Esempio n. 1
def work_it(in_menu, in_category = 1):
    msg = ''
    bit = ''
    if (in_category == 1):
        head = "<h1>On Top of Your A-Game Groove?</h1>\n"
    elif (in_category == 2):
        head = "<h1>Feelin' More Like a B-Game Groove?</h1>\n"
    elif (in_category == 3):
        head = "<h1>Ready for some R-Ejuvenation?</h1>\n"
        head = "<h1>Please select the groove that matches your energy level</h1>\n"

    task = select_task(in_menu, in_category)
    if (task != None):
        desc = task.get_description()
        a_pri = task.get_priority()
        a_cat = task.get_category()
        key = Key.Key(in_cat = a_cat, in_pri = a_pri)
            old_task = in_menu.get_task_from_key(in_menu.get_cur_task())
            bit += """<script type="text/javascript"><!--
            var bumped = '<h2>Your task has been bumped.</h2>'
            bumped += 'Thank you for your diligent work on your last task, <b><i>%s.  </i></b>'
            bumped += 'Either a task of greater importance has become available, '
            bumped += 'your last task is no longer available, or '
            bumped += 'GrooveTask is open in multiple browser windows.'
            setTimeout("alert(bumped);", 3000)
            // --></script>""" % old_task.get_description().replace("'", "")
        pr(' just set_comm_time  ')
            notice= "It's time to move on. <br>Please select the done button"
            bit +="<h2>" + notice + "</h2>"
            bit += "Thank you for working on task: " + desc
            bit += """<script type="text/javascript"><!--
            setTimeout("document.title = 'Time is Up!';", 1000);
            var msg = 'Congratulations on a task well done. <br>'
            msg += 'It is time to move on. Please select the done button.'
            setTimeout("alert(msg);", 2000)
            // --></script>"""
            bit += head
            bit += "<p>Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to </p>"
            bit += "<h2>" + desc + "</h2>\n"
        bit += display_time_spent(task)
        desc = 'Sorry, no more tasks in this groove'
        bit += head
        bit += "<h2>" + desc + "</h2>\n"
    if (task != None):
        bit += display_done_button(key.get_str())
    bit += "The time is now " + now_string(in_menu.get_utcoffset())
    bit += ".<br>Your timezone is set to " + str(in_menu.get_utcoffset()) + '.'
    bit += display_groove_select(in_category)
Esempio n. 2
 def create_user_table(self, cursor):
     cursor.execute ("""CREATE TABLE Users(
     userid    int,
     username    varchar(59),
     pass_hash   int,
     cur_task    varchar(7),
     comm_time  int,     --Note comm_time is in seconds
     utcoffset   int,    -- Note this is -7 for Mountain Time
     PRIMARY KEY (userid)
     pr("Remember to 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE Users TO jackdesert_groove'")
Esempio n. 3
 def create_table(self, cursor):
     cursor.execute ("""CREATE TABLE Tasks(
     category    int,
     priority    int,
     min_minutes int,
     max_minutes int,
     doors_open_time time,
     doors_close_time    time,
     do_at_exactly_time  time,
     description         varchar(250),
     seconds int,
     userid  int,
     PRIMARY KEY (category, priority, userid)
     #~ pr("Table Created")
     pr("Remember to 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE Tasks TO jackdesert_groove'")
Esempio n. 4
 def cur_task_bumped(self, in_cat_pri_string):
     query = "SELECT cur_task FROM Users"
     query += " WHERE userid = " + str(self.get_userid())
     result = self.cur.fetchone()
     cur_task = result[0]
     if(cur_task == None):
         return(False)   # No task saved, so not bumped
     elif(cur_task[0:3] != in_cat_pri_string[0:3]):
         return(False)   # Different category selected, so not bumped
     elif(cur_task == in_cat_pri_string):
         return(False)   # Exact same task selected, so not bumped
         pr('cur_task as a string is ' + cur_task)
         pr('in_cat_pri_string is ' + in_cat_pri_string)
         return(True)    # Same category, different priority, BUMPED!
Esempio n. 5
 def set_comm_time(self, in_cat_pri_string, seconds_ago = None):
     if (self.exists(in_cat_pri_string)):
         raise ValueError('Cannot set comm_time without pri_key match')
     seconds = int(unixtime())
     if(seconds_ago):    # Set to a time in the past for testing
         assert(type(seconds_ago) == type(100))  # Must be int
         seconds -= seconds_ago
     query = "UPDATE Users SET comm_time = " + str(seconds)
     query += ", cur_task = '" + in_cat_pri_string
     query += "' WHERE userid = " + str(self.get_userid())
     pr('query executed is::::::::  ' + query)
     pr('string is            ::::::::::::::::   ' + in_cat_pri_string)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_02_technical_form(self):
     import Task
     import re
     A = rand_string(None)
     aTask = Task.Task(['1','2','3','4','5','6','7', A, '0'])
     B = technical_form(aTask)
     self.assert_('<form' in B)
     # Use a dictionary to store key-value pairs. The key is the
     # search string. The value is how many times it should show up
     expr_dict = {r'<form': 1, r'</form>': 1,
     r"<input type='hidden' NAME='pri_key' value=": 1,
     r"(<td>[^<>]*?</td>)": 7, r"(<td>.*?</td>)": 10}
     for a_str, a_val in expr_dict.items():
         found = re.findall(a_str, B)
         print ("the string '" + a_str + "' was found " + str(len(found)) + " times")
         for res in found:
             print ("the string '" + a_str + "' was found as " + res)
         self.assertEquals(len(found), a_val)
Esempio n. 7
 def create_user(self, in_username, in_password):
     if (self.username_exists(in_username)):
         pr('Username already exists')
         return(None)    #raise(ValueError, 'Username already exists')
         pass_hash = hash(in_password)
         username = cgi.escape(in_username)
         query = "SELECT MAX(userid) FROM Users"
         result = self.cur.fetchall()
         result_str = result[0][0]
         if (result_str == None):
             userid = 1
             userid = (int(result_str) + 1)
         query = "INSERT INTO Users (userid, username, pass_hash, utcoffset)" + \
         " VALUES (" + str(userid) + ", '" + username + "', " + str(pass_hash) + ', -5)'
         #~ pr("\n\n About to insert a user")
         #~ pr(query)
         #~ pr("create_user query executed")
Esempio n. 8
 def clear_cur_task(self):
     query = "UPDATE Users SET cur_task = NULL"
     query += " WHERE userid = " + str(self.get_userid())
     pr('Inside clear_cur_task     query is::::::::' + query)
Esempio n. 9
def application(environ, start_response):
    # the environment variable CONTENT_LENGTH may be empty or missing
       request_body_size = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
    except (ValueError):
       request_body_size = 0

    # When the method is POST the query string will be sent
    # in the HTTP request body which is passed by the WSGI server
    # in the file like wsgi.input environment variable.
    request_body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size)
    d = parse_qs(request_body)

    in_category = d.get('category', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    if ((in_category == None) | (in_category == '')):
        in_category = 1

    # hobbies = d.get('hobbies', []) # Returns a list of hobbies.
    # in_priority = d.get('priority', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_priority = d.get('priority', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_min_minutes = d.get('min_minutes', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_max_minutes = d.get('max_minutes', ['NULL'])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_doors_open_time = d.get('doors_open_time', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_doors_close_time = d.get('doors_close_time', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_do_at_exactly_time = d.get('do_at_exactly_time', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_description = d.get('description', [''])[0] # Returns the first age value.
    in_username = d.get('username', [''])[0]
    in_username = escape(in_username).replace(';', '')  # No semicolons
    in_password = d.get('password', [''])[0]
    in_password = escape(in_password).replace(';', '')  # No semicolons
    in_seconds = '0'
    in_add_to_cat = d.get('add_to_cat', [''])[0] # Add a task to this category

    new_Task = Task.Task([in_category, in_priority, in_min_minutes,
            in_max_minutes, in_doors_open_time, in_doors_close_time,
            in_do_at_exactly_time, in_description, in_seconds])

   # If the Submit Button was clicked, insert the new task
    in_sbutton = d.get('sbutton', [''])[0]
    in_gbutton = d.get('gbutton', [''])[0]
    in_Lbutton = d.get('Lbutton', [''])[0]
    in_up_down = d.get('up_down', [''])[0]
    in_pri_key_string = d.get('pri_key', [''])[0]
    if (in_pri_key_string != ''):
        in_key = Key.Key(in_pri_key_string)
    #~ pr('in_pri_key_string is ' + in_pri_key_string)
    task_to_edit = '999_999' # Dummy value that won't match

    request = Request(environ)
    username_cookie = request.cookies.get('username_cookie')
    password_cookie = request.cookies.get('password_cookie')
    #~ pr("username_cookie is " + str(username_cookie))
    #~ pr("password_cookie is " + str(password_cookie))
    #~ pr("in_username is " + in_username)
    #~ pr("in_password is " + in_password)
    val_menu = Menu.Menu(999)
    cookies = []

    if(in_Lbutton == 'register'):
        userid = val_menu.create_user(in_username, in_password)
        if(in_username == ''):
            message = "<p style='color: blue;'>Enter your desired username and password, then click <i>Register</i> again.</p>"
            message = """Thank you for creating an account with us. Please
            cookies = [('Set-Cookie', 'username_cookie = ' + in_username),
                    ('Set-Cookie', 'password_cookie = ' + in_password)]
            message = """Great Taste! But someone already chose that
                    username. Please try your next-favorite name"""
    elif(in_Lbutton == 'logout'):
        if ((username_cookie) and (password_cookie)):
            in_username = username_cookie.value
            in_password = password_cookie.value
            logout_userid = val_menu.validate(in_username, in_password)
            #~ pr('logging out, so clearing cur_task')
                logout_Menu = Menu.Menu(logout_userid)
        # Now clear everything out
        userid = None
        cookies = [('Set-Cookie', 'username_cookie = none'),
                ('Set-Cookie', 'password_cookie = none')]
        message = """You are successfully logged out. Thank you for
                using GrooveTask. Please come again."""
    elif(in_username != ''):
        userid = val_menu.validate(in_username, in_password)
        cookies = [('Set-Cookie', 'username_cookie = ' + in_username),
                ('Set-Cookie', 'password_cookie = ' + in_password)]
        #~ pr ('logging in through form data')
            message = ''    #"You are logged in! Enjoy Grooves!"
            message = """I'm sorry. The username/password you entered
                        failed. Please try again"""
    elif ((username_cookie) and (password_cookie)):
        in_username = username_cookie.value
        in_password = password_cookie.value
        userid = val_menu.validate(in_username, in_password)
        pr ('cookie access by user: '******'Please Log In'
            message = ''
        userid = None
        message = """First-Timers are always welcome here!"""

###########   S T A R T    S E C O N D    B I G    L O O P  ########
    if(userid != None):
        #~ pr('inside userid!=None sequence')
        #~ pr('in_sbutton is  ' + in_sbutton)
        new_Menu = Menu.Menu(userid)
        if (in_sbutton == 'Clean Slate'):
                pr('ERROR: wrong in_add_to_cat passed to reset_table()')
                pr('in_add_to_cat is ' + in_add_to_cat)
            in_add_to_cat = ''  # clear this so input form not displayed
        elif (in_sbutton == 'Submit'):
            new_Menu.insert_task(new_Task)  # Insert once
            #~ pr('inside submit sequence')
        elif (in_sbutton == 'Update'):
            new_Menu.update_task(new_Task, in_pri_key_string)
            #~ pr('inside update_task sequence')
        elif(in_sbutton == 'Delete'):
            #~ pr('inside delete sequence')
        elif (in_up_down == 'up'):
            #~ pr('inside up sequence')
                in_key.get_pri(), in_key.get_pri() -1)
        elif (in_up_down == 'bump'):
            #~ pr('inside down sequence')
                in_key.get_pri(), 1)
        elif (in_up_down == 'edit'):
            #~ pr('inside edit sequence')
            task_to_edit = in_pri_key_string
            #~ pr('No options matched')

        title = "<h1>Plan Your Day!</h1>"
        greeting =  display_greeting(in_username)
        go_to_work = display_groove_select()
        vert_work = display_groove_select(vertical=True)
        add_a_task =  large_form(None)
        task_data = "<div id=task_list>"
        task_data += title
        task_data += display_tasks_from_database(new_Menu, task_to_edit, in_add_to_cat)
        task_data += "</div>"
        sidebar = "<div id='sidebar'>"
        sidebar += greeting
        sidebar += vert_work
        sidebar += "<br>"
        sidebar += "</div>"
        response_body = basic_html + sidebar + message + task_data
        response_body = basic_html + display_login(message) + introduction()
    title = "<h1>Go to Work!</h1>"
    greeting = basic_html  + display_greeting(in_username)
    if(in_gbutton == 'A-Energy'):
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, 1)
        pr('hello from A')
    elif(in_gbutton == 'B-Energy'):
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, 2)
        pr('hello from B')
    elif(in_gbutton == 'R-Ejuvenate'):
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, 3)
        pr('hello from R')
    elif(in_gbutton == 'task_done'):
        declare_task_done(new_Menu, in_pri_key_string)
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, in_key.get_cat())
        pr('hello from task_done')
    elif(userid != None):   # make sure you account for time and clear cur_task when you 'Plan Your Day'
        pr(' line 210    For some reason this entire script is running twice. ')
        pr(' line 212    And the second time through it clears cur_task and then it cant do shit. Why?')
        # Note this runs any time you are still logged in

    status = '200 OK'
    response_headers = cookies + [('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
                  ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)

    return [response_body]
Esempio n. 10
    if(in_gbutton == 'A-Energy'):
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, 1)
        pr('hello from A')
    elif(in_gbutton == 'B-Energy'):
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, 2)
        pr('hello from B')
    elif(in_gbutton == 'R-Ejuvenate'):
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, 3)
        pr('hello from R')
    elif(in_gbutton == 'task_done'):
        declare_task_done(new_Menu, in_pri_key_string)
        response_body = greeting + work_it(new_Menu, in_key.get_cat())
        pr('hello from task_done')
    elif(userid != None):   # make sure you account for time and clear cur_task when you 'Plan Your Day'
        pr(' line 210    For some reason this entire script is running twice. ')
        pr(' line 212    And the second time through it clears cur_task and then it cant do shit. Why?')
        # Note this runs any time you are still logged in

    status = '200 OK'
    response_headers = cookies + [('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
                  ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
    start_response(status, response_headers)

    return [response_body]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pr('a helluva lotta love coming from that abbers ;)')