Esempio n. 1
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    pano_im_no_clip = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
    return pano_im_no_clip
Esempio n. 2
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2):
    Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2.

        im1 and im2 - two images for stitching
        Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) 
        and saves the panorama image.

    # TO DO ...
    t = time.time()
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    print('Time to compute Brieflite: ' + str(time.time() - t))
    t = time.time()
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    print('Time to compute BriefMatch: ' + str(time.time() - t))
    t = time.time()
    H = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=2000, tol=2)
    print('Time to compute Ransac: ' + str(time.time() - t))'../results/q6_1.npy', H)
    return imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H)
Esempio n. 3
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2):
    Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2.

        im1 and im2 - two images for stitching
        Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) 
        and saves the panorama image.

    # TO DO ...
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)

    locs1[:, [0, 1]] = locs1[:, [1, 0]]
    locs2[:, [0, 1]] = locs2[:, [1, 0]]

    bestH = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    output = imageStitching(im1, im2, bestH)

    return output
Esempio n. 4
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    Accepts two images as input, computes keypoints and descriptors for 
    both the images, finds putative feature correspondences by matching keypoint
    descriptors, estimates a homography using RANSAC and then warps one of the
    images with the homography so that they are aligned and then overlays them

    * im1 - Input image 1
    * im2 - Input image 2

    * pano_im - Output panorama image

    # Compute keypoints and descriptors
    print('Computing feature descriptors for im1...')
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)

    print('Computing feature descriptors for im2...')
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    # Match keypoint descriptors
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)

    # Estimate homography
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)

    # Align and blend the images to form the panorama
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
    return pano_im
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    Returns a panorama of im1 and im2 without cliping.
    # TO DO ...

    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    print(f'No of desc1 is {desc1.shape[0]}')

    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    print(f'No of desc2 is {desc2.shape[0]}')

    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    print(f'No of matches is {matches.shape[0]}')

    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=10000, tol=1)

    #Save result'../results/q6_1.npy', H2to1)

    #pano_im = imageStitching_mask(im1, im2, H2to1)

    pano_im = imageStitching(im1, im2, H2to1)
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)

    cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_3.jpg', pano_im)

    return pano_im
Esempio n. 6
def generatePanaroma(img1, img2):
    im1 = cv2.imread(img1)
    im2 = cv2.imread(img2)
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=10000, tol=2)
    return imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
Esempio n. 7
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)

    cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_3.jpg', pano_im)
Esempio n. 8
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):

    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches, m = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)

    m, n = matches.shape
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, m, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)

    # To get the M - Translation and scalling matrix
    first_1 = np.array([[1064], [576], [1]])
    first_2 = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])
    first_3 = np.array([[0], [576], [1]])
    first_4 = np.array([[1064], [0], [1]])

    second_1 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_1)
    n4 = second_1[2, 0]
    second_1 = second_1 / n4

    second_2 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_2)
    n4 = second_2[2, 0]
    second_2 = second_2 / n4

    second_3 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_3)
    n4 = second_3[2, 0]
    second_3 = second_3 / n4

    second_4 = np.matmul(H2to1, first_4)
    n4 = second_4[2, 0]
    second_4 = second_4 / n4

    # Through geometry
    image_width = second_1[1] - second_4[1]
    image_height = second_4[0] - second_3[0]

    # 600 and 1500 are previously defined distances in the function (Random values taken)
    translation_height = image_height - 600
    translation_width = 1500 - image_width

    # im1 = cv2.warpPerspective(im1,np.eye(3),(3000,600))

    M = np.eye(3) + np.array([[.85, 0, translation_height], [0, .85, 400],
                              [0, 0, 1]])

    warp_im_1 = cv2.warpPerspective(im1, M, (1714, 815))
    warp_im_2 = cv2.warpPerspective(im2, np.matmul(M, H2to1), (1714, 815))
    im3 = np.maximum(warp_im_1, warp_im_2)

    return im3
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    Returns a panorama of im1 and im2 without cliping.
    # TO DO ...

    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)

    return pano_im
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    Returns a panorama of im1 and im2 without cliping.

    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    bestH = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    blended_image = imageStitching(im1, im2, bestH)
    panorama = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, bestH)
    cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_3.jpg', panorama)
    cv2.imshow('6.3p', panorama)
Esempio n. 11
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    """ This is to generate the panorama given im1 and im2 by detecting and
        matching keypoints, calculating homography with RANSAC.

      im1: input image1 in numpy.array with size [H, W, 3]
      im2: input image2 in numpy.array with size [H, W, 3]
      im3: stitched panorama in numpy.array.
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    im3 = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)

    return im3
Esempio n. 12
def main(args):
    im1 = cv2.imread(args.im1)
    im2 = cv2.imread(args.im2)

    # Compute BREIF descriptors
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)

    # Match descriptors
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)

    # Estimate best Homogrpahy H
    H2to1, _ = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)

    # Stitch images together
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)

    # Save and show
    cv2.imwrite('../results/panoImg.jpg', pano_im)
Esempio n. 13
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    # computes keypoints and descriptors for both the images
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)

    # finds putative feature correspondences by matching keypoint descriptors
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)

    # estimates a homography using RANSAC
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)

    # warps one of the images with the homography so that they are aligned and then overlays them.
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)

    # save and display panaroma
    cv2.imwrite('../results/panoImg.jpg', pano_im)
    cv2.imshow('panoramas', pano_im)
def generatePanaroma(im1, im2):
    Generate and save panorama of im1 and im2.

        im1 and im2 - two images for stitching
        Blends img1 and warped img2 (with no clipping) 
        and saves the panorama image.

    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    pano_im = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
    cv2.imwrite('../results/6_3_stitched.jpg', pano_im)

    return pano_im
Esempio n. 15
def generatePanorama(im1, im2):
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    pano_im_no_clip = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
    return pano_im_no_clip

if __name__ == '__main__':
    im1 = cv2.imread('../data/incline_L.png')
    im2 = cv2.imread('../data/incline_R.png')
    locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
    locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)
    matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)
    # plotMatches(im1,im2,matches,locs1,locs2)
    H2to1 = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=5000, tol=2)
    # pano_im = imageStitching(im1, im2, H2to1)
    #'../results/q6_1.npy', H2to1)
    # cv2.imwrite('../results/6_1.jpg', pano_im)
    # cv2.imshow('panoramas', pano_im)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)
    # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
    # pano_im_no_clip = imageStitching_noClip(im1, im2, H2to1)
    pano_im_no_clip = generatePanorama(im1, im2)
    cv2.imwrite('../results/q6_2_pan.jpg', pano_im_no_clip)
    cv2.imshow('panoramas_no_clip', pano_im_no_clip)
# im1 = cv2.cvtColor(im1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# im2 = cv2.cvtColor(im2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# im3 = cv2.cvtColor(im3, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# to resize im3 is better.
im3 = cv2.resize(im3, (im1.shape[1], im1.shape[0]))
# im1 = cv2.resize(im1, (im3.shape[1], im3.shape[0]))

locs1, desc1 = briefLite(im1)
locs2, desc2 = briefLite(im2)

matches = briefMatch(desc1, desc2)


# plotMatches(im1,im2,matches,locs1,locs2)
num_iter = 5e3
tol = 3
bestH = ransacH(matches, locs1, locs2, num_iter=num_iter, tol=tol)
print('H:', bestH)

final_img = compositeH(bestH, im2, im3)
# final_img = cv2.warpPerspective(im3, bestH, (im2.shape[1],im2.shape[0]))

res = final_img
cv2.imshow("iter=%d_tol=%d" % (num_iter, tol), res)