Esempio n. 1
    def test_b_sign(self):
        We generate a random IQU map with geometry such that cdelt[0]<0
        We transform this to TEB with map2harm and map2alm followed by 
        scalar harm2map and alm2map and use these as reference T,E,B maps.
        We flip the original map along the RA direction.
        We transform this to TEB with map2harm and map2alm followed by 
        scalar harm2map and alm2map and use these as comparison T,E,B maps.
        We compare these maps.
        ells,cltt,clee,clbb,clte = np.loadtxt(DATA_PREFIX+"cosmo2017_10K_acc3_lensedCls.dat",unpack=True)
        ps_cmb = np.zeros((3,3,ells.size))
        ps_cmb[0,0] = cltt
        ps_cmb[1,1] = clee
        ps_cmb[2,2] = clbb
        ps_cmb[1,0] = clte
        ps_cmb[0,1] = clte

        # Curved-sky is fine
        lmax = 1000
        alm = curvedsky.rand_alm_healpy(ps_cmb,lmax=lmax)
        shape,iwcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(10./60.))
        wcs = enmap.empty(shape,iwcs)[...,::-1].wcs
        shape = (3,) + shape
        imap = curvedsky.alm2map(alm,enmap.empty(shape,wcs))
        oalm = curvedsky.map2alm(imap.copy(),lmax=lmax)
        rmap = curvedsky.alm2map(oalm,enmap.empty(shape,wcs),spin=0)

        imap2 = imap.copy()[...,::-1]
        oalm = curvedsky.map2alm(imap2.copy(),lmax=lmax)
        rmap2 = curvedsky.alm2map(oalm,enmap.empty(shape,wcs),spin=0)

        assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[0],rmap2[0]))
        assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[1],rmap2[1]))
        assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[2],rmap2[2]))

        # Flat-sky
        px = 2.0
        N = 300
        shape,iwcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0,0),res=np.deg2rad(px/60.),shape=(300,300))
        shape = (3,) + shape
        a = enmap.zeros(shape,iwcs)
        a = a[...,::-1]
        wcs = a.wcs

        seed = 100
        imap = enmap.rand_map(shape,wcs,ps_cmb,seed=seed)
        kmap = enmap.map2harm(imap.copy())
        rmap = enmap.harm2map(kmap,spin=0) # reference map

        imap = imap[...,::-1]
        kmap = enmap.map2harm(imap.copy())
        rmap2 = enmap.harm2map(kmap,spin=0)[...,::-1] # comparison map
        assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[0],rmap2[0]))
        assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[1],rmap2[1],atol=1e0))
        assert np.all(np.isclose(rmap[2],rmap2[2],atol=1e0))
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,camb_file='./CMB_fiducial_totalCls.dat',seed=1,pixRes_arcmin=4,lmax_sim=500):

        cls_camb = np.loadtxt(camb_file,unpack=True)
        cl_tt = cls_camb[1]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_tt = np.append([0,0],cl_tt)
        cl_ee = cls_camb[2]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_ee = np.append([0,0],cl_ee)
        cl_bb = cls_camb[3]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)*0.05
        cl_bb = np.append([0,0],cl_bb)
        cl_te = cls_camb[4]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_te = np.append([0,0],cl_te)
        ells = np.append([0,1],cls_camb[0])

        self.lmax_sim = lmax_sim

        shape,wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(self.pixRes_arcmin,dims=(2,))

        self.shape = shape
        self.wcs = wcs

        self.alm_cmb_E = curvedsky.rand_alm(cl_ee,lmax=lmax_sim)#hp.synalm(cl_ee,lmax=3*nside-1,new=True)
        self.alm_cmb_B = curvedsky.rand_alm(cl_bb,lmax=lmax_sim)#hp.synalm(cl_bb,lmax=3*nside-1,new=True)
        tmp_empty = enmap.empty(shape,wcs)
        self.Q_cmb,self.U_cmb = curvedsky.alm2map(np.array([self.alm_cmb_E,self.alm_cmb_B]),tmp_empty,spin=[2])

        ps = np.zeros([2,2,lmax_sim])
        ps[0,0] = synchrotron_Cl('E','E')[:lmax_sim]
        ps[1,1] = galaticDust_Cl('E','E')[:lmax_sim]
        ps[1,0] = syncxdust_Cls('E','E')[:lmax_sim]

        self.alm_sync_E,self.alm_dust_E = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps,lmax=lmax_sim)

        ps = np.zeros([2,2,lmax_sim])
        ps[0,0] = synchrotron_Cl('B','B')[:lmax_sim]
        ps[1,1] = galaticDust_Cl('B','B')[:lmax_sim]
        ps[1,0] = syncxdust_Cls('B','B')[:lmax_sim]

        self.alm_sync_B,self.alm_dust_B = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps,lmax=lmax_sim)

        tmp_empty = enmap.empty(shape,wcs)
        self.Q_dust,self.U_dust = curvedsky.alm2map(np.array([self.alm_dust_E,self.alm_dust_B]),tmp_empty,spin=[2])

        tmp_empty = enmap.empty(shape,wcs)
        self.Q_sync,self.U_sync = curvedsky.alm2map(np.array([self.alm_sync_E,self.alm_sync_B]),tmp_empty,spin=[2])
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,camb_file='./CMB_fiducial_totalCls.dat',seed=1,pixRes_arcmin=2.,lmax_sim=500,nside_pysm=512):

        cls_camb = np.loadtxt(camb_file,unpack=True)
        cl_tt = cls_camb[1]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_tt = np.append([0,0],cl_tt)
        cl_ee = cls_camb[2]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_ee = np.append([0,0],cl_ee)
        cl_bb = cls_camb[3]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_bb = np.append([0,0],cl_bb)
        cl_te = cls_camb[4]/(cls_camb[0]*(cls_camb[0]+1)/2/np.pi)
        cl_te = np.append([0,0],cl_te)
        ells = np.append([0,1],cls_camb[0])

        self.lmax_sim = lmax_sim

        shape,wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(self.pixRes_arcmin,dims=(2,))
        self.shape = shape
        self.wcs = wcs

        self.nside_pysm =nside_pysm

        self.alm_cmb_E = curvedsky.rand_alm(cl_ee,lmax=lmax_sim)#hp.synalm(cl_ee,lmax=3*nside-1,new=True)
        self.alm_cmb_B = curvedsky.rand_alm(cl_bb,lmax=lmax_sim)#hp.synalm(cl_bb,lmax=3*nside-1,new=True)
        tmp_empty = enmap.empty(shape,wcs)
        self.Q_cmb,self.U_cmb = curvedsky.alm2map(np.array([self.alm_cmb_E,self.alm_cmb_B]),tmp_empty,spin=[2])
Esempio n. 4
    def get_lensed_cmb(self, seed=None, kappa=None, save_output=True, verbose=True, overwrite=False, dtype=np.float64):
            assert(seed is not None)
            assert(not overwrite)
            if verbose:
                print(f"trying to load saved lensed cmb. sim idx: {seed}")
            lmaps = enmap.empty((3,)+self.shape, self.wcs, dtype=dtype)
            for i, polidx in enumerate(['T','Q','U']):
                fname = self.get_output_file_name("lensed_cmb", seed, polidx=polidx)
                lmaps[i] = enmap.read_map(fname)
            ualm = self._generate_unlensed_cmb_alm(seed=seed)
            if kappa is None:
                kappa = self._get_kappa(seed, dtype=np.float64)
            lmax = 10000
            l = np.arange(lmax+1)
            l_fact = 1/((l*(l+1))/2)
            l_fact[0] = 0

            kalm = curvedsky.map2alm(kappa, lmax=lmax)
            kalm = curvedsky.map2alm(kappa, lmax=lmax); del kappa
            kalm = hp.almxfl(kalm, l_fact)
            tshape, twcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=1*utils.arcmin)
            print("start lensing")
            lmaps = lensing.lens_map_curved((3,)+tshape, twcs, kalm, ualm)[0]
            lalms = curvedsky.map2alm(lmaps, lmax=lmax, spin=0)
            lmaps = curvedsky.alm2map(lalms, enmap.zeros((3,)+self.shape, self.wcs), spin=0)
            print("finish lensing")
            if save_output:
                for i, polidx in enumerate(['T','Q','U']):    
                    fname = self.get_output_file_name("lensed_cmb", seed, polidx=polidx)
                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True)
                    enmap.write_map(fname, lmaps[i].astype(np.float32))
        return lmaps.astype(dtype)
Esempio n. 5
def rand_map(shape, wcs, ps_lensinput, doRotation=False, ps_rot=None, lmax=None,
             maplmax=None, dtype=np.float64, seed=None, phi_seed=None,
             oversample=2.0, spin=[0,2], output="l", geodesic=True, verbose=False,
    from pixell import curvedsky, sharp
    ctype   = np.result_type(dtype,0j)

    # Restrict to target number of components
    oshape  = shape[-3:]
    if len(oshape) == 2: shape = (1,)+tuple(shape)
    ncomp   = shape[-3]
    ps_lensinput = ps_lensinput[:1+ncomp,:1+ncomp]
    # First draw a random lensing field, and use it to compute the undeflected positions
    if verbose: print("Generating alms")
    if phi_seed is None:
        alm, ainfo = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps_lensinput, lmax=lmax, seed=seed, dtype=ctype, return_ainfo=True)
        # We want separate seeds for cmb and phi. This means we have to do things a bit more manually
        wps, ainfo = curvedsky.prepare_ps(ps_lensinput, lmax=lmax)
        alm = np.empty([1+ncomp,ainfo.nelem],ctype)
        curvedsky.rand_alm_white(ainfo, alm=alm[:1], seed=phi_seed)
        curvedsky.rand_alm_white(ainfo, alm=alm[1:], seed=seed)
        ps12 = enmap.multi_pow(wps, 0.5)
        ainfo.lmul(alm, (ps12/2**0.5).astype(dtype), alm)
        alm[:,:ainfo.lmax].imag  = 0
        alm[:,:ainfo.lmax].real *= 2**0.5
        del wps, ps12

    phi_alm, cmb_alm = alm[0], alm[1:]

    if doRotation:
        # generate a gaussian random field of rotational field
        alpha_shape = (1, shape[-2], shape[-1])

        alpha_map = curvedsky.rand_map(alpha_shape, wcs, ps_rot, lmax=lmax)

        # convert alm to enmap object
        cmb_map = enmap.empty((3,shape[-2],shape[-1]), wcs)
        curvedsky.alm2map(cmb_alm, cmb_map)

        # rotate tqu map by a rotational field
        # Q_map = cmb_map[1]
        # U_map = cmb_map[2]
        cmb_map_rot = enmap.rotate_pol(cmb_map, alpha_map)

        # convert tqu map back to the alm
        cmb_alm = curvedsky.map2alm(cmb_map_rot, lmax=lmax)
        del alpha_map, cmb_map, cmb_map_rot

        del alm
        # Truncate alm if we want a smoother map. In taylens, it was necessary to truncate
        # to a lower lmax for the map than for phi, to avoid aliasing. The appropriate lmax
        # for the cmb was the one that fits the resolution. FIXME: Can't slice alm this way.
        #if maplmax: cmb_alm = cmb_alm[:,:maplmax]
        return lens_map_curved(shape=shape, wcs=wcs, phi_alm=phi_alm,
                               cmb_alm=cmb_alm, phi_ainfo=ainfo, maplmax=maplmax,
                               dtype=dtype, oversample=oversample, spin=spin,
                               output=output, geodesic=geodesic, verbose=verbose,
Esempio n. 6
 def get_map(self,seed=None):
     """Get correlated galaxy and kappa map """
     from pixell import curvedsky
     alms = curvedsky.rand_alm_healpy(, lmax=int(self.lmax)+1, seed=seed)
     ncomp = 1 if len(self.shape)==2 else self.shape[0]
     omap   = enmap.empty((ncomp,)+self.shape[-2:], self.wcs, dtype=np.float64)
     omap = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, omap, spin=0)
     return alms,omap
Esempio n. 7
 def get_template(self, patch, shape, wcs):
     template = None
     if patch not in self.templates:
         self.templates[patch] = enmap.empty((3, ) + shape[-2:], wcs)
         template = self.templates[patch].copy()
         self.manage_cache(self.templates, self.max_cached)
         template = self.templates[patch].copy()
     return template
Esempio n. 8
 def alm2map(self,alm,spin,ncomp,mlmax):
     if self.hpix:
         if spin!=0: 
             res = hp.alm2map_spin(alm,nside=self.nside,spin=spin,lmax=mlmax)
             return res
             # complex64 not supported here
             return hp.alm2map(alm.astype(np.complex128),nside=self.nside,pol=False)[None]
         omap = enmap.empty((ncomp,)+self.shape,self.wcs,dtype=self.dtype)
         return cs.alm2map(alm,omap,spin=spin)
Esempio n. 9
    def compute_output_map(self, alm):

        if self.nside is None:
            assert (self.shape is not None) and (self.wcs is not None)
            n_comp = 3 if self.has_polarization else 1
            output_map = enmap.empty((n_comp,) + self.shape[-2:], self.wcs)
            curvedsky.alm2map(alm, self.output_map, spin=[0, 2], verbose=True)
        elif self.nside is not None:
            output_map = hp.alm2map(alm, self.nside)
            raise ValueError("You must specify either nside or both of shape and wcs")
        return output_map
Esempio n. 10
    def get_foreground(self, seed=None, freq=148, verbose=True, input_kappa=None, post_processes=[],
                            save_output=True, flux_cut=7, polfix=True, dtype=np.float64, fgmaps_148=None, overwrite=False):
        assert(freq in self.freqs)
            assert(seed is not None)
            assert(not overwrite)
            if verbose:
                print(f"trying to load saved foregrounds. sim idx: {seed}, freq: {freq}GHz")
            fgmaps = enmap.empty((5,)+self.shape, self.wcs, dtype=dtype)
            for i, compt_idx in reversed(list(enumerate(self.fg_compts))):
                fname = self.get_output_file_name(compt_idx, seed, freq=freq)
                fgmaps[i] = enmap.read_map(fname)
            if verbose:
                print(f"generating foregrounds. sim idx: {seed}, freq: {freq}GHz")

            fgmaps = None    
            if fgmaps_148 is not None:
                fgmaps = fgmaps_148.copy()
            if freq == 148 and fgmaps is None: 
                fgmaps = self._generate_foreground_148GHz(seed=seed, verbose=verbose, input_kappa=input_kappa,
                                                  flux_cut=flux_cut, polfix=polfix)
                if fgmaps_148 is None:
                    fgmaps = self.get_foreground(seed=seed, freq=148, verbose=verbose, input_kappa=input_kappa,
                        post_processes=post_processes, save_output=save_output, flux_cut=flux_cut, polfix=polfix, dtype=np.float32)  

                fgmaps[2] *= fnu(freq)/fnu(148)
                for i in [3,4]:
                    compt_idx = self.fg_compts[i]
                    spec_index = self._get_spectral_index(seed=seed, compt_idx=self.fg_compts[i], freq=freq) 
                    fgmaps[i] *= thermo2jysr(148)*(freq/148)**spec_index*jysr2thermo(freq); del spec_index
            if save_output:
                for i, compt_idx in enumerate(self.fg_compts):
                    fname = self.get_output_file_name(compt_idx, seed, freq=freq)
                    if os.path.exists(fname) and not overwrite: continue 
                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fname), exist_ok=True)
                    enmap.write_map(fname, fgmaps[i].astype(np.float32))
        return fgmaps.astype(dtype)
Esempio n. 11
    def alm2map_spin(self,alm,spin_alm,spin_transform,ncomp,mlmax):
        X(n) = sum_lm  alm_s1 s2_Y_lm(n)

        where s1=spin_alm and s2=spin_transform are different spins.

        alm should be (alm_+|s|, alm_-|s|)

        # Transform (alm_+|s|, alm_-|s|) to (alm_+, alm_-)
        ap_am = irot2d(alm,spin=spin_alm)
        if self.hpix:
            res = hp.alm2map_spin(ap_am,nside=self.nside,spin=abs(spin_transform),lmax=mlmax)
            omap = enmap.empty((ncomp,)+self.shape[-2:],self.wcs,dtype=self.dtype)
            res = cs.alm2map(ap_am,omap,spin=abs(spin_transform))
        # Rotate maps M+ and M- to M_+|s| and M_-|s|
        # M_+|s| is the first component
        # M_-|s| is the second component
        return rot2d(res)
Esempio n. 12
    def compute_output_map(self, alm):

        lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(alm.shape[-1])  # we assume mmax = lmax
        if self.nside is None:
            assert (self.shape is not None) and (self.wcs is not None)
            n_comp = 3 if self.has_polarization else 1
            output_map = enmap.empty((n_comp, ) + self.shape[-2:], self.wcs)
            curvedsky.alm2map(alm, output_map, spin=[0, 2], verbose=True)
        elif self.nside is not None:
            if lmax > 3 * self.nside - 1:
                clip = np.ones(3 * self.nside)
                if alm.ndim == 1:
                    alm_clipped = hp.almxfl(alm, clip)
                    alm_clipped = [hp.almxfl(each, clip) for each in alm]
                alm_clipped = alm
            output_map = hp.alm2map(alm_clipped, self.nside)
            raise ValueError(
                "You must specify either nside or both of shape and wcs")
        return (output_map << self.input_units).to(
            u.uK_CMB, equivalencies=self.equivalencies)
Esempio n. 13
    def load_alms_base(self,
        # note: beam is set to false
        print("loading alm base")
        #cmb_file   = os.path.join(self.signal_path, 'fullsky%s_alm_set%02d_%05d%s.fits' %(self.cmb_type, set_idx, 0, alm_file_postfix))
        alm_signal = self.load_cmb_alm(set_idx, sim_idx, alm_file_postfix)

        # check if rotation is needed
        if self.apply_rotation:
            if not np.any(self.alpha_map):
                    "[Warning] want to apply rotation but alpha map is not provided..."
                alpha_map = self.alpha_map
                print("applying rotation field")
                # get wcs from rot_map: doesn't matter which wcs is used because eventually
                # it is converted back to alm
                wcs = alpha_map.wcs
                shape = (3, ) + alpha_map.shape[-2:]

                # generate cmb map from alm_signal
                cmb_map = enmap.empty(shape, wcs)
                curvedsky.alm2map(alm_signal, cmb_map)

                # apply the rotation field
                cmb_map = enmap.rotate_pol(cmb_map, 2 * alpha_map)

                # convert back to alm
                lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(alm_signal.shape[-1])
                alm_signal = curvedsky.map2alm(cmb_map, lmax=lmax)
                del cmb_map

        alm_signal = np.tile(alm_signal, (len(self.freqs), 1, 1))

        if fg_override is not None:
            print("[Warning] override the default foreground flag....")
        add_foregrounds = fg_override if fg_override is not None else self.add_foregrounds
        if add_foregrounds:
            print("adding fgs to the base")
            alm_fg90_150 = self.load_alm_fg(set_idx, sim_idx, fgflux=fgflux)
            lmax_sg = hp.Alm.getlmax(alm_signal.shape[-1])
            alm_out = np.zeros((len(self.freqs), 3, len(alm_fg90_150[-1])),
            lmax_fg = hp.Alm.getlmax(alm_fg90_150.shape[-1])

            for idx, freq in enumerate(self.freqs):
                freq_idx = 1 if freq == 'f150' else 0
                alm_out[idx, 0, :] = alm_fg90_150[freq_idx, :].copy()

            for m in range(lmax_sg + 1):
                lmin = m
                lmax = lmax_sg

                idx_ssidx = hp.Alm.getidx(lmax_sg, lmin, m)
                idx_seidx = hp.Alm.getidx(lmax_sg, lmax, m)
                idx_fsidx = hp.Alm.getidx(lmax_fg, lmin, m)
                idx_feidx = hp.Alm.getidx(lmax_fg, lmax, m)

                alm_out[..., idx_fsidx:idx_feidx +
                        1] = alm_out[..., idx_fsidx:idx_feidx +
                                     1] + alm_signal[...,
                                                     idx_ssidx:idx_seidx + 1]

            alm_signal = alm_out.copy()
            del alm_out, alm_fg90_150

        if cache:
                                                 sim_idx)] = alm_signal.copy()

        if ret_alm: return alm_signal
        del alm_signal
Esempio n. 14
cov = maps.symmat_from_data(cov)

tcmb = 2.726e6
yresponses = tfg.get_mix(freqs, "tSZ")
cresponses = tfg.get_mix(freqs, "CMB")
dresponses = tfg.get_mix(freqs, "CIB")

responses = {'tsz': yresponses, 'cmb': cresponses, 'dust': dresponses}
ilcgen = ilc.chunked_ilc(modlmap,

snoise = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs)
cnoise = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs)
smap = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128)
cmap = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128)
ysmap = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128)
ycmap = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128)
ycmap_d = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128)
ycmap_dc = enmap.empty((Ny * Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128)
kcoadds = kcoadds.reshape((len(c.arrays), Ny * Nx))
for chunknum, (hilc, selchunk) in enumerate(ilcgen):
    print("ILC on chunk ", chunknum + 1, " / ",
          int(modlmap.size / chunk_size) + 1, " ...")
    snoise[selchunk] = hilc.standard_noise("cmb")
    cnoise[selchunk] = hilc.constrained_noise("cmb", "tsz")
    smap[selchunk] = hilc.standard_map(kcoadds[..., selchunk], "cmb")
    cmap[selchunk] = hilc.constrained_map(kcoadds[..., selchunk], "cmb", "tsz")
Esempio n. 15
fshape, fwcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=px * utils.arcmin, proj='car')
imap = f'{my_sim_path}/kap_lt4.5.fits'
kmap = reproject.enmap_from_healpix(imap,

filename = f'{my_sim_path}/lensed_alm.fits'
alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(filename, hdu=(1, 2, 3)))
#print(alm.shape) (3, 34043626)
ncomp = 1
omap = enmap.empty((ncomp, ) + fshape[-2:], fwcs, dtype=np.float64)
lmap = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, omap, spin=[0, 2], oversample=2.0, method="auto")

tap_per = 12.0
pad_per = 3.0

fwhm = 1.4
nlevel = 20

xlmin = 200
xlmax = 2000
ylmin = 200
ylmax = 6000
ylcut = 2
klmin = 200
Esempio n. 16
def hdowngrade(imap, shape, wcs, lmax):
    return (cs.alm2map(cs.map2alm(imap, lmax=lmax),
                       enmap.empty(shape, wcs, dtype=imap.dtype)))
Esempio n. 17
pl.add(ls,nls,ls="--",label='theory noise per mode')
pl.done(config['data_path']+"xcls_%s.png" % polcomb)

# Filtered input
fikalm = hp.almxfl(ikalm,wfilt)
fimap = hp.alm2map(fikalm,nside=256)

# Resampled mask
dmask = hp.ud_grade(mask,nside_out=256)
dmask[dmask<0] = 0

# Mollview plots

# CAR plots
shape,wcs = enmap.band_geometry(np.deg2rad((-70,30)),res=np.deg2rad(0.5*8192/512/60.))
omask = reproject.enmap_from_healpix(dmask, shape, wcs,rot=None)
omap = cs.alm2map(fkalm, enmap.empty(shape,wcs))
omap = cs.alm2map(fikalm, enmap.empty(shape,wcs))

    ikmaps = np.stack(ikmaps)
    # ikmaps[:,modlmap>lmax1] = 0
    inkmaps = np.stack(inkmaps)
    # inkmaps[:,modlmap>lmax1] = 0
    ilcgen = ilc.chunked_ilc(modlmap,
                                 'tsz': yresponses,
                                 'cmb': cresponses

    yksilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)
    ynksilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)
    ykcilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)
    ynkcilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)

    cksilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)
    cnksilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)
    ckcilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)
    cnkcilc = enmap.empty((Ny, Nx), wcs, dtype=np.complex128).reshape(-1)

    kmaps = ikmaps.reshape((narrays, Ny * Nx))
    nkmaps = inkmaps.reshape((narrays, Ny * Nx))
    for chunknum, (hilc, selchunk) in enumerate(ilcgen):
        print("ILC on chunk ", chunknum + 1, " / ",
              int(modlmap.size / chunk_size) + 1, " ...")
        yksilc[selchunk] = hilc.standard_map(kmaps[..., selchunk], "tsz")
Esempio n. 19
def getActpolCmbFgSim(beamfileDict,
                      shape, wcs,
                      iterationNum, cmbDir, freqs, psa,
                      cmbSet = 0, \
                      doBeam = True, applyWindow = True, verbose = True, cmbMaptype = 'LensedCMB',
                      foregroundSeed = 0, simType = 'cmb', foregroundPowerFile = None, applyModulation = True):

    nTQUs = len('TQU')
    firstTime = True

    output = enmap.empty((
    ) + shape[-2:], wcs)

    if simType == 'cmb':

        filename = cmbDir + "/fullsky%s_alm_set%02d_%05d.fits" % (
            cmbMaptype, cmbSet, iterationNum)
        if verbose:
            print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): loading CMB a_lms from %s' % filename)
        import healpy
        almTebFullskyOnecopy = np.complex128(
            healpy.fitsfunc.read_alm(filename, hdu=(1, 2, 3)))

        #Now tile the same for all the frequencies requested (i.e. CMB is same at all frequencies).
        #The beam convolution happens below.
        almTebFullsky = np.tile(almTebFullskyOnecopy, (len(freqs), 1, 1))

        if verbose:
            print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): done')

    elif simType == 'foregrounds':
        outputFreqs = ['f090', 'f150']

        foregroundPowers \
            = powspec.read_spectrum(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
                                ncol = 3,
                                expand = 'row')

        if verbose:
            print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): getting foreground a_lms')
        almTFullsky90and150 = curvedsky.rand_alm(foregroundPowers,

        almTebFullsky = np.zeros((
        ) + (len(almTFullsky90and150[-1]), ),

        for fi, freq in enumerate(freqs):
            if freq in outputFreqs:
                almTebFullsky[fi, 'TQU'.index('T'), :]  \
                    = almTFullsky90and150[outputFreqs.index(freq), :]

    #Convolve with beam on full sky
    for fi, freq in enumerate(freqs):
        if doBeam:
            beamFile = beamfileDict[psa + '_' + freq]
            if verbose:
                print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): applying beam from %s' % beamFile)
            beamData = (np.loadtxt(beamFile))[:, 1]
            if verbose:
                print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): not convolving with beam')
            beamData = np.repeat(1., almTebFullsky.shape[-1])

        import healpy

        #couldn't quickly figure out how to vectorize this so loop from 0 to 2.
        for tqui in range(nTQUs):
            almTebFullsky[fi, tqui] = healpy.sphtfunc.almxfl(
                almTebFullsky[fi, tqui].copy(), beamData)

        #These lines stolen from curvedsky.rand_map
        #doing all freqs at once gives error:
        #sharp.pyx in sharp.execute_dp (cython/sharp.c:12118)()
        #ValueError: ndarray is not C-contiguous
        #so loop over all freqs once for now.

    curvedsky.alm2map(almTebFullsky, output, spin=[0, 2], verbose=True)

    # outputThisfreq   = enmap.empty(( nTQUs,)+shape[-2:], wcs)
    # curvedsky.alm2map(almTebFullsky[fi,:,:], outputThisfreq, spin = [0,2],  verbose = True)
    # output[fi,...] = outputThisfreq

    # curvedsky.alm2map(almTebFullsky[fi,:,:], output[fi,:,:,:], spin = [0,2],  verbose = True)

    if applyModulation:
        from pixell import aberration
        for fi, freq in enumerate(freqs):

            print('applying modulation for frequency %s' % freq)
            output, A = aberration.boost_map(output,
                                             freq=freqStrToValGhz[freq] * 1e9)

    if applyWindow:
        from pixell import fft

        #The axes along which to FFT
        axes = [-2, -1]
        if verbose:
            print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): applying pixel window function')

        nfreq = len(freqs)
        for idx in range(nfreq):
            fd = fft.fft(output[idx], axes=axes)
            wy, wx = enmap.calc_window(fd.shape)
            twoDWindow = wy[:, None]**1 * wx[None, :]**1

            #Careful, this is quietly multiplying an array with shape [N_freq, N_TQU, N_y, N_x] with one of shape [N_y, N_x]
            fd *= twoDWindow

            output[idx] = (fft.ifft(fd, axes=axes, normalize=True)).real
            del fd
        if verbose:
            print('getActpolCmbFgSim(): done')

    return enmap.ndmap(output, wcs)