Esempio n. 1
    def abundances(self, abundances_dict: Optional[Dict[ParticleLike, Real]]):
        Set the elemental (or isotopic) abundances.  The elements and
        isotopes must be the same as or a superset of the elements whose
        ionization states are being tracked.
        if abundances_dict is None:
            self._pars["abundances"] = {elem: np.nan for elem in self.base_particles}
        elif not isinstance(abundances_dict, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                f"The abundances attribute must be a dict with "
                f"elements or isotopes as keys and real numbers "
                f"representing relative abundances as values."
            old_keys = abundances_dict.keys()
                new_keys_dict = {}
                for old_key in old_keys:
                    new_keys_dict[particle_symbol(old_key)] = old_key
            except Exception:
                raise ParticleError(
                    f"The key {repr(old_key)} in the abundances "
                    f"dictionary is not a valid element or isotope."

            new_elements = new_keys_dict.keys()

            old_elements_set = set(self.base_particles)
            new_elements_set = set(new_elements)

            if old_elements_set - new_elements_set:
                raise ParticleError(
                    f"The abundances of the following particles are "
                    f"missing: {old_elements_set - new_elements_set}"

            new_abundances_dict = {}

            for element in new_elements:
                inputted_abundance = abundances_dict[new_keys_dict[element]]
                    inputted_abundance = float(inputted_abundance)
                except Exception:
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"The abundance for {element} was provided as"
                        f"{inputted_abundance}, which cannot be "
                        f"converted to a real number."
                    ) from None

                if inputted_abundance < 0:
                    raise ParticleError(f"The abundance of {element} is negative.")
                new_abundances_dict[element] = inputted_abundance

            self._pars["abundances"] = new_abundances_dict
Esempio n. 2
    def __getitem__(self, *values) -> IonizationState:

        errmsg = f"Invalid indexing for IonizationStates instance: {values[0]}"

        one_input = not isinstance(values[0], tuple)
        two_inputs = len(values[0]) == 2

        if not one_input and not two_inputs:
            raise IndexError(errmsg)

            arg1 = values[0] if one_input else values[0][0]
            int_charge = None if one_input else values[0][1]
            particle = arg1 if arg1 in self.base_particles else particle_symbol(arg1)

            if int_charge is None:
                return IonizationState(
                if not isinstance(int_charge, Integral):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f"{int_charge} is not a valid charge for {particle}."
                elif not 0 <= int_charge <= atomic_number(particle):
                    raise ChargeError(
                        f"{int_charge} is not a valid charge for {particle}."
                return State(
                    ionic_symbol=particle_symbol(particle, Z=int_charge),
        except Exception as exc:
            raise IndexError(errmsg) from exc
Esempio n. 3
    def ionic_fractions(self, inputs: Union[Dict, List, Tuple]):
        Set the ionic fractions.

        The ionic fractions are initialized during instantiation of
        `~plasmapy.particles.IonizationStateCollection`.  After this, the
        only way to reset the ionic fractions via the ``ionic_fractions``
        attribute is via a `dict` with elements or isotopes that are a
        superset of the previous elements or isotopes.  However, you may
        use item assignment of the `~plasmapy.particles.IonizationState`
        instance to assign new ionic fractions one element or isotope
        at a time.

            If the ionic fractions cannot be set.

            If ``inputs`` is not a `list`, `tuple`, or `dict` during
            instantiation, or if ``inputs`` is not a `dict` when it is
            being set.


        # A potential problem is that using item assignment on the
        # ionic_fractions attribute could cause the original attributes
        # to be overwritten without checks being performed.  We might
        # eventually want to create a new class or subclass of UserDict
        # that goes through these checks.  In the meantime, we should
        # make it clear to users to set ionic_fractions by using item
        # assignment on the IonizationStateCollection instance as a whole.  An
        # example of the problem is `s = IonizationStateCollection(["He"])` being
        # followed by `s.ionic_fractions["He"] = 0.3`.

        if hasattr(self, "_ionic_fractions"):
            if not isinstance(inputs, dict):
                raise TypeError(
                    "Can only reset ionic_fractions with a dict if "
                    "ionic_fractions has been set already."
            old_particles = set(self.base_particles)
            new_particles = {particle_symbol(key) for key in inputs.keys()}
            missing_particles = old_particles - new_particles
            if missing_particles:
                raise ParticleError(
                    "Can only reset ionic fractions with a dict if "
                    "the new base particles are a superset of the "
                    "prior base particles.  To change ionic fractions "
                    "for one base particle, use item assignment on the "
                    "IonizationStateCollection instance instead."

        if isinstance(inputs, dict):
            original_keys = inputs.keys()
            ionfrac_types = {type(inputs[key]) for key in original_keys}
            inputs_have_quantities = u.Quantity in ionfrac_types

            if inputs_have_quantities and len(ionfrac_types) != 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    "Ionic fraction information may only be inputted "
                    "as a Quantity object if all ionic fractions are "
                    "Quantity arrays with units of inverse volume."

                particles = {key: Particle(key) for key in original_keys}
            except (InvalidParticleError, TypeError) as exc:
                raise ParticleError(
                    "Unable to create IonizationStateCollection instance "
                    "because not all particles are valid."
                ) from exc

            # The particles whose ionization states are to be recorded
            # should be elements or isotopes but not ions or neutrals.

            for key in particles.keys():
                is_element = particles[key].is_category("element")
                has_charge_info = particles[key].is_category(
                    any_of=["charged", "uncharged"]

                if not is_element or has_charge_info:
                    raise ParticleError(
                        f"{key} is not an element or isotope without "
                        f"charge information."

            # We are sorting the elements/isotopes by atomic number and
            # mass number since we will often want to plot and analyze
            # things and this is the most sensible order.

            def _sort_entries_by_atomic_and_mass_numbers(k):
                return (
                    particles[k].mass_number if particles[k].isotope else 0,

            sorted_keys = sorted(
                original_keys, key=_sort_entries_by_atomic_and_mass_numbers

            _elements_and_isotopes = []
            _particle_instances = []
            new_ionic_fractions = {}

            if inputs_have_quantities:
                n_elems = {}

            for key in sorted_keys:
                new_key = particles[key].symbol
                if new_key in _elements_and_isotopes:
                    raise ParticleError(
                        "Repeated particles in IonizationStateCollection."

                nstates_input = len(inputs[key])
                nstates = particles[key].atomic_number + 1
                if nstates != nstates_input:
                    raise ParticleError(
                        f"The ionic fractions array for {key} must "
                        f"have a length of {nstates}."

                if inputs_have_quantities:
                        number_densities = inputs[key].to(u.m ** -3)
                        n_elem = np.sum(number_densities)
                        new_ionic_fractions[new_key] = np.array(
                            number_densities / n_elem
                        n_elems[key] = n_elem
                    except u.UnitConversionError as exc:
                        raise ParticleError("Units are not inverse volume.") from exc
                elif (
                    isinstance(inputs[key], np.ndarray)
                    and inputs[key].dtype.kind == "f"
                    new_ionic_fractions[particles[key].symbol] = inputs[key]
                        new_ionic_fractions[particles[key].symbol] = np.array(
                            inputs[key], dtype=np.float
                    except ValueError as exc:
                        raise ParticleError(
                            f"Inappropriate ionic fractions for {key}."
                        ) from exc

            for key in _elements_and_isotopes:
                fractions = new_ionic_fractions[key]
                if not np.all(np.isnan(fractions)):
                    if np.min(fractions) < 0 or np.max(fractions) > 1:
                        raise ParticleError(
                            f"Ionic fractions for {key} are not between 0 and 1."
                    if not np.isclose(np.sum(fractions), 1, atol=self.tol, rtol=0):
                        raise ParticleError(
                            f"Ionic fractions for {key} are not normalized to 1."

            # When the inputs provide the densities, the abundances must
            # not have been provided because that would be redundant
            # or contradictory information.  The number density scaling
            # factor might or might not have been provided.  Have the
            # number density scaling factor default to the total number
            # of neutrals and ions across all elements and isotopes, if
            # it was not provided.  Then go ahead and calculate the
            # abundances based on that.  However, we need to be careful
            # that the abundances are not overwritten during the
            # instantiation of the class.

            if inputs_have_quantities:
                if np.isnan(self.n0):
                    new_n = 0 * u.m ** -3
                    for key in _elements_and_isotopes:
                        new_n += n_elems[key]
                    self.n0 = new_n

                new_abundances = {}
                for key in _elements_and_isotopes:
                    new_abundances[key] = np.float(n_elems[key] / self.n0)

                self._pars["abundances"] = new_abundances

        elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)):

                _particle_instances = [Particle(particle) for particle in inputs]
            except (InvalidParticleError, TypeError) as exc:
                raise ParticleError(
                    "Invalid inputs to IonizationStateCollection."
                ) from exc


            _elements_and_isotopes = [
                particle.symbol for particle in _particle_instances
            new_ionic_fractions = {
                particle.symbol: np.full(
                    particle.atomic_number + 1, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float64
                for particle in _particle_instances
            raise TypeError("Incorrect inputs to set ionic_fractions.")

        for i in range(1, len(_particle_instances)):
            if _particle_instances[i - 1].element == _particle_instances[i].element:
                if (
                    not _particle_instances[i - 1].isotope
                    and _particle_instances[i].isotope
                    raise ParticleError(
                        "Cannot have an element and isotopes of that element."

        self._particle_instances = _particle_instances
        self._base_particles = _elements_and_isotopes
        self._ionic_fractions = new_ionic_fractions
Esempio n. 4
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):

        errmsg = (
            f"Cannot set item for this IonizationStateCollection instance for "
            f"key = {repr(key)} and value = {repr(value)}"

            particle = particle_symbol(key)
        except (ParticleError, TypeError):
            raise KeyError(
                f"{errmsg} because {repr(key)} is an invalid particle."
            ) from None
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(
                f"{errmsg} because {repr(key)} is not one of the base "
                f"particles whose ionization state is being kept track "
            ) from None

        if isinstance(value, u.Quantity) and value.unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled:
                new_number_densities = ** -3)
            except u.UnitConversionError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{errmsg} because the units of value do not "
                    f"correspond to a number density."
                ) from None

            old_n_elem = np.sum(self.number_densities[particle])
            new_n_elem = np.sum(new_number_densities)

            density_was_nan = np.all(np.isnan(self.number_densities[particle]))
            same_density = u.quantity.allclose(old_n_elem, new_n_elem, rtol=self.tol)

            if not same_density and not density_was_nan:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{errmsg} because the old element number density "
                    f"of {old_n_elem} is not approximately equal to "
                    f"the new element number density of {new_n_elem}."

            value = (new_number_densities / new_n_elem).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)

            # If the abundance of this particle has not been defined,
            # then set the abundance if there is enough (but not too
            # much) information to do so.

            abundance_is_undefined = np.isnan(self.abundances[particle])
            isnan_of_abundance_values = np.isnan(list(self.abundances.values()))
            all_abundances_are_nan = np.all(isnan_of_abundance_values)
            n_is_defined = not np.isnan(self.n0)

            if abundance_is_undefined:
                if n_is_defined:
                    self._pars["abundances"][particle] = new_n_elem / self.n0
                elif all_abundances_are_nan:
                    self.n0 = new_n_elem
                    self._pars["abundances"][particle] = 1
                    raise ParticleError(
                        f"Cannot set number density of {particle} to "
                        f"{value * new_n_elem} when the number density "
                        f"scaling factor is undefined, the abundance "
                        f"of {particle} is undefined, and some of the "
                        f"abundances of other elements/isotopes is "

            new_fractions = np.array(value, dtype=np.float64)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise TypeError(
                f"{errmsg} because value cannot be converted into an "
                f"array that represents ionic fractions."
            ) from exc

        # TODO: Create a separate function that makes sure ionic
        # TODO: fractions are valid to reduce code repetition.  This
        # TODO: would probably best go as a private function in
        # TODO:

        required_nstates = atomic_number(particle) + 1
        new_nstates = len(new_fractions)
        if new_nstates != required_nstates:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{errmsg} because value must have {required_nstates} "
                f"ionization levels but instead corresponds to "
                f"{new_nstates} levels."

        all_nans = np.all(np.isnan(new_fractions))
        if not all_nans and (new_fractions.min() < 0 or new_fractions.max() > 1):
            raise ValueError(
                f"{errmsg} because the new ionic fractions are not "
                f"all between 0 and 1."

        normalized = np.isclose(np.sum(new_fractions), 1, rtol=self.tol)
        if not normalized and not all_nans:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{errmsg} because the ionic fractions are not normalized to one."

        self._ionic_fractions[particle][:] = new_fractions[:]