Esempio n. 1
def _set_allocations(context, allocs):
    """Write a set of allocations.

    We must check that there is capacity for each allocation.
    If there is not we roll back the entire set.

    :raises `exception.ResourceClassNotFound` if any resource class in any
            allocation in allocs cannot be found in either the DB.
    :raises `exception.InvalidAllocationCapacityExceeded` if any inventory
            would be exhausted by the allocation.
    :raises `InvalidAllocationConstraintsViolated` if any of the
            `step_size`, `min_unit` or `max_unit` constraints in an
            inventory will be violated by any one of the allocations.
    :raises `ConcurrentUpdateDetected` if a generation for a resource
            provider or consumer failed its increment check.
    # First delete any existing allocations for any consumers. This
    # provides a clean slate for the consumers mentioned in the list of
    # allocations being manipulated.
    consumer_uuids = set(alloc.consumer.uuid for alloc in allocs)
    for consumer_uuid in consumer_uuids:
        _delete_allocations_for_consumer(context, consumer_uuid)

    # Before writing any allocation records, we check that the submitted
    # allocations do not cause any inventory capacity to be exceeded for
    # any resource provider and resource class involved in the allocation
    # transaction. _check_capacity_exceeded() raises an exception if any
    # inventory capacity is exceeded. If capacity is not exceeeded, the
    # function returns a list of ResourceProvider objects containing the
    # generation of the resource provider at the time of the check. These
    # objects are used at the end of the allocation transaction as a guard
    # against concurrent updates.
    # Don't check capacity when alloc.used is zero. Zero is not a valid
    # amount when making an allocation (the minimum consumption of a
    # resource is one) but is used in this method to indicate a need for
    # removal. Providing 0 is controlled at the HTTP API layer where PUT
    # /allocations does not allow empty allocations. When POST /allocations
    # is implemented it will for the special case of atomically setting and
    # removing different allocations in the same request.
    # _check_capacity_exceeded will raise a ResourceClassNotFound if any
    # allocation is using a resource class that does not exist.
    visited_consumers = {}
    visited_rps = _check_capacity_exceeded(context, allocs)
    for alloc in allocs:
        if alloc.consumer.uuid not in visited_consumers:
            visited_consumers[alloc.consumer.uuid] = alloc.consumer

        # If alloc.used is set to zero that is a signal that we don't want
        # to (re-)create any allocations for this resource class.
        # _delete_current_allocs has already wiped out allocations so just
        # continue
        if alloc.used == 0:
        consumer_uuid = alloc.consumer.uuid
        rp = alloc.resource_provider
        rc_name = alloc.resource_class
        query = """
                MATCH (rp:RESOURCE_PROVIDER {uuid: '%s'})
                WITH rp
                MATCH (rp)-[:PROVIDES]->(rc:%s)
                WITH rp, rc
                MATCH (cs:CONSUMER {uuid: '%s'})
                WITH rp, rc, cs
                CREATE p=(cs)-[:USES {amount: %s}]->(rc)
                RETURN p
        """ % (rp.uuid, rc_name, consumer_uuid, alloc.used)
        result =

    # Generation checking happens here. If the inventory for this resource
    # provider changed out from under us, this will raise a
    # ConcurrentUpdateDetected which can be caught by the caller to choose
    # to try again. It will also rollback the transaction so that these
    # changes always happen atomically.
    for rp in visited_rps.values():
    for consumer in visited_consumers.values():
    # If any consumers involved in this transaction ended up having no
    # allocations, delete the consumer records. Exclude consumers that had
    # *some resource* in the allocation list with a total > 0 since clearly
    # those consumers have allocations...
    cons_with_allocs = set(a.consumer.uuid for a in allocs if a.used > 0)
    all_cons = set(c.uuid for c in visited_consumers.values())
    consumers_to_check = all_cons - cons_with_allocs
Esempio n. 2
def delete_all(context, alloc_list):
    consumer_uuids = set(alloc.consumer.uuid for alloc in alloc_list)
    for consumer_uuid in consumer_uuids:
        _delete_allocations_for_consumer(context, consumer_uuid)
    consumer_obj.delete_consumers_if_no_allocations(context, consumer_uuids)
Esempio n. 3
def delete_all(context, alloc_list):
    consumer_uuids = set(alloc.consumer.uuid for alloc in alloc_list)
    alloc_ids = [ for alloc in alloc_list]
    _delete_allocations_by_ids(context, alloc_ids)
    consumer_obj.delete_consumers_if_no_allocations(context, consumer_uuids)