def S3(self): cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input question = LCDQuestion(question="Set TotalTime", answers=totalTimeEngAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() p1.totalTimeEng = totalTimeEngAnswers[answer_index] p1.totalTime = totalTimeAnswers[answer_index] #User feedback cad.lcd.write("Time selected\n{0}".format(p1.totalTimeEng)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() #Setting individual video times if p1.currentMode == "VID": question = LCDQuestion(question= "Set Video Time", answers=totalTimeEngAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() p1.videoTimeEng = totalTimeEngAnswers[answer_index] p1.videoTime = totalTimeAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("VidTime selected\n{0}".format(p1.videoTimeEng)) time.sleep(1) #Double check individual video time is not greater than total time if p1.totalTime < p1.videoTime: cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Error: vidTime\nis too large") time.sleep(1) p1.S3() else: p1.homeScreen() else: p1.homeScreen()
def S3(self): cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input question = LCDQuestion(question="Set TotalTime(M)", answers=timeAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback if p1.currentMode == "VID": #Takes the first time input as total running time p1.inputTime = timeAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.write("Total Time (min)\n{0}".format(p1.inputTime)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() #note: vidTimeEngAnswers is for usability, stored number is array index answer from vidTimeAnswers question = LCDQuestion(question="Set VideoTime", answers=vidTimeEngAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() p1.videoTime = vidTimeAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Video Time\n{0}".format(vidTimeEngAnswers[answer_index])) time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() else: p1.inputTime = timeAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.write("Time selected: \n{0}".format(p1.inputTime)) time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen()
def S3(): print ("timeS3 S3 function") cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input question = LCDQuestion(question="Set TotalTime", answers=v1.totalTimeEngAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() v1.totalTimeEng = v1.totalTimeEngAnswers[answer_index] v1.totalTime = v1.totalTimeAnswers[answer_index] #User feedback cad.lcd.write("Time selected\n{0}".format(v1.totalTimeEng)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() #Setting individual video times if v1.currentMode == "VID": question = LCDQuestion(question= "Set Video Time", answers=v1.totalTimeEngAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() v1.videoTimeEng = v1.totalTimeEngAnswers[answer_index] v1.videoTime = v1.totalTimeAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("VidTime selected\n{0}".format(v1.videoTimeEng)) time.sleep(1) #Double check individual video time is not greater than total time if v1.totalTime < v1.videoTime: cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Error: vidTime\nis too large") time.sleep(1) timeS3.S3() else: shutdownS5.homeScreen() else: shutdownS5.homeScreen()
def S1(): print ("camVidStartS1 S1 function") cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="VID/CAM or START:", answers=v1.runMode) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() v1.inputRun = v1.runMode[answer_index] #Execute os string if v1.inputRun == "START": #Updates cmdStr with camera or vid inputs first before executing cmd #Also runs a series of checks to make sure all the inputs are correct camVidStartS1.updateCMD() cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Running program") print (v1.cmdStr) if camVidStartS1.updateCMD() == "": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("No inputs given!") else: pass # os.system("{0}".format(v1.cmdStr)) #Video mode elif v1.inputRun == "VID": v1.currentMode = v1.inputRun cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected video\nCheck res") time.sleep(1) shutdownS5.homeScreen() #Camera mode elif v1.inputRun == "CAM": v1.currentMode = v1.inputRun #Sets up timeInterval to be 1 in preparation for selecting the fps v1.timeInterval = 1 cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected pictures\nCheck res") time.sleep(1) shutdownS5.homeScreen() elif v1.inputRun == "Reset variables": print ("hi") v1.totalTime = 0 v1.totalTimeEng = 0 v1.videoTime = 0 v1.videoTimeEng = 0 v1.resolutionW = 0 v1.resolutionH = 0 v1.inputFPS = 0 v1.numFrames = 0 v1.timeInterval = 0 v1.internalCamFR = 0 v1.inputRun = "" v1.currentMode = "MODE" v1.cmdStr = "" shutdownS5.homeScreen() #Returns to homescreen else: shutdownS5.homeScreen()
def askResolution(self, event): event.chip.lcd.set_cursor(0, 0) if event.pin_num == 1: cad.lcd.clear() # question = LCDQuestion(question="Set resolution", answers=["1920x1080", "2592x1944", "1296x972", "1296x972", "1296x730", "640x480"]) question = LCDQuestion(question="Set resolution", answers=answers) print answers answer_index = question.ask() print answer_index cad.lcd.write("Resolution: " + str(answers[answer_index]))
def S4(self): cad.lcd.clear() #Sets framerate values based on chosen resolution, takes input from piface p1.determineFR() question = LCDQuestion(question="Set Framerate", answers=p1.TFanswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback p1.inputFR = p1.TFanswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.write("FRate selected: \n{0}".format(p1.inputFR)) time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen()
def manualFRSelect(self): if p1.FRanswers == "Custom": question = LCDQuestion(question="Set num of frames", answers = customNumFramesAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() p1.numFrames = customNumFramesAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="Set time interval", answers = customTimeIntervalAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() p1.timeInterval = customTimeIntervalAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected framerate:\n{0} frames/{1} seconds".format(p1.numFrames, p1.timeInterval) ) time.sleep(2) p1.homeScreen()
def manualFRSelect(self): if p1.inputFR == "Custom": question = LCDQuestion(question="Set numFrames", answers = customNumFramesAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() p1.numFrames = customNumFramesAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="Set time (sec)", answers = customTimeIntervalAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() p1.timeInterval = customTimeIntervalAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected framerate:\n{0} frames/{1} secs".format(p1.numFrames, p1.timeInterval) ) p1.inputFPS = "{0}F/{1}S".format(p1.numFrames, p1.timeInterval) time.sleep(2) p1.homeScreen() else: pass
def S5(self): cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="Choose cmd:", answers=exitAnswers) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitAnswers[answers_index] cad.lcd.clear() if p1.exitAns == "MPi exit prgm": question = LCDQuestion(question="MPi exit prgm?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Exiting program") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() end_barrier.wait() else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Restart": question = LCDQuestion(question="Restart?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Restarting") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sudo reboot") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Shutdown": question = LCDQuestion(question="Shutdown?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Shutting down") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Num file in fldr": numFiles = subprocess.check_output("ls -1 /home/pi/ivport/pictures/ | wc -l", shell=True) print (str(numFiles)) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Num files:\n{0}".format(str(numFiles))) time.sleep(2) p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Clear mvFolder": os.system("rm -f /home/pi/ivport/pictures/*.jpg & rm -f /home/pi/ivport/pictures/*.h264") cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Cleared folder") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() else: p1.homeScreen()
def S4(self): cad.lcd.clear() #Sets fps values based on chosen resolution, takes input from piface p1.determineFPS() question = LCDQuestion(question="Set FPS", answers=p1.FPSanswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() p1.inputFPS = p1.FPSanswers[answer_index] #Only for camera mode: #Internally sets p1.numFrames and p1.timeInterval based on the chosen fps from the above options. If p1.inputFPS is "Custom", # the user chooses fps options. For camera, internal framerate is set through runCMD when the resolution is sent to the slavePies. p1.setCamFramesAndTime() p1.manualFpsSelect() #User feedback cad.lcd.write("FPS selected: \n{0}".format(p1.inputFPS)) time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen()
def manualFpsSelect(): print ("setFpsS4 manualFpsSelect function") if v1.inputFPS == "Custom": question = LCDQuestion(question="Set numFrames", answers = v1.customNumFramesAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() v1.numFrames = v1.customNumFramesAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="Set time (sec)", answers = v1.customTimeIntervalAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() v1.timeInterval = v1.customTimeIntervalAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.clear() v1.inputFPS = v1.numFrames cad.lcd.write("Selected fps:\n{0} frames/{1} secs".format(v1.numFrames, v1.timeInterval) ) time.sleep(2) shutdownS5.homeScreen() else: pass
def askWhereToMove(event): global pieceSelected if (isStarted == True and pieceSelected == True): from import LCDQuestion question = LCDQuestion(question="Which Move", answers=["Left", "Down", "Up", "Right"]) answer_index = question.ask() try: string_index = str(answer_index) string_index = (string_index + str(0)).encode() s.sendto(string_index, (host, port)) d = s.recvfrom(1024) reply = d[0] addr = d[1] if (struct.unpack('1B', reply[:1])[0] == 2): pieceSelected = False except (socket.error): sys.exit()
def S2(self): cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input from piface question = LCDQuestion(question="Set resolution", answers=resAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() #Parses answer into resW and resH resolutionStr = resAnswers[answer_index] resParse = str.split(resolutionStr, 'x') p1.resolutionW = resParse[0] p1.resolutionH = resParse[1] cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback cad.lcd.write("Res selected: \n{0}x{1}".format(p1.resolutionW, p1.resolutionH)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Check frmrate\n is correct") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen()
def askWhichPiece(event): global pieceSelected if (isStarted == True and pieceSelected == False): from import LCDQuestion question = LCDQuestion(question="Select An Action", answers=["Select", "GoRight", "GoLeft"]) answer_index = question.ask() try: string_index = str(answer_index).encode() s.sendto(string_index, (host, port)) d = s.recvfrom(1024) reply = d[0] addr = d[1] if (struct.unpack('1B', reply[:1])[0] == 1): pieceSelected = True except (socket.error): sys.exit() else: print(isStarted) print(pieceSelected)
def askOther(event): global pieceSelected if (isStarted == True and pieceSelected == True): from import LCDQuestion question = LCDQuestion(question="Other Options", answers=["Flip", "Rotate", "Go Back", "Place"]) answer_index = question.ask() try: string_index = str(answer_index) string_index = (string_index + str(1)).encode() s.sendto(string_index, (host, port)) d = s.recvfrom(1024) reply = d[0] addr = d[1] if (answer_index == 2): pieceSelected = False if (struct.unpack('1B', reply[:1])[0] == 2): pieceSelected = False except (socket.error): sys.exit()
def S1(self): cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="VID/CAM or START:", answers=runMode) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() p1.inputRun = runMode[answer_index] #Execute os string if p1.inputRun == "START": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Running program") #Updates cmdStr with camera or vid inputs first before executing cmd p1.updateCMD() print (p1.cmdStr) if p1.updateCMD() == "": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("No inputs given!") else: pass # os.system("{0}".format(p1.cmdStr)) #Set string to video mode elif p1.inputRun == "VID": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun # p1.fileName = "" cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected video\nCheck res") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #Set string to camera mode elif p1.inputRun == "CAM": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun # p1.fileName = "" #Sets up timeInterval to be 1 in preparation for selecting the fps p1.timeInterval = 1 cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected pictures\nCheck res") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #Returns to homescreen else: p1.homeScreen()
def S1(self): cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="VID/CAM or START:", answers=runMode) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() p1.inputRun = runMode[answer_index] #Execute os string if p1.inputRun == "START": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Running program") #Updates cmdStr with camera or vid inputs first before executing cmd p1.updateCMD() print (p1.cmdStr) if p1.updateCMD() == "": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("No inputs given!") else: os.system("{0}".format(p1.cmdStr)) #Close program # end_barrier.wait() #Set string to video mode elif p1.inputRun == "VID": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun p1.fileName = "" cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected video\nCheck time again") time.sleep(2) p1.homeScreen() #Set string to manual mode elif p1.inputRun == "CAM": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun p1.fileName = "" cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected pictures") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #Returns to homescreen else: p1.homeScreen()
def S2(self): cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input from piface # if p1.currentMode == "CAM": # resAnswers = camResAnswers # else: resAnswers = vidResAnswers question = LCDQuestion(question="Set resolution", answers=resAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() #Parses answer into resW and resH resolutionStr = resAnswers[answer_index] resParse = str.split(resolutionStr, 'x') self.resolutionW = resParse[0] self.resolutionH = resParse[1] cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback cad.lcd.write("Res selected: \n{0}x{1}".format(p1.resolutionW, p1.resolutionH)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Check frmrate\n is correct") time.sleep(1) p1.printResolutions()
def S1(self): cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="VID/CAM or START:", answers=runMode) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() p1.inputRun = runMode[answer_index] #Execute os string if p1.inputRun == "START": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Running program") #Updates cmdStr with camera or vid inputs first before executing cmd p1.updateCMD() print p1.cmdStr if p1.updateCMD() == "": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("No inputs given!") os.system("{0}".format(p1.cmdStr)) time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #Set string to video mode #TODO: DOUBLE CHECK .FORMAT TO ENSURE IT IS SENDING CORRECT PARAMETER TO THE FUNCTION elif p1.inputRun == "VID": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun p1.fileName = "" cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected video\nCheck time again") time.sleep(2) p1.homeScreen() #Set string to manual mode elif p1.inputRun == "CAM": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun p1.fileName = "" cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected pictures") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #Returns to homescreen else: p1.homeScreen()
def S2(): print ("resolutionS2 S2 function") cad.lcd.clear() # Takes input from piface if v1.currentMode == "CAM": v1.resAnswers = v1.camResAnswers else: v1.resAnswers = v1.vidResAnswers print (v1.resAnswers) question = LCDQuestion(question="Set resolution", answers=v1.resAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() #Parses answer into resW and resH v1.resolutionStr = v1.resAnswers[answer_index] resParse = str.split(v1.resolutionStr, 'x') v1.resolutionW = resParse[0] v1.resolutionH = resParse[1] cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback cad.lcd.write("Res selected: \n{0}x{1}".format(v1.resolutionW, v1.resolutionH)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Check frmrate\n is correct") time.sleep(1) shutdownS5.homeScreen()
import pifacecad import time import subprocess import os,sys import signal from import LCDQuestion from subprocess import call cad = pifacecad.PiFaceCAD() cd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) dronekiller = "NotRunning" hostapd_interface="wlan0" hostapd_ipaddress="" musicdir = "~/Music/" pifmfreq = "96.4" while True: question = LCDQuestion(question="Option:", answers=["Services","Utilities","Shutdown","Reboot","Exit","Lock"]) result = question.ask() if result == 0: # Services question = LCDQuestion(question="Service:", answers=["HOSTAPD","DNSMASQ","SAMBA", "Back"]) result = question.ask() if result == 0: # Hostapd question = LCDQuestion(question="HOSTAPD Service", answers=["Start","Stop","Cancel"]) result = question.ask() if result == 0: cad.lcd.clear() if dronekiller != "NotRunning": cad.lcd.write("DroneKiller\nis running!") time.sleep(2) else:
currencies = currencies.split(',') currencies.remove('') availableCurrecies = [] for x in currencies: if len(x) == 3: availableCurrecies.append(x) # print(availableCurrecies) # fromCurrency = availableCurrecies[int(input("Enter from Currency:"))] # toCurrency = "GBP" # amount = 2 cad.lcd.cursor_off() cad.lcd.backlight_on() question = LCDQuestion(question="Load presets", answers=["Yes","No"]) answer = question.ask() if not answer: f = open('currencyPairs','r') currencyPairs =[] for line in f: line = line.replace("\n","") pair = line.split(" ") currencyPairs.append(pair) f.close() # currencyPairs = [["GBP","JPY"],["USD","GBP"],["USD","JPY"]] availableCurrecies = [] for pair in currencyPairs: availableCurrecies.append(pair[0] + ">" + pair[1])
cad = pifacecad.PiFaceCad() cad.lcd.backlight_on() #cad.lcd.write("hello") #####xo = subprocess.check_output("wifi scan", shell=True).decode('utf-8') xo = subprocess.check_output("iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep ESSID", shell=True).decode('utf-8') ###cad.lcd.write(xo) #print(xo) ssids = [] for line in xo.split("\n"): ssid = line.split('\"') if ssid[0] != '': #cad.lcd.write(ssid[1] + '\r') ssids.append(ssid[1]) #print(ssids) print(ssids) #>>> customcad = pifacecad.PiFaceCAD() cad.lcd.cursor_off() cad.lcd.blink_off() question = LCDQuestion(question="Select WiFi net",answers=ssids,selector="#",cad=cad) answer_index = question.ask()
def S5(self): cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="Choose cmd:", answers=exitAnswers) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitAnswers[answers_index] cad.lcd.clear() if p1.exitAns == "MPi exit prgm": question = LCDQuestion(question="MPi exit prgm?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Exiting program") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() end_barrier.wait() else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "MPi restart": question = LCDQuestion(question="Restart MPi?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Restarting MPi") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sudo reboot") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Shutdown all": question = LCDQuestion(question="Shutdown all?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Shutting down\nall") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo halt & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo halt & \ sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo halt & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo halt") os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Reboot all": question = LCDQuestion(question="Reboot all?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Rebooting all") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo reboot & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo reboot & \ sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo reboot & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no sudo reboot") os.system("sudo reboot") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Num file in fldr": numFiles = subprocess.check_output("ls -1 /home/pi/pastImages/ | wc -l", shell=True) print (str(numFiles)) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Num files:\n{0}".format(str(numFiles))) time.sleep(2) p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Clear mvFolder": os.system("rm /home/pi/pastImages/*.jpg & rm /home/pi/pastImages/*.h264") cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Cleared folder") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() else: p1.homeScreen()
def setParameters(self, event): event.chip.lcd.set_cursor(0,0) #S2: SET RESOLUTION if event.pin_num == 1: cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input from piface question = LCDQuestion(question="Set resolution", answers=resAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() #Parses answer into resW and resH resolutionStr = resAnswers[answer_index] resParse = string.split(resolutionStr, 'x') p1.resolutionW = resParse[0] p1.resolutionH = resParse[1] cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback cad.lcd.write("Res selected: \n{0}x{1}".format(p1.resolutionW, p1.resolutionH)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Check frmrate\n is correct") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() p1.homeScreen() #S3: SET TIME #TODO: FIX TIME CHOICES TO APPROPRIATE VALUES if event.pin_num == 2: cad.lcd.clear() #Takes input question = LCDQuestion(question="Set time (mins)", answers=timeAnswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback p1.inputTime = timeAnswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.write("Time selected: \n{0}".format(p1.inputTime)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() p1.homeScreen() #S4: SET TIMEFRAME if event.pin_num == 3: cad.lcd.clear() #Sets framerate values based on chosen resolution, takes input from piface p1.determineFR() question = LCDQuestion(question="Set Framerate", answers=p1.TFanswers) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() #User feedback p1.inputFR = p1.TFanswers[answer_index] cad.lcd.write("FRate selected: \n{0}".format(p1.inputFR)) time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() p1.homeScreen() #S1: SET CAMERA/VIDEO MODE OR START PROGRAM #TODO: Add error handling for video and camera options if event.pin_num == 0: cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="VID/CAM or START:", answers=runMode) answer_index = question.ask() cad.lcd.clear() p1.inputRun = runMode[answer_index] #EXECUTE OS STRING #TO DO: NOT FUNCTIONAL if p1.inputRun == "START": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("running program") os.system("{0}".format(p1.cmdStr)) time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #SET STRING TO VIDMODE #TODO: DOUBLE CHECK .FORMAT TO ENSURE IT IS SENDING CORRECT PARAMETER TO THE FUNCTION #TODO: MAKE FUNCTIONAL elif p1.inputRun == "VID": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun p1.cmdStr = ("sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3} & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3}\ & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3} & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3}\ ".format(p1.inputTime, p1.inputFR, p1.resolutionW, p1.resolutionH)) print p1.cmdStr cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected video") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #SET STRING TO MANUALPIC MODE #TODO: MAKE FUNCTIONAL elif p1.inputRun == "CAM": p1.currentMode = p1.inputRun print p1.cmdStr p1.cmdStr = ("sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3} & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3}\ & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3} & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected]:/home/pi/ {0} {1} {2} {3}\ ".format(p1.inputTime, p1.resolutionW, p1.resolutionH, p1.inputFR)) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Selected pictures") time.sleep(1) p1.homeScreen() #Returns to homescreen else: cad.lcd.clear() p1.homeScreen() #S5: SHUTDOWN BUTTON #TODO; NOT FUNCTIONAL if event.pin_num == 4: cad.lcd.clear() # os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") cad.lcd.write("Ending program") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear()
def S5(self): cad.lcd.clear() question = LCDQuestion(question="Choose exit:", answers=exitAnswers) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitAnswers[answers_index] cad.lcd.clear() if p1.exitAns == "MPi exit prgm": question = LCDQuestion(question="MPi exit prgm?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Exiting program") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() end_barrier.wait() else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "MPi restart": question = LCDQuestion(question="Restart MPi?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Restarting MPi") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sudo reboot") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Shutdown all": question = LCDQuestion(question="Shutdown all?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Shutting down\nall") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo halt & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo halt & \ sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo halt & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo halt") os.system("sudo shutdown -h now") else: p1.homeScreen() elif p1.exitAns == "Reboot all": question = LCDQuestion(question="Reboot all?", answers=exitConfirm) answers_index = question.ask() p1.exitAns = exitConfirm[answers_index] if p1.exitAns == "Yes": cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Rebooting all") time.sleep(1) cad.lcd.clear() os.system("sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo reboot & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo reboot & \ sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo reboot & sshpass -p 'raspberry' ssh [email protected] sudo reboot") os.system("sudo reboot") else: p1.homeScreen() else: p1.homeScreen()
cad.lcd.set_cursor(position,0) cad.lcd.write("+") if cad.switches[0].value: # button pressed if position == 8: if not pressed: # pressed when over target pressed = 1 score += 1 else: # pressed when not over target gameOver = True break printString = "Game over, your score was: {score}".format(score=score) print(printString) cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.write("Game Over!") cad.lcd.set_cursor(0,1) cad.lcd.write("Your score: {score}".format(score=score)) sleep(2) answers=["Yes","No"] question = LCDQuestion(question="Play again?", answers=answers) playing = question.ask()==answers.index("Yes") cad.lcd.clear() cad.lcd.backlight_off()