def setup(): """ One time setup. Inialize pixy and set sigint handler """ pixy_init_status = pixy.pixy_init() if pixy_init_status != 0: print 'Error: pixy_init() [%d] ' % pixy_init_status pixy.pixy_error(pixy_init_status) return else: print "Pixy setup OK" signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_SIGINT) pixy.pixy_cam_set_brightness(BRIGHTNESS) pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) if chatty: sayNow("I may not be the fastest but I have style") #say("SLEEP 2") time.sleep(2)
def loop(): """ Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location, chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors """ global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError_prev, distError_prev, panLoop, killed, lastFire global targetTime, targetTimeDifference, turnErrorAccumulator, exploreTime, exploreTimeDifference, turnErrorPrevious #if ser.in_waiting: # print "Reading line from serial.." # code = ser.readline().rstrip() # print "Got IR code %s" % code # killed = True #if code=="58391E4E" or code=="9DF14DB3" or code=="68B92": # killed = True # #if code=="E4F74E5A" or code=="A8FA9FFD": # killed = False ### Don't Change this #### #if killed: # print "I'm hit!" #motors.setSpeeds(0, 0) #time.sleep(5) currentTime = # If no new blocks, don't do anything while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag: pass count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks) if count == 0: print "no blocks" # If negative blocks, something went wrong if count < 0: print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count pixy.pixy_error(count) sys.exit(1) # if more than one block # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or # line following time_difference = currentTime - lastFire if time_difference.total_seconds() >= 1: print "Fire!" ser.write("FIRE\n") lastFire = currentTime lastTime = currentTime # if the largest block is the object to pursue, then prioritize this behavior throttle = 0 panError = 0 #first get biggest blue block biggestGreenBlockIndex = 999 biggestTeamBlockIndex = 999 biggestOpponentBlockIndex = 999 currentIndex = 0 targetFound = -1 while currentIndex < 10: if blocks[ currentIndex].signature == GREEN and biggestGreenBlockIndex == 999: biggestGreenBlockIndex = currentIndex if blocks[ currentIndex].signature == Opponent and biggestOpponentBlockIndex == 999: biggestOpponentBlockIndex = currentIndex if blocks[ currentIndex].signature == Team and biggestTeamBlockIndex == 999: biggestTeamBlockIndex = currentIndex currentIndex = currentIndex + 1 avoidCollision = 0 if biggestTeamBlockIndex < 999: if blocks[biggestTeamBlockIndex].height > 0.666 * PIXY_MAX_Y: avoidCollision = 1 targetBlockIndex = min(biggestGreenBlockIndex, biggestOpponentBlockIndex) targetBigEnough = 0 if targetBlockIndex != 999: if blocks[targetBlockIndex].width > 30: targetBigEnough = 1 #print('biggest target index', min(biggestGreenBlockIndex,biggestOpponentBlockIndex), 'time', targetTimeDifference, 'team index', biggestTeamBlockIndex); if ((biggestGreenBlockIndex < biggestTeamBlockIndex or biggestOpponentBlockIndex < biggestTeamBlockIndex) and targetTimeDifference < 5 and avoidCollision == 0 and targetBigEnough == 1): #if blocks[biggestGreenBlockIndex].signature == GREEN or blocks[biggestOpponentBlockIndex].signature == BLUE: #do we need this if statement? print("attacking") targetBlockIndex = min(biggestGreenBlockIndex, biggestOpponentBlockIndex) if targetTime == 0: targetTime = currentTime turnErrorAccumulator = 0 targetTimeDifference = 0 if targetTimeDifference <= 1: throttle = 0.15 objectDist = 300 else: throttle = 0.5 objectDist = refSize / (2 * math.tan( math.radians(blocks[targetBlockIndex].width * pix2ang_factor))) diffGain = 1 #print( "Found Green signature",targetBlockIndex); panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - ( blocks[targetBlockIndex].x ) # +int(35*math.sin(5*targetTimeDifference))) #100 - blocks[biggestGreenBlockIndex].x temp = blocks[targetBlockIndex].x + 10 * math.sin( 5 * targetTimeDifference) #print ('object dist', objectDist, 'width',blocks[targetBlockIndex].width, 'newX', temp) # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(panError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER distError = objectDist - targetDist # this is in float format with sign indicating advancing or retreating advance = driveGain * float( distError ) / refDist #max(1,driveGain * float(distError) / refDist) #print('advance', advance, 'diffDrive', diffDrive) targetTimeDifference = (currentTime - targetTime).total_seconds() exploreTime = 0 # if none of the blocks make sense, just pause else: if exploreTime == 0: exploreTime = currentTime elif exploreTimeDifference < 1.5: panError = 0 #PIXY_X_CENTER-PIXY_MAX_X diffDrive = 0.5 #diffGain * abs(float(PIXY_X_CENTER-PIXY_MAX_X)) / PIXY_X_CENTER throttle = 0.4 bias = 1 advance = 1 print("spinning") elif exploreTimeDifference < 3: panError = 0 throttle = 0.6 bias = 0 diffDrive = 0 advance = 1 print("not spinning") targetTime = 0 #turnErrorAccumulator = 0 targetTimeDifference = 0 print('no target blocks', 'biggest red block index', biggestTeamBlockIndex) print(exploreTimeDifference) exploreTimeDifference = (currentTime - exploreTime).total_seconds() if exploreTimeDifference >= 3: exploreTime = 0 exploreTimeDifference = 0 panLoop.update(panError) # Update pixy's pan position pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos) # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move. time_difference = currentTime - lastTime if time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout: throttle = 0.0 diffDrive = 1 #print "4" # this is turning to left if panLoop.m_pos != PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos turnErrorAccumulator += turnError derivative = (turnError - turnErrorPrevious) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) turnErrorPrevious = turnError bias = float(turnError) / float( PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain + i_control * float( turnErrorAccumulator) / float( PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) + d_control * derivative #print('bias', bias) ## if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: ## # should be still int32_t ## turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS ## # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented ## turnErrorAccumulator -= turnError ## derivative = (turnError - turnErrorPrevious)/float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS); ## turnErrorPrevious = turnError; ## bias = - float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain + i_control*float(turnErrorAccumulator)/float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) ## print('turn left bias', bias) ## #print "5" ## ## # this is turning to right ## elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: ## # should be still int32_t ## turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos ## # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented ## turnErrorAccumulator += turnError ## bias = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain+i_control*float(turnErrorAccumulator) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) + d_control* ## print('turn right bias', bias) # print "6" drive() return run_flag
def hailmary(block_count): global throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError_prev, distError_prev if len(block_count) == 0: print "can't do hailmary with no blocks" return print "Attempting to hail Mary with %d block history" % len(block_count) leftTotal = 0.0 rightTotal = 0.0 for (left, right) in block_count: leftTotal += left rightTotal += right avgLeft = leftTotal / len(block_count) avgRight = rightTotal / len(block_count) print "Past %d frames had avg red blocks on (left=%d, right=%d)" % ( AVG_N, avgLeft, avgRight) # Turn towards the preponderance of red blocks lastTime = currentTime if avgLeft > avgRight: print "Executing blind left turn" bias = -1 elif avgRight > avgLeft: print "Executing blind right turn" bias = 1 else: bias = 0 if bias != 0: # Slow forward turn advance = 1 throttle = 0.5 diffDrive = 1 # Reset pixy's head pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) normalDrive = False #If hailmary didn't work, hold on to your rosary beads, we're going hunting! else: # Need some kind of hunting behavior here #This situation usally arises when we're on a curve in one direction and want to sharply turn in the other direction #pan the camera until we find a red block, then go straight toward it. print "Execute search and destroy" i = 0 noRedBlocks = True advance = -1 #if we can't find it, retreat while (noRedBlocks == True and i <= PIXY_RCS_MAX_POS): #while redblock not found #pan for red block print "Panning for red block. i:%d" % (i) pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, i) count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks) largestBlock = blocks[0] #code stolen from earlier in file, maybe turn it into a function? if largestBlock.signature == 2: noRedBlocks = False panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - blocks[0].x p = panError / 40.0 if p < 0: p = -p if p > 0.8: p = 0.8 throttle = 0.9 - p diffDrive = 0.6 print "p: %f, panError: %d, turnError: %d" % (p, panError, turnError) advance = 1 i = i + 10
def loop(): """ Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location, chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors """ global startTime, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError_prev, distError_prev, firstPass, pid_bias, last_turn currentTime = # If no new blocks, don't do anything while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag: pass if firstPass: say("Here goes") startTime = time.time() firstPass = False scene.get_frame() if scene.blocksSeen(): lastTime = currentTime if finale: refuseToPlay() return False p = scene.panError if p < 0: p = -p incr = p / 300.0 #print "panError: %f, incr: %f" % (scene.panError, incr) #if incr > 0.65: # incr = 0.65 throttle = initThrottle # - incr / 1.5 diffDrive = diffDriveStraight + incr # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there #diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(turnError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER # use full available throttle for charging forward advance = 1 panLoop.update(scene.panError) # Update pixy's pan position pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos) # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move. # time_difference = currentTime - lastTime if not scene.seeCenter(): #time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout: print "Stopping since see nothing" throttle = 0.0 diffDrive = 1 turn = 0 # this is turning to left if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: # should be still int32_t turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented turn = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) # this is turning to right elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: # should be still int32_t turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented turn = -float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) pid.setPoint(0) pid_bias = pid.update(turn) #print "PID controller: SP=%2.2f PV=%2.2f -> OP=%2.2f" % (0, turn, pid_bias) last_turn = turn bias = pid_bias # use PID controller on turn bias # TODO: parameterize drive() if bias < -0.3: say("Going left") if bias > 0.3: say("Going right") drive() return run_flag
def loop(): """ Main loop, Gets blocks from pixy, analyzes target location, chooses action for robot and sends instruction to motors """ global blocks, throttle, diffDrive, diffGain, bias, advance, turnError, currentTime, lastTime, objectDist, distError, panError_prev, distError_prev, panLoop, killed, lastFire if ser.in_waiting: print "Reading line from serial.." code = ser.readline().rstrip() print "Got IR code %s" % code killed = True #if code=="58391E4E" or code=="9DF14DB3" or code=="68B92": # killed = True # #if code=="E4F74E5A" or code=="A8FA9FFD": # killed = False if killed: print "I'm hit!" motors.setSpeeds(0, 0) time.sleep(5) currentTime = # If no new blocks, don't do anything while not pixy.pixy_blocks_are_new() and run_flag: pass count = pixy.pixy_get_blocks(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE, blocks) # If negative blocks, something went wrong if count < 0: print 'Error: pixy_get_blocks() [%d] ' % count pixy.pixy_error(count) sys.exit(1) # if more than one block # Check which the largest block's signature and either do target chasing or # line following if count > 0: time_difference = currentTime - lastFire if time_difference.total_seconds() >= 1: print "Fire!" ser.write("FIRE\n") lastFire = currentTime lastTime = currentTime # if the largest block is the object to pursue, then prioritize this behavior if blocks[0].signature == 1: panError = PIXY_X_CENTER - blocks[0].x objectDist = refSize1 / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(blocks[0].width * pix2ang_factor))) throttle = 0.5 # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(panError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER distError = objectDist - targetDist # this is in float format with sign indicating advancing or retreating advance = driveGain * float(distError) / refDist # if Pixy sees a guideline, perform line following algorithm elif blocks[0].signature == 2: panError = PIXY_X_CENTER-blocks[0].x throttle = 1.0 diffDrive = 0.6 # amount of steering depends on how much deviation is there # diffDrive = diffGain * abs(float(turnError)) / PIXY_X_CENTER # use full available throttle for charging forward advance = 1 # if none of the blocks make sense, just pause else: panError = 0 throttle = 0.0 diffDrive = 1 panLoop.update(panError) # Update pixy's pan position pixy.pixy_rcs_set_position(PIXY_RCS_PAN_CHANNEL, panLoop.m_pos) # if Pixy sees nothing recognizable, don't move. time_difference = currentTime - lastTime if time_difference.total_seconds() >= timeout: throttle = 0.0 diffDrive = 1 # this is turning to left if panLoop.m_pos > PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: # should be still int32_t turnError = panLoop.m_pos - PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS # <0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented bias = - float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain # this is turning to right elif panLoop.m_pos < PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS: # should be still int32_t turnError = PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS - panLoop.m_pos # >0 is turning left; currently only p-control is implemented bias = float(turnError) / float(PIXY_RCS_CENTER_POS) * h_pgain drive() return run_flag