def rhodes(length=22050, freq=220.0, amp=0.5, wavetype='sine'): partials = [ # Multiple, amplitude, duration [1, 0.6, 1.0], [2, 0.25, 0.35], [3, 0.08, 0.15], [4, 0.005, 0.04], ] layers = [] for plist in partials: partial = dsp.tone(freq=plist[0] * freq, length=length, amp=plist[1], wavetype=wavetype) env_length = (length * plist[2] * 2) / 32 if env_length <= 2: env_length = 4 wtable = dsp.wavetable('hann', int(env_length)) wtable = wtable[int(env_length / 2):] wtable.extend([0 for i in range(length - len(wtable))]) partial = dsp.split(partial, 32) partial = [ dsp.amp(partial[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(len(partial)) ] layer = ''.join(partial) layers += [ layer ] out = dsp.mix(layers) noise = dsp.amp(dsp.bln(dsp.flen(out) * 2, 2000, 20000), 0.005) noise = dsp.fill(noise, dsp.flen(out)) out = dsp.mix([out, noise]) out = dsp.amp(out, amp) return out
def ping(maxlen=44100, freqs=None): out = '' if freqs is None: freqs = [ dsp.rand(20,10000) for i in range(4) ] tlen = dsp.randint(10, maxlen) tones = [ dsp.tone(length=tlen, freq=freq, amp=0.1, wavetype='random') for freq in freqs ] tones = [ dsp.split(tone, 64) for tone in tones ] pcurves = [ dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for t in range(len(tones[i]) / 20) ], len(tones[i])) for i in range(len(tones)) ] tones = [ [ dsp.pan(t, pcurves[i][ti]) for ti, t in enumerate(tones[i]) ] for i in range(len(tones)) ] fcurves = [ dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.0, 0.1) + 0.9 for t in range(len(tones[i]) / 20) ], len(tones[i])) for i in range(len(tones)) ] tones = [ [ dsp.transpose(t, fcurves[i][ti] + 0.1) for ti, t in enumerate(tones[i]) ] for i in range(len(tones)) ] out = dsp.mix([ dsp.env(''.join(tone), 'random') for tone in tones ]) out = dsp.env(out, 'random') out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.randint(0, maxlen * 3)) return out
def play(voice_id): tel = bot.getTel() b ='sounds/birds.wav').data b = dsp.split(b, dsp.randint(100, 1000)) b = b[:dsp.randint(len(b) / 10, len(b))] blen = len(b) pans = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for i in range(dsp.randint(10, 100)) ], blen) speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.25, 1.5) for i in range(dsp.randint(10, 100)) ], blen) amps = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.05, 1.5) for i in range(dsp.randint(10, 100)) ], blen) b = [ dsp.pan(b[i], pans[i]) for i in range(blen) ] b = [ dsp.transpose(b[i], speeds[i]) for i in range(blen) ] b = [ dsp.amp(b[i], amps[i]) for i in range(blen) ] b = dsp.packet_shuffle(b, dsp.randint(4, 30)) for i, bb in enumerate(b): if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 60: b[i] = bb * dsp.randint(2, 10) out = ''.join(b) dsp.log('') dsp.log('birds') dsp.log(blen) dsp.log('%s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out)))) bot.show_telemetry(tel) return out
def rhodes(total_time, freq=220.0, ampscale=0.5): partials = [ # Multiple, amplitude, duration [1, 0.6, 1.0], [2, 0.25, 0.35], [3, 0.08, 0.15], [4, 0.005, 0.04], ] layers = [] for plist in partials: partial = dsp.tone(freq=plist[0] * freq, length=total_time, amp=plist[1] * ampscale) env_length = (total_time * plist[2] * 2) / 32 wtable = dsp.wavetable('hann', int(env_length)) wtable = wtable[int(env_length / 2):] wtable.extend([0 for i in range(total_time - len(wtable))]) print env_length, len(wtable), dsp.flen(partial) partial = dsp.split(partial, 32) partial = [ dsp.amp(partial[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(len(partial)) ] layer = ''.join(partial) layers += [ layer ] out = dsp.mix(layers) noise = dsp.amp(dsp.bln(dsp.flen(out) * 2, 2000, 20000), 0.005) noise = dsp.fill(noise, dsp.flen(out)) out = dsp.mix([out, noise]) return out
def rhodes(total_time, freq=220.0, ampscale=0.5): partials = [ # Multiple, amplitude, duration [1, 0.6, 1.0], [2, 0.25, 0.35], [3, 0.08, 0.15], [4, 0.005, 0.04], ] layers = [] for plist in partials: partial = dsp.tone(freq=plist[0] * freq, length=total_time, amp=plist[1] * ampscale) env_length = (total_time * plist[2] * 2) / 32 wtable = dsp.wavetable('hann', int(env_length)) wtable = wtable[int(env_length / 2):] wtable.extend([0 for i in range(total_time - len(wtable))]) print env_length, len(wtable), dsp.flen(partial) partial = dsp.split(partial, 32) partial = [dsp.amp(partial[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(len(partial))] layer = ''.join(partial) layers += [layer] out = dsp.mix(layers) noise = dsp.amp(dsp.bln(dsp.flen(out) * 2, 2000, 20000), 0.005) noise = dsp.fill(noise, dsp.flen(out)) out = dsp.mix([out, noise]) return out
def makeRhodes(length, beat, freqs): root = tune.ntf(key, 2) for i, freq in enumerate(freqs): if freq > root * 2.5: freqs[i] = freq * 0.5 chord = [ keys.rhodes(length, freq, dsp.rand(0.4, 0.6)) for freq in freqs ] chord = dsp.randshuffle(chord) pause = 0 for i, c in enumerate(chord): pause = pause + (dsp.randint(1, 4) * beat) c = dsp.pan(c, dsp.rand()) chord[i] = dsp.pad(dsp.fill(c, length - pause), pause, 0) chord = dsp.mix(chord) chord = dsp.split(chord, dsp.flen(chord) / 16) chord = dsp.randshuffle(chord) chord = [ dsp.env(ch, 'phasor') for ch in chord ] chord = [ dsp.mix([ dsp.amp(dsp.pan(grain, dsp.rand()), dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)), dsp.amp(dsp.pan(dsp.randchoose(chord), dsp.rand()), dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)) ]) for grain in chord ] chord = ''.join(chord) return chord
def dsp_loop(out, buf, voice_id): os.nice(0) plays = int(settings.voice(voice_id, 'plays')) + 1 settings.voice(voice_id, 'plays', plays) target_volume = settings.voice(voice_id, 'target_volume') post_volume = settings.voice(voice_id, 'post_volume') buf = dsp.split(buf, 500) for chunk in buf: if target_volume != post_volume: if target_volume > post_volume: post_volume += 0.01 elif post_volume > target_volume: post_volume -= 0.01 chunk = dsp.amp(chunk, post_volume) out.write(chunk) if post_volume < 0.002: settings.voice(voice_id, 'loop', False) settings.voice(voice_id, 'post_volume', post_volume) break settings.voice(voice_id, 'post_volume', post_volume)
def play(voice_id): bpm = config('bpm') key = config('key') quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) nlen = beat / dsp.randchoose([4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) root = 340.0 target = tune.ntf(key) n ='sounds/mike.wav').data n = dsp.transpose(n, target / root) n = dsp.amp(n, 0.4) length = dsp.randint(16, 64) * beat ngrains = length / nlen n = dsp.transpose(n, dsp.randchoose([0.5, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4])) n = dsp.split(n, nlen) snd = dsp.randchoose(n) snd = dsp.env(snd, 'sine') grains = [ snd for i in range(ngrains) ] grains = [ dsp.pan(grain, dsp.rand()) for grain in grains ] out = ''.join(grains) out = dsp.env(out, 'sine') # out = dsp.pad(out, 0, dsp.stf(dsp.randint(0.5, 3))) return out
def smear(snd): snd = dsp.split(snd, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(5000, 10000))) snd = dsp.randshuffle(snd) snd = [dsp.env(s) for s in snd] snd = [s * dsp.randint(1, 8) for s in snd] return dsp.drift(''.join(snd), dsp.rand(0.01, 0.1))
def smear(snd): snd = dsp.split(snd, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(5000, 10000))) snd = dsp.randshuffle(snd) snd = [ dsp.env(s) for s in snd ] snd = [ s * dsp.randint(1, 8) for s in snd ] return dsp.drift(''.join(snd), dsp.rand(0.01, 0.1))
def bendit(out=''): if bbend == True: bendtable = dsp.randchoose([ 'impulse', 'sine', 'line', 'phasor', 'cos', 'impulse' ]) lowbend = dsp.rand(0.8, 0.99) highbend = dsp.rand(1.0, 1.25) else: bendtable = 'sine' lowbend = 0.99 # lowbend = 0.75 highbend = 1.01 # highbend = 1.5 out = dsp.split(out, 441) freqs = dsp.wavetable(bendtable, len(out)) freqs = [ math.fabs(f) * (highbend - lowbend) + lowbend for f in freqs ] out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ] return ''.join(out)
def makeRhodes(length, beat, freqs): root = tune.ntf(key, 2) for i, freq in enumerate(freqs): if freq > root * 2.5: freqs[i] = freq * 0.5 chord = [keys.rhodes(length, freq, dsp.rand(0.4, 0.6)) for freq in freqs] chord = dsp.randshuffle(chord) pause = 0 for i, c in enumerate(chord): pause = pause + (dsp.randint(1, 4) * beat) c = dsp.pan(c, dsp.rand()) chord[i] = dsp.pad(dsp.fill(c, length - pause), pause, 0) chord = dsp.mix(chord) chord = dsp.split(chord, dsp.flen(chord) / 16) chord = dsp.randshuffle(chord) chord = [dsp.env(ch, "phasor") for ch in chord] chord = [ dsp.mix( [ dsp.amp(dsp.pan(grain, dsp.rand()), dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)), dsp.amp(dsp.pan(dsp.randchoose(chord), dsp.rand()), dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)), ] ) for grain in chord ] chord = "".join(chord) return chord
def penv(snd, low=4, high=20): packets = dsp.split(snd, dsp.dsp_grain) ptable = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for _ in range(dsp.randint(low, high)) ], len(packets)) etable = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand() for _ in range(dsp.randint(low, high)) ] + [0], len(packets)) packets = [ dsp.pan(p, ptable[i], etable[i]) for i, p in enumerate(packets) ] return ''.join(packets)
def make_vary(snd): numpoints = dsp.flen(snd) / 40 curve = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(dsp.randint(5, numpoints / 100)) ] + [0], numpoints) snd = dsp.split(snd, 40) snd = [ dsp.amp(snd[i], curve[i]) for i in range(numpoints) ] snd = ''.join(snd) return snd
def slurp(snd): snd = dsp.split(snd, dsp.flen(snd) / 100) numcycles = len(snd) curve_a = dsp.breakpoint([1.0] + [dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0) for r in range(dsp.randint(2, 10))] + [0], numcycles) curve_b = dsp.wavetable('cos', numcycles) wtable = [ curve_a[i] * curve_b[i] for i in range(numcycles) ] wtable = [ math.fabs((f * 5) + 0.75) for f in wtable ] snd = [ dsp.transpose(snd[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(numcycles) ] return ''.join(snd)
def slurp(snd): snd = dsp.split(snd, dsp.flen(snd) / 100) numcycles = len(snd) curve_a = dsp.breakpoint( [1.0] + [dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0) for r in range(dsp.randint(2, 10))] + [0], numcycles) curve_b = dsp.wavetable('cos', numcycles) wtable = [curve_a[i] * curve_b[i] for i in range(numcycles)] wtable = [math.fabs((f * 5) + 0.75) for f in wtable] snd = [dsp.transpose(snd[i], wtable[i]) for i in range(numcycles)] return ''.join(snd)
def makeHats(length, wobble): out = Tracks() onsets = makeOnsets(length, wobble, 1, 16, True) for onset in onsets: out.add(h, onset) out = out.mix() out = dsp.split(out, dsp.flen(out) / dsp.randchoose([2, 3, 4])) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) out = dsp.fill(out, length, silence=False) return dsp.taper(out, 40)
def bend(snd, freqs=None, amount=0.02): out = dsp.split(snd, 441) if freqs is None: freqs = dsp.wavetable('sine', len(out)) else: freqs = dsp.breakpoint(freqs, len(out)) freqs = [ freq * amount + (1 - (amount * 0.5)) for freq in freqs ] out = [ dsp.transpose(grain, freq) for grain, freq in zip(out, freqs) ] return ''.join(out)
def makeClaps(length, wobble): out = Tracks() onsets = makeOnsets(length, wobble, 2, 8, True) for onset in onsets: clap = dsp.stretch(c, int(dsp.flen(c) * log.get(1, 10)), grain_size=dsp.randint(20, 120)) out.add(clap, onset) out = out.mix() out = dsp.split(out, dsp.flen(out) / dsp.randchoose([2, 3, 4])) out = [ dsp.taper(o, 20) for o in out ] out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) out = dsp.fill(out, length, silence=False) return dsp.taper(out, 40)
def glitchPulse(snd): """ 2 to 3 overlapping streams of enveloped grains at regular but phasing intervals. """ numlayers = dsp.randint(2,3) layers = [] for _ in range(numlayers): grains = dsp.split(snd, dsp.mstf(1, 100)) grains = [ dsp.taper(g, 50) for g in grains ] grains = ''.join(grains) grains = penv(grains) layers += [ grains ] return dsp.mix(layers)
def that(li): print 'layer', li freqs = tune.fromdegrees([ dsp.randint(1, 20) for f in range(dsp.randint(3, 6)) ], octave = 3) length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(10, 20)) layers = [] for fi, freq in enumerate(freqs): print ' tone', fi, round(dsp.fts(length), 2) waveform = dsp.randchoose(['sine2pi', 'tri', 'hann']) waveform = dsp.wavetable(waveform, 512) window = dsp.randchoose(['sine', 'tri', 'hann']) window = dsp.wavetable(window, 512) pulsewidth = dsp.rand(0.1, 1) modFreq = dsp.rand(0.1, 10.0) / dsp.fts(length) numgrains = length / 32 numpoints = dsp.randint(2, 6) apoints = [0] + [dsp.rand(0, 1) for p in range(numpoints - 2)] + [0] ppoints = [dsp.rand(0, 1) for p in range(numpoints)] e = dsp.breakpoint(apoints, numgrains) p = dsp.breakpoint(ppoints, numgrains) mod = dsp.wavetable('random', 512) modRange = dsp.rand(0, 0.001) print ' ', round(freq, 2), round(modRange, 3), round(modFreq, 3) layer = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, 0.1) layer = dsp.split(layer, dsp.flen(layer) / numgrains) layer = layer[:numgrains] layer = [ dsp.pan(dsp.amp(layer[i], e[i]), p[i]) for i in range(numgrains) ] layer = ''.join(layer) layers += [ layer ] out = dsp.mix(layers) return out
def make_pulses(degrees, bpm): freqs = tune.fromdegrees(degrees, 3, 'c') layers = [] for freq in freqs: l = dsp.pine(dsp.amp(thirty, 0.5), int(dsp.flen(thirty) * 20), freq) l = dsp.pan(l, dsp.rand()) layers += [ l ] t = dsp.mix(layers) t = dsp.split(t, dsp.mstf(dsp.bpm2ms(bpm))) t = dsp.randshuffle(t) return ''.join(t)
def play(voice_id): bpm = config('bpm') key = config('key') quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) beat = beat / 4 glitch = False alias = False nbeats = P(voice_id, 'multiple', dsp.randchoose([8, 16])) gs = ['gC1', 'gC2'] g = dsp.randchoose(gs) n ='sounds/%s.wav' % g).data # speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.666, 2, 4] speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16] root = tune.ntf('c') target = tune.ntf(key) n = dsp.transpose(n, target / root) n = dsp.fill(n, dsp.stf(20)) n = dsp.transpose(n, dsp.randchoose(speeds)) n = dsp.split(n, beat) n = dsp.randshuffle(n) n = n[:nbeats + 1] if alias: n = [dsp.alias(nn) for nn in n] n = [dsp.amp(nn, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.75)) for nn in n] n = [dsp.pan(nn, dsp.rand()) for nn in n] n = ''.join(n) out = n if glitch: out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(80, 140)), dsp.mstf(500)) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) return out
def makeClaps(length, wobble): out = Tracks() onsets = makeOnsets(length, wobble, 2, 8, True) for onset in onsets: clap = dsp.stretch(c, int(dsp.flen(c) * log.get(1, 10)), grain_size=dsp.randint(20, 120)) out.add(clap, onset) out = out.mix() out = dsp.split(out, dsp.flen(out) / dsp.randchoose([2, 3, 4])) out = [dsp.taper(o, 20) for o in out] out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) out = dsp.fill(out, length, silence=False) return dsp.taper(out, 40)
def make(length, i): r = dsp.transpose(guitar, getRatio(scale[ i % len(scale)])) r = dsp.mix([ dsp.pan(r, dsp.rand()), dsp.drift(dsp.pan(r, dsp.rand()), dsp.rand(0.001, 0.02)) ]) if dsp.rand() > 0.5: r = dsp.alias(r) if dsp.rand() > 0.5: r = dsp.split(r, dsp.flen(r) / dsp.randint(2,5)) r = dsp.randshuffle(r) r = ''.join(r) r = dsp.amp(r, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.75)) g = dsp.fill(r, length, silence=True) return g
def play(voice_id): bpm = config('bpm') key = config('key') quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) beat = beat / 4 glitch = False alias = False nbeats = P(voice_id, 'multiple', dsp.randchoose([8, 16])) gs = ['gC1', 'gC2'] g = dsp.randchoose(gs) n ='sounds/%s.wav' % g).data # speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.666, 2, 4] speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16] root = tune.ntf('c') target = tune.ntf(key) n = dsp.transpose(n, target / root) n = dsp.fill(n, dsp.stf(20)) n = dsp.transpose(n, dsp.randchoose(speeds)) n = dsp.split(n, beat) n = dsp.randshuffle(n) n = n[:nbeats + 1] if alias: n = [ dsp.alias(nn) for nn in n ] n = [ dsp.amp(nn, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.75)) for nn in n ] n = [ dsp.pan(nn, dsp.rand()) for nn in n ] n = ''.join(n) out = n if glitch: out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(80, 140)), dsp.mstf(500)) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) return out
def bendit(out=''): if bbend == True: bendtable = dsp.randchoose(['impulse', 'sine', 'line', 'phasor', 'cos', 'impulse']) lowbend = dsp.rand(0.8, 0.99) highbend = dsp.rand(1.0, 1.25) else: bendtable = 'sine' lowbend = 0.99 highbend = 1.01 out = dsp.split(out, 441) freqs = dsp.wavetable(bendtable, len(out)) freqs = [ math.fabs(f) * (highbend - lowbend) + lowbend for f in freqs ] out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ] return ''.join(out)
def play(voice_id): reload(keys) bpm = config('bpm') root = config('key') quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) scale = [1,5,8] if dsp.rand() > 0.5: scale = reversed(scale) freqs = tune.fromdegrees(scale, root=root, octave=dsp.randint(1, 3), ratios=ratios, scale=quality) freqs = dsp.rotate(freqs, dsp.randint(0, len(freqs))) out = '' length = int(dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) * dsp.randchoose([0.25, 0.5, 1]) * 0.5) length = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) * 4 length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(1, 8)) for n in range(dsp.randint(1, 3)): amp = dsp.rand(0.3, 0.65) freq = dsp.randchoose(freqs) freq = freqs[n%len(freqs)] b = keys.chippy(length=length, freq=freq, amp=amp) b = dsp.split(b, 100) oenvs = dsp.breakpoint([0,0,0,0] + [ dsp.rand() for i in range(len(b) / 10) ], len(b)) opans = dsp.breakpoint([dsp.rand(0.4, 0.6)] + [ dsp.rand() for i in range(len(b) / 100) ] + [0.5], len(b)) b = [ dsp.amp(b[i], oenvs[i]) for i in range(len(b)) ] b = [ dsp.pan(b[i], opans[i]) for i in range(len(b)) ] b = ''.join(b) #b = dsp.env(b, 'phasor') b = dsp.env(b, 'sine') out += b return out
def make(length, i): r = dsp.transpose(guitar, getRatio(scale[i % len(scale)])) r = dsp.mix([ dsp.pan(r, dsp.rand()), dsp.drift(dsp.pan(r, dsp.rand()), dsp.rand(0.001, 0.02)) ]) if dsp.rand() > 0.5: r = dsp.alias(r) if dsp.rand() > 0.5: r = dsp.split(r, dsp.flen(r) / dsp.randint(2, 5)) r = dsp.randshuffle(r) r = ''.join(r) r = dsp.amp(r, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.75)) g = dsp.fill(r, length, silence=True) return g
def play(voice_id): bpm = C('bpm') beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0) chord ='sounds/sag1.wav').data bass ='sounds/sag2.wav').data out = '' for i in range(32): b = dsp.amp(bass, 0.5) b = dsp.transpose(b, 2) b *= 2 bar = dsp.flen(b) / 2 blayers = [] for blayer in range(3): blayer = dsp.split(b, bar / dsp.randchoose([6, 12])) blayer = dsp.randshuffle(blayer) blayer = blayer[:2] blayer = ''.join(blayer) blayer = dsp.pan(blayer, dsp.rand()) # blayer *= dsp.randint(2, 8) blayers += [ blayer ] b = dsp.mix(blayers) c = dsp.amp(chord, 0.5) c = dsp.fill(c, bar / dsp.randchoose([8, 16, 12, 24])) c = dsp.fill(c, dsp.flen(b)) out += dsp.mix([ b, c ]) dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out)))) return out
from pippi import dsp g ='sounds/seneca3bars.wav').data beat = dsp.flen(g) / (12 * 13) g = dsp.split(g, beat) modulos = [3, 5, 7, 11] numgrains = dsp.stf(20) / beat streams = [] for mod in modulos: stream = [] for i, s in enumerate(g): if i % mod == 0: stream += [s] stream = [stream[i % len(stream)] for i in range(numgrains)] streams += [stream] out = [] for grain in range(numgrains): for stream in streams: out += stream[grain] out = ''.join(out) dsp.write(out, 'stringquilt')
layers = dsp.mix(layers) ctf = tune.fromdegrees([commontone], octave=2, root='c')[0] drone = dsp.mix([ keys.pulsar(ctf, dsp.flen(layers), amp=dsp.rand(0.01, 0.1)) for _ in range(4) ]) chord = nextChord(chord) if b % 2 == 0: commontone = commontone + dsp.randchoose([-1, 1]) if commontone == 0: commontone = 1 layers = dsp.split(layers, beat / 3) layers = dsp.randshuffle(layers) layers = ''.join(layers) drone = dsp.split(drone, beat) drone = dsp.randshuffle(drone) drone = ''.join(drone) hats = drums.parsebeat(hatp, 16, beat, dsp.flen(layers), makeHat, 12) kicks = drums.parsebeat(kickp, 4, beat, dsp.flen(layers), makeKick, 0) snares = drums.parsebeat(snarep, 8, beat, dsp.flen(layers), makeSnare, 0) dr = dsp.mix([kicks, snares]) d = dsp.split(dr, beat / 8) d = dsp.randshuffle(d)
snds = [thirty, wesley] ## 01 out = '' t = thirty * 30 t = dsp.pan(t, 0) tt = dsp.cut(thirty, 0, dsp.flen(thirty) - dsp.mstf(30)) * 30 tt = dsp.pan(tt, 1) out = dsp.mix([ t, tt ]) dsp.write(out, 'wesley_thirty_01') ## 02 out = '' t = dsp.split(thirty, dsp.mstf(40)) t = [ dsp.env(tt, 'sine') for tt in t ] t = [ tt * 4 for tt in t ] out = ''.join(t) dsp.write(out, 'wesley_thirty_02') ## 03 out = '' freqs = tune.fromdegrees([1, 3, 5, 9], 3, 'c') layers = [] for i in range(30): l = dsp.pine(dsp.amp(thirty, 0.1), dsp.stf(30), dsp.randchoose(freqs)) l = dsp.pan(l, dsp.rand())
def play(voice_id): bpm = config('bpm') root = config('key') quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) amp = dsp.rand(0.1, 0.65) nlens = [ beat * 4, beat * 3, beat * 2, beat + (beat / 2), beat, beat / 2, beat / 4, ] scale = [2,4,6,9] scale = [1,4,6,8] # scale = [1,3,4,5,6,8,9] # scale = [1,2,3,5,6,8,9] # scale = [1,5,8] freqs = tune.fromdegrees(scale, root=root, octave=dsp.randint(2,4), ratios=ratios, scale=quality) # length of pattern (in beats) elen = 0 tlen = beat * dsp.randint(2, 8) # beat lengths (from a set of bpm-derived note lengths defined in the nlens list) blens = [] while elen < tlen: l = dsp.randchoose(nlens) blens += [ l ] elen += l # beat pulsewidths bpws = [ dsp.rand(0.1, 1) for pw in range(len(blens)) ] out = '' # choose a pitch from the scale freq = dsp.randchoose(freqs) # synthesize the tones for i in range(len(blens)): # find the length of the pulse blen = int(round(blens[i] * bpws[i])) # find the length of the rest brest = blens[i] - blen # make a rhodes tone with a random amplitude #beat = keys.rhodes(length=blen, freq=freq, amp=dsp.rand(0.3, 0.5)) beat = keys.rhodes(length=blen, freq=freq, amp=amp) # pan the tone to a random position beat = dsp.pan(beat, dsp.rand()) # bitcrush the tone a random amount # beat = dsp.alias(beat) # pad the tone with silence beat = dsp.pad(beat, 0, brest) # add it to the output out += beat out *= dsp.randint(1, 2) if dsp.rand() > 0.75: out = dsp.split(out, dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) / dsp.randchoose([1,2,4])) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) return out
def makecurve(length): # freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, amp wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 30))) ] + [0], 1024) win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(4) ] + [0], 1024) mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(4, 8))) ], 1024) smaxamp = dsp.rand(0.65, 0.95) amp = dsp.rand(0.01, smaxamp) pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0) if 'upbeat' in tel['name']: wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 30))) ] + [0], 1024) win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(4) ] + [0], 1024) mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(5, 80))) ], 1024) pw = 1.0 if 'ballsout' in tel['name']: wf = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(10, 40))) ] + [0], 1024) win = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(10) ] + [0], 1024) mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(20, 100))) ], 1024) if 'sparse' in tel['name']: amp = dsp.rand(0.7, 3) freq = tel['register'] * tel['roughness'] * (tel['density'] * tel['pace'] * 0.25) #if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50: #freq = dsp.rand(2, 20) modR = tel['harmonicity'] modF= tel['pace'] / 10.0 c = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pw, wf, win, mod, modR, modF, amp) ngrains = len(c) pans = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0,1) for i in range(100) ], ngrains) maxPad = dsp.randint(2000, 4000) if 'sparse' in tel['name']: c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(0.5), dsp.mstf(tel['density'] * tel['harmonicity'] * tel['roughness'] * tel['pace'])) c = [ dsp.randchoose(c) for i in range(int(dsp.rand(3, 10))) ] elif 'ballsout' in tel['name']: c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(0.1), dsp.mstf(400)) c = dsp.packet_shuffle(c, dsp.randint(5, 10)) speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(tel['register'] * 0.1 + 0.2, tel['register'] + 0.2) for i in range(100) ], ngrains) #c = [ dsp.transpose(cg, speeds[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] #c = [ dsp.amp(cg, dsp.rand(0.25, 1.25)) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] for ic, cc in enumerate(c): if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 70: c[ic] = dsp.tone(dsp.flen(cc), 11000, amp=0.5) elif 'upbeat' in tel['name']: beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) c = dsp.split(c, beat) maxPad = 0 c = [ dsp.pad(cg, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, beat / 4))) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] else: c = dsp.vsplit(c, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(tel['density'] * tel['harmonicity'] * tel['roughness'] * tel['pace'] * dsp.rand(1, 10))) c = [ dsp.pan(cg, pans[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] c = [ dsp.env(cg, 'sine') for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] if 'sparse' in tel['name'] or 'ballsout' in tel['name']: speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.5, 1.99) for i in range(100) ], ngrains) for ic, cc in enumerate(c): if dsp.flen(cc) < dsp.mstf(100): c[ic] = cc + ''.join([ dsp.amp(cc, dsp.rand(0.1, 1.0)) for buh in range(dsp.randint(1, int(tel['density']))) ]) #c = [ dsp.transpose(cg, speeds[i]) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] c = [ dsp.pan(cg, dsp.rand(0.0, 1.0)) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] if 'ballsout' not in tel['name']: c = [ dsp.pad(cg, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(10, maxPad))) for i, cg in enumerate(c) ] out = ''.join(c) return out
if section == 'float': numbeats = 16 * dsp.randint(2, 20) if section == 'ending': numbeats = dsp.randint(16, 40) bpm = 84 beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) / 4 bar_length = beat * numbeats bar = dsp.pad('', 0, bar_length) if canPlay('choppy', section): dl = ''.join([ dsp.mix([ dsp.randchoose([ dloop1, dloop2 ]), dsp.randchoose([ kickhard, kicksoft ]) ]) for _ in range(3) ]) dl = dsp.split(dl, dsp.flen(dl) / 16) dl = dsp.randshuffle(dl) dl = [ dsp.env(dd, 'phasor') for dd in dl ] for i, b in enumerate(dl): if dsp.rand() > 0.75: dl[i] = dsp.pad('', 0, dsp.flen(b)) elif dsp.rand() > 0.75: dl[i] = dsp.split(b, dsp.flen(b) / 2)[0] * 2 dl[i] = dsp.amp(dl[i], dsp.rand(0.9, 2)) dl[i] = dsp.fill(dl[i], beat, silence=True) dl = ''.join(dl) layers += [ dl ] if canPlay('swells', section):
def play(voice_id): bpm = config('bpm') root = config('key') quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) amp = dsp.rand(0.1, 0.65) nlens = [ beat * 4, beat * 3, beat * 2, beat + (beat / 2), beat, beat / 2, beat / 4, ] scale = [2, 4, 6, 9] scale = [1, 4, 6, 8] # scale = [1,3,4,5,6,8,9] # scale = [1,2,3,5,6,8,9] # scale = [1,5,8] freqs = tune.fromdegrees(scale, root=root, octave=dsp.randint(2, 4), ratios=ratios, scale=quality) # length of pattern (in beats) elen = 0 tlen = beat * dsp.randint(2, 8) # beat lengths (from a set of bpm-derived note lengths defined in the nlens list) blens = [] while elen < tlen: l = dsp.randchoose(nlens) blens += [l] elen += l # beat pulsewidths bpws = [dsp.rand(0.1, 1) for pw in range(len(blens))] out = '' # choose a pitch from the scale freq = dsp.randchoose(freqs) # synthesize the tones for i in range(len(blens)): # find the length of the pulse blen = int(round(blens[i] * bpws[i])) # find the length of the rest brest = blens[i] - blen # make a rhodes tone with a random amplitude #beat = keys.rhodes(length=blen, freq=freq, amp=dsp.rand(0.3, 0.5)) beat = keys.rhodes(length=blen, freq=freq, amp=amp) # pan the tone to a random position beat = dsp.pan(beat, dsp.rand()) # bitcrush the tone a random amount # beat = dsp.alias(beat) # pad the tone with silence beat = dsp.pad(beat, 0, brest) # add it to the output out += beat out *= dsp.randint(1, 2) if dsp.rand() > 0.75: out = dsp.split(out, dsp.bpm2frames(bpm) / dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 4])) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) return out
def play(ctl): mpk = ctl.get('midi').get('mpk') ssnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/78sd.wav').data lssnd ='jesssnare.wav').data hsnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/78ch.wav').data ohsnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/78oh.wav').data ksnd ='jesskick.wav').data beat = dsp.bpm2frames(166) length = beat * 8 if dsp.rand() > 0.5: kick = 'x--x-x-x--------' else: kick = 'x----x----------' hat = 'x-x-x-x-xx-x-x-x' ohat = 'x------x--------' lsnare = '---------x--x---' if dsp.rand() > 0.5: lsnare = '---------x--x---' else: lsnare = '--x--x--x--x--x-' snare = '--x--x--x--x--x-' def makeOHat(length, i, amp): return dsp.fill(hsnd, length, silence=True) def makeHat(length, i, amp): return dsp.fill(ohsnd, length, silence=True) def makeKick(length, i, amp): k = dsp.fill(ksnd, length, silence=True) return dsp.amp(k, 3) def makeSnare(length, i, amp): s = dsp.fill(ssnd, length, silence=True) return dsp.amp(s, 2) def makeLSnare(length, i, amp): s = dsp.fill(lssnd, length, silence=True) return dsp.amp(s, 1) hats = drums.parsebeat(hat, 8, beat, length, makeHat, 5) ohats = drums.parsebeat(ohat, 8, beat, length, makeOHat, 0) kicks = drums.parsebeat(kick, 8, beat, length, makeKick, 0) snares = drums.parsebeat(snare, 8, beat, length, makeSnare, 0) lsnares = drums.parsebeat(lsnare, 8, beat, length, makeLSnare, 0) snaresnstuff = dsp.mix([ohats,snares]) snaresnstuff= dsp.split(snaresnstuff, dsp.flen(snaresnstuff) / 32) snaresnstuff = dsp.randshuffle(snaresnstuff) snaresnstuff = ''.join(snaresnstuff) snaresnstuff = dsp.amp(snaresnstuff, 0.35) out = dsp.mix([kicks,lsnares,snares,hats,ohats,snaresnstuff]) return out
def makeSnare(length, i, amp): s = dsp.fill(ssnd, length, silence=True) return dsp.amp(s, 3) def makeLSnare(length, i, amp): s = dsp.fill(lssnd, length, silence=True) return dsp.amp(s, 2) hats = drums.parsebeat(hat, 8, beat, length, makeHat, 5) ohats = drums.parsebeat(ohat, 8, beat, length, makeOHat, 0) kicks = drums.parsebeat(kick, 8, beat, length, makeKick, 0) snares = drums.parsebeat(snare, 8, beat, length, makeSnare, 0) lsnares = drums.parsebeat(lsnare, 8, beat, length, makeLSnare, 0) snaresnstuff = dsp.mix([ohats,snares]) snaresnstuff= dsp.split(snaresnstuff, dsp.flen(snaresnstuff) / 32) snaresnstuff = dsp.randshuffle(snaresnstuff) snaresnstuff = [ dsp.env(sns, 'phasor') for sns in snaresnstuff ] snaresnstuff = ''.join(snaresnstuff) snaresnstuff = dsp.amp(snaresnstuff, 0.5) bar = dsp.mix([kicks,lsnares,snares,hats,ohats,snaresnstuff]) #bar = dsp.mix([hats,ohats]) if count % 4 == 0: bar = dsp.mix([ bar, dsp.fill(bksnd, dsp.flen(bar), silence=True) ]) progression = 'ii6 ii69'.split(' ') cname = progression[ count % len(progression) ] rfreqs = tune.chord(cname, key, 2) rhodes = makeRhodes(dsp.flen(bar), beat / 8, rfreqs)
from pippi import dsp snd ='sounds/seneca3bars.wav').data snd = dsp.split(snd, 0, 1) snd = dsp.packet_shuffle(snd, 3) snd = [s * dsp.randint(1, 10) for s in snd] out = ''.join(snd) dsp.write(out, 'seero')
from pippi import dsp, tune from hcj import keys, fx, drums kick ='snds/kick.wav').data bigkick ='snds/kick606.wav').data snare ='snds/snare.wav').data snare = dsp.amp(snare, 6) snare = dsp.env(snare, 'phasor') snarex = dsp.split(snare, 0, 1) key = 'a' hatp = 'xxxx' snarep = '..x...x...' kickp = 'x...-.....x..x...' pulsep = 'x..' # tempo path def tempoPath(nsegs): maxms = dsp.rand(100, 400) minms = dsp.rand(1, 100) wavetypes = ['hann', 'sine', 'vary'] out = [] for _ in range(nsegs): seglen = dsp.randint(20, 200) seg = dsp.wavetable(dsp.randchoose(wavetypes), seglen) # pull out a randomly selected subsegment of the curve
def play(ctl): mpk = ctl.get('midi').get('mpk') ccs = [ i + 48 for i in range(24) ] notes = [] for cc in ccs: if mpk.get(cc) < 1: notes += [ cc ] ssnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/78sd.wav').data ssnd ='jesssnare.wav').data hsnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/Shaker.wav').data ksnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/Drybd2.wav').data #ksnd ='jesskick.wav').data beat = dsp.bpm2frames(90) #beat = dsp.mstf(290 * 2) length = beat * 4 hat = 'xxx ' kick = 'x ' snare = ' x ' #snare = ' x xx' #snare = ' ' def makeHat(length, i, amp): h = hsnd h = dsp.env(h, 'phasor') h = dsp.pad(h, 0, length - dsp.flen(h)) return h def makeKick(length, i, amp): k = dsp.mix([ ksnd, drums.sinekick(length, i, amp) ]) #k = dsp.env(ksnd, 'phasor') k = dsp.fill(k, length, silence=True) k = dsp.amp(k, 1) return k def makeSnare(length, i, amp): s = ssnd s = dsp.amp(s, 1.2) s = dsp.transpose(s, dsp.rand(1.5, 3)) s = dsp.fill(s, length, silence=True) #ss = dsp.drift(s, dsp.rand(0.001, 0.1)) #s = dsp.mix([s, ss]) return s #hats = drums.parsebeat(hat, 16, beat, length, makeHat, 25) hats = drums.parsebeat(hat, 16, beat, length, makeHat, 0) kicks = drums.parsebeat(kick, 16, beat, length, makeKick, 0) snares = drums.parsebeat(snare, 8, beat, length, makeSnare, 0) out = dsp.mix([hats,kicks,snares]) shuf = True shuf = False if shuf: out = dsp.split(out, beat) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) out = dsp.amp(out, 2) cuts = True if dsp.rand() > 0.5 else False cuts = True #cuts = False if cuts: o = dsp.split(out, beat / 2) o = dsp.randshuffle(o) o = [ dsp.amp(oo, dsp.rand(0, 2.5)) for oo in o ] o = [ dsp.env(oo, 'random') for oo in o ] out = dsp.mix([ ''.join(o), out ]) dsp.log(notes) synthy = False #synthy = True if synthy == True: s = '' for ii in range(dsp.flen(out) / (beat/2)): layers = [] if len(notes) > 0: scale = [ n - 47 for n in notes ] scale = [1,5,8,12] scale = tune.fromdegrees(scale, octave=3, root='d') p = ''.join([ keys.pulsar(scale[ii % len(scale)], pulsewidth=dsp.rand(0.1, 1), amp=0.5, length=(beat/2) / 3) for _ in range(3) ]) layers += [ p ] else: layers += [ dsp.pad('', beat / 2, 0) ] s += dsp.mix(layers) out = dsp.mix([ s, out ]) #out = dsp.alias(out) #out = dsp.drift(out, dsp.rand(0.5, 2)) return out
def play(params): """ Usage: [length] [volume] """ length = params.get('length', dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.1, 1))) volume = params.get('volume', 100.0) volume = volume / 100.0 # TODO: move into param filter octave = params.get('octave', 2) + 1 # Add one to compensate for an old error for now note = params.get('note', ['c']) note = note[0] quality = params.get('quality', tune.major) glitch = params.get('glitch', False) superglitch = params.get('superglitch', False) pinecone = params.get('pinecone', False) glitchpad = params.get('glitch-padding', 0) glitchenv = params.get('glitch-envelope', False) env = params.get('envelope', False) ratios = params.get('ratios', tune.terry) pad = params.get('padding', False) bend = params.get('bend', False) bpm = params.get('bpm', 75.0) width = params.get('width', False) wform = params.get('waveform', False) instrument = params.get('instrument', 'r') scale = params.get('scale', [1,6,5,4,8]) shuffle = params.get('shuffle', False) # Reorganize input scale reps = params.get('repeats', len(scale)) alias = params.get('alias', False) phase = params.get('phase', False) pi = params.get('pi', False) wild = params.get('wii', False) root = params.get('root', 27.5) trigger_id = params.get('trigger_id', 0) tune.a0 = float(root) try: # Available input samples if instrument == 'r': instrument = 'rhodes' tone ='sounds/synthrhodes.wav').data elif instrument == 's': instrument = 'synthrhodes' tone ='sounds/220rhodes.wav').data elif instrument == 'c': instrument = 'clarinet' tone ='sounds/clarinet.wav').data elif instrument == 'v': instrument = 'vibes' tone ='sounds/glock220.wav').data elif instrument == 't': instrument = 'tape triangle' tone ='sounds/tape220.wav').data elif instrument == 'g': instrument = 'glade' tone ='sounds/glade.wav').data elif instrument == 'p': instrument = 'paperclips' tone ='sounds/paperclips.wav').data elif instrument == 'i': instrument = 'input' tone = dsp.capture(dsp.stf(1)) except: instrument = None tone = None out = '' # Shuffle the order of pitches if shuffle is not False: scale = dsp.randshuffle(scale) # Translate the list of scale degrees into a list of frequencies freqs = tune.fromdegrees(scale, octave, note, quality, ratios) freqs = [ freq / 4.0 for freq in freqs ] # Format is: [ [ path, offset, id, value ] ] # Offset for video osc_messages = [ ['/dac', float(dsp.fts(length)), 1, tune.fts(osc_freq)] for osc_freq in freqs ] # Phase randomly chooses note lengths from a # set of ratios derived from the current bpm if phase is not False: ldivs = [0.5, 0.75, 2, 3, 4] ldiv = dsp.randchoose(ldivs) length = dsp.bpm2ms(bpm) / ldiv length = dsp.mstf(length) reps = ldiv if ldiv > 1 else 4 # Construct a sequence of notes for i in range(reps): # Get the freqency freq = freqs[i % len(freqs)] # Transpose the input sample or # synthesize tone if wform is False and tone is not None: # Determine the pitch shift required # to arrive at target frequency based on # the pitch of the original samples. if instrument == 'clarinet': diff = freq / 293.7 elif instrument == 'vibes': diff = freq / 740.0 else: diff = freq / 440.0 clang = dsp.transpose(tone, diff) elif wform == 'super': clang = dsp.tone(length, freq, 'phasor', 0.5) clang = [ dsp.drift(clang, dsp.rand(0, 0.02)) for s in range(7) ] clang = dsp.mix(clang) elif wform is False and tone is None: clang = dsp.tone(length, freq, 'sine2pi', 0.75) clang = dsp.amp(clang, 0.6) else: clang = dsp.tone(length, freq, wform, 0.75) clang = dsp.amp(clang, 0.6) # Stupidly copy the note enough or # trim it to meet the target length clang = dsp.fill(clang, length) # Give synth tones simple env (can override) if wform is not False and env is False: clang = dsp.env(clang, 'phasor') # Apply an optional amplitude envelope if env is not False: clang = dsp.env(clang, env) # Add optional padding between notes if pad != False: clang = dsp.pad(clang, 0, pad) # Add to the final note sequence out += clang # Add optional aliasing (crude bitcrushing) if alias is not False: out = dsp.alias(out) # Cut sound into chunks of variable length (between 5 & 300 ms) # Pan each chunk to a random position # Apply a sine amplitude envelope to each chunk # Finally, add variable silence between each chunk and shuffle the # order of the chunks before joining. if glitch is not False: out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(5), dsp.mstf(300)) out = [dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out] out = [dsp.env(o, 'sine') for o in out] out = [dsp.pad(o, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(0, glitchpad))) for o in out] out = ''.join(dsp.randshuffle(out)) # Detune between 1.01 and 0.99 times original speed # as a sine curve whose length equals the total output length if bend is not False: out = dsp.split(out, 441) freqs = dsp.wavetable('sine', len(out), 1.01, 0.99) out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ] out = ''.join(out) if wild is not False: #out = dsp.vsplit(out, 400, 10000) out = dsp.split(out, 3000) out = [ dsp.amp(dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(10, 50)), 0.5) for o in out ] #out = [ o * dsp.randint(1, 5) for o in out ] for index, o in enumerate(out): if dsp.randint(0, 1) == 0: out[index] = dsp.env(dsp.cut(o, 0, dsp.flen(o) / 4), 'gauss') * 4 if dsp.randint(0, 6) == 0: out[index] = dsp.transpose(o, 8) out = [ dsp.env(o, 'gauss') for o in out ] freqs = dsp.wavetable('sine', len(out), 1.02, 0.98) out = [ dsp.transpose(out[i], freqs[i]) for i in range(len(out)) ] out = ''.join(out) if pinecone == True: out = dsp.pine(out, int(length * dsp.rand(0.5, 8.0)), dsp.randchoose(freqs) * dsp.rand(0.5, 4.0)) # Adjust output amplitude as needed and return audio + OSC if pi: return (dsp.amp(out, volume), {'osc': osc_messages}) else: return dsp.amp(out, volume)
from pippi import dsp g ='sounds/seneca3bars.wav').data beat = dsp.bpm2frames(112) g = dsp.split(g, dsp.flen(g) / 48) out = '' osts = [dsp.randchoose(g) for a in range(3)] for p in range(32): alts = [dsp.randchoose(g) for a in range(4)] for b in range(dsp.randint(4, 12)): out += osts[p % len(osts)] out += alts[b % len(alts)] dsp.write(out, 'pulsechord')
def play(params): length = params.get('length', dsp.stf(2)) volume = params.get('volume', 100.0) volume = volume / 100.0 # TODO: move into param filter width = params.get('width', 50) measures = params.get('multiple', 1) beats = params.get('repeats', 8) bpm = params.get('bpm', 75.0) glitch = params.get('glitch', False) alias = params.get('alias', False) skitter = params.get('skitter', False) bend = params.get('bend', False) tweet = params.get('tweet', False) pattern = params.get('pattern', True) playdrums = params.get('drum', ['k', 'h', 'c']) pinecone = params.get('pinecone', False) insamp = params.get('rec', False) roll = params.get('roll', False) pi = params.get('pi', False) def bln(length, low=3000.0, high=7100.0, wform='sine2pi'): """ Time-domain band-limited noise generator """ outlen = 0 cycles = '' while outlen < length: cycle = dsp.cycle(dsp.rand(low, high), wform) outlen += len(cycle) cycles += cycle return cycles def eu(length, numpulses): pulses = [ 1 for pulse in range(numpulses) ] pauses = [ 0 for pause in range(length - numpulses) ] position = 0 while len(pauses) > 0: try: index = pulses.index(1, position) pulses.insert(index + 1, pauses.pop(0)) position = index + 1 except ValueError: position = 0 return pulses def getevents(lenbeat, pattern): """ Takes pattern: [0, 1] Returns event list: [[0, 44100], [1, 44100]] """ events = [] count = 0 value = None event = [] for p in pattern: prev = value value = p # Null to zero always starts new zero if prev is None and value is 0: # Start zero, add to length event = [0, lenbeat] # Any transition to one always starts new one elif value is 1: # Add last event if not empty to events and start a new one if len(event) == 2: events += [ event ] # Start one, add to length event = [1, lenbeat] # One to zero always adds to one # Zero to zero always adds to zero elif prev is 0 or prev is 1 and value is 0: # Add to length event[1] += lenbeat return events def clap(amp, length): # Two layers of noise: lowmid and high out = dsp.mix([ bln(int(length * 0.2), 600, 1200), bln(int(length * 0.2), 7000, 9000) ]) out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor') out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out)) return out def hihat(amp, length): def hat(length): if dsp.randint(0, 6) == 0: out = bln(length, 9000, 14000) out = dsp.env(out, 'line') else: out = bln(int(length * 0.05), 9000, 14000) out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor') out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out)) return out if dsp.randint() == 0: out = ''.join([ hat(length / 2), hat(length / 2) ]) else: out = hat(length) return out def snare(amp, length): # Two layers of noise: lowmid and high out = dsp.mix([ bln(int(length * 0.2), 700, 3200, 'impulse'), bln(int(length * 0.01), 7000, 9000) ]) out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor') out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out)) return out def kick(amp, length): fhigh = 160.0 flow = 60.0 fdelta = fhigh - flow target = length pos = 0 fpos = fhigh out = '' while pos < target: # Add single cycle # Decrease pitch by amount relative to cycle len cycle = dsp.cycle(fpos) #cycle = ''.join([ str(v) for v in dsp.curve(0, dsp.htf(fpos), math.pi * 2) ]) pos += dsp.flen(cycle) #fpos = fpos - (fhigh * (length / dsp.htf(fpos))) fpos = fpos - 30.0 out += cycle return dsp.env(out, 'phasor') beats = beats * measures drums = [{ 'name': 'clap', 'shortname': 'c', 'trigger_id': 5, 'gen': clap, 'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 3)), }, { 'name': 'hihat', 'shortname': 'h', 'trigger_id': 3, 'gen': hihat, 'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 3)), }, { 'name': 'snare', 'shortname': 's', 'trigger_id': 4, 'gen': snare, 'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 2)), }, { 'name': 'kick', 'shortname': 'k', 'trigger_id': 2, 'gen': kick, 'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 3)), }] out = '' lenbeat = dsp.mstf(60000.0 / bpm) / 4 layers = [] streams = [] for drum in drums: if drum['shortname'] in playdrums: events = getevents(lenbeat, drum['pat']) layers += [ ''.join([ drum['gen'](event[0], event[1]) for event in events ]) ] if drum['shortname'] == 's': osc_messages = [ ['/tick', dsp.fts(lenbeat), drum['trigger_id'], int(h)] for h in drum['pat'] ] #stream = [] #for h in drum['pat']: #stream += [ ('/tick/' + str(drum['trigger_id']), int(h), dsp.fts(lenbeat)) ] #streams += [ stream ] out = dsp.mix(layers) if bend is True: out = dsp.drift(out, dsp.rand(0.1, 2)) if alias is True: out = dsp.alias(out) if glitch == True: out = dsp.split(out, int(lenbeat * 0.5)) out = ''.join(dsp.randshuffle(out)) return dsp.amp(out, volume)
from pippi import dsp from hcj import snds snare = snds.load('mc303/snare1.wav') snare = dsp.amp(snare, 3) #snare ='snds/snare.wav').data #snare = dsp.env(snare, 'phasor') snarex = dsp.split(snare, 0, 1) def make(length, i): #burst = dsp.bln(length, dsp.rand(400, 800), dsp.rand(8000, 10000)) #burst = dsp.env(burst, 'phasor') #s = dsp.mix([snare, burst]) s = snare s = dsp.transpose(s, dsp.rand(0.9, 1.1)) s = dsp.fill(s, length, silence=True) return dsp.taper(s, 40)
from pippi import dsp main ='base_loop.wav').data synth ='synthloop.wav').data beat = dsp.flen(main) / 128 freq = 430 s = dsp.pine(synth, dsp.flen(main) * 8, freq) s = dsp.split(s, beat) s = dsp.randshuffle(s) s = [dsp.alias(ss) for ss in s] s = [dsp.amp(ss, dsp.rand(0.5, 2)) for ss in s] s = [dsp.pan(ss, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for ss in s] s = ''.join(s) s = dsp.fill(s, dsp.flen(synth)) s2 = dsp.split(synth, beat) s2 = dsp.randshuffle(s2) s2 = [dsp.transpose(ss, dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 4])) for ss in s2] s2 = [dsp.fill(ss, beat) for ss in s2] s2 = [dsp.env(ss, 'phasor') for ss in s2] s2 = ''.join(s2) synth = dsp.mix([s, s2]) synth = dsp.fill(synth, dsp.flen(main)) #synth = dsp.fill(synth, dsp.flen(main)) out = dsp.mix([main, synth]) #out = synth
def play(ctl): mpk = ctl.get('midi').get('mpk') ccs = [i + 48 for i in range(24)] notes = [] for cc in ccs: if mpk.get(cc) < 1: notes += [cc] ssnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/78sd.wav').data ssnd ='jesssnare.wav').data hsnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/Shaker.wav').data ksnd ='/home/hecanjog/sounds/drums/Drybd2.wav').data #ksnd ='jesskick.wav').data beat = dsp.bpm2frames(90) #beat = dsp.mstf(290 * 2) length = beat * 4 hat = 'xxx ' kick = 'x ' snare = ' x ' #snare = ' x xx' #snare = ' ' def makeHat(length, i, amp): h = hsnd h = dsp.env(h, 'phasor') h = dsp.pad(h, 0, length - dsp.flen(h)) return h def makeKick(length, i, amp): k = dsp.mix([ksnd, drums.sinekick(length, i, amp)]) #k = dsp.env(ksnd, 'phasor') k = dsp.fill(k, length, silence=True) k = dsp.amp(k, 1) return k def makeSnare(length, i, amp): s = ssnd s = dsp.amp(s, 1.2) s = dsp.transpose(s, dsp.rand(1.5, 3)) s = dsp.fill(s, length, silence=True) #ss = dsp.drift(s, dsp.rand(0.001, 0.1)) #s = dsp.mix([s, ss]) return s #hats = drums.parsebeat(hat, 16, beat, length, makeHat, 25) hats = drums.parsebeat(hat, 16, beat, length, makeHat, 0) kicks = drums.parsebeat(kick, 16, beat, length, makeKick, 0) snares = drums.parsebeat(snare, 8, beat, length, makeSnare, 0) out = dsp.mix([hats, kicks, snares]) shuf = True shuf = False if shuf: out = dsp.split(out, beat) out = dsp.randshuffle(out) out = ''.join(out) out = dsp.amp(out, 2) cuts = True if dsp.rand() > 0.5 else False cuts = True #cuts = False if cuts: o = dsp.split(out, beat / 2) o = dsp.randshuffle(o) o = [dsp.amp(oo, dsp.rand(0, 2.5)) for oo in o] o = [dsp.env(oo, 'random') for oo in o] out = dsp.mix([''.join(o), out]) dsp.log(notes) synthy = False #synthy = True if synthy == True: s = '' for ii in range(dsp.flen(out) / (beat / 2)): layers = [] if len(notes) > 0: scale = [n - 47 for n in notes] scale = [1, 5, 8, 12] scale = tune.fromdegrees(scale, octave=3, root='d') p = ''.join([ keys.pulsar(scale[ii % len(scale)], pulsewidth=dsp.rand(0.1, 1), amp=0.5, length=(beat / 2) / 3) for _ in range(3) ]) layers += [p] else: layers += [dsp.pad('', beat / 2, 0)] s += dsp.mix(layers) out = dsp.mix([s, out]) #out = dsp.alias(out) #out = dsp.drift(out, dsp.rand(0.5, 2)) return out