Esempio n. 1
def test():
    """Test by parsing some text."""
    # Connect to the local socket and send
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect(("localhost", DEFAULT_PORT))
    while True:
            text = raw_input("> ")
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        msg = socket_parse(asocket=sock, text=text)
        if not msg:
            print "Connection to server closed."
        print msg
Esempio n. 2
    def generate(self, text, sensors, regions, props):
        """Generate a logical specification from natural language and propositions."""
        # Clean unicode out of everything
        text = text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        sensors = [astr.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for astr in sensors]
        regions = [astr.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for astr in regions]
        props = [astr.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for astr in props]
        print "NL->LTL Generation called on:"
        print "Sensors:", sensors
        print "Props:", props
        print "Regions:", regions
        print "Text:", repr(text)
        # Make lists for POS conversions, including the metapar keywords
        force_nouns = list(regions) + list(sensors)
        force_verbs = list(props) + METAPARS.keys()
        responses = []
        system_lines = []
        env_lines = []
        env_lines_set = set() # Used to track duplicates
        custom_props = set()
        generation_trees = []
        for line in text.split('\n'):
            if not line:
                # Blank lines are counted as being processed correctly but are skipped
            # Init the generation tree to the empty result
            generation_tree = [line.strip(), []] 
            # Lowercase and strip the text before using it
            line = line.strip().lower()
            print "Sending to remote parser:", repr(line)
            parse = socket_parse(asocket=self.sock, text=line, force_nouns=force_nouns,
            print parse
            user_response, semantics_result, semantics_response, new_commands = \
                self.world_knowledge.process_parse_tree(parse, line)
            # Build the metapars
            failure = False
            for command in new_commands:
                    new_sys_lines, new_env_lines, new_custom_props = _apply_metapar(command)
                except KeyError:
                    failure = True
                # We need to ensure no duplicates are inserted into env_lines, so we keep
                # an redundant set. If we were requiring 2.7 we would use OrderedDict.
                for env_line in new_env_lines:
                    if env_line not in env_lines_set:
                # Add the statements as the children of the generation tree
                generation_tree[1].append([str(command), [new_env_lines, new_sys_lines]])
            # Add a true response if there were commands and no failures
            responses.append(new_commands and not failure)
            # Add this line's stuff to the generation tree

        # Convert custom props into a list
        custom_props = list(custom_props)

        print "Spec generation complete."
        print "Responses:", responses
        print "Environment lines:", env_lines
        print "System lines:", system_lines
        print "Custom props:", custom_props
        print "Generation tree:", generation_trees
        return env_lines, system_lines, custom_props, responses, generation_trees