Esempio n. 1
def valid_mediator_implementation(value, allow_empty_version=False):
        """Returns a tuple of (valid, error) indicating whether the provided
        string is a valid mediator implementation for mediated links.  'valid' is
        a boolean and 'error' is None or a string containing the error."""

        error = ""
        iname = iver = None
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
                if "@" in value:
                        iname, iver = value.rsplit("@", 1)
                        iname = value

                if iver or (iver == "" and not allow_empty_version):
                        except version.VersionError as e:
                                error = str(e)

                if not error and iname and re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$", iname):
                        return True, None

        if error:
                return False, _("'{value}' is not a valid "
                    "mediator-implementation; only alphanumeric characters and "
                    "a version dot-sequence following a single '@' are allowed: "
        return False, _("'{0}' is not a valid mediator-implementation; only "
            "alphanumeric characters and a version dot-sequence following a "
            "single '@' are allowed").format(value)
Esempio n. 2
                def filter_results(results, mver):
                        found = 0
                        last_stem = None
                        for result in results:
                                if found and \
                                    ((found - start_point) >= num_to_return):

                                if result[1] == qp.Query.RETURN_PACKAGES:
                                        pfmri = result[2]
                                elif result[1] == qp.Query.RETURN_ACTIONS:
                                        pfmri = result[2][0]

                                if mver is not None:
                                        if mver != version.Version(pfmri.split(
                                            "@", 1)[1], None):

                                if return_latest and \
                                    result[1] == qp.Query.RETURN_PACKAGES:
                                        # Latest version filtering can only be
                                        # done for packages as only they are
                                        # guaranteed to be in version order.
                                        stem = result[2].split("@", 1)[0]
                                        if last_stem == stem:
                                                last_stem = stem

                                found += 1
                                if found > start_point:
                                        yield result
Esempio n. 3
def parse_mediator_implementation(value):
        """Parses the provided mediator implementation string for a link and
        returns a tuple of (name, version) where 'name' is a string containing
        the name of the implementation and 'version' is None or a pkg.version
        object representing the version.  If the implementation is not valid
        a tuple of (None, None) will be returned."""

        if not isinstance(value, basestring):
                return None, None

        if "@" in value:
                        impl_name, impl_ver = value.rsplit("@", 1)
                except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                        # Can't parse implementation correctly, so
                        # return a tuple of None.
                        return None, None
                impl_name = value
                impl_ver = None

        if impl_ver:
                        impl_ver = version.Version(impl_ver)
                except version.VersionError:
                        # If part of implementation can't be parsed, then
                        # return nothing at all.
                        return None, None

        return impl_name, impl_ver
Esempio n. 4
    def _fmri_from_path(pkg, vers):
        """Helper method that takes the full path to the package
                directory and the name of the manifest file, and returns an FMRI
                constructed from the information in those components."""

        v = version.Version(urllib.unquote(vers), None)
        f = fmri.PkgFmri(urllib.unquote(os.path.basename(pkg)), None)
        f.version = v
        return f
Esempio n. 5
    def __check_preserve_version(self, orig):
        """Any action that can have a 'preserve' attribute should also
                be able to have a 'preserve-version' attribute (that
                represents a simple package FMRI release version; no
                timestamp, etc., just 'X.n.n...').

                In the absence of a 'preserve-version' attribute, '0' will be

                When performing downgrades, if the installed editable file has
                been modified (compared to the proposed packaged version), the
                behavior will be as follows:

                if the installed action's 'preserve-version' is greater than
                the proposed 'preserve-version', the installed file will be
                renamed with '.update' and the proposed file will be

                if the installed action's 'preserve-version' is equal to or
                less than the proposed 'preserve-version', the installed file
                content will not be modified."""

        orig_preserve_ver = version.Version("0")
        preserve_ver = version.Version("0")

            ver = orig.attrs["preserve-version"]
            orig_preserve_ver = version.Version(ver)
        except KeyError:

            ver = self.attrs["preserve-version"]
            preserve_ver = version.Version(ver)
        except KeyError:

        if orig_preserve_ver > preserve_ver:
            # .old is intentionally avoided here to prevent
            # accidental collisions with the normal install
            # process.
            return "renameold.update"

        return True
Esempio n. 6
def valid_mediator_version(value):
        """Returns a tuple of (valid, error) indicating whether the provided
        string is a valid mediator version for a link mediation.  'valid' is
        a boolean and 'error' is None or a string containing the error."""

        error = ""
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
                        return True, None
                except version.VersionError as e:
                        error = str(e)

        if error:
                return False, _("'{value}' is not a valid mediator-version: "
        return False, _("'{0}' is not a valid mediator-version").format(value)
Esempio n. 7
 def testbogusversion6(self):
     """ insert a bad char at (almost) every position in a version"""
     v = "12.34.56-78:19760113T111111Z"
     # Check that v is valid
     badchars = ["T", "Z", "@", "-", ".", ",", ":"]
     becareful = [".", ",", "-"]
     for b in badchars:
         for x in range(0, len(v)):
             vlist = list(v)
             if b in becareful and vlist[x] in becareful:
             if vlist[x] == b:
             vlist[x] = b
             vv = "".join(vlist)
             self.assertRaises(version.IllegalVersion, version.Version, vv,
Esempio n. 8
def vers_different(num):
    return version.Version("0.5.11,5.11-0.{0:d}:{1:0=8d}T172804Z".format(
        num, num))
Esempio n. 9
def vers(num):
    return version.Version("0.5.11-0.111:20090428T172804Z")
Esempio n. 10
    def setUp(self):
        self.d1 = version.DotSequence("1.1.3")
        self.d2 = version.DotSequence("1.1.3")
        self.d3 = version.DotSequence("5.4")
        self.d4 = version.DotSequence("5.6")
        self.d5 = version.DotSequence("5.4.1")
        self.d6 = version.DotSequence("5.5.1")
        self.d7 = version.DotSequence("6.5.1")

        self.v1 = version.Version("5.5.1-10:20051122T000000Z", "5.5.1")
        self.v2 = version.Version("5.5.1-10:20070318T123456Z", "5.5.1")
        self.v3 = version.Version("5.5.1-10", "5.5")
        self.v4 = version.Version("5.5.1-6", "5.4")
        self.v5 = version.Version("5.6,1", "5.4")
        self.v6 = version.Version("5.7", "5.4")
        self.v7 = version.Version("5.10", "5.5.1")
        self.v8 = version.Version("5.10.1", "5.5.1")
        self.v9 = version.Version("5.11", "5.5.1")
        self.v9same = version.Version("5.11", "5.5.1")
        self.v10 = version.Version("0.1,5.11-1", None)
        self.v11 = version.Version("0.1,5.11-1:20070710T120000Z", None)
        self.v12 = version.Version("5.11-0.72:20070921T211008Z", "0.5.11")
        self.v13 = version.Version("5.11-0.72:20070922T160226Z", "0.5.11")
        self.v14 = version.Version("0.1,5.11", None)
        self.v15 = version.Version("0.1,5.11:20071014T234545Z", None)
        self.v16 = version.Version("0.2,5.11", None)
        self.v17 = version.Version("0.2,5.11-1:20071029T131519Z", None)
        self.v18 = version.Version("5", "5")