Esempio n. 1
def create_account(accounts):
    # TODO: Can we generate this from swagger?
    if 'username' not in accounts:
        return 'Username is required', 400
    if 'password' not in accounts:
        return 'Password is required', 400
    if 'email' not in accounts:
        return 'Email is required', 400
    if 'name' not in accounts:
        return 'Name is required', 400

    username = accounts['username']
    password = accounts['password']

    # Hash / salt account password
    hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('ascii'), bcrypt.gensalt())
    accounts['password'] = hashed_password

    # Ensure that user doesn't already exist
    existing_user = data_store.retrieve_user_by_namespace(username)
    if existing_user is not None:
        return 'User account already exists: %s' % existing_user['username'], 400

    # User has been created, now create k8s resources
    # kube.init_user(username)

    # Create user account in data store
    result = data_store.create_user(accounts)
    accounts['id'] = result.inserted_id

    return mongo.parse_json(accounts), 201
def update_vocabulary(vocab_name, vocabulary):
    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
        selector = {'name': ObjectId(vocab_name)}
        db[VOCABULARIES_COLLECTION_NAME].replace_one(selector, vocabulary)
        return parse_json(vocabulary), 200
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
def get_vocabulary_by_name(vocab_name):
    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
        selector = {'name': ObjectId(vocab_name)}
        target_service = db[VOCABULARIES_COLLECTION_NAME].find_one(selector)
        return parse_json(target_service), 200
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
def create_vocabulary(vocabulary):
    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
        record = db[VOCABULARIES_COLLECTION_NAME].insert_one(vocabulary)
        vocabulary['_id'] = str(record.inserted_id)
        return parse_json(vocabulary), 201
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
Esempio n. 5
def update_account(account_id, account):
    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
            {'_id': ObjectId(account_id)}, account)
        return parse_json(account), 200
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
Esempio n. 6
def create_account(account):
    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
        record = db[USER_ACCOUNTS_COLLECTION_NAME].insert_one(account)
        account['_id'] = str(record.inserted_id)
        return parse_json(account), 201
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
Esempio n. 7
def list_accounts():
    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
        cursor = db[USER_ACCOUNTS_COLLECTION_NAME].find()
        docs = list(cursor)
        return parse_json(docs), 200
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
def get_service_by_id(service_id):
        token = jwt.get_token()
        username = jwt.get_username_from_token(token)

        # User spec not found, check system catalog
        appspec = data_store.retrieve_user_appspec_by_key(username, service_id)
        if appspec is not None:
            return mongo.parse_json(appspec), 200
    except Exception as e:
        logger.debug('Skipping user catalog check: %s' % str(e))

    # No token (or appspec not found), but we can still check system catalog
    appspec = data_store.retrieve_system_appspec_by_key(service_id)
    if appspec is not None:
        return mongo.parse_json(appspec), 200
        return {'error': 'Spec key=%s not found' % service_id}, 404
def list_vocabularies():
    # TODO: handle filter params
    #if catalog is not None and catalog != '':
    #    docs = list(db[APP_SPECS_COLLECTION_NAME].find({ 'catalog': catalog }))
    #    logger.debug(docs)
    #    return docs, 200

    mongo_client = get_mongo_client()
    with mongo_client:
        db = mongo_client['workbench']
        cursor = db[VOCABULARIES_COLLECTION_NAME].find({})
        docs = list(cursor)
        return parse_json(docs), 200
    return {'error': 'Failed to connect to MongoDB'}, 500
def list_services(catalog='all'):"Get services with catalog - "+catalog)

        token = jwt.get_token()
        claims = jwt.safe_decode(token)
        username = jwt.get_username_from_token(token)

        # Attempt user lookup, if possible
        if catalog == 'user':
            services = data_store.fetch_user_appspecs(username)
            return mongo.parse_json(services), 200
        else:  # catalog == all or anything else
            services = data_store.fetch_all_appspecs_for_user(username)
            return mongo.parse_json(services), 200
    except Exception as e:
        logger.debug('Skipping user catalog check: %s' % str(e))

    if catalog == 'all' or catalog == 'system':
        services = data_store.fetch_system_appspecs()
        return mongo.parse_json(services), 200
    elif catalog == 'user':
        return {'error': 'Must login to request user catalog'}, 401
Esempio n. 11
def update_account(account_id, account):
    token = jwt.get_token()
    claims = jwt.safe_decode(token)
    username = jwt.get_username_from_token(token)

    if account_id != account['id']:
        return 'error: account id mismatch', 400

    # Admins only: check token for required role
    if username != account_id:
        jwt.validate_scopes(['workbench-accounts'], claims)

    # Make sure user can't change password like this
    existing_account = data_store.retrieve_user_by_namespace(
    account.password = existing_account.password
    return mongo.parse_json(data_store.update_user(account)), 200