Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: gwk/muck
def target_path_for_source(source_path):
  'Return the target path for `source_path` (which may itself be a product).'
  path = path_stem(source_path) # strip off source ext.
  if is_product_path(path): # source might be a product.
    return path[len(build_dir_slash):]
    return path
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: gwk/muck
def product_path_for_source(source_path):
  'Retern the product path for `sourc_path` (which may itself be a product).'
  path = path_stem(source_path) # strip off source ext.
  if is_product_path(path): # source might be a product.
    return path
    return path_join(build_dir, path)
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: gwk/muck
def muck_patch(ctx, args):

  if not len(args) in (1, 2):
muck patch error: patch command takes one or two arguments. usage:

  muck patch [original_target] [target]
    creates a new target by copying either the source or product of the original to _build/[target],
    and then creates an empty [target].pat.

  muck patch [target.pat]
    update the patch file with the diff of the previously specified original and target.

  if len(args) == 2: # create new patch.
    orig_target_path, target_path = args
    if orig_target_path.endswith('.pat'):
      errFL('muck patch error: original should not be a patch file: {}', orig_target_path)
    if target_path.endswith('.pat'):
      errFL('muck patch error: {} {}: target should not be a patch file: {}', target_path)
    patch_path = target_path + '.pat'
    if path_exists(patch_path):
      failF('muck patch error: {}: patch already exists.', patch_path)
    update_dependency(ctx, orig_target_path, dependent=None)
    orig_path = actual_path_for_target(orig_target_path)
    prod_path = product_path_for_target(target_path)
    if path_exists(prod_path):
      errFL('muck patch note: product already exists: {}', prod_path)
      errFL('muck patch note: copying original to product: {} -> {}', orig_path, prod_path)
      copy_file(orig_path, prod_path)

  else: # update existing patch.
    patch_path = args[0]
    if path_ext(patch_path) != '.pat':
      failF('muck patch error: argument does not specify a .pat file: {!r}', patch_path)
    deps = pat_dependencies(patch_path, open(patch_path), {})
    orig_target_path = deps[0]
    update_dependency(ctx, orig_target_path, dependent=None)
    orig_path = actual_path_for_target(orig_target_path)
    target_path = path_stem(patch_path)
    prod_path = product_path_for_target(target_path)

  # update patch (both cases).
  patch_path_tmp = patch_path + tmp_ext
  cmd = ['pat', 'diff', orig_path, prod_path]
  errFL('muck patch note: diffing: `{}`', ' '.join(shlex.quote(w) for w in cmd))
  with open(patch_path_tmp, 'wb') as f:
    code = runC(cmd, out=f)
  move_file(patch_path_tmp, patch_path, overwrite=True)

  if len(args) == 1: # updated existing patch.
    # need to remove or update the target record to avoid the 'did you mean to patch?' safeguard.
    # for now, just delete it to be safe; this makes the target look stale.
    except KeyError: pass
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: gwk/muck
def transform(target_path, ext=None, **kwargs):
  Open a dependency using muck.load and then transform it using pithy.Transformer.

  Additional keyword arguments are passed to the specific load function matching `ext`;
  see muck.load for details.

  Muck's static analysis looks specifically for this function to infer dependencies;
  `target_path` must be a string literal.
  seq = load(target_path, ext=ext, **kwargs)
  product = product_path_for_source(argv[0]) # TODO: needs to process wildcards.
  return Transformer(seq, log_stem=path_stem(product) + '.')