class Game: SWITCHES = None BLOCK_SIZE = 32 COLUMNS = 8 ROWS = 8 FPS = None COLORS = [ # 0 - Black (0, 0, 0), # 1 - Green (0, 255, 0), # 2 - Red (255, 0, 0), # 3 - Purple (128, 0, 128), # 4 - Blue (0, 0, 255), # 5 - Orange (255, 165, 0), # 6 - Cyan (0, 255, 255), # 7 - Yellow (255, 255, 0), # 8 - Dark Grey (35, 35, 35), # 9 - White (255, 255, 255) ] SHAPES = [ # Bird [ [7], ], # Pipe [ [1], ], ] WIDTH = None HEIGHT = None COUNTDOWN = None SCORE_INCREMENT = None SCORE = 0 PIPES = 0 INTERVAL = None INTERVAL_INCREMENT = None LEVEL = 1 LEVEL_INCREMENT = None PAUSED = False GAMEOVER = False BACKGROUND_GRID = None BIRD_MOVED = True pygame = None pygame_font = None pygame_screen = None unicornhat = None db = None board = None bird = None pipe = None def __init__(self, switches, columns, rows, fps, countdown, interval, score_increment, level_increment, interval_increment, pygame_instance=None): self.SWITCHES = switches self.COLUMNS = columns self.ROWS = rows self.FPS = fps self.COUNTDOWN = countdown self.INTERVAL = interval self.SCORE_INCREMENT = score_increment self.LEVEL_INCREMENT = level_increment self.INTERVAL_INCREMENT = interval_increment if pygame_instance is None: self.pygame = pygame else: self.pygame = pygame_instance self.gpio = Gpio self.unicornhat = UnicornHat self.db = TinyDB('data/database.json') try: self.WIDTH = self.BLOCK_SIZE * self.COLUMNS + 150 self.HEIGHT = self.BLOCK_SIZE * self.ROWS self.BACKGROUND_GRID = [[ 8 if x % 2 == y % 2 else 0 for x in xrange(self.COLUMNS) ] for y in xrange(self.ROWS)] self.pygame.init() self.pygame.key.set_repeat(0, 0) self.pygame_font = self.pygame.font.Font( self.pygame.font.get_default_font(), 12) self.pygame_screen = self.pygame.display.set_mode( (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT), 0, 24) self.pygame.event.set_blocked(self.pygame.MOUSEMOTION) self.unicornhat.rotation(180) self.unicornhat.brightness(0.4) self.board = Board(self.COLUMNS, self.ROWS) self.__generate_bird() self.__generate_pipe() except AttributeError: print("[Game][error] An error occurred initialising game") def start(self, run_once=False): print("[Game][info] Starting game") try: pygame_wait = True while pygame_wait: for event in self.pygame.event.get(): if event.type == self.pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == self.pygame.K_RETURN: pygame_wait = False elif event.key == self.pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.quit() self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) self.__display_message("Press to start") self.pygame.display.update() self.unicornhat.clear() except AttributeError: print("[Game][error] An error occurred starting game") self.__countdown() self.__loop() self.finish() if run_once is not True: self.start() def __countdown(self): print("[Game][info] Starting game countdown") try: seconds = 0 while True: self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) remaining = (self.COUNTDOWN - seconds) if seconds > self.COUNTDOWN: break if seconds == self.COUNTDOWN: self.__display_message("Go!") else: self.__display_message("%d!" % remaining) seconds += 1 self.unicornhat.clear() self.pygame.display.update() self.pygame.time.wait(1000) self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) self.unicornhat.clear() except AttributeError: print("[Game][error] An error occurred starting game countdown") def __loop(self): print("[Game][info] Starting game loop") try: self.pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, self.INTERVAL) key_actions = { 'ESCAPE': lambda: self.quit(), 'UP': lambda: self.__direction_up(), 'p': lambda: self.toggle_pause(), } pygame_clock = self.pygame.time.Clock() while not self.GAMEOVER: self.unicornhat.clear() self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) if self.PAUSED: self.__display_message("Paused") else: self.__draw_line(((self.BLOCK_SIZE * self.COLUMNS) + 1, 0), ((self.BLOCK_SIZE * self.COLUMNS) + 1, (self.HEIGHT - 1)), self.COLORS[9]) self.__display_message( "Score: %d\n\nLevel: %d\n\nPipes: %d" % (self.SCORE, self.LEVEL, self.PIPES), ((self.BLOCK_SIZE * self.COLUMNS) + self.BLOCK_SIZE, 2), self.COLORS[9], self.COLORS[0], False) self.__draw_matrix(self.BACKGROUND_GRID, (0, 0), None, False) self.__draw_matrix(self.board.coordinates(), (0, 0), None, False) self.__draw_matrix(self.pipe.coordinates(), (self.pipe.x(), self.pipe.y())) self.__draw_matrix( self.bird.coordinates(self.COLUMNS, self.ROWS), (0, 0)) self.pygame.display.update() for event in self.pygame.event.get(): if event.type == self.pygame.USEREVENT + 1: self.__move() elif event.type == self.pygame.QUIT: self.quit() elif event.type == self.pygame.KEYDOWN: for key in key_actions: if event.key == eval("self.pygame.K_" + key): key_actions[key]() pygame_clock.tick(self.FPS) except AttributeError as e: print("[Game][error] An error occurred during game loop") print(e) def __generate_bird(self): print("[Game][info] Generating bird") self.bird = Bird(self.SHAPES[0], 1, int(math.floor(self.ROWS / 3))) def __generate_pipe(self): print("[Game][info] Generating pipe") offset_x, offset_y = (self.COLUMNS - 1, 0) gap = randint(0, 4) coordinates = [] for x in range(1): for y in range(self.ROWS): rows = [] if (y < gap) or (y > gap + 2): rows.append(self.SHAPES[1][0][0]) else: rows.append(0) coordinates.append(rows) self.pipe = Pipe(coordinates, offset_x, offset_y) def __display_message(self, message, coordinates=None, color=COLORS[9], background_color=COLORS[0], unicornhat=True): print("[Game][info] Displaying message") if unicornhat: self.__scroll_message(message, text_colour=color, scroll_speed=0.05) for i, line in enumerate(message.splitlines()): message_image = self.pygame_font.render(line, False, color, background_color) if coordinates is not None: position_x, position_y = coordinates else: message_image_center_x, message_image_center_y = message_image.get_size( ) message_image_center_x //= 2 message_image_center_y //= 2 position_x = self.WIDTH // 2 - message_image_center_x position_y = self.HEIGHT // 2 - message_image_center_y self.pygame_screen.blit(message_image, (position_x, position_y + i * 22)) def __scroll_message(self, message, text_colour=COLORS[9], scroll_speed=0.05): r, g, b = text_colour scroll_rows = [[0] * 8] * 8 for character in message: if character in font_dictionary: character_rows = font_dictionary[character] else: character_rows = font_dictionary['-'] for i in range(8): scroll_rows[i] = scroll_rows[i] + character_rows[i] scroll_rows[i] += [0] for i in range(8): scroll_rows[i] += [0] * 8 for scroll_position in range(len(scroll_rows[0]) - 8): for y in range(8): for x in range(8): self.unicornhat.set_pixel(x, y, r, g, b) # time.sleep(scroll_speed) def __draw_line(self, start_position, end_position, color=COLORS[9], unicornhat=True): print("[Game][info] Drawing line") if unicornhat: start_x, start_y = start_position end_x, end_y = start_position for i in xrange(start_y, end_y): for j in xrange(start_x, end_x): if start_x == end_x or start_y == end_y: self.unicornhat.set_pixel(j, i, color) self.pygame.draw.line(self.pygame_screen, color, start_position, end_position) def __draw_matrix(self, matrix, offset, color=None, unicornhat=True): print("[Game][info] Drawing matrix") offset_x, offset_y = offset for y, row in enumerate(matrix): for x, val in enumerate(row): if val: if color is None: shape_color = self.COLORS[val] else: shape_color = color if unicornhat: self.unicornhat.set_pixel((offset_x + x), (offset_y + y), shape_color) self.pygame.draw.rect( self.pygame_screen, shape_color, self.pygame.Rect((offset_x + x) * self.BLOCK_SIZE, (offset_y + y) * self.BLOCK_SIZE, self.BLOCK_SIZE, self.BLOCK_SIZE), 0) def __count_clear_pipes(self, pipes): print("[Game][info] Counting cleared pipes") if pipes > 0: self.PIPES += pipes self.SCORE += self.SCORE_INCREMENT * self.LEVEL if self.PIPES >= self.LEVEL * self.LEVEL_INCREMENT: self.LEVEL += 1 delay = self.INTERVAL - self.INTERVAL_INCREMENT * (self.LEVEL - 1) delay = 100 if delay < 100 else delay self.pygame.time.set_timer(self.pygame.USEREVENT + 1, delay) def __move(self): print("[Game][info] Moving bird %s" % (self.bird.direction())) if not self.GAMEOVER and not self.PAUSED: new_x, new_y = self.bird.position() pipe_x, pipe_y = self.pipe.position() if self.bird.direction() == self.bird.DIRECTION_UP: new_y = self.bird.y() - 1 self.bird.set_direction(self.bird.DIRECTION_DOWN) elif self.bird.direction() == self.bird.DIRECTION_DOWN: new_y = self.bird.y() + 1 cleared_pipes = 0 if pipe_x - 1 >= 0: self.pipe.set_position((pipe_x - 1, pipe_y)) else: cleared_pipes += 1 self.__generate_pipe() if self.board.check_collision(self.pipe, (new_x, new_y)): self.GAMEOVER = True return False self.bird.set_position((new_x, new_y)) self.__count_clear_pipes(cleared_pipes) self.BIRD_MOVED = True return True def __direction_up(self): print("[Game][info] Event direction up") if self.BIRD_MOVED is True: self.bird.set_direction(self.bird.DIRECTION_UP) self.BIRD_MOVED = False def __direction_down(self): print("[Game][info] Event direction down") if self.BIRD_MOVED is True: self.bird.set_direction(self.bird.DIRECTION_DOWN) self.BIRD_MOVED = False def toggle_pause(self): print("[Game][info] Toggling paused state") self.PAUSED = not self.PAUSED def get_score(self): print("[Game][info] Calculating score") return self.SCORE def print_score(self, high_score=False): print("[Game][info] Printing score") score = self.get_score() try: self.unicornhat.clear() self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) if high_score: self.__display_message("Game Over!\n\nHigh score: %d" % score) self.pygame.display.update() else: self.__display_message("Game Over!\n\nYour score: %d!" % self.get_score()) self.pygame.display.update() self.pygame.time.wait(3000) except AttributeError: print("[Game][error] An error occurred printing score") def finish(self): print("[Game][info] Finishing game") score = self.get_score() self.pygame.display.update() if self.db.contains(Query().score >= score): self.print_score() else: self.print_score(True) self.db.insert({'score': score}) self.reset() def quit(self): print("[Game][info] Quitting game") self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) self.unicornhat.clear() self.__display_message("Exiting...") self.pygame.display.update() sys.exit() def reset(self): print("[Game][info] Resetting game") self.PAUSED = False self.GAMEOVER = False self.SCORE = 0 self.PIPES = 0 self.LEVEL = 1 self.BIRD_MOVED = True self.board = Board(self.COLUMNS, self.ROWS) self.bird = None self.pipe = None self.__generate_bird() self.__generate_pipe() self.unicornhat.clear() self.pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 0) self.pygame.display.update() def cleanup(self): print("[Game][info] Game clean up") try: self.unicornhat.clear() self.pygame_screen.fill(self.COLORS[0]) self.pygame.display.update() self.pygame.quit() except AttributeError: print("[Game][error] An error occurred cleaning up") def __exit__(self): print("[Game][info] Game exit") self.cleanup()
def generate_floor(screen, settings, map_group, floor_group, pipe_group): for i in range(0, 69): # level 15 and 16 f = Floor(screen, settings) = 13 * settings.floor_height f.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width fl = Floor(screen, settings) = 14 * settings.floor_height fl.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width # print('floor top: ' + str( # print('floor x,y: ' + str(f.rect.x) + ', ' + str(f.rect.y)) f.add(map_group, floor_group) fl.add(map_group, floor_group) for i in range(71, 86): f = Floor(screen, settings) = 13 * settings.floor_height f.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width fl = Floor(screen, settings) = 14 * settings.floor_height fl.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width f.add(map_group, floor_group) fl.add(map_group, floor_group) for i in range(89, 153): f = Floor(screen, settings) = 13 * settings.floor_height f.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width fl = Floor(screen, settings) = 14 * settings.floor_height fl.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width f.add(map_group, floor_group) fl.add(map_group, floor_group) for i in range(155, 224): f = Floor(screen, settings) = 13 * settings.floor_height f.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width fl = Floor(screen, settings) = 14 * settings.floor_height fl.rect.left = i * settings.floor_width f.add(map_group, floor_group) fl.add(map_group, floor_group) # Stairs stairs_arr = [] # 135-138,12 block for i in range(134, 138): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(12, i) stairs_arr.append(b) # 136-138,11 block for i in range(135, 138): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(11, i) stairs_arr.append(b) # 137,10 block # 138,10 block for i in range(136, 138): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(10, i) stairs_arr.append(b) # 138,9 block b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(9, 137) stairs_arr.append(b) # 141-144,12 block for i in range(140, 144): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(12, i) stairs_arr.append(b) # 141-143,11 block for i in range(140, 143): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(11, i) stairs_arr.append(b) # 141-142,10 block for i in range(140, 142): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(10, i) stairs_arr.append(b) # 141,9 block b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(9, 140) stairs_arr.append(b) # 149,12 block b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(12, 148) stairs_arr.append(b) # 150,12 block # 150,11 block for i in range(11, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 149) stairs_arr.append(b) # 151,12 block # 151,11 block # 151,10 block for i in range(10, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 150) stairs_arr.append(b) # 152,12 block # 152,11 block # 152,10 block # 152,9 block for i in range(9, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 151) stairs_arr.append(b) # 153,12 block # 153,11 block # 153,10 block # 153,9 block for i in range(9, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 152) stairs_arr.append(b) # 156,12 block # 156,11 block # 156,10 block # 156,9 block for i in range(9, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 155) stairs_arr.append(b) # 157,12 block # 157,11 block # 157,10 block for i in range(10, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 156) stairs_arr.append(b) # 158,12 block # 158,11 block for i in range(11, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 157) stairs_arr.append(b) # 159,12 block b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(12, 158) stairs_arr.append(b) # 182,12 block b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(12, 181) stairs_arr.append(b) # 183,12 block # 183,11 block for i in range(11, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 182) stairs_arr.append(b) # 184,12 block # 184,11 block # 184,10 block for i in range(10, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 183) stairs_arr.append(b) # 185,12 block # 185,11 block # 185,10 block # 185,9 block for i in range(9, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 184) stairs_arr.append(b) # 186,12 block # 186,11 block # 186,10 block # 186,9 block # 186,8 block for i in range(8, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 185) stairs_arr.append(b) # 187,12 block # 187,11 block # 187,10 block # 187,9 block # 187,8 block # 187,7 block for i in range(7, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 186) stairs_arr.append(b) # 188,12 block # 188,11 block # 188,10 block # 188,9 block # 188,8 block # 188,7 block # 188,6 block for i in range(6, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 187) stairs_arr.append(b) # 189,12 block # 189,11 block # 189,10 block # 189,9 block # 189,8 block # 189,7 block # 189,6 block # 189,5 block for i in range(5, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 188) stairs_arr.append(b) # 190,12 block # 190,11 block # 190,10 block # 190,9 block # 190,8 block # 190,7 block # 190,6 block # 190,5 block for i in range(5, 13): b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(i, 189) stairs_arr.append(b) # # 199,12 block b = Block(screen, settings, is_stairs=True) b.set_position(12, 198) stairs_arr.append(b) for s in stairs_arr: s.add(map_group, floor_group) # Overworld Pipes p = Pipe(screen, settings) p.set_position(11, 28) p.add(map_group, pipe_group) print('pipe x,y' + str(p.rect.x) + ', ' + str(p.rect.y)) p = Pipe(screen, settings, height_factor=3) p.set_position(10, 38) p.add(map_group, pipe_group) p = Pipe(screen, settings, height_factor=4) p.set_position(9, 46) p.add(map_group, pipe_group) # 58,12 pipe p = Pipe(screen, settings, height_factor=4) p.set_position(9, 57) p.add(map_group, pipe_group) p = Pipe(screen, settings) p.set_position(11, 163) p.add(map_group, pipe_group) p = Pipe(screen, settings) p.set_position(11, 179) p.add(map_group, pipe_group)