class pixivComm: token = "" pixivClient = None def __init__(self, pixivCreds): self.pixivClient = Client() self.pixivClient.login(pixivCreds["user"], pixivCreds["pw"]) self.token = self.pixivClient.refresh_token def searchImage(self, tag): self.pixivClient.authenticate(self.token) searchStr = tag.replace('_', ' ') print(searchStr, tag) results = self.pixivClient.search_illustrations(searchStr) illustrations = results["illustrations"] randIllust = illustrations[randint(0,len(illustrations) - 1)] print(dir(randIllust)) while randIllust.type != enums.ContentType.ILLUSTRATION: randIllust = illustrations[randint(0,len(illustrations) - 1)] self.getImage(randIllust) imageURL = randIllust.image_urls[enums.Size.ORIGINAL] imageURL = glob.glob("./pixiv/" + str( + "*")[0] return imageURL def getImage(self, illustration):"./pixiv", size=enums.Size.ORIGINAL), filename = def testFetch(self): self.pixivClient.authenticate(self.token) illus = self.pixivClient.fetch_illustration(82417326) self.getImage(illus)
class PixApi: # 初始化 def __init__(self, items, index): # Multi-Threading print("Page:%d" % index) print(len(items)) self.items = items self.threadID = index self.threadLocal = threading.local() self.client = Client() self.illuData = None setattr(self.threadLocal, 'client', self.client) setattr(self.threadLocal, 'items', self.items) self.client.login(pixiv_id, password) time.sleep(5) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.processItem, name=("Page%d" % index)) threads.append(thread) # 取得每一頁最高收藏數的插圖 def processItem(self): index = 0 errorCount = 0 item = None getVal = False while index < len(self.items): try: timer = 0 while timer < 3 and index < len(self.items): item = self.items[index] try: self.illuData = self.client.fetch_illustration(int(item)) except: pass if self.illuData != None: getVal = True break time.sleep(1) timer = timer + 1 except Exception as E: index = index - 1 print(E) errorCount = errorCount + 1 if getVal: value = int(self.illuData.total_bookmarks) bestKeepList.append((int(item), value)) getVal = False if errorCount >= 3: break index = index + 1 print("Thread%d OK!------------------------------------------" % self.threadID)
class Pixiv: safeMode = None # 物件初始化 def __init__(self): mainDriver.get(loginUrl) # 利用Web driver模擬登入Pixiv def loginWithSelenium(self, id, pw): global pixiv_id global password pixiv_id = id password = pw fieldGroup = mainDriver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='input-field-group']") # 獲取User ID輸入欄 userNameField = fieldGroup.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='input-field']/input[@type='text'][@autocomplete='username']") userNameField.clear() userNameField.send_keys(pixiv_id) # 獲取密碼輸入欄 passwordField = fieldGroup.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='input-field']/input[@type='password'][@autocomplete='current-password']") passwordField.clear() passwordField.send_keys(password) # 獲取提交按鈕 submitButton = mainDriver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='LoginComponent']/form/button[@type='submit'][@class='signup-form__submit']") def ifLoginSuccess(self): time.sleep(3) return mainDriver.current_url == '' # 用於取得一個頁面內所有圖片ID,目前一頁最多60個ID def start(self, tag, page): global bestKeepList bestKeepList.clear() # 開始時間 print("start time: " + str( items = [] # 儲存這一頁的所有插圖Id pageNum = 1 # 從第一頁開始 toNext = True path = "html/body/div/div/div/div/div/div/section/div/ul" # xPath in html to get illustration id errorCount = 0 # 紀錄數據取得失敗的次數,達到三次將退出 while (pageNum < (page + 1)): if toNext: if self.safeMode: url = "" % (tag, pageNum) else: url = "" % (tag, pageNum) print(url) mainDriver.get(url) toNext = False print('正在處理第%d頁' % pageNum) try: timer = 0 while True: timer = timer + 1 time.sleep(0.5) inner_html = mainDriver.find_element_by_xpath(path).get_attribute("innerHTML") pattern = re.compile('href="/artworks/(.*?)"', re.S) self.items = list(set(re.findall(pattern, inner_html))) if len(self.items) > 0: break elif timer >= 10: raise Exception except: pageNum = pageNum - 1 print("超時,將會再嘗試%d次" % (2 - errorCount)) errorCount = errorCount + 1 else: if len(self.items) > 0: print("ID獲取完成!") #MyThread(self.items, pageNum) # 建立新的Thread PixApi(self.items, pageNum) toNext = True errorCount = 0 # 每五頁執行一次 if (pageNum % 5) == 0 or pageNum == page: print("開始收集每張圖的收藏數!請稍等!") self.runThread() elif errorCount >= 3: self.runThread() break pageNum = pageNum + 1 print('-----------------------------------------------------') print("finish time: " + str( # 關閉Driver for driver in drivers: driver.close() bestKeepList.sort(key=self.takeSecond, reverse=True) #print(len(bestKeepList)) bestKeepList = bestKeepList[:100] # 保留前一百個 #print(bestKeepList) self.resultClient = Client() self.resultClient.login(pixiv_id, password) # 執行儲存於threads中的子執行序,並於完成後清除 def runThread(self): # t.join(): 等待所有子執行序執行結束才會繼續跑主執行序 for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() print("清空Thread!") threads.clear() # 用於排序所使用的compare函式 def takeSecond(self, element): return element[1] # 利用Pixiv api取得指定ID的圖片資訊 def getImage(self, index): id = bestKeepList[index][0] errorCount = 0 while errorCount < 3: try: illuData = self.resultClient.fetch_illustration(id) return illuData except: print("fetch err") errorCount = errorCount + 1 time.sleep(0.5) return None'D:/123'), size=Size.ORIGINAL) # 取得儲存前100名的List之大小 def getListSize(self): return bestKeepList.__len__()
class ThreadPixiv(Thread): def __init__(self, name): Thread.__init__(self, daemon=True) = name self.client = Client(client_id=g.PixivClientID, client_secret=g.PixivClientSecret) self.allranking = [] self.artpath = Path('flask/images/pixiv/') self.start() def run(self): self.pixiv_init() def download_art(self, obj, size, filename):, size=size, filename=filename) def random_pixiv_art(self): # download and set random pixiv art try: ranking = random.choice(self.allranking) fetchmode = random.random() # ranked or ranked related art 20/80 if fetchmode > 0.2: related_offset = 0 allrelated = [] for _ in range(4): related = self.client.fetch_illustration_related(, offset=related_offset).get('illustrations') allrelated = u.sort_pixiv_arts(related, allrelated) related_offset += 30 illustration = random.choice(list(allrelated)) else: illustration = ranking print(f'art id: {}') artid = g.last_link = f'{artid}' g.last_rand_img = f'{artid}.png' art = Path(f'flask/images/pixiv/{artid}.png') if not art.is_file(): self.download_art(illustration, g.pixiv_size, artid) if not art.is_file(): os.rename(f'flask/images/pixiv/{artid}.jpg', f'flask/images/pixiv/{artid}.png') set_image('pixiv/', f'{artid}.png') except BadApiResponse as pixiv_exception: # reconnect if 'Status code: 400' in str(pixiv_exception): self.pixiv_init() self.random_pixiv_art() except Exception as e: if 'RemoteDisconnected' in str(e): self.random_pixiv_art() def save_pixiv_art(self, namesave, owner, artid, folder='user/', setpic=False, save=False, save_msg=False): """ save pixiv art by art id :param save_msg: whether send <image saved> message :param save: whether save image :param setpic: whether set image :param namesave: filename :param owner: twitch username :param artid: pixiv art id :param folder: image save folder inside flask app static folder """ try: print(f'art id: {artid}') namesave = u.while_is_file(folder, namesave, '.png') namesave = u.while_is_file(folder, namesave, '_p0.png') savedart = self.client.fetch_illustration(int(artid)) self.download_art(savedart, g.pixiv_size, namesave) if os.path.isdir('flask/images/pixiv/' + namesave): mypath2 = 'flask/images/pixiv/' + namesave onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir(mypath2) if isfile(join(mypath2, f)) ] for i in onlyfiles: os.rename(f'flask/images/pixiv/{namesave}/{i}', f'flask/images/{folder}{namesave}{i[8:-4]}.png') if save: db.add_link( f'{artid}', f'{namesave}{i[8:-4]}.png') db.add_owner(f'{namesave}{i[8:-4]}.png', owner) if setpic: set_image(folder, f'{namesave}{i[8:-4]}.png') time.sleep(1.5) os.rmdir(f'flask/images/pixiv/{namesave}') if save_msg: u.send_message(f'{owner}, {namesave}.png saved') return art = Path(f'flask/images/pixiv/{namesave}.png') filepath = f'flask/images/pixiv/{namesave}.png' if not art.is_file(): filepath = f'flask/images/pixiv/{namesave}.jpg' os.rename(filepath, f'flask/images/{folder}{namesave}.png') if save: db.add_link(f'{artid}', f'{namesave}.png') db.add_owner(f'{namesave}.png', owner) if setpic: set_image(folder, f'{namesave}.png') if save_msg: u.send_message(f'{owner}, {namesave}.png saved') except BadApiResponse as pixiv_exception: # reconnect print(f'badapiresponse - {pixiv_exception}') if 'Status code: 404' in str(pixiv_exception): u.send_message(f'{owner}, {artid} not found') return if 'Status code: 400' in str(pixiv_exception): self.pixiv_init() self.save_pixiv_art(namesave, owner, artid, folder, setpic, save, save_msg) except Exception as e: if 'RemoteDisconnected' in str(e): self.save_pixiv_art(namesave, owner, artid, folder, setpic, save, save_msg) def pixiv_init(self): try: self.allranking *= 0 self.client.authenticate(g.PixivToken) print('pixiv auth √') rank_offset = 30 ranking1 = self.client.fetch_illustrations_ranking( mode=RankingMode.DAY ).get('illustrations') # check 500 arts, filter by tags and ratio self.allranking = u.sort_pixiv_arts(ranking1, self.allranking) for i in range(16): print(f'\rpixiv load={int(i / 16 * 100) + 7}%', end='') ranking = self.client.fetch_illustrations_ranking( mode=RankingMode.DAY, offset=rank_offset).get('illustrations') self.allranking = u.sort_pixiv_arts(ranking, self.allranking) rank_offset += 30 print() except BadApiResponse: time.sleep(30)
client = Client() userid = input("Enter your userid.\n") password = input("Enter your password.\n") client.login(userid, password) print(f"Logged in as {userid}") needs = input("What would you like to do today?\n") #fetch an illustration found, using the id provided. if needs == "illustration download": illustration_id = input("Enter the illustration id.\n") illustration = client.fetch_illustration(illustration_id) / "PixivImages", size=Size.ORIGINAL) print(f"{illustration_id} was downloaded.") else: pass #downloads the artist id's art. if needs == "artist download": downloaded = 0 artist_id = input("Enter artist id to download their art:\n") num = input("How much art do you want to download?\n") print(f"Looking for {num} images.") directory = Path.home() / 'PixivImages'