'realm': REALM_THEME
                'url': '/%path:slug%',
                'source': 'theme_pages',
                'func': 'pcurl(slug)'

        # Sources have the `default` scanner by default, duh. Also, a bunch
        # of other default values for other configuration stuff.
        for sn, sc in sourcesc.items():
            if not isinstance(sc, dict):
                raise ConfigurationError("All sources in 'site/sources' must "
                                         "be dictionaries.")
            sc.setdefault('type', 'default')
            sc.setdefault('fs_endpoint', sn)
            sc.setdefault('ignore_missing_dir', False)
            sc.setdefault('data_endpoint', sn)
            sc.setdefault('data_type', 'iterator')
            sc.setdefault('item_name', sn)
            sc.setdefault('items_per_page', 5)
            sc.setdefault('date_format', DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)
            sc.setdefault('realm', REALM_USER)

        # Check routes are referencing correct routes, have default
        # values, etc.
        for rc in routesc:
            if not isinstance(rc, dict):
                raise ConfigurationError("All routes in 'site/routes' must be "
            rc_url = rc.get('url')
            if not rc_url:
                raise ConfigurationError("All routes in 'site/routes' must "
                                         "have an 'url'.")
            if rc_url[0] != '/':
                raise ConfigurationError("Route URLs must start with '/'.")
            if rc.get('source') is None:
                raise ConfigurationError("Routes must specify a source.")
            if rc['source'] not in list(sourcesc.keys()):
                raise ConfigurationError("Route is referencing unknown "
                                         "source: %s" % rc['source'])
            rc.setdefault('taxonomy', None)
            rc.setdefault('page_suffix', '/%num%')

        # Validate taxonomies.
        sitec.setdefault('taxonomies', {})
        taxonomiesc = sitec.get('taxonomies')
        for tn, tc in taxonomiesc.items():
            tc.setdefault('multiple', False)
            tc.setdefault('term', tn)
            tc.setdefault('page', '_%s.%%ext%%' % tc['term'])

        # Validate endpoints, and make sure the theme has a default source.
        reserved_endpoints = set([
            'piecrust', 'site', 'page', 'route', 'assets', 'pagination',
            'siblings', 'family'
        for name, src in sitec['sources'].items():
            endpoint = src['data_endpoint']
            if endpoint in reserved_endpoints:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "Source '%s' is using a reserved endpoint name: %s" %
                    (name, endpoint))

        # Make sure the `plugins` setting is a list.
        user_plugins = sitec.get('plugins')
        if user_plugins:
            if isinstance(user_plugins, str):
                sitec['plugins'] = user_plugins.split(',')
            elif not isinstance(user_plugins, list):
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "The 'site/plugins' setting must be an array, or a "
                    "comma-separated list.")

        # Done validating!
        return values
Esempio n. 22
def _get_taxonomy(app, tax_name):
    tax_config = app.config.get('site/taxonomies/' + tax_name)
    if tax_config is None:
        raise ConfigurationError("No such taxonomy: %s" % tax_name)
    return Taxonomy(tax_name, tax_config)
Esempio n. 23
def _validate_site_default_auto_format(v, values, cache):
    if v not in values['site']['auto_formats']:
        raise ConfigurationError("Default auto-format '%s' is not declared." %
    return v