Esempio n. 1
def generate_noise_sim(covsqrt, ivars, seed=None, dtype=None):
    Supports only two cases
    1) nfreqs>=1,npol=3
    2) nfreqs=1,npol=1
    if isinstance(seed, int): seed = (seed, )
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(covsqrt))
    shape, wcs = covsqrt.shape, covsqrt.wcs
    Ny, Nx = shape[-2:]
    ncomps = covsqrt.shape[0]
    assert ncomps == covsqrt.shape[1]
    assert ((ncomps % 3) == 0) or (ncomps == 1)
    nfreqs = 1 if ncomps == 1 else ncomps // 3
    if ncomps == 1: npol = 1
    else: npol = 3
    wmaps = enmap.extract(ivars, shape[-2:], wcs)
    nsplits = wmaps.shape[1]

    if dtype is np.float32: ctype = np.complex64
    elif dtype is np.float64: ctype = np.complex128

    # Old way with loop
    kmap = []
    for i in range(nsplits):
        if seed is None:
            np.random.seed(seed + (i, ))
        rmap = enmap.rand_gauss_harm((ncomps, Ny, Nx),
        kmap.append(enmap.map_mul(covsqrt, rmap))
    del covsqrt, rmap
    kmap = enmap.enmap(np.stack(kmap), wcs)
    outmaps = enmap.ifft(kmap, normalize="phys").real
    del kmap

    # Need to test this more ; it's only marginally faster and has different seed behaviour
    # covsqrt = icovsqrt
    # np.random.seed(seed)
    # rmap = enmap.rand_gauss_harm((nsplits,ncomps,Ny, Nx),covsqrt.wcs)
    # kmap = enmap.samewcs(np.einsum("abyx,cbyx->cayx", covsqrt, rmap),rmap)
    # outmaps = enmap.ifft(kmap, normalize="phys").real

    # isivars = 1/np.sqrt(wmaps)
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        isivars = ((1. / wmaps) - (1. / wmaps.sum(axis=1)[:, None, ...]))**0.5
    isivars[~np.isfinite(isivars)] = 0

    assert np.all(np.isfinite(outmaps))
    # Divide by hits
    for ifreq in range(nfreqs):
        outmaps[:, ifreq * npol:(ifreq + 1) * npol,
                ...] = outmaps[:, ifreq * npol:(ifreq + 1) * npol,
                               ...] * isivars[ifreq, ...] * np.sqrt(nsplits)

    retmaps = outmaps.reshape((nsplits, nfreqs, npol, Ny, Nx)).swapaxes(0, 1)
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(retmaps))
    return retmaps, wmaps
Esempio n. 2
 def test_sim_slice(self):
     ps = powspec.read_spectrum(DATA_PREFIX+"test_scalCls.dat")[:1,:1]
     test_res_arcmin = 10.0
     lmax = 2000
     fact = 2.
     shape,wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(test_res_arcmin/60.),proj='car')
     omap = curvedsky.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps,lmax=lmax)
     ofunc = lambda ishape,iwcs: fact*enmap.extract(omap,ishape,iwcs)
     nmap = reproject.populate(shape,wcs,ofunc,maxpixy = 400,maxpixx = 400)
     assert np.all(np.isclose(nmap/omap,2.))
Esempio n. 3
def test_sim_slice():
    path = os.path.dirname(enmap.__file__) + "/../tests/"
    ps = powspec.read_spectrum(path + "data/test_scalCls.dat")[:1, :1]
    test_res_arcmin = 10.0
    lmax = 2000
    fact = 2.
    shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=np.deg2rad(test_res_arcmin / 60.),
    omap = curvedsky.rand_map(shape, wcs, ps, lmax=lmax)
    ofunc = lambda ishape, iwcs: fact * enmap.extract(omap, ishape, iwcs)
    nmap = reproject.populate(shape, wcs, ofunc, maxpixy=400, maxpixx=400)
    assert np.all(np.isclose(nmap / omap, 2.))
Esempio n. 4
 def test_extract(self):
     # Tests that extraction is sensible
     shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0, 0), shape=(500, 500), res=0.01)
     imap = enmap.enmap(np.random.random(shape), wcs)
     smap = imap[200:300, 200:300]
     sshape, swcs = smap.shape, smap.wcs
     smap2 = enmap.extract(imap, sshape, swcs)
     pixbox = enmap.pixbox_of(imap.wcs, sshape, swcs)
     # Do write and read test
     filename = "temporary_extract_map.fits"  # NOT THREAD SAFE
     enmap.write_map(filename, imap)
     smap3 = enmap.read_map(filename, pixbox=pixbox)
     assert np.all(np.isclose(smap, smap2))
     assert np.all(np.isclose(smap, smap3))
     assert wcsutils.equal(smap.wcs, smap2.wcs)
     assert wcsutils.equal(smap.wcs, smap3.wcs)
Esempio n. 5
# generate simulation from the covariance
if nsims > 0:
    bin_edges = np.arange(40, 8000, 40)
    p1ds = []
    for i in range(nsims):
        print("Sim %d of %d ..." % (i + 1, nsims))
            sims = ngen.generate_sim(season=season,
            print(sims.nbytes / 1024. / 1024. / 1024., " GB", sims.shape,
        if args.extract_mask is not None:
            ivars2 = enmap.extract(ivars, eshape, ewcs)
            modlmap = enmap.modlmap(eshape, ewcs)
            ivars2 = ivars

        if args.debug and i == 0: noise.plot(pout + "_sims", sims)
        if not (args.no_write):
        n2d_sim = noise.get_n2d_data(sims,
Esempio n. 6
 def _footprint(self, imap):
     if not (self._refoot): return imap
     else: return enmap.extract(imap, self._eshape, self._wcs)
Esempio n. 7
Ncrop = 400

navg = lambda x,delta : covtools.noise_block_average(x,nsplits=1,delta_ell=delta,
                                                         lmin = 40,

loc = "/home/r/rbond/sigurdkn/project/actpol/maps/mr3f_20190328/transfun/release/"

mask = sints.get_act_mr3_crosslinked_mask('deep56')
binner = stats.bin2D(mask.modlmap(),bin_edges)
bin = lambda x: binner.bin(x)

isim1 = enmap.extract(enmap.read_map(loc+'../sims/deep56_00.fits'),mask.shape,mask.wcs) * mask
isim2 = enmap.extract(enmap.read_map(loc+'../sims/deep56_01.fits'),mask.shape,mask.wcs) * mask
tmap1 = enmap.extract(enmap.read_map(loc+'s15_deep56_pa2_f150_nohwp_night_sim00_3pass_4way_coadd_transmap.fits'),mask.shape,mask.wcs) * mask
tmap2 = enmap.extract(enmap.read_map(loc+'s15_deep56_pa2_f150_nohwp_night_sim01_3pass_4way_coadd_transmap.fits'),mask.shape,mask.wcs) * mask

lmap = mask.lmap()
lymap,lxmap = lmap
# def model(x,width,amplitude,sigma):
#     mmap = 1-amplitude * np.exp(-lymap**2./2./sigma**2.)
#     mmap[lxmap>width/2.] = 1
#     mmap[lxmap<-width/2.] = 1
#     return mmap

def model(x,width,amplitude,sigma):
    mmap = (1-amplitude * np.exp(-lymap**2./2./sigma**2.))* (1-np.exp(-lxmap**2./2./width**2.))
Esempio n. 8
    def compute_map(self,oshape,owcs,qid,pixwin_taper_deg=0.3,pixwin_pad_deg=0.3,

        1. get total alm
        2. apply beam, and pixel window if Planck
        3. ISHT
        4. if ACT, apply a small taper and apply pixel window in Fourier space

        # pad to a slightly larger geometry
        tot_pad_deg = pixwin_taper_deg + pixwin_pad_deg
        res = maps.resolution(oshape,owcs)
        pix = np.deg2rad(tot_pad_deg)/res
        omap = enmap.pad(enmap.zeros((3,)+oshape,owcs),pix)
        ishape,iwcs = omap.shape[-2:],omap.wcs

        # get data model
        dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region_shape=ishape,region_wcs=iwcs,calibrated=True)

        # 1. get total alm
        array_index = self.qids.index(qid)
        tot_alm = int(include_cmb)*self.alms['cmb']

        if include_tsz:
                assert self.tsz_fnu.ndim==2
                tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + hp.almxfl(self.alms['comptony'][0] ,self.tsz_fnu[array_index])
                tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + self.alms['comptony'][0] * self.tsz_fnu[array_index]
        if self.cfgres is not None: tot_alm[0] = tot_alm[0] + int(include_fgres)*self.alms['fgres'][array_index]
        assert tot_alm.ndim==2
        assert tot_alm.shape[0]==3
        ells = np.arange(self.lmax+1)
        # 2. get beam, and pixel window for Planck
        if sht_beam:
            beam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=False)    # NEVER SANITIZE THE BEAM IN A SIMULATION!!!
            for i in range(3): tot_alm[i] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[i],beam)
                pixwint,pixwinp = hp.pixwin(nside=tutils.get_nside(qid),lmax=self.lmax,pol=True)
                tot_alm[0] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[0],pixwint)
                tot_alm[1] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[1],pixwinp)
                tot_alm[2] = hp.almxfl(tot_alm[2],pixwinp)
        # 3. ISHT
        omap = curvedsky.alm2map(np.complex128(tot_alm),omap,spin=[0,2])
        assert omap.ndim==3
        assert omap.shape[0]==3

        if not(sht_beam):
            taper,_ = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees=pixwin_taper_deg,pad_width_degrees=pixwin_pad_deg)
            modlmap = omap.modlmap()
            beam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=False,planck_pixwin=True)
            kmap = enmap.fft(omap*taper,normalize='phys')
            kmap = kmap * beam

        # 4. if ACT, apply a small taper and apply pixel window in Fourier space
            if sht_beam: taper,_ = maps.get_taper_deg(ishape,iwcs,taper_width_degrees=pixwin_taper_deg,pad_width_degrees=pixwin_pad_deg)
            pwin = tutils.get_pixwin(ishape[-2:])
            if sht_beam: 
                omap = maps.filter_map(omap*taper,pwin)
                kmap = kmap * pwin

        if not(sht_beam): omap = enmap.ifft(kmap,normalize='phys').real

        return enmap.extract(omap,(3,)+oshape[-2:],owcs)
Esempio n. 9

# a sample sim just to extract the shape and wcs. This is because
# the data map has a different size as the sims.
sample_sim_deep56 = enmap.read_map(
sample_sim_boss = enmap.read_map(

# get Nhits map
first = True
for f in deep56_files:
    filename = op.join(input_dir, f)
    imap = enmap.extract(enmap.read_map(filename), sample_sim_deep56.shape,
    if first:
        omap = imap.copy()
        first = False
        omap += imap
hits_map = omap

# seed the random number

# generate alpha with standard gaussian
alpha_0 = np.random.randn(*omap.shape) * alpha_error
alpha_map_0 = enmap.samewcs(alpha_0, omap)
alpha_map = alpha_map_0 * hits_map**-0.5
alpha_map[~np.isfinite(alpha_map)] = 0
Esempio n. 10
        #     print(optile[px[0]-1,px[1]])
        #     print(modlmap[px[0],px[1]])
        #     print(modlmap[px[0]-1,px[1]])
        #     # pftile = ptile
        #     # pftile[modlmap>300] = 0
        #     # print(np.sort(pftile[pftile>0]))
        #     # print(modlmap[np.isclose(ptile,1.52256073e+02)])
        #     # io.plot_img(np.log10(np.fft.fftshift(ptile)),os.environ['WORK']+"/tiling/ptile_%d_smap" % i)
        #     # io.hplot(enmap.enmap(np.log10(np.fft.fftshift(ptile)),ewcs),os.environ['WORK']+"/tiling/phtile_%d_smap" % i)
        smap = enmap.ifft(kbeam * enmap.enmap(ksol, ewcs),
        if solution == 'CMB':
            io.hplot(smap, os.environ['WORK'] + "/tiling/tile_%d_smap" % i)
            io.power_crop(np.real(ksol * ksol.conj()), 100,
                          os.environ['WORK'] + "/tiling/ptile_%d.png" % i)
        # sys.exit()
        ta.update_output(solution, smap, inserter)
    #pmap = ilc.do_ilc
print("Rank %d done" % comm.rank)
for solution in solutions:
    pmap = ta.get_final_output(solution)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        io.hplot(pmap, os.environ['WORK'] + "/tiling/map_%s" % solution)
        mask = sints.get_act_mr3_crosslinked_mask("deep56")
            enmap.extract(pmap, mask.shape, mask.wcs) * mask,
            os.environ['WORK'] + "/tiling/mmap_%s" % solution)
Esempio n. 11
def preprocess_fourier(
        target_enmap, shape=None, wcs=None,
        kx_cut=90, ky_cut=50, apo_width=40,
    """Correct an enmap for the pixel window and filter in Fourier space.

    This function performs the typical map preprocessing that occurs in
    ACT map analysis. A CAR map has an anisotropic pixel window, which is
    easily corrected in Fourier space. It is convenient to combine this step
    with any filtering of Fourier modes that made be necessary while you have
    the Fourier-transformed maps, such as removing horizontal noise modes.

    If you specify map geometry information by passing `shape` and `wcs`,
    the map will be extracted to that geometry *before* applying the Fourier
    transform. In order to avoid ringing at the map edges, it's useful to
    generate a rectangular taper, which is done in this function according to
    this specified shape and WCS information. If these are not specified, it
    is assumed that the full map will be used as the region for power spectrum
    calculation, and the taper will be constructed at the edges of the full
    map inwards. The taper width is specified by `apo_width`.

    target_enmap : enmap
        The enmap to be modified
    shape : [tuple of ints], optional
        extraction map shape, by default None
    wcs : astropy.wcs, optional
        extraction map WCS information, by default None
    unpixwin : bool, optional
        Correct for the CAR pixel window if True, by default True
    kx_cut : int, optional
        We cut modes with wavenumber: math: `| k_x | < k_x ^ {\mathrm{cut}}`,
        by default 90
    ky_cut : int, optional
        We cut modes with wavenumber: math: `| k_y | < k_y ^ {\mathrm{cut}}`, 
        by default 50
    apo_width : int, optional
        width of the rectangular taper for the apodized mask, by default 40
    legacy_steve : bool, optional
        Use a slightly different filter if True, to reproduce Steve's pipeline.
        Steve's k-space filter as of June 2019 had a bug where two k-space
        modes (the most positive cut mode in x and most negative cut mode in y)
        were not cut. This has a very small effect on the spectrum, but for
        reproducibility purposes we offer this behavior. By default False

        the final processed map

    # get the shape and WCS from map if we didn't get it
    # this means the `extract` call later will just make a copy if
    # no shape/wcs are passed.
    if shape is None or wcs is None:
        shape, wcs = target_enmap.shape, target_enmap.wcs

    # construct a tapered edge (an apodized rectangle) to avoid ringing
    apo = rectangular_apodization(shape, wcs, 40)
    maps = target_enmap.copy()
    if legacy_steve:
        # generate an apodization in the region specified

    if maps.ndim == 2:
        maps = np.expand_dims(maps, axis=0)
    maps = enmap.extract(maps, shape, wcs)
    # perform the pixel window and filter
    ncomp = maps.shape[0]   # loop over components
    for i in range(ncomp):
        result = kfilter_map(
            maps[i,:,:], apo, kx_cut, ky_cut,
            unpixwin, legacy_steve)
        maps[i,:,:] = result
    if target_enmap.ndim == 2:
        return maps[0,:,:]
        return maps
Esempio n. 12
    def get_maps(self, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compts=None, use_sht=True, ret_alm=True, transfer=None,
                 load_processed=False, save_processed=False, flux_cut=None):
        if compts is None: compts = self.compts
        shape, wcs = self.geometry
        nshape = (len(compts),) + shape[-2:]
        ret = enmap.zeros(nshape, wcs)

        if load_processed and not ret_alm:
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.processed_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                print("loading", input_file)
                temp = enmap.read_map(input_file)
                ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy()
                del temp
            return ret
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                if "pts" not in compt_idx:
                    input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                    print("loading", input_file)

                    alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(input_file, hdu=(1)))
                    ret[i, ...] = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, enmap.zeros(nshape[1:], wcs))
                    input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx,
                    print("loading", input_file)
                    temp = enmap.read_map(input_file)
                    ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy()
                    del temp
        alms = None
        if transfer is not None:
            l, f = transfer
            interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(l, f, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
            if use_sht:
                l_intp = np.arange(self.lmax + 1)
                f_int = interp_func(l_intp)
                alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
                for i in range(len(compts)):
                    alms[i] = hp.almxfl(alms[i], f_int)
                ret = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, ret, spin=0)
                ftmap = enmap.fft(ret)
                f_int = interp_func(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs).ravel())
                ftmap = ftmap * np.reshape(f_int, (shape[-2:]))
                ret = enmap.ifft(ftmap).real;
                del ftmap

        if save_processed:
            raise NotImplemented()

        if flux_cut is not None:
            flux_map = flux_cut / enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
            flux_map *= 1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148)
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                if "pts" not in compt_idx: continue
                loc = np.where(ret[i] > flux_map)
                ret[i][loc] = 0.
            del flux_map

        if ret_alm and alms is None:
            alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
        return ret if not ret_alm else (ret, alms)
Esempio n. 13
    def get_maps(self, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compts=None, use_sht=True, ret_alm=True, transfer=None,
                 load_processed=False, save_processed=False, flux_cut=None):
        if compts is None: compts = self.compts
        shape, wcs = self.geometry
        nshape = (len(compts),) + shape[-2:]
        ret = enmap.zeros(nshape, wcs)

        if load_processed and not ret_alm:
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.processed_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                print("loading", input_file)
                temp = enmap.read_map(input_file)
                ret[i, ...] = enmap.extract(temp, shape, wcs).copy()
                del temp
            return ret
            for i, compt_idx in enumerate(compts):
                input_file = self.get_fits_path(self.input_dir, rot_angle1, rot_angle2, compt_idx)
                print("loading", input_file)
                alm = np.complex128(hp.read_alm(input_file, hdu=(1)))
                ret[i, ...] = curvedsky.alm2map(alm, enmap.zeros(nshape[1:], wcs))
                del alm
                if compt_idx in self.highflux_cats:
                    print("adding high flux cats")

                    hiflux_cat = np.load(self.get_highflux_cat_path(compt_idx))
                    hiflux_cat[:, :2] = car2hp_coords(hiflux_cat[:, :2])

                    mat_rot, _, _ = hp.rotator.get_rotation_matrix(
                        (rot_angle1 * * -1, rot_angle2 *, 0))
                    uvec = hp.ang2vec(hiflux_cat[:, 0], hiflux_cat[:, 1])
                    rot_vec = np.inner(mat_rot, uvec).T
                    temppos = hp.vec2ang(rot_vec)
                    rot_pos = np.zeros(hiflux_cat[:, :2].shape)
                    rot_pos[:, 0] = temppos[0]
                    rot_pos[:, 1] = temppos[1]
                    rot_pos = hp2car_coords(rot_pos)
                    del temppos
                    rot_pix = np.round(enmap.sky2pix(nshape[-2:], wcs, rot_pos.T).T).astype(
                    loc = np.where((rot_pix[:, 0] >= 0) & (rot_pix[:, 0] < nshape[-2]) & (rot_pix[:, 1] >= 0.) & (
                            rot_pix[:, 1] < nshape[-1]))
                    hiflux_cat = hiflux_cat[loc[0], 2]
                    rot_pix = rot_pix[loc[0], :]

                    hiflux_map = enmap.zeros(nshape[-2:], wcs)
                    hiflux_map[rot_pix[:, 0], rot_pix[:, 1]] = hiflux_cat
                    if flux_cut is not None:
                        tmin = flux_cut * 1e-3 * jysr2thermo(148)
                        loc = np.where(hiflux_map > tmin)
                        hiflux_map[loc] = 0
                    hiflux_map = hiflux_map / enmap.pixsizemap(shape, wcs)
                    ret[i, ...] = ret[i, ...] + hiflux_map
                    del hiflux_map

        alms = None
        if transfer is not None:
            l, f = transfer
            interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(l, f, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
            if use_sht:
                l_intp = np.arange(self.lmax + 1)
                f_int = interp_func(l_intp)
                alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
                for i in range(len(compts)):
                    alms[i] = hp.almxfl(alms[i], f_int)
                ret = curvedsky.alm2map(alms, ret, spin=0)
                ftmap = enmap.fft(ret)
                f_int = interp_func(enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs).ravel())
                ftmap = ftmap * np.reshape(f_int, (shape[-2:]))
                ret = enmap.ifft(ftmap).real;
                del ftmap

        if save_processed:
            raise NotImplemented()

        if ret_alm and alms is None:
            alms = curvedsky.map2alm(ret, lmax=self.lmax, spin=0)
        return ret if not ret_alm else (ret, alms)