Esempio n. 1
def cog(im):
    """ Calculate center of gravity (x, y), in world coordinates.
    sampling = tuple(reversed(im.sampling))
    grids = pirt.meshgrid(im)
    total_weight = im.sum()
    return PointSet([sampling[i] * (grids[i] * im).sum() / total_weight for i in range(len(grids))])
Esempio n. 2
def get_data_big_deform():
    """ Create an image with a block if white pixels and two deforms, one to
    move it down, and another to move it right, in the form of a field and
    a pointset.
    # Create test image
    im0 = np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32)
    im0 = pirt.Aarray(im0, (0.25, 2.0))
    im0[30:40, 40:50] = 1.0
    c0 = cog(im0)
    # Create test deformation fields - 50 px down and 40 px right
    dfield1 = np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32), np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32)
    weight1 = np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32)
    dfield1[0][35+50, 45] = -50 * im0.sampling[0]  # because backward, correct for sampling
    weight1[35+50, 45] = 1
    dfield2 = np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32), np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32)
    weight2 = np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32)
    dfield2[1][85, 45+40] = -40 * im0.sampling[1]
    weight2[85, 45+40] = 1
    # Create test deformation pointsets - 50 px down and 40 px right
    pp1, pp2, pp3 = PointSet(2), PointSet(2), PointSet(2)
    pp1.append(45, 35) # begin pos
    pp2.append(45, 85) # intermediate
    pp3.append(85, 85) # end pos
    for pp in (pp1, pp2, pp3):
        pp[:] *= PointSet(reversed(im0.sampling))
    return im0, c0, dfield1, weight1, dfield2, weight2, pp1, pp2, pp3
Esempio n. 3
def fit_lq1(pp):
    """ fit_lq1(points) -> t_max, [a,b,c]
    Fit quadratic polynom to three points in 1D. If more than three 
    points are given, the result is the least squares solution.
    points can be a 2D ndarray object, resulting in a general
    solution. If only 3 values are given (as list of numpy array),
    the point locations are assumed at t=(-1,0,1).
    if isinstance(pp, np.ndarray) and pp.ndim == 2:
        # Arbitraty position of values. Apply general approach

        # Prepare A
        A = PointSet(3)
        for x in pp[:, 0]:
            A.append(x**2, x, 1)
        Ai = scipy.linalg.pinv(np.matrix(A))
        # Prepare B
        B = np.matrix(pp[:, 1])
        # Solve
        X = Ai * B.T
        # Find extreme
        P = X.A.ravel().tolist()
        x = -0.5 * P[1] / P[0]
        # Done
        return x, P

        # Values defined at fixed positions (-1,0,1)

        # Make suitable form multiplication
        B = np.matrix(pp[0:3]).transpose()
        # Solve
        X = _precalculated_Ai1 * B
        # Find extreme
        P = X.A.ravel().tolist()
        x = -0.5 * P[1] / P[0]
        # done
        return x, P
Esempio n. 4
from pirt import PointSet, Aarray
from pirt import fitting


## 1D

# Input and result
pp = [2, 4, 3]
t_max, polynom = fitting.fit_lq1(pp)

# Sample polynom
polypp = PointSet(2)
for i in np.linspace(-1,1,100):
    polypp.append(i, polynom[0]*i**2 + polynom[1]*i + polynom[2])

# Visualize
vv.plot([t_max, t_max], [0,1], lc='r')
vv.plot(polypp, lc='r')

## 2D

# Input and result    
im = vv.imread('astronaut.png')[::,::,2].copy()
Esempio n. 5
(each with a support of 3) results in two different polynoms, which
are best combined by linear interpolation. The result is a cubic cardinal
spline! To me, this suggests that the Cardinal spline (with tension 0)
is the most "natural" cubic spline.

import numpy as np
import visvis as vv
import pirt
from pirt import PointSet

# Input
pp = [2, 4, 3, 1]

# Interpolate1
res1 = PointSet(2)
for t in np.arange(0, 1, 0.01):
    c_1 = 0.5 * t**2 - 0.5 * t
    c0 = -t**2 + 1
    c1 = 0.5 * t**2 + 0.5 * t
    res1.append(t, c_1 * pp[0] + c0 * pp[1] + c1 * pp[2])

# Interpolate2
res2 = PointSet(2)
for t in np.arange(0, 1, 0.01):
    c0 = 0.5 * t**2 - 1.5 * t + 1
    c1 = -t**2 + 2 * t
    c2 = 0.5 * t**2 - 0.5 * t
    res2.append(t, c0 * pp[1] + c1 * pp[2] + c2 * pp[3])

# Linearly combine
Esempio n. 6

# Create test image with one block in the corner
im0 = np.zeros((100, 100), np.float32)
im0 = Aarray(im0, (0.66, 1.0))
im0[30:40, 40:50] = 1.0

# Draw a grid on it
grid_step = 10
im0[1::grid_step,:] = 0.3
im0[:,1::grid_step] = 0.3

# Define three locations, to move the block between
pp = PointSet(2)
pp.append(45, 35)
pp.append(45, 85)
pp.append(85, 85)
pp = pp * PointSet(reversed(im0.sampling))

# Get down-deformation and right-deformation
from_points_multiscale = DeformationFieldBackward.from_points_multiscale

deform1 = from_points_multiscale(im0, 4, pp[0:1], pp[1:2],
                                 injective=INJECTIVE, frozenedge=FREEZE_EDGES)

deform2 = from_points_multiscale(im0, 4, pp[1:2], pp[2:3],
                                 injective=INJECTIVE, frozenedge=FREEZE_EDGES)

# Combine the two, by composition, not by addition!
Esempio n. 7
Illustrate 2D slicing a 3D volume.

The point given to SliceInVolume can also be a 3-element tuple or a visvis.Point.

import imageio
import visvis as vv
import pirt

from pirt import PointSet

# Load volume and get z position of slice 100
vol = imageio.volread('imageio:stent.npz')
z100 = 100

# Get three slices representations. The latter two relative to the first,
# at the same slice, but oriented differently
slice1 = pirt.SliceInVolume(PointSet((64,64,100)))
slice2 = pirt.SliceInVolume(PointSet((66,65,106)), previous=slice1)
slice3 = pirt.SliceInVolume(PointSet((68,67,106)), previous=slice1)

# Show the slices they represent, plus the raw slice at z=100
fig = vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
vv.subplot(221); vv.imshow(vol[z100,:,:])
vv.subplot(222); vv.imshow(slice1.get_slice(vol, 128, 0.5))
vv.subplot(223); vv.imshow(slice2.get_slice(vol, 128, 0.5))
vv.subplot(224); vv.imshow(slice3.get_slice(vol, 128, 0.5))

Esempio n. 8
def test_spline_grid_3D_anisotropic():

    sg = SplineGrid(FD((90, 90, 90), (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)), 4)  # field and sampling

    # Test basic params
    assert sg.ndim == 3
    assert sg.field_shape == (90, 90, 90)
    assert sg.field_sampling == (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)

    assert sg.grid_sampling == 4
    assert sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels == (4 / 2.0, 4 / 3.0, 4 / 0.5)

    assert sg.knots.shape == (48, 70, 15
                              )  # ceil(90/4) == 23. Add 3 (2 left, 1 right)

    # Get field, should be empty
    field = sg.get_field()
    assert field.shape == sg.field_shape
    assert np.all(field == 0)

    # From a field
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9, 9] = 7
    im = Aarray(im, (2.0, 3.0, 0.5))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2)
    field1 = sg.get_field()
    assert field1.ndim == 3
    assert field1.max() > 5.5
    assert field1.max() < 7.5
    assert field1.min() > 4
    assert field1.min() < 4.7

    # From a weighted field
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9, 9] = 7
    ww = np.zeros((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    ww[4, 5, 5] = 1
    ww[8, 9, 9] = 1
    im = Aarray(im, (2.0, 3.0, 0.5))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2, ww)
    field2 = sg.get_field()
    assert field2.ndim == 3
    assert field2.max() > 7.5
    assert field2.max() < 8.5
    assert field2.min() >= 0
    assert field2.min() < 0.5

    # From a weighted field, multiscale
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9, 9] = 7
    ww = np.zeros((20, 20, 20), np.float32)
    ww[4, 5, 5] = 1
    ww[8, 9, 9] = 1
    im = Aarray(im, (2.0, 3.0, 0.5))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field_multiscale(im, 2, ww)
    field3 = sg.get_field()
    assert field3.ndim == 3
    assert field3.max() > 7.5
    assert field3.max() < 8.5
    assert field3.min() > 4.5
    assert field3.min() < 7

    # From points
    pp = PointSet(3)
    pp.append(5, 5, 4)
    pp.append(9, 9, 8)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, 3.0, 2.0))
    sg2 = SplineGrid.from_points(FD((20, 20, 20), (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)), 2, pp2,
                                 [8, 7])
    field5 = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.all(field5 == field2)

    # From points, multiscale
    pp = PointSet(3)
    pp.append(5, 5, 4)
    pp.append(9, 9, 8)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, 3.0, 2.0))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points_multiscale(FD((20, 20, 20), (2.0, 3.0, 0.5)),
                                           2, pp2, [8, 7])
    field6 = sg.get_field()
    assert np.all(field6 == field3)

    # Get field in points
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp2)
    assert list(values) == [
        field6[int(p[0, 2]), int(p[0, 1]),
               int(p[0, 0])] for p in pp

    # Get field in samples, x-y-z order
    values2 = sg.get_field_in_samples((pp[:, 2], pp[:, 1], pp[:, 0]))
    assert list(values) != list(values2)
    values2 = sg.get_field_in_samples((pp[:, 0], pp[:, 1], pp[:, 2]))
    assert list(values) == list(values2)

    # Test copy
    sg2 = sg.copy()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels
    assert sg2.knots is not sg.knots

    # Test refine
    sg2 = sg.refine()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling / 2
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == tuple(
        [i / 2 for i in sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels])

    # Test resize_field
    sg2 = sg.resize_field(FD((50, 50, 50)))
    assert sg2.get_field().shape == (50, 50, 50)

    # Test addition
    sg2 = sg.add(sg.add(sg))
    field = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.allclose(field, field6 * 3)

    print('test_spline_grid_3D_anisotropic ok')
Esempio n. 9
def test_spline_grid_1D():

    sg = SplineGrid(FD((90, )), 4)  # field and sampling

    # Test basic params
    assert sg.ndim == 1
    assert sg.field_shape == (90, )
    assert sg.field_sampling == (1, )

    assert sg.grid_sampling == 4
    assert sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels == (4, )

    assert sg.knots.shape == (26,
                              )  # ceil(90/4) == 23. Add 3 (2 left, 1 right)

    # Get field, should be empty
    field = sg.get_field()
    assert field.shape == sg.field_shape
    assert np.all(field == 0)

    # From a field
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2)
    field1 = sg.get_field()
    assert field1.max() > 6
    assert field1.max() < 7
    assert field1.min() > 4
    assert field1.min() < 4.2

    # From a weighted field
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    ww = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32)
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2, ww)
    field2 = sg.get_field()
    assert field2.max() > 7.5
    assert field2.max() < 8.5
    assert field2.min() > 0
    assert field2.min() < 0.5

    # From a weighted field, multiscale
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    ww = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32)
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field_multiscale(im, 2, ww)
    field3 = sg.get_field()
    assert field3.max() > 7.5
    assert field3.max() < 8.5
    assert field3.min() > 6
    assert field3.min() < 7

    # From points
    pp = PointSet(1)
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points(FD((14, )), 2, pp, [8, 7])
    field5 = sg.get_field()
    assert all(field5 == field2)

    # From points, multiscale
    pp = PointSet(1)
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points_multiscale(FD((14, )), 2, pp, [8, 7])
    field6 = sg.get_field()
    assert all(field6 == field3)

    # Get field in points
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp)
    assert list(values) == [field6[int(p[0])] for p in pp]

    # Test copy
    sg2 = sg.copy()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels
    assert sg2.knots is not sg.knots

    # Test refine
    sg2 = sg.refine()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling / 2
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == tuple(
        [i / 2 for i in sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels])

    # Test resize_field
    sg2 = sg.resize_field(FD((50, )))
    assert sg2.get_field().shape == (50, )

    # Test addition
    sg2 = sg.add(sg.add(sg))
    field = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.allclose(field, field6 * 3)

    print('test_spline_grid_1D ok')
Esempio n. 10
def test_spline_grid_1D_anisotropic():

    sg = SplineGrid(FD((90, ), (0.5, )), 4)  # field and sampling

    # Test basic params
    assert sg.ndim == 1
    assert sg.field_shape == (90, )
    assert sg.field_sampling == (0.5, )

    assert sg.grid_sampling == 4
    assert sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels == (8, )

    assert sg.knots.shape == (15, )

    # Get field, should be empty
    field = sg.get_field()
    assert field.shape == sg.field_shape
    assert np.all(field == 0)

    # From a field
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im, (0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2)
    field1 = sg.get_field()
    assert field1.max() > 5.5
    assert field1.max() < 7
    assert field1.min() > 4
    assert field1.min() < 4.2

    # From a weighted field
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    ww = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im, (0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2, ww)
    field2 = sg.get_field()
    assert field2.max() > 7.5
    assert field2.max() < 9.5
    assert field2.min() > 0
    assert field2.min() < 3.5

    # From a weighted field, multiscale
    im = np.array([4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4], np.float32)
    ww = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], np.float32)
    im = Aarray(im, (0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field_multiscale(im, 2, ww)
    field3 = sg.get_field()
    assert field3.max() > 7.5
    assert field3.max() < 8.5
    assert field3.min() > 6
    assert field3.min() < 7

    # From points
    pp = PointSet(1)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points(FD((14, ), (0.5, )), 2, pp2, [8, 7])
    field5 = sg.get_field()
    assert all(field5 == field2)

    # From points, multiscale
    pp = PointSet(1)
    pp2 = pp * PointSet((0.5, ))
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points_multiscale(FD((14, ), (0.5, )), 2, pp2, [8, 7])
    field6 = sg.get_field()
    assert all(field6 == field3)

    # Get field in points, note pp2, which is in world coords
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp2)
    assert list(values) == [field6[int(p[0])] for p in pp]

    # Get field in samples
    values2 = sg.get_field_in_samples((pp[:, 0], ))
    assert list(values) == list(values2)

    # Test copy
    sg2 = sg.copy()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels
    assert sg2.knots is not sg.knots

    # Test refine
    sg2 = sg.refine()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling / 2
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == tuple(
        [i / 2 for i in sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels])

    # Test resize_field
    sg2 = sg.resize_field(FD((50, )))
    assert sg2.get_field().shape == (50, )

    # Test addition
    sg2 = sg.add(sg.add(sg))
    field = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.allclose(field, field6 * 3)

    print('test_spline_grid_1D_anisotropic ok')
Esempio n. 11
def test_spline_grid_2D():

    sg = SplineGrid(FD((90, 90)), 4)  # field and sampling

    # Test basic params
    assert sg.ndim == 2
    assert sg.field_shape == (90, 90)
    assert sg.field_sampling == (1, 1)

    assert sg.grid_sampling == 4
    assert sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels == (4, 4)

    assert sg.knots.shape == (26, 26
                              )  # ceil(90/4) == 23. Add 3 (2 left, 1 right)

    # Get field, should be empty
    field = sg.get_field()
    assert field.shape == sg.field_shape
    assert np.all(field == 0)

    # From a field
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9] = 7
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2)
    field1 = sg.get_field()
    assert field1.ndim == 2
    assert field1.max() > 5.5
    assert field1.max() < 6.5
    assert field1.min() > 4
    assert field1.min() < 4.5

    # From a weighted field
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9] = 7
    ww = np.zeros((20, 20), np.float32)
    ww[4, 5] = 1
    ww[8, 9] = 1
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field(im, 2, ww)
    field2 = sg.get_field()
    assert field2.ndim == 2
    assert field2.max() > 7.5
    assert field2.max() < 8.5
    assert field2.min() >= 0
    assert field2.min() < 0.5

    # From a weighted field, multiscale
    im = 4 * np.ones((20, 20), np.float32)
    im[4, 5] = 8
    im[8, 9] = 7
    ww = np.zeros((20, 20), np.float32)
    ww[4, 5] = 1
    ww[8, 9] = 1
    sg = SplineGrid.from_field_multiscale(im, 2, ww)
    field3 = sg.get_field()
    assert field3.ndim == 2
    assert field3.max() > 7.5
    assert field3.max() < 8.5
    assert field3.min() > 5
    assert field3.min() < 7

    # From points
    pp = PointSet(2)
    pp.append(5, 4)
    pp.append(9, 8)
    sg2 = SplineGrid.from_points(FD((20, 20)), 2, pp, [8, 7])
    field5 = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.all(field5 == field2)

    # From points, multiscale
    pp = PointSet(2)
    pp.append(5, 4)
    pp.append(9, 8)
    sg = SplineGrid.from_points_multiscale(FD((20, 20)), 2, pp, [8, 7])
    field6 = sg.get_field()
    assert np.all(field6 == field3)

    # Get field in points
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp)
    assert list(values) == [field6[int(p[0, 1]), int(p[0, 0])] for p in pp]

    # Get field in points beyond field
    pp = PointSet(2)
    pp.append(100, 103)
    pp.append(-100, -108)
    values = sg.get_field_in_points(pp)
    assert list(values) == [field6[int(p[0, 1]), int(p[0, 0])] for p in pp]

    # Test copy
    sg2 = sg.copy()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels
    assert sg2.knots is not sg.knots

    # Test refine
    sg2 = sg.refine()
    assert sg2.field_shape == sg.field_shape
    assert sg2.field_sampling == sg.field_sampling
    assert sg2.grid_sampling == sg.grid_sampling / 2
    assert sg2.grid_sampling_in_pixels == tuple(
        [i / 2 for i in sg.grid_sampling_in_pixels])

    # Test resize_field
    sg2 = sg.resize_field(FD((50, 50)))
    assert sg2.get_field().shape == (50, 50)

    # Test addition
    sg2 = sg.add(sg.add(sg))
    field = sg2.get_field()
    assert np.allclose(field, field6 * 3)

    print('test_spline_grid_2D ok')
Esempio n. 12
def test_deformation_grid_multiscale():
    """ Multiscale, so that we can get the actual deformation, but keep in mind
    that DeformationField.from_xxx() are to be preferred because they care
    about injectivity and composition.
    im0, c0, dfield1, weight1, dfield2, weight2, pp1, pp2, pp3 = get_data_big_deform()
    # Shift down
    # Shift down using deformation as field
    d4 = DeformationGridBackward.from_field_multiscale(dfield1, 4, weight1, fd=im0)
    assert d4.field_sampling == im0.sampling
    for grid in d4.grids:
        assert grid.field_sampling == im0.sampling
        assert grid.grid_sampling == 4
    # Shift down using deformation as points
    d5 = DeformationGridBackward.from_points_multiscale(im0, 4, pp1, pp2)
    assert d5.field_sampling == im0.sampling
    for grid in d5.grids:
        assert grid.field_sampling == im0.sampling
        assert grid.grid_sampling == 4
    # Test that d4 and d5 are equal, so further tests can be combined
    for d in range(d4.ndim):
        assert np.all(d4.get_field(d) == d5.get_field(d))
    # Assert that the deform shifts down
    im4 = d4.apply_deformation(im0)
    c4 = cog(im4)
    assert c4.distance(c0 + PointSet((0, 50 * im0.sampling[0]))) < 1
    # Shift right
    # Create deforms
    d6 = DeformationGridBackward.from_field_multiscale(dfield2, 4, weight2, fd=im0)
    d7 = DeformationGridBackward.from_points_multiscale(im0, 4, pp2, pp3)
    # Test that d6 and d7 are equal, so further tests can be combined
    for d in range(d6.ndim):
        assert np.all(d6.get_field(d) == d7.get_field(d))
    # Shift the original image to the right, works because whole image is shifted
    im6 = d6.apply_deformation(im0)
    c6 = cog(im6)
    assert c6.distance(c0 + PointSet((40 * im0.sampling[1], 0))) < 1
    # Shift down-shifted image to right
    im6 = d6.apply_deformation(im4)
    c6 = cog(im6)
    assert c6.distance(c0 + PointSet((40 * im0.sampling[1], 50 * im0.sampling[0]))) < 1
    # Combine deforms in wrong way, but result is still pretty good because deform is near-uniform
    d7 = d4 + d6
    im7 = d7.apply_deformation(im0)
    assert not np.allclose(im7, im6, atol=1)
    # Compising is much better!
    d8 = d4.compose(d6)
    im8 = d8.apply_deformation(im0)
    assert np.allclose(im8, im6, atol=0.01)
    # vv.figure(1); vv.clf(); vv.subplot(221); vv.imshow(im0); vv.subplot(222); vv.imshow(im6); vv.subplot(223); vv.imshow(im7); vv.subplot(224); vv.imshow(im8)
    print('deformation_grid_multiscale ok')
Esempio n. 13

import numpy as np
import visvis as vv
from pirt import PointSet, SplineGrid

# Read image
im = vv.imread('astronaut.png').astype(np.float32)
im_r = im[:, :, 0]

# New sparse image and interpolated image
ims = np.zeros_like(im)
imi = np.zeros_like(im)

# Select points from the image
pp = PointSet(2)
R, G, B = [], [], []
for i in range(10000):
    y = np.random.randint(0, im.shape[0])
    x = np.random.randint(0, im.shape[1])
    pp.append(x, y)
    R.append(im[y, x, 0])
    G.append(im[y, x, 1])
    B.append(im[y, x, 2])
    ims[y, x] = im[y, x]

# Make three grids
spacing = 10
grid1 = SplineGrid(im_r, spacing)
grid2 = SplineGrid(im_r, spacing)
grid3 = SplineGrid(im_r, spacing)