def find_accurate_policy(trials, alpha_0=10, beta_0=10, num_exs=250, students=None, test_path=TEST_PATH, make_plot=False): """ Find the best alpha/beta for the teaching policy. Args: trials: Number of teaching plans to try out (including first plan). alpha_0: Starting alpha. beta_0: Starting beta. num_exs: The number of examples given to students per teaching plan. students: The students to teach, will default to STUDENTS if non given. test_path: The path of the file with test qs/answers. make_plot: Whether to make a scatter plot of the history. Returns: The best alpha/beta found. """ if students is None: students = STUDENTS test_qs, test_ans = plan_eval.read_test(test_path) history = [] eval_policy = _create_evaluator(num_exs, students, test_qs, test_ans, history) experiment = Experiment([[0, ALPHA_MAX], [0, BETA_MAX]]) # Run the start experiment and evaluate. experiment.historical_data.append_sample_points([eval_policy(alpha_0, beta_0)]) for i in xrange(trials-1): print '--------TRIAL %d DONE--------' % (i + 1) alpha, beta = gp_next_points(experiment)[0] experiment.historical_data.append_sample_points([eval_policy(alpha, beta)]) best = max(history) if make_plot: plot_history(max(history), history) return best
def find_fastest_policy(trials, alpha_0=10, beta_0=10, ex_cutoff=250, perf_thresh=0.93, students=None, test_path=TEST_PATH, make_plot=True): """ Find the best alpha/beta for the teaching policy. Args: trials: Number of teaching plans to try out (including first plan). alpha_0: Starting alpha. beta_0: Starting beta. ex_cutoff: Max number of examples to show. perf_thresh: The threshold of what is considered perfect. students: The students to teach, will default to STUDENTS if non given. test_path: The path of the file with test qs/answers. make_plot: Whether to make a scatter plot of the history. Returns: The best alpha/beta found. """ if students is None: students = STUDENTS test_qs, test_ans = plan_eval.read_test(test_path) history = [] eval_policy = _create_perf_evaluator(ex_cutoff, perf_thresh, students, test_qs, test_ans, history) experiment = Experiment([[0, ALPHA_MAX], [0, BETA_MAX]]) # Run the start experiment and evaluate. experiment.historical_data.append_sample_points([eval_policy(alpha_0, beta_0)]) for i in xrange(trials-1): print '--------TRIAL %d DONE--------' % (i + 1) alpha, beta = gp_next_points(experiment)[0] experiment.historical_data.append_sample_points([eval_policy(alpha, beta)]) best = min(history) print len(history) print len(history) if make_plot: plot_history(min(history), history) return best
def optimize_fastest(trials, alpha_0=10, beta_0=10, ex_cutoff=25, perf_thresh=0.8, students=None, test_path=TEST_PATH, make_plot=True): """ Find the optimal teaching policy that will reach a threshold of performance with the least amount of examples. Args: trials: The number of teaching plans to try out after init_points. alpha_0: The first alpha to try. beta_0: The first beta to try. ex_cutoff: The maximum number of examples to try. perf_thresh: The performance threshold to achieve. students: List of student objects to teach where the average score among students is considered. test_path: The file path for the test to consider. make_plot: Whether to make a plot of the results. """ if students is None: students = STUDENTS test_qs, test_ans = plan_eval.read_test(test_path) def target_func(alpha, beta): avg, var = plan_eval.teach_until_perfect(alpha, beta, students, test_qs, test_ans, ex_cutoff, perf_thresh) # Wipe Students memory for s in students: s.wipe_memory() return -1 * avg # Multiply by negative 1 to find min # Do Bayes' optimization. bo = BayesianOptimization(target_func, { 'alpha': (0, ALPHA_MAX), 'beta': (0, BETA_MAX) }) bo.explore({'alpha': [alpha_0], 'beta': [beta_0]}) bo.maximize(init_points=5, n_iter=trials, acq='ucb', kappa=2) max_val = bo.res['max'] best = (-1 * float(max_val['max_val']), float(max_val['max_params']['alpha']), float(max_val['max_params']['beta'])) if make_plot: print[[10, 3], [10, 5]])) alphas = [float(val['alpha']) for val in bo.res['all']['params']] betas = [float(val['beta']) for val in bo.res['all']['params']] vals = [-1 * float(v) for v in bo.res['all']['values']] hist = [(vals[i], alphas[i], betas[i]) for i in xrange(len(alphas))] plot_history(best, hist, bo) return best
def optimize(trials, alpha_0=10, beta_0=10, num_exs=15, students=None, test_path=TEST_PATH, make_plot=True): """ Find the optimal teaching plan that maximizes student scores for a set number of examples. Prints out optimal [alpha, beta] in terminal. Args: trials: The number of teaching plans to try out after init_points. alpha_0: The first alpha to try. beta_0: The first beta to try. num_exs: The number of positive and negative examples to show students. students: List of student objects to teach where the average score among students is considered. test_path: The file path for the test to consider. make_plot: Whether to make a plot of the results. """ if students is None: students = STUDENTS test_qs, test_ans = plan_eval.read_test(test_path) def target_func(alpha, beta): avg, var = plan_eval.evaluate_plan(alpha, beta, students, num_exs, test_qs, test_ans) # Wipe Students memory for s in students: s.wipe_memory() return avg # Do Bayes' optimization. bo = BayesianOptimization(target_func, { 'alpha': (0, ALPHA_MAX), 'beta': (0, BETA_MAX) }) bo.explore({'alpha': [alpha_0], 'beta': [beta_0]}) bo.maximize(init_points=5, n_iter=trials, acq='ucb', kappa=2) max_val = bo.res['max'] best = (float(max_val['max_val']), float(max_val['max_params']['alpha']), float(max_val['max_params']['beta'])) if make_plot: print[[10, 3], [10, 5]])) alphas = [float(val['alpha']) for val in bo.res['all']['params']] betas = [float(val['beta']) for val in bo.res['all']['params']] vals = [float(v) for v in bo.res['all']['values']] hist = [(vals[i], alphas[i], betas[i]) for i in xrange(len(alphas))] plot_history(best, hist, bo) return best
def _test_gen_read_test(): plan_eval.gen_unif_test(10, 'test.txt') print plan_eval.read_test('test.txt')