Esempio n. 1
def test_plasma_dispersion_deriv_errors(w, expected_error):
    """Test errors that should be raised by plasma_dispersion_func_deriv."""

    with pytest.raises(expected_error):
        plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(w)"plasma_dispersion_func_deriv({w}) did not raise "
                    f"{expected_error.__name__} as expected.")
Esempio n. 2
def test_plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(w, expected):
    r"""Test plasma_dispersion_func_deriv against tabulated results
    and an exact relationship."""

    # The tabulated results are taken from Fried & Conte (1961).  The
    # exact analytical relationship comes from the bottom of page 3 of
    # Fried & Conte (1961).

    Z_deriv = plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(w)

    assert np.isclose(Z_deriv, expected, atol=5e-5 * (1 + 1j), rtol=5e-6), (
        f"The derivative of the plasma dispersion function does not match "
        f"the expected value for w = {w}.  The value of "
        f"plasma_dispersion_func_deriv({w}) equals {Z_deriv} whereas the "
        f"expected value is {expected}.  The difference between the actual "
        f"and expected results is {Z_deriv - expected}."

    Z = plasma_dispersion_func(w)
    Z_deriv_characterization = -2 * (1 + w * Z)

    assert np.isclose(Z_deriv, Z_deriv_characterization, rtol=1e-15), (
        f"The relationship that Z'(w) = -2 * [1 + w * Z(w)] is not "
        f"met for w = {w}, where Z'(w) = {Z_deriv} and "
        f"-2 * [1 + w * Z(w)] = {Z_deriv_characterization}."
Esempio n. 3
    for root in roots:
        Z_at_root = plasma_dispersion_func(root)
        assert np.isclose(Z_at_root, 0 + 0j, atol=1e-15 * (1 + 1j)), (
            "A root of the plasma dispersion function is expected at w = "
            f"{root}, but plasma_dispersion_func({root}) is equal to "
            f"{Z_at_root} instead of {0j}."

# w, expected
plasma_disp_deriv_table = [
    (0, -2),
    (1, 0.152_318 - 1.304_10j),
    (1j, -0.484_257),
    (1.2 + 4.4j, -0.397_561e-1 - 0.217_392e-1j),
    (9j, plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(9j * u.dimensionless_unscaled)),
    (5.4 - 3.1j, 0.012_449_1 + 0.023_138_3j),
    (9.9 - 10j, 476.153 + 553.121j),
    (5 + 7j, -4.591_20e-3 - 0.012_610_4j),
    (4.5 - 10j, 0.260_153e37 - 0.211_814e37j),

@pytest.mark.parametrize("w, expected", plasma_disp_deriv_table)
def test_plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(w, expected):
    r"""Test plasma_dispersion_func_deriv against tabulated results
    and an exact relationship."""

    # The tabulated results are taken from Fried & Conte (1961).  The
    # exact analytical relationship comes from the bottom of page 3 of
    # Fried & Conte (1961).
Esempio n. 4
def permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(
        omega: u.rad / u.s,
        kWave: u.rad / u.m,
        T: u.K,
        n: u.m**-3,
        z_mean: u.dimensionless_unscaled = None) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled:
    The classical dielectric permittivity for a 1D Maxwellian plasma. This
    function can calculate both the ion and electron permittivities. No
    additional effects are considered (e.g. magnetic fields, relativistic
    effects, strongly coupled regime, etc.)

    omega : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The frequency in rad/s of the electromagnetic wave propagating
        through the plasma.

    kWave : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The corresponding wavenumber, in rad/m, of the electromagnetic wave
        propagating through the plasma. This is often modulated by the
        dispersion of the plasma or by relativistic effects. See
        for ways to calculate this.

    T : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The plasma temperature - this can be either the electron or the ion
        temperature, but should be consistent with density and particle.

    n : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The plasma density - this can be either the electron or the ion
        density, but should be consistent with temperature and particle.

    particle : str
        The plasma particle species.

    z_mean : str
        The average ionization of the plasma. This is only required for
        calculating the ion permittivity.

    chi : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        The ion or the electron dielectric permittivity of the plasma.
        This is a dimensionless quantity.

    The dielectric permittivities for a Maxwellian plasma are described
    by the following equations [1]_

    .. math::
        \chi_e(k, \omega) = - \frac{\alpha_e^2}{2} Z'(x_e)

        \chi_i(k, \omega) = - \frac{\alpha_i^2}{2}\frac{Z}{} Z'(x_i)

        \alpha = \frac{\omega_p}{k v_{Th}}

        x = \frac{\omega}{k v_{Th}}

    :math:`chi_e` and :math:`chi_i` are the electron and ion permittivities
    respectively. :math:`Z'` is the derivative of the plasma dispersion
    function. :math:`\alpha` is the scattering parameter which delineates
    the difference between the collective and non-collective Thomson
    scattering regimes. :math:`x` is the dimensionless phase velocity
    of the EM wave propagating through the plasma.

    .. [1] J. Sheffield, D. Froula, S. H. Glenzer, and N. C. Luhmann Jr,
       Plasma scattering of electromagnetic radiation: theory and measurement
       techniques. Chapter 5 Pg 106 (Academic press, 2010).

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> from astropy.constants import c
    >>> T = 30 * 11600 * u.K
    >>> n = 1e18 ***-3
    >>> particle = 'Ne'
    >>> z_mean = 8 * u.dimensionless_unscaled
    >>> vTh = parameters.thermal_speed(T, particle, method="most_probable")
    >>> omega = 5.635e14 * 2 * pi * u.rad / u.s
    >>> kWave = omega / vTh
    >>> permittivity_1D_Maxwellian(omega, kWave, T, n, particle, z_mean)
    <Quantity -6.72809...e-08+5.76037...e-07j>
    # thermal velocity
    vTh = parameters.thermal_speed(T=T,
    # plasma frequency
    wp = parameters.plasma_frequency(n=n, particle=particle, z_mean=z_mean)
    # scattering parameter alpha.
    # explicitly removing factor of sqrt(2) to be consistent with Froula
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * (wp / (kWave * vTh)).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
    # The dimensionless phase velocity of the propagating EM wave.
    zeta = (omega / (kWave * vTh)).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
    chi = alpha**2 * (-1 / 2) * plasma_dispersion_func_deriv(zeta.value)
    return chi