Esempio n. 1
    def add_note(self, note, input_event):
        # find insertion index of the note
        insert_index = self.index(tkinter.INSERT)

        # if the inputted key is a `, then run the break apart event
        if note == "`":

        # check if at end of the score
        if int(insert_index.split(".")[1]) == len(self.get(1.0, "end-1c")):  # PROBLEM HERE
            # if it was a keyboard event, there was an attempt to add text to the text area, remove 2 characters
            # if not keyboard, remove one character from the end (just whitespace)
            if input_event:
                string = self.get(1.0, "end-2c")
                string = self.get(1.0, "end-1c")

            # convert to upper case for easy keyboard parsing
            current_note = note.upper()

            # nuke the current text to make sure nothing i dont want added is added
            self.delete("1.0", tkinter.END)
            self.insert(tkinter.END, string)

            # check validity of octave 2 (only high A is allowed)
            if Variables.octave == 2 and ord(current_note) > 65:

            # check if current note fits in the measure
            if Variables.current_measure_length + (1.0 / float(Variables.note_length)) > Variables.get_measure_length():
                messagebox.showerror("Invalid Configuration", "ERROR: This note is too long to fit in this measure!")

            # check if the note exists in the naturals table (cross-reference keyboard input to see if valid input)
            if current_note in note_lookup.naturals:
                # check if rest, then add the rest symbol from the lookup class if so
                if current_note == "R":
                    append = LookupNote.get_rest(Variables.note_length)

                # if not a rest, append the note from the symbol generation in the lookup class
                    append = LookupNote.get_note(current_note, Variables.octave, Variables.note_length,
                                                 Variables.accidental, Variables.key_sig)
                # insert note
                self.insert(tkinter.END, append)

            # play tone so the user knows what they just added
            Playback.play_tone(current_note, Variables.octave, Variables.accidental)

            # update the current measure length
            Variables.current_measure_length += 1.0 / float(Variables.note_length)

            # compare to see if the measure length was just finished, if so add a measure line
            if math.isclose(Variables.get_measure_length(), Variables.current_measure_length):
                Variables.current_measure_length = 0.0
                self.insert(tkinter.END, "!=")

            # save the new text so it can be compared again if needed on next input event
        else:  # note is not at the end of the score
            # get the current character at the insertion index
            split = insert_index.split(".")
            next_index = split[0] + "." + str(int(split[1]) + 1)
            character = self.get(insert_index, next_index)

            # if the note is one that can be replaced
            if LookupNote.replaceable(character):
                # parse the insertion index
                first_half = self.get(1.0, split[0] + "." + str(int(split[1]) - 1))
                second_half = self.get(split[0] + "." + str(int(split[1]) + 2), "end-1c")

                # generate new note from the lookup note class using current settings
                new_note = LookupNote.get_note(note.upper(), Variables.octave, LookupNote.get_note_length(character),
                                               Variables.accidental, Variables.key_sig)

                # if there is an accidental symbol, remove it
                if 208 <= ord(first_half[-1]) <= 254:
                    first_half = first_half[0:len(first_half) - 1]

                # delete the old text, insert the new generated text with the new symbol in the insertion index
                self.delete(1.0, tkinter.END)
                self.insert(tkinter.END, first_half + new_note + second_half)

                # play the tone so they know what they inputted
                Playback.play_tone(note.upper(), Variables.octave, Variables.accidental)

                # save the text for future comparisons
            else:  # cancel the event if replacement is impossible